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Question: Is development dead for HyperSpin??


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Considering that the truth strength of hyperspin lies in both hyperlaunch and the themes, I can see a lot of people jumping ship to the new game ex if it delivers what it says it will.

Now I'm curious: what features is HS lacking that the new Game-Ex offers that people are so desperate for that they would throw away tons of time invested in getting their setup just right?

Now I'm curious: what features is HS lacking that the new Game-Ex offers that people are so desperate for that they would throw away tons of time invested in getting their setup just right?

Well most of the set up consists of getting everything right with Hyperlaunch, which is now universal pretty much.

The artwork and movies isn't really an issue. I imported all my artwork and vids to use with Rom Collection Browser and it was seamless.

With Gameex, I will be using Hyperlaunch and then just moving my artwork and vids over. Easy.

I am......Machine

Now I'm curious: what features is HS lacking that the new Game-Ex offers that people are so desperate for that they would throw away tons of time invested in getting their setup just right?

For a start joypad support out of the box would have been good instead of having to get and learn another program like xpadder or whatever you decide to use and that would stop all the "my wheels won't stop spinning whats the problem" post.


The only features that I naturally assumed would have been there when I downloaded it, and was surprised when it wasn't there was joypad support for navigation, and the ability to search for games within each system. But that's about it really.

Well most of the set up consists of getting everything right with Hyperlaunch, which is now universal pretty much.

The artwork and movies isn't really an issue. I imported all my artwork and vids to use with Rom Collection Browser and it was seamless.

With Gameex, I will be using Hyperlaunch and then just moving my artwork and vids over. Easy.



If GameEx Evolution is to hyperspin what pinballx is to hyperpin these forums will be deserted. Hyperspin 2.0 needs to make an appearance or hs will be dead in the water. The only thing propping up hyperspin are the fantastic forum members and hyperlaunch, but thanks to djvj and his talented team RL is not reliant on one particular fe.

I am not a hs hater by any means, hell I spent 9 months of my life fighting with it lol, but the gameEx devs are much more willing to communicate with their users re bugs, updates and feature requests.

Maybe bbb is working with the GameEx devs to produce the ultimate fe hmm.




100% agree on yall with this.....thats the beauty of doing all this artwork....if whatever frontend you use supports the artwork made here, its a win-win scenario! I, for one, am a loyal HS junkie so unless BBB or anyone else say that this frontend is officially dead, Ill do what I can to keep making it better...and thanks to the various clever and awesome members in this community, this opened the door for cool workarounds and such even if its a PITA at times.

Well most of the set up consists of getting everything right with Hyperlaunch, which is now universal pretty much.

The artwork and movies isn't really an issue. I imported all my artwork and vids to use with Rom Collection Browser and it was seamless.

With Gameex, I will be using Hyperlaunch and then just moving my artwork and vids over. Easy.

Sega Saturn Japanese Wheel Project: COMPLETE!! If you have FTP access, find my name and grab the set now!!!

Now I'm curious: what features is HS lacking....


I will likely be switching over to new GameEx as well if it also has wheel support, I'm not throwing away all the hours I put into making artwork. I'll continue doing artwork anyway but will be using the other fe. It's become tiresome having to ruin all the great themes and art assets by shrinking their widths so they don't look terrible in HS though. It's 2014 and we're using a program that's built around 4:3 displays, come on. Not everyone here is a cab user or has any interest in them. I'm a PC user first and foremost, and have been playing emulators on my PC and HDMI-connected TV for years. I haven't owned a 4:3 CRT monitor since the early 2000's lol


As for me, it's not 16/9 and HD support that I was expecting the most from new HS but native 640x480 and vertical support, for 15 khz Crt users (tv and arcade monitors).

I mean you can already set the resolution to 640x480 but stil have to create your artworks in 1024x768 in order to keep good proportions.

For example it would have been very convenient for me to use the present 400 px wheel images as title logos in the default low res mame theme I'm making, but HS is scaling it down as if it was designed in 1024x768 !

It results in a lower display quality too, for example special text (game description) isn't as smooth than native 1024 res.

"Dindon" means "Turkey" in french.


I didn't think I could add much to what's already been said, but what seems to be important to everyone is the shiny FE not the games. Is anyone playing any retro or just the latest PC game? Both I hope. :)

Sounds like a lot of you have spent a few years tinkering and now want something else to fiddle with; HyperSpin sure has been king in that regard.

I considered HyperSpin to be finished, it works and does as intended, HyperLaunch however is what keeps growing and improving. Ghutchs' startup script has added joystick support and some cool additional features. I love Hyperspeech, bezels and fade, Steam Wheel Creator there's loads of additional software thanks to some very clever guys.

Also DJ and the Launch team, and the art guys are keeping things very much alive, and I'm happy staying right here.



How's this for perspective.............

...............I found HyperSpin about 3 years ago. This was just about the same time that HyperSync was deployed. I became a full Platinum member hoping to get MAME running on my Sega New Astro City. For one reason or another, I stepped away from HyperSpin soon after that. Right about that same time, all the talk about 2.0 must have surfaced. I wasn't around for any of the excitement surrounding those announcements, never read up on what was mentioned or promised, and of course was never let down by the demise of HyperSpin development. You know what, now that I just got back into HyperSpin and got my Candy Cab going with MAME, I don't feel as if I am missing anything. As far as I am concerned, it works as it is intended. A front-end mirroring the functionality from UltraCade for arcade cabinet owners. Perhaps ignorance is bliss =).

