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Home of the AMAZING HyperPin Digital Pinball front end!
244 topics in this forum
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Hello: I need a bit of help with setting up controls in Taito Type X. I have tried following Gigapig's Taito Type X setup guide but when using the typex_config.exe and getting it configured to use an xbox 360 madcatz fightstick; however, I cannot do diagonal movements like jump left or jump right. I tried using the pad_config.exe and changed the inputs to match the fightstick, but the results were the same (no diagonal movements). So I purchased Xpadder and learnt that it maps keystrokes to the gamepad. I have no idea what the key stroke layout is as I changed it in pad_config.exe. Does anyone have the keystroke layout for Taito Type X or can I choose…
Last reply by mankin, -
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- 3 replies
Hi all, Quick & Dumb question - When I use my MAME Emulator directly to launch a game with Anti-Aliasing, it does work as expected , once video setting Saved in the Emulator , I now go to RocketLauncher and execute the very same game with the same emulator as "default" and when game execute, it's so pixalized nd for some reasons, the anti-aliasing does not work - Is there a video config overwriting the Emulator settings somewhere? I know this is a dumb question but appreciate truly any guidance Thank you!!!
Last reply by gigapig, -
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- 4 replies
Hello guys, i am a fresh member of this hyperspin forum and i need your help. Sorry about my english, it is very bad. ok, i will try to explain my problem. I have two arcade cabinets. The first one i bought last year, it is a table cabinet and it works good. Last days i get one new big cabinet with power and control unit, the control unit has an jamma plugin. The table cabinet has an ipac to usb. So, i bought the hardware for the big cabinet.. - Intel Core i5-7500 7. Generation (Quadcore) Kabylake 4x 3.4 GHz - 8 GB DDR4 2133Mhz - ASUS PRIME Z270-P - 2048 MB Nvidia Geforce GTX 1050 Today i put the harddisk from the little cabinet into the b…
Last reply by LarryLaffer75, -
- 2 replies
Hello, i heard that in the Platinium Section there is an Setup for Hyperspin from Gigapic? What does this Setup inlcude? I am using Launchbox but i like the Design of Hyperspin more. Is it easy to get started?
Last reply by 32assassin, -
- 2 replies
Is it possible to set up videos (or themes) in Hyperspin to play a longer time? Currently I have some nice videos I would like to play for 30 seconds for instance, before the HS wheel starts running again. Is this a global setting? How can I change it on Hyperspin 1.4+ with Hyperlaunch (no rocketlauncher)? Thank you!
Last reply by alex2005, -
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Hi all, I have been building a bartop arcade for a few weeks now, I have buttons on each side of the cabinet for pinball but the unit only houses a 4x3 monitor. I'm really wanting to get some tables on there and would prefer the visual accuracy of something like VP or FP but not realy sure if those would work ok on my set up or if I would be better going with FX3? I like the idea of making the most of the monitor space by having camera options and at this stage while I am prepared to put the leg work in, I don't want to spend another 3 weeks doing front ends etc. Currently the arcade boots directly into hyperspin, windows explorer is hidden completel…
Last reply by Bungles, -
- 6 replies
Hello, I have an issue I cannot find an answer to and hoping someone can help. I am running HyperSpin and HyperLaunch and when I go into Favorites it freezes HyperSpin and I am unable to get any feedback from my arcade console (slikstik). It was working perfectly and without issue until this past weekend. If I choose a game from the main menu it works just fine; but the moment I choose Favorites it freezes and locks up. Your help is much appreciated, thank you! I've loaded the log files HyperLaunchHQ.log log.txt
Last reply by adamg, -
- 0 replies
Hello all! I'm having problems running games which need from daemon tools on Windows 10, because the version that comes with hyperspin is old and the new one is completely different. Any idea about how to manage or fix this issue? Thank you very much!
Last reply by HansDracow, -
- 0 replies
Hello Everybody, I'm trying to launch Commodore 64 games with MAME on Hyperspin, but when the emulator start staying on the start screen and not load the game, i think there is a command line to add in the commodore 64.ini file but what ? I have success load amstrad CPC games with MAME and it's work fine. Thank you for your help.
Last reply by logone, -
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I have my install on a QNAP NAS and cant open roms as when i try to select in the mame wheel setting, it crashed without any error message. Anyone know how to fix? Thanks in advance.
Last reply by gigapig, -
- 1 follower
- 16 replies
Hi, this seems a tupid question and maybe it is. With retroarch emulator I can't correctly set buttons. In the input screen there are many buttons (d-pad, a, b, x, y, l, r, l2, r2, select, start) and when I set buttons for player one and two they are not working or working partially with or without joy to key: even if I use keyboard only buttons do not works properly and I can't explain why. In retroarch there's only this method or can I set buttons for only single system? And what means "a", "b", "x", "y" ecc.? Thanks
Last reply by theaccolade, -
- 0 replies
Hello everyone, i'm actually meeting a problem with rocketlauncher. In fact, in the left part, , i can't access my system list but only categories (arcade, consoles etc) How can i change this please ? I'm totally lost and don't know how to resolve it.
