HyperSpin Android
Feature Requests
- 54 posts
Feature Requests for HyperSpin Android
- Playstation wheel
- Last reply by Wayneodell13378,
Android Emulators
- 1.4k posts
- 1 follower
Android emulators
- Keep getting this Error...on Nvidia Shield 2015
- Last reply by Dave85,
538 topics in this forum
- 15 replies
Has anyone got this core working through Hyperspin??? I'm using per core setting's and don't want the same settings for Gameboy and Gameboy color :/ If there's a way of using the same core for 2 systems with different setting's, please share I'm currently using (gambatte) for both :/
Last reply by reznnate, -
- 6 replies
Retroarch and mupen64 store builds have choppy and slow emulation on most games is there any fix
Last reply by badhemi, -
- 6 replies
This alt-community did a nice job with this release. With some minor fixes and additions, it works great on Android too. http://www.hyper free spin.fr/hfsbox15k-disponible/ (remove the spaces) Patch files http://www.hyperspin-fe.com/files/file/11143-hfsbox15k-android-patchzip/
Last reply by reznnate, -
- 2 replies
So i've gotten alot of the emulators to work on the Shield with hyperspin / retroarch. I am having an issue with Atari Jaguar. The games load up but are very choppy and the audio is stuttered. Not sure what is going on or whats causing it. Any help would be appreciated.
Last reply by xR4ND0Mx, -
- 12 replies
I have hyperspin on pc working and 15 or so consoles on android. My question is how do you add more game consoles? My setup has all the pc consoles and 15 for android. I need a step by step tutorial. Before when I downloaded hyperspin I had all the consoles when I hooked it to my nvidia shield tv. Now I got all the consoles on pc but when I took to nvidia it only shows 15
Last reply by badhemi, -
- 10 replies
Was wondering why and if there's a fix. If I run mame alone and load a game it takes a few seconds. Of I launch mame roms thru hyperspin they take up to a few minutes
Last reply by badhemi, -
- 0 replies
Posted a new Hyperspin app update tonight that should sort all the known Android M/6.x issues I've found across a few devices. There is no reason to update unless the app stops working for you (due to upgrade to Android M)
Last reply by reznnate, -
- 22 replies
well I'm having an issue with loading Panasonic 3do games on hyperspin android on NVidia shield tv. the games show up and when I hit on game it goes black then kicks back to game list wheel. I can get the games to load on retroarch app but not thru hyperspin. I had the same issue with sega cd but I fixed that with directory bios trick. thanks here is my settings ini [exe info] path=H:\hyperspin\emulators\Panasonic 3DO\ rompath=/storage/usbdrive/Games/Panasonic 3DO/roms userompath=true exe=com.retroarch/com.retroarch.browser.retroactivity.RetroActivityFuture romextension=iso,cue,zip parameters=cores/3do_libretro_android.so searchsubfolders=true pcgame=fa…
Last reply by badhemi, -
- 11 replies
I am having issues finding the right rom path for my shield tv pro no sd card. can anyone tell me what rom paths you guys are using for your shield tv with no sd card setup?
Last reply by speedbreaker, -
- 12 replies
So a few systems I just got running thanks to help from reznate and sting. Sorry if I missed anyone else. I'm using the C64 emulator for Nintendo 64 and games are not launching. Here are the top several lines from my ini. If anyone sees anything that needs correction please let me know. My roms are all .n64 format with none compressed. [exe info] path=H:\hyperspin\emulators\Nintendo 64\ rompath=/storage/sdcard1/Hyperspin/Emulators/Nintendo 64/roms userompath=true exe=com.explusalpha.C64Emu/com.imagine.BaseActivity parameters= romextension=zip,n64 searchsubfolders=true pcgame=false winstate=HIDDEN hyperlaunch=true
Last reply by reznnate, -
- 22 replies
MAME is not working for me. it allows me to select it but then it just loops back to MAME system wheel. im not able to get to the list of roms wheel. any ideas why this is happening?