When you find great deals on Craigslist for CRT based cabs, exuberance can be a bad thing!


Current status of cabs:  0/5 working as desired :wallbash: :wallbash: :wallbash:

The new GameEx is supposed to have TONS more than what HS has. And they will supposedly be able to use HS themes. So pretty much you could just transfer over your artwork and set hyperlaunch to work with it and you are good to go.

GameEx will have access to HyperBase Live shortly after we go live


Well, I hope the $ I spent on membership here not even quite a year ago didn't go to waste. I have had some good times with HyperSpin but have never quite gotten it working to it's full potential. Still have a couple systems not working, others don't have controls and full screen set up. Following the tutorials is helpful but I often have a problem outside of what is covered. I would much rather see HyperSpin evolve into something less time consuming to configure than to jump ship to follow all the artists to another FE.

GameEx will have access to HyperBase Live shortly after we go live

can't wait to see all the posts of the people who refuse to read any instructions

" I just paid $XX.XX for a GameEx License, Are you telling me I have to spend

$XX.XX for a Hyperspin account and another $XX.XX for emumovies!!!!!!!!"


I'm not going to knock GX...but that video seemed like more flash than content. What little they showed, that I had to make presumptions about what I was seeing, looked fairly cool. I'm not jumping ship and I'm not knocking it...but I just want to see it. Also, is that what that counter was all about? An announcement?

" I just paid $XX.XX for a GameEx License, Are you telling me I have to spend

$XX.XX for a Hyperspin account and another $XX.XX for emumovies!!!!!!!!"

Or the oldie but goodie...

"Did I just waste $45??? WTF"

Also, is that what that counter was all about? An announcement?

Yeah, seems like the counter was for the announcement and release of the teaser vid...


Does anyone know if the new GameEx will support wheel art? I haven't seen any indication that it will. Seems like it will keep the old genetic text based scrolling list of games. That to me is a deal breaker.


Honestly I've seen the new game ex trailer... it still seems worse than a pimped up hyperspin setting. There are some really good idea, like 3d support but as far as I've seen it's "flat shaded" (textures act as luminance channel and there's no shading nor lightining), the same goes for "coverflow" method: it would be nice if you can use custom textures but the 3d sucks (from the video it seems to miss even antialiasing). The rest of the video seems the old game ex: lots of text and some mediocre artwork. It's quite strange as looking on gamex forum there are some good graphic guy, why did they release a trailer with a skin that "weak"? Everything will probably depends on "what" a skinner can do with the bare engine but allowing full skinning only on commercial version does not helps community grows at all...

Allow 1080p, z-ordering for wheel/artwork, more info from xmls, frame limited swf on hyperspin and you'll still have an overall better frontend...

For "extra" options offered by gamex... well, they are pretty unuseful in a cab and already driven by xbmc in an htpc.

Honestly I've seen the new game ex trailer... it still seems worse than a pimped up hyperspin setting. There are some really good idea, like 3d support but as far as I've seen it's "flat shaded" (textures act as luminance channel and there's no shading nor lightining), the same goes for "coverflow" method: it would be nice if you can use custom textures but the 3d sucks (from the video it seems to miss even antialiasing). The rest of the video seems the old game ex: lots of text and some mediocre artwork. It's quite strange as looking on gamex forum there are some good graphic guy, why did they release a trailer with a skin that "weak"? Everything will probably depends on "what" a skinner can do with the bare engine but allowing full skinning only on commercial version does not helps community grows at all...

Allow 1080p, z-ordering for wheel/artwork, more info from xmls, frame limited swf on hyperspin and you'll still have an overall better frontend...

For "extra" options offered by gamex... well, they are pretty unuseful in a cab and already driven by xbmc in an htpc.

A lot of what you mentioned is what I have wanted to have, lighting, shading, tasteful 3D elements so I actually started building my own FE using Unity3D game engine. Flash has some great advantages for 2D but its just too slow at high resolutions. It seems like it doesn't matter how low I set my resolution, I still see performance issues.

My dream FE would really be a combination of Hyperspin, XBMC rom collection browser, mGalaxy, GameEx, and Wii Flow including the following:

Builtin search/filtering across all systems by a range of categories like genre, # of players, controller type, publisher, year, A-Z (like XBMC)

FE configuration within FE UI (mGalaxy/XBMC)

Detailed system and game information from xml or scrapers (XBMC)

Favorites lists that span all systems (XBMC)

Display widget for recently played games or based on other tracked analytics (XBMC and maybe GameEx, i dunno never used it)

Pause/Play/Fullscreen options on videos (XBMC)

Music player with track information/playlists/visualizations builtin (XBMC kinda, not controlled within RCB)

Real 3D boxes/carts/cabs (Wii Flow/GameEx)

Themes (Hyperspin)


Hyperlaunch integration... well duh :)

Cover Flow like navigation (Wii Flow)

User profiles for parental controls/system load outs/favorites

Support portrait or landscape orientation fullscreen

Cloud/http/NAS hosted media support

LEDBlinky support (Hyperspin)

HiToText support (Hyperspin)

Display date and time

I am sure there are a lot more that I cant think of right now.



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