HyperSpin Android
Feature Requests
- 54 posts
Feature Requests for HyperSpin Android
- Playstation wheel
- Last reply by Wayneodell13378,
Android Emulators
- 1.4k posts
- 1 follower
Android emulators
- Keep getting this Error...on Nvidia Shield 2015
- Last reply by Dave85,
538 topics in this forum
Anyone know how to run this in android
Last reply by Sting, -
- 1 reply
Hi I am new member on the super forum, I wanted to know how to install Hyperspin on my new Nvidia Shield Tv Thank you
Last reply by thatman84, -
- 3 replies
Hi, on my pc set up I have it so when I select a console where my roms are 7z files and I select a game it takes me to a extracting screen and extracts the game before loading it. Is this possible with android version? Or will it ever be available? Thanks
Last reply by badhemi, -
- 20 replies
has anyone been able to run down the problem with Mupen64plus. Retroarch crashes when launching N64 games through hyperspin? They work fine in Retroarch manually loading them.
Last reply by thatman84, -
Exit setup
by gkny- 7 replies
is there a setting to set it up so when i exit a game it returns to hyperspin menu instead of going into retroarch menu and having to exit that first
Last reply by Sting, -
- 4 replies
Hi A small question Yesterday i recived my x-arcade tank stick , sweet! Got all my controles up and running but for 1, a biggie! I am unable to select a wheel or game , exiting works fine but to enter a wheel or selecting a game i have to use my Shield controller , kinda sucks! Anny tips how i can fix this
Last reply by jumperken, -
Games work when using dolphin. Not working thru hyperspin. When I click on game says trying to launch invalid emulator. I checked exe and parameter about 10 times to match the previous thread on this forum. I'm stumped. Any suggestions. Im using build 4.0-5672 not sure if that matters. Thanks
Last reply by badhemi, -
- 0 replies
Any tutorial on mame to,emulate?
Last reply by badhemi, -
- 21 replies
Hi! I have installed HyperSpin and retroarch from play store (followed the guide for beginners on this forum) and connected an external drive with HyperSpin on the root of the drive to the Shield TV. I can start HypserSpin up and all the artwork and videos are working fine and the system looks absolutely georgeus, but i cant load roms. I've set up for NES, SNES and Genesis, but neither roms work. I have tripple checked the rom paths to make sure they´r correct and verified tht my roms are named exactly as the systems ini, but still nothing. Figured it had to be something in retroarch that wasnt working and I soon figured out i need to add cores to it. I did that …
Last reply by MegaNiklas, -
- 4 replies
All of a sudden last night any emulator that has a retroarch core stopped working in hyperspin. They work if launched through retroarch. Any emulator without a retroarch core work fine through hyperspin. Not sure if I accidentally changed a setting. Anyone know what might have happened. Every time I think I understand this something gets screwy
Last reply by gkny, -
- 8 replies
Hi people, was wondering what sysems people have up and running. I dont just mean their wheels looking good, i mean actually load games. I am currently setting mine up and had alot of help off badhemi and followed stings tutorials so i dont have alot of systems up and running. Im just trying to work out which systems work well and which dont or do they all work as well as they do on PC? Thank you
Last reply by MonsterCockie, -
- 24 replies
I can now edit my external drives again
Last reply by MonsterCockie, -
- 3 replies
Is there any way to increase the speed when choosing a wheel and going to the games list? On the pc is so fast but on android it takes several seconds to display the list of games when a particular wheel is selected.
Last reply by reznnate, -
- 8 replies
Will Hyperspin Android be able to handle all ROMS in zipped folders? I have gamecube ISOs currently in zipped form (i believe they are 7z or RAR). unzipping all of these files could result in major size and timing issues. Also, for some reason my external harddrive will not allow me to edit the ini's or delete files (everything appears to be locked or some kind) Would love some help here with both points!
Last reply by dimercu9, -
- 4 replies
Can't seem to get my rom path right on Nvidia shield TV ,when i select a game i get Warning- Attempting to launch a missing rom. I have edited my rom path in my SNES ini file in Android-settings to match my rom location but nothing is working. I tried moving my rom folder to my internal storage" /storage/emulated/0/roms" and tried "/mnt/sdcard/roms" i edited my SNES INI to match, and downloaded the Retro Arch cores. Just trying to get one working until i get the hang of the files system in the new Marshmallow update. Any help would be awesome
Last reply by thatman84, -
Game wheel
by gkny- 4 replies
When I get into Sony psp game wheel it only displays games starting with a number up to games starting with H. No games from I to Z show up. Is it a setting I need to adjust
Last reply by BiZzAr721, -
- 31 replies
Hello guys can anyone advice me what retroarch core should i be using to play cave(mame) on hyperspin im pretty much done setting up all my favorite emulators and wheels on hyperspin only missing cave but can't figure out what core to use??
Last reply by Sting, -
When I attempt to launch game I get an error attempting to launch invalid emulator. Do I need to update a specific core in retro arch. Thanks for any help
Last reply by badhemi, -
- 6 replies
I got this running thru retroarch mame git along with Bally astrocade Arcadia 2001 Gx4000 Sega sg1000 Creative Mega duck Atari5200 Channel f Mattel Aquarius Entex Adventurevision When I click on watara supervision or takes me to game wheel then when I try a game it shuts down hyperspin? Any ideas
Last reply by mihaliousa, -
- 14 replies
Got it working in mame git retroarch
Last reply by badhemi, -
- 7 replies
Got this working in retroarch mame. Added a mega duck folder in retroarch system folder. In that folder added renamed roms and it works. Can't get gx4000 and channelf to work. Any help would be appreciated. Don't know what to mame bios in channelf and don't know if gx4000 requires roms
Last reply by badhemi, -
- 5 replies
Can't get any game box/cart art to show up in my NES wheel. Wheel title artwork shows up fine though. I thought the system settings .ini allowed artwork media to be displayed but could it be in the database .XML instead? Here's my NES settings: [exe info] path=H:\hyperspin\Emulators\Nintendo Entertainment System\ rompath=Emulators/Nintendo Entertainment System/roms/ userompath=true exe=com.retroarch/com.retroarch.browser.retroactivity.RetroActivityFuture romextension=zip,nes parameters=cores/nestopia_libretro_android.so searchsubfolders=true pcgame=false winstate=HIDDEN hyperlaunch=true Per_Game_Modules=false Skipchecks=false Hide_Cursor=use_global Hide_Desktop=use_glob…
Last reply by Avar, -
- 1 reply
Every time I save my directory for cd based bios systems it changes when I save my directory for mame bios. How do I fix this?????.
Last reply by badhemi, -
- 7 replies
Hi,i have been following all of simply austins videos to help me set up hyperspin on my pc. I was wondering if there was a way of getting my pc version working on my shield TV with slight tweaking? Do bezels work on Android hyperspin? I transfered my hyperspin to a hard drive and then transfered the android settings folder over. It loads hyperspin and it looks like my pc build, it just won't load any roms. Thank you
Last reply by badhemi, -
- 1 follower
- 13 replies
Hey there Spinners! Looking for a little advice/help if anyone has encountered this... Basically whenever I first launch Hyperspin (on Android) the Main Menu isn't loading the themes properly. It will either be missing the background or artwork, varies from system to system as I scroll through. If I select a system, the game themes load just fine....when I back out and return to the main menu the missing assets load and every system theme looks as it should. It's not the end of the world but it would be nice if the main menu themes would load fully first time around. If anyone has any idea why this might be or can point me in the right direction that would be fantastic!…
Last reply by Honosuseri,