Need help setting up specific emulator in HyperSpin? Check the Tutorials section first and then post your questions here.
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Hey all, got everything set up for commodore 64. Everything that is except for the keyboard settings. I have it set to the US setting but when playing donkey kong i cant figure put the direction or jump keys (pretty importaint for that game). And when i set up the joystick controls with the arrow keys and fire button i cant get past the introductions. Anyone have an answer as to how to set up controls for this emulator. Thanks!!
Last reply by snstay, -
- 4 replies
Hoping someone can help me out. I set up Hyperspin with 4 systems, MAME, NES, SNES and Genesis. All of the emulators run well accept for Nestopia. When I choose a NES and a game to start with Nestopia, it starts up but withing seconds the program exists. Any one else experience this? Any ideas on how to troubleshoot?
Last reply by thcdgaf, -
- 1 follower
- 6 replies
HelloI managed to get DEMUL 57 working, however It will not exit? I tried changing the exit key to no avail. Any suggestions?
Last reply by gigapig, -
- 6 replies
Hi, i have built a bartop arcade and foolishly bought a hard drive with a hyperspin set up on. I regretted it as none of it is configed. I have decided to start a fresh install of hyperspin and i have been following some videos on youtube from simply austin. Im in the process of setting up retroarch but already facing problems, in his video he uses a xbox controller so thats no help to me. I seen somewhere on this forum that to use a ipac u need to change bind mode from retropad to retrokeyboard. So i did that and then when to assisgn the controls, for up i pressed up on the joystick and it changed the setting to keypad8, pressed down and it changed to keypad2 and so …
Last reply by andreturok, -
no hablo ingles. chau
Last reply by Maverick, -
- 0 replies
I want to turn off this controller message? Happens every time I load a PSX game in retroarch (mednafen core). I've looked all over but can't find anything. "dual shock on port 8"...
Last reply by griffin518, -
- 3 replies
Anyone have any ideas how to do this? I tried to edit the numbers in my mednafen.cfg file but it does not change anything when launching a game. Thanks:D
Last reply by boomerps2, -
- 24 replies
Dunno much about it my cue and bin match up and play window mode just not full screen is BTW its hook up HDMI video and sound it that helps any knowledge is welcome tired of banging my head on this problem
Last reply by iNTiGOD, -
- 1 follower
- 2 replies
Hyperspin allows you to play your Nintendo DS games on the go or at home. It is installed in Hyperspin. It lets you play games like Spider-Man 2. It also means you can play any game in One Player mode only.
Last reply by gigapig, -
Sinclair ZX
by nimpa- 1 follower
- 2 replies
Is there a module for speccy emulator? http://fms.komkon.org/Speccy/ Anyone tested that emu?
Last reply by nimpa, -
- 1 reply
Hey Does anyone know how to hide the loading screen/rom screen on project 64 on hyperspin? When i start the emulator from hyperspin i see the rom screen of project 64 for a couple of seconds.
Last reply by Dubbloseven, -
- 5 replies
Hey everyone, my name is Anton from London, this is my first post and I'm very new to emulators! I saw a video of Hyperspin and I was blown away completely! So my first few questions are these, 1.I really want to run Hyperspin on my PC but I know my specs at this moment won't be able to handle it so what are the best specs to run it on? 2. I'm honestly thinking of having my own arcade cabinet with Hyperspin running it but again, I'm a complete newbie to this so would you say it wouldn't be worth doing for right now? Also by dong this can I continue to upgrade Hyperspin? 3.How hard is it to setup Hyperspin? Well that's all I can think of right now but if I think of a…
Last reply by gunit, -
- 0 replies
Hi, After spending weeks and weeks and trawling through lots of threads I still cant get MESS working through RetroArch. I have the MESS ROMS in the RetroArch System Folder and have set HyperLaunchHQ to point at them. When I try and load a rom RetroArch just stops at the Config Screen as shown in the attached picture. The roms do not load when using RetroArch directly, outside of HS either. To be more specific, it is Intellivision and Magnavox Odyssey 2 roms that I am trying to run. Any help would be most appreciated. I can provide further info if needed. Kind regards funkychimp Update. I've just read another thread where a lot of people are having trouble with RA …
Last reply by funkychimp, -
- 1 reply