Last reply by viper360, -
- 1 reply
Anyone have a Nvidia Shield TV controller mapping config? Note that I am not talking about the tablet, I am talking about the Android set top box that comes with a wireless gamepad. The general Android config linked from the other Shield thread did not work properly. edit: nevermind I think this had to do with RetroArch using the nestopia core, something is up with the controller, anyway maybe this button mapping config helps someone else though just switching the core to fce seems to have worked for me: http://pastebin.com/DjhWb9LV
Last reply by Cobrasting, -
- 5 replies
I thought I'd share this App with everyone, as I'm going to start working on my Android system within Hyperspin and do a tutorial on setting it all up I just downloaded Ducktales remastered and Castle of Illusion for free!!! Both games are over £8 each on the playstore, and there are loads more really good games for free. I've had this App a while and it just keeps getting better. So if you want some free games for your Android wheel, get it downloaded https://www.amazon.co.uk/gp/mas/get/android/ref=mas_gs_slp_redir?ie=UTF8&campaign=angu
Last reply by Sting, -
- 2 replies
I've downloaded Hyperspin from the Google Play store, on my Shield TV, but when I try to open the app it opens and closes again straight away. I've used it in the past on Windows, so familiar with it. Any ideas why it fails to run? I have tried the Hyperspin folders on both USB and SDcard and same problem persists. I even tried deleting the app and downloading again, same problem.
Last reply by reznnate, -
- 2 replies
Hello everybody, Is anyone known how to lunch afba game directly from hyperspin. I tried whit this : exe=com.greatlittleapps.afba/com.greatlittleapps.afba.romListActivity But içt doesn't work. Sorry for my english (i am french)
Last reply by Pouteur, -
- 4 replies
While I posted a new build intended to help with some Android M ext-storage path issues, several problems remain. Sorry for this, I am working to correct asap.
Last reply by djdaveoc, -
- 1 reply
I reinstalled both RetroArch and Hyperspin tonight and can open games and play them. However what I did before to get the controller working isn't working now. I press the select (left-facing arrow) button on the Shield TV controller from within the NES game. I'm using the Nestopia core. I go to the place to remap your controller and change the "B" button for the NES pad to be the "X" button on the Shield controller which is called the "Retropad" here. I leave the "A" button for the NES controller on the "A" button for the Shield controller. I resume the game and the controls are still the same. The "A" button for the NES pad which should be the jump action in Cast…
Last reply by djdaveoc, -
- 6 replies
Hello guys, First thanks for all your work on Android it really fit my new cab I just completed the upgrade of my ADT-1 to Marshmallow today. I'm now unable to download anymore Hyperspin apk in the Play Store (ADT-1 is not upgraded officially to M) Can someone post a download link of the apk so I can download it out of the market? (I have tried many apk downloader on the web and they all lack NVIDIA devices to allow downloading it ) Also is there a plan to support more than Nvidia devices ? I would like to have it also on the official nexus device Thx
Last reply by Sting, -
- 5 replies
hi everyone just wondering if someone could help me out . just got an nvidia shield tv . added hyperspin loads fine . but now when i add roms it says missing roms kinda stuck i created folder in hyperspin Emulators/Nintendo Entertainment System/roms / then added roms to scared or am i add the roms wrong . any help would be amazing
Last reply by djdaveoc, -
- 4 replies
I'm trying to get Hyperspin Android working on an Nvidia Shield TV console. The path to my NES roms from the root of my SD card is: Hyperspin\Emulators\Nintendo Entertainment System So what would I put in the rompath= line to let this find my game roms? I have no systems currently able to play games. I can only see the artwork and videos. Also, is there anything that must be manually setup to get the Shield controller working in any console system? Thanks
Last reply by djdaveoc, -
- 2 replies
Any news on update for Marshmallow??? It's been over 2 months now
Last reply by Sting, -
- 6 replies
Last reply by reznnate, -
- 4 replies
Hallo, i wanne ask how much i can delete in the Hyperspin folder for the ShieldTV? I have to install the app on my ShieldTV and all is fine. He use the folder only for the settings databases and roms?! The Folder Hypertheme is deletable like in your Tutorial shown (thx for this and sry for the flame a long long night.) and the HyperSync folder because its not supported yet. But what is with the modules folder? I mean i can secure slim it down to get all my consoles and everything that seems important. Tested it. Maybe i can delete the whole folder? In the Settings folder and all the other folder its logical but what is with empty folders without any files. Can i del…
Last reply by djdaveoc, -
- 4 replies
Hi guys. I have all my nes roms with custom file names and im trying to create a XML to match them. HyperROM2XML creates a list just fine, but It will only show about 10 or so games on the wheel when loaded through hyperspin android. However, it will show all the games on the wheel when loaded on PC. For some reason its not loading up all the games on android. I also tried Dons list generator but I cant get it to generate a XML file with my custom rom filenames. What am I doing wrong?
Last reply by phulshof, -
- 2 replies
Has anyone looked at this? It seems interesting to me and quiet powerful for the money. https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/pine64/pine-a64-first-15-64-bit-single-board-super-comput
Last reply by Zinger19,