Last reply by lecommandant78, -
- 2 replies
Hi: I'm having a problem viewing the video snap for Guerrilla War (gwar) for MAME in Hyperspin. I have the video snap and it plays fine on its own, but in Hyperspin the theme loads up and I can hear the video snap but not view it in the theme window. I believe it is an xml error - the video is not being placed where the window is; however, I do not know how to fix this. I'm hoping someone can instruct me on how to do this. I have attached the theme and here's what the xml says: <?xml version="1.0"?> -<Theme> <video start="none" type="grow" bshape="round" bcolor3="0" bcolor2="0" bcolor="0" bsize3="0" bsize2="0" bsize="10" delay="0.5" t…
Last reply by mankin, -
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- 4 replies
I'm quite new to the emulation scene generally, and to HyperSpin. I'm just now setting up a hyperspin system for a cabinet I have ordered. I saw in a video one hyperspin setup that had a pinball option in his systems wheel. So, I have a few questions, and I appreciate any guidance. 1. s hyperpin a completely different front end than hyperspin? Or can I run a pinball system out of hyperspin just as I can any console system? 2. Does hyperpin use emulators to recreate certain manufacturers/systems, or does it just use programs made to run pinball games specifically for PCs? 3. I've seen a handful of pinball programs (Visual Pinball and Future Pinba…
Last reply by stampedem, -
- 0 replies
Hello does anyone have a video of alien alien isolation alien vs predator marvel A-force marvel woman of power Star wars might of the first orders Star wars _Episode_7
Last reply by ^F117^, -
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Thought I would post to the forum to get some advice from you guys. very impressed with the builds I've found online and I'm a huge Hyperspin fan so this is the place to be. I recently restored a Dynamo HS-5 arcade cabinet and have it up and running with Hyperspin and Mame. I'm extremely happy with this thing and my kids and I spend time occasionally revisiting my childhood. This build gave me experience with setting up the frontend and software, wiring up the USB controller, and other pieces that went into making this boot seamlessly into the front end. Now it's time for the next project. I've been on a hunt for a budget pinball project but since there's nothin…
Last reply by 32assassin, -
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Wanted to know if Pinball FX2 can be setup with HyperPin if so can someone guide me how to set it up.
Last reply by theend757, -
- 2 replies
Hi there everyone I am just new to this. I have in the past setup an arcade cabinet and this took a long time and lots of learning. However I want to create a virtual pinball table experience with HyperPin. I understand that there are about 4 virtual pinball game engines with their own selection of tables and you can setup multiple monitors and LCD displays. What I am looking for at the moment is the software in a convenient package that I can download that has these virtual pinball engines with tables. Once I can get the software setup I will then make the table etc. But experience on arcade cabinet is the physical cab is easy to do, the software…
Last reply by neal, -
- 0 replies
I have today configured my DOF config file so that my RGB strobes and flashers work in game but when i left or right click the backglass i do not get the window to allow active plugins i get the window to allow active plugins when i right click on one game cactus canyon backglass and apart from a plunger issue the LED FLASHERS AND STROBE WORK FINE. but all other games will not allow me to right or left click. I have also tried to edit the B2STableSettings.xml file but still no joy i am so close to finally finish my project but for this small problem can somebody please help thanks. Alternative you can also edit the B2STableSettings.xml file in the tabl…
Last reply by keithpaw, -
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Last reply by Dazz, -
- 12 replies
I manged to get most of the Future pinball wheels from ZeroJay. I hunted down multiple sites and found very limited wheel art for visual pinball, I managed to get over 630 wheels from various sites such as the Spanish forum you can't link to. The PinballX front end FTP VP forums. I replaced allot of the low quality and incorrectly labeled wheels with some wheels I was able to make such as this I was uploading my wheels to the VP forum site but I got lazy, I'm not going to upload a file at a time. With so many Pinball communities I figured that Visual Pinball art would be more easily attainable , so my question is where is everyone getting their wheel art from?
Last reply by jevansoh, -
- 41 replies
I'm not really a newbie when it comes to this stuff, but now I need some help. I'm running windows 7 32-bit with an BFG 8800 GTS 512. Visual PinBall 9.xx and 8.xx( about a year and a half ago same setup worked) The problem I'm having is my DMD will not stay put on the second monitor. I have to reposition to the second screen every time I restart a table. I have look at all kinds of suggestions on the VP forums from using older drivers (I was using latest now I'm trying 182.50 with no luck) reinstalling PinMame to deleting stuff in regedit. My second monitor is also set up to the right of the play-field. The funny thing is when I launch VP I have to drag the DMD to the to…
Last reply by mikekim, -
- 0 replies
I have a hyperspin home arcade system and have been learning much about emulators and ROMS over the past 6 months that i never knew anything about before hand. That being said I am getting an error on my final fantasy 1 game. It is original NES version. I played for roughly 12 hours no problems over a few days. Then the next day i am in the game playing I cannot enter a house or enter my menu screen to check weapons , armor, magic, or items. The screen just turns purple and green colors and the graphics lock up. I check the log and it says SLO opcode error. I have started a new game and also uninstalled and re installed the game and still have same issue. Any …
Last reply by maximus77, -
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- 7 replies
I am new to this and I have a quad core machine running Windows 7 64 bit. I downloaded Hyperpin but when Cannot get the file to launch and install after it is downloaded. Is there another program that needs to be used to install this?
Last reply by mikekim, -
- 0 replies
An update to Hyperpin Happy holidays and here's to wishing for a Christmas miracle!
Last reply by aupton,
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