Trnzaddict Posted January 15, 2014 Posted January 15, 2014 zero dreams said: Let me clarify a little more.HyperSpin & HyperLaunch are two separate entities correct? One application (HyperSpin) is your browser and the other application (HyperLaunch) is your launcher. The launcher has seen massive improvements and I am thoroughly satisfied with the launcher (HyperLaunch). The browser (HyperSpin) has been updated and I am extremely grateful for that but I'm gearing my statements towards the obvious fact that the current browser lacks an interface. I also presume this would be the same reasoning that there is talk of GameEx and XBMC being used with HyperLaunch right here on the forums. Decide if you will to say that I am complaining about HyperSpin but I'm just stating what I see in what I use. I'm not complaining actually but rather desperately requesting features be added to it that I can't do. The features I speak of aren't insane ideas either and I believe the implementation of them wouldn't be too difficult. Even if things are way way harder to implement that I ever would be nice to know there's a possibility of any of them happening. Anyone can say what they like but personally I would like to use the HyperSpin application as my game & movie browser with an on-screen menu system. If that's too much to ask for I would love the traditional list view. OR...............................sorry for free thinking and complaining, I love HS Right on the nose. I do not know why some members get defensive over requests for updating the frontend which is a clearly different piece of software than HyperLaunch. Bill updated it last Christmas I think just enough because he felt obligated to do something as there was such an amount of time that went by with no updates. But guys let's face facts. Bill has not logged in since June when I checked a couple of weeks ago, and he's not even answering developers questions like Arzoo, ledblinky's author. Even he said Bill is no longer supporting HS. What does that tell you? In short guys I highly doubt HS will be updated in the near future. I am......Machine
jeepguy81 Posted January 15, 2014 Posted January 15, 2014 Oh I'm not knocking anybody's reasoning, it was just an observation. Couple small bugs I hope are ironed out myself at some point so I'm not one to point fingers. But back to the topic at hand....... game ex Sent from my SPH-L710 using Tapatalk - Vertical-Cocktail Cab Theme Project
jcm9800 Posted January 15, 2014 Posted January 15, 2014 wow this 3d arcade looks awesome has anyone set this up? and i think i will also try out the new game ex when is interesting i think all something new is interesting but this not mean that i went away from hyperspin i put now over 3 years of work in hyperspin to make my dreams come true and i will ever continue work on it because its really a dream and the family here is also great and why always people ask about update? and if billy never updates it once more i will also stay here because its in this state of now a great thing and i am grateful to be part of it [sIGPIC][/sIGPIC]
Sir Cyrano Posted January 15, 2014 Author Posted January 15, 2014 Trnzaddict said: But guys let's face facts. Bill has not logged in since June when I checked a couple of weeks ago, and he's not even answering developers questions like Arzoo, ledblinky's author. Even he said Bill is no longer supporting HS. What does that tell you? In short guys I highly doubt HS will be updated in the near future. Then why Bill does not give or sell The Project HyperSpin ?? HS has a incredible potential, is the best , could do revolutionary things but is abandoned. I proposed to donate enough money to continue the project to maintain the website (3 figures xxx$), implementing the new HyperList system, but do not understand why no one wants to do. I Understand that HS belong to Bill, but no longer want to continue with it, let the others can continue, He can sell the code, I would put some money.
THK Posted January 15, 2014 Posted January 15, 2014 I'd simply like to seem some more theme animations, some more wheel options, kustom wheel integration and some other stuff. But HS has been and still is a good FE, not having a slue of updates doesn't change that. Not that we wouldn't welcome updates with open arms ..........................back with a vengeance........................
guyverjay Posted January 15, 2014 Posted January 15, 2014 Hyperlaunch seems to do the bulk of most things leaving Hyperspin behind in my opinion, it it weren't for Brolly, DJVJ, Ghutch and all the others hard work, hyperspin would have bored me some time ago
BamBam Posted February 2, 2014 Posted February 2, 2014 brolly said: I think HS is cake.But yeah the lack of updates in HS is what will make me follow this with more interest to see what will come out from it. As disappointing as that is, I have to agree with you. I love this stuff man!