Hey all so I'm having an interesting issue that I don't remember having on a previous build. I am updated to most current hs beta and rocket launcher. I am also using the latest version of sega model 2 emulator. I have my resolution set in ini to the same as my display 1920x1080 globally 16:9. When I run the original daytona it fits the screen just fine but when I run any other rom it seems to be stuck in a 4:3 with black borders on the left and right cutting out much of my display, this is within the emulator itself and launching through hyperspin. Any tips tricks or hints? Below is my ini file and the module is using all default settings. ;Configuration file …
Last reply by boomerps2, -
- 3 replies
I'm reasonably competent - I've worked on the source base, I've hacked Tempest roms to add levels, and I've written shaders. But I'm still new enough to the HLSL features of MAME that I've not been able to configure them to look as good as AAE did. The biggest issues I'm having is: - Getting bright vector lines; in Asteroids Deluxe for example - Getting bright shots and saucers They're a little brighter, but not like a true vector monitor. Games like Tempest that don't have variable brightness are great, but the games like Asteroids that are grey-scale and do have a brightness component aren't great. I've tried several post-processing vector configs, bu…
Last reply by Kevinlives, -
- 3 replies
Hey, so I'm essentially done setting up HyperSpin. Every emulator is working, except Yabause. Here's the issue. It works great from RocketLauncherUI, the problem is that once I launch HyperSpin and try to load a game, it says I'm missing the .ahk file. The only .ahk files in the proper folder are for the SSF emulator, and not Yabause. Can anybody share the file with me, or point to where I can download it?
Last reply by 32assassin, -
- 8 replies
I'm trying to set up an emulator but there is not ahk files avaliable in hyper list so is there a way to create a AHK file?
Last reply by ggood82, -
- 4 replies
Hello everyone, I have setup every system that I want to use for hyperspin, with the glaring exception of the NEC TurboGrafx CD. I cannot, for the life of me, get Magic Engine to recognize my virtual drives. All I get under "Boot CD" is "No CD-Rom Drive" Instead of the drive letter(s). Now, it's worth noting a few things. 1.) I have tried several differant BIOS in the Magic Engine's program directory. (syscard3.pce included) 2.) I do not have a physical disc drive on my laptop. It's simply too small in size to support one. 3.) Despite not having a physical disc drive, I have been able to use Daemon Tools succesfully with Sega Saturn. 4.) I have tried sev…
Last reply by dougan78, -
- 5 replies
Curious as to what you guys use for PSX games. Any advantage to one over the other? Thanks!
Last reply by duff.the.dude, -
- 1 follower
- 7 replies
HI Friends I receive the message after load some games . Your system motherboard does not support this game I have all the bios and many games load without this problem but some of them I will get above message. Example house of dead or initial d jap. What am I doing wrong? Thanks
Last reply by shitoken, -
- 2 replies
Hey guys, whenever I try to launch a game I end up with the following error (http://i.imgur.com/6iNdjTH.png). Help. I troubleshooted the hell out of this myself and am now a broken man. More info. I'm using Rocketlauncher, not HyperLaunch
Last reply by raysweater, -
- 1 reply
Does anyone know why mame makes my cpu restart when I try to open it? I checked all my windows updates seem updated, all my drivers seem to be installed correctly. I'm running windows XP (probably my problem) Thanks!
Last reply by Silverback, -
- 1 reply
hey guys, anyone else have a problem with load state in the model 2 emu? I save state, then go to load state and it cause it to crash!
Last reply by ninja2bceen, -
- 1 follower
- 8 replies
So I had great fun last night testing out some of the mame games and was overblown by the amount of choice. It started to get a little tedious after a while especially with all the duplicates so :- 1) Whats the best way to just see the official / best rom versions ? 2) How do I find the remaining missing roms (152) ? Any other tips Thank G
Last reply by deano71, -
- 7 replies
Had it all set up, worked fine yesterday now it does not.. I changed nothing... I get the error You did not provide a valid rom extentison in your compressed roms? They are not ordinary settings once unzipped.. sega model 2 are like .2 , .12. , .14 files.., turn off 7z or add the ext.? Under global settins for Sega Model 2 I have Zip set... all my roms are zip... I don't get it? I tried running it outside of Hyperspin or hyperlaunch and it works fine.
Last reply by demonseed,