BamBam Posted February 3, 2014 Posted February 3, 2014 Trnzaddict said: Supposedly game ex is cake compared to HS. I use HS on my cabinet and GameEx on my HTPC. It is simple to use, but is bland by comparison. HS and EmuMovies are a match made in heaven, but there is always room for improvements. I love this stuff man!
Styphelus Posted February 5, 2014 Posted February 5, 2014 Oh boy...I might just put my hyperspin setup on hold and wait for this and see what it is. My main issue with hyperpsin is lack of widescreen support. If GameEx comes out with something similar to hyperspin I'm moving over. Without further development, hyperspin will go the way of Maximus Arcade - obsolete, unfortunately.
KrillCaz Posted February 5, 2014 Posted February 5, 2014 I can't wait! Let's hope that the GameEx dev team doesn't pull a "Hyperspin 2.0" on us, though.
mesk Posted February 6, 2014 Posted February 6, 2014 Id be content with HS 1.0 if a search feature and widescreen support were added.
Trnzaddict Posted February 6, 2014 Posted February 6, 2014 KrillCaz said: I can't wait! Let's hope that the GameEx dev team doesn't pull a "Hyperspin 2.0" on us, though. I doubt it. Speirs releases new versions of Gamex every few months. No "it's done when it's done" stuff I am......Machine
bremus1978 Posted February 6, 2014 Posted February 6, 2014 I don't get to involed in the whole lets try this FE or that FE. I'm sure they are all excellent in thier own way. I still remember the first time i saw hyperspin and was like i got to get that. The point i guess i'm trying to make is that even if we never see anymore updates i will never turn my back on Hyperspin and the excellent work that is done here by everyone involved. Everyone person i show Hyperspin to loves it. I know i've donated and i'm sure that is thanks enough but i would just like to say thank you from the bottom of my heart for the many years of enjoyment and the many more to come.
gooch Posted February 7, 2014 Posted February 7, 2014 I've invested countless hours of tweaking and tuning into HS and HL. I'm actually a little afraid that this new GameEx will have a "gotta have" feature and I'll have to start all over
Deadly Posted February 7, 2014 Posted February 7, 2014 Anyone know if the purchase of Gameex makes it a lifetime upgrade path or not? If so I'm golden
mameshane Posted February 7, 2014 Posted February 7, 2014 gooch said: I've invested countless hours of tweaking and tuning into HS and HL. I'm actually a little afraid that this new GameEx will have a "gotta have" feature and I'll have to start all over most of the setup is in hyperlaunch. which you will beable to take with you to almost any frontend. My Cab.. 1-UP ARCADE new hyperspin irc details.. come hang out!
Sir Cyrano Posted February 7, 2014 Author Posted February 7, 2014 A new message in the web "Powerfull integrated interface for all your games and media" And media !!!
Nickelberryboy Posted February 8, 2014 Posted February 8, 2014 Deadly said: Anyone know if the purchase of Gameex makes it a lifetime upgrade path or not? If so I'm golden I think the current GameEx has two purchase options, an annual subscription and a lifetime subscription. Who knows if it will be the same with this new thing. I had previously bought a 1 year subscription for GameEx, using it on my HTPC and planning to use HS on my cab. I don't really have a lot of media on my PC, just games, and even though the search feature is really useful and the FE in general is quite simple to setup, it's just a bit boring compared to HS (IMO anyway).
paddyboy Posted April 5, 2014 Posted April 5, 2014 You guys want to see HS updated to include feature ( .... ) all i want is hyperspin to actually run properly ! it stutters in and out of frame and is never consistent,all hyperspin.exe versions to date have strange erratic behavior,one is a slow mo wheel spin and another is a fast skippity wheel spin with lag and one is a bit in the middle but can't be used if you want current features and mp4 unless you rename your videos. To be honest and i will get shot for it,BBB released an update that did nothing more than give a slight frameskip,a memory leak WHITE ! error and support for MP4,i feel that it was only released so we all would have to update our full flv videos to mp4 as they were soo much better (were they?) same quality for me only a bit smoother and i had to pay again for the pleasure. All i ask is for better performance in hyperspin,i have tried it on a few machines including a new built i7,it's the exact same and also is the same for fresh downloaded untouched builds with exe updates. And gameex is crap - just saying .. it tries to do a too many things but in an uncool kinda way,it was my first front end back in the days of wmce.
Alpha17x Posted April 5, 2014 Posted April 5, 2014 They probably created a full fledged media front end. (Think XBMC).
zero dreams Posted April 6, 2014 Posted April 6, 2014 paddyboy I read your other post about just using Steam Big Picture and playing games, having fun, and being done with it and I felt very inspired by your post give HS a break and give Steam a good run through. Enjoyed every minute of it and I'm still doing so off and on but I don't have those problems on my pc. I only had the white exclamation point once or twice on my old pc and I forget how I remedied it but it only happened a couple times. I wouldn't go as far as to say that HyperSpin is this shitty white dot application if many others seem to be using it just fine. It could be some hardware or software incompatibility. I'm a big fan of the update as the mp4's are smaller in file size and gives me the flexibility to use videos like youtube videos if necessary without conversion. The quality of the videos has definitely improved as well and I've never had any unusual problems except for the horizontal wheel scroll. Don't get me wrong as I have a list of improvements for HyperSpin but the fact I've been sticking with is that I can't really ever complain to anyone about what they're doing wrong unless I can at least suggest a way to do it better to them first. Personally, I can't tell them exactly what to do to make it better but I'm studying how. As for gameex, I tried the trial version thing and it's not bad at all, not my choice front end but it was definitely clear. Since HS & gameex don't seem to be quality enough, I'm curious of which is up to standards as these seem to be the front runners in stand alone fe's I thought. HyperLaunch | HyperWiki | HyperSearch | Intro | Evolution | FadeProject | Checker | Steam Wheel
sudopinion Posted April 6, 2014 Posted April 6, 2014 game ex is superior in almost every way to all other fe's. unfortunately it just looks boring and the fact that you gotta pay to make it usable turns it into a sub-par application.
majorspawn Posted April 6, 2014 Posted April 6, 2014 i bought gameex prior to Hyperspin but found it unsuitable and hard to use on an arcade cabinet. Perhaps for a Media Center.. not a Cab HS is perfect! My Arcade Projects: SNES PC Project Vewlix Cabinet LS-30 Rotary Joysticks
paddyboy Posted April 7, 2014 Posted April 7, 2014 Zero Dreams,I do agree with you about the quality of the mp4 videos,they are brighter and smoother,I also agree hyperspin is the best front-end for games and it's launching capabilities are amazing. I had a problem a while back with wheel performance and I checked everything software and hardware related to find it was neither,I also tried a friends new built I7 ,my brothers pc and I started off on a powerful laptop before building a phenom 6 core running at 4 ghz 8gb ram at 1600,I tore my pc apartand blamed eeverything from,the cpu cooler to the three hard drives that iI tested indeindependently with a fresh build. Hyperspin does stutter,speed up and slow down when you scroll through the wheels,main menu and system wheels,this performance is better and worse depending on the version of the hs.exe some people on here reported the same issues and some said their build was ultra smooth. All I say is that before features,maybe sorting out the framerate would he a good thing as it bloody anoys the hell out of me,other than that I do think hyperspin is great tho I do stick by my love hate relationship with it,also glad that you are enjoying gaming on steam !! So am I and since the long break from hyperspin,now I am just cleaning it up a little and making themes,I'm not going mad on it,the break helped u guess and keeping it casual and not getting stressed over something breaking also helps.
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