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- XBOX/XBOX 360 Attraction II Themes
- Last reply by Andyman,
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- Hyperspin not running
- Last reply by Roadrunner,
3,641 topics in this forum
- 10 replies
Hi guys, I am starting a project and would like to get some feedback and suggestions. I am trying to modify a NES, SNES, and Genesis controller to be USB keyboards. I am also wanting to put a usb flash drive inside to have Hyperspin auto-run. So I would need a USB keyboard encoder, USB hub, and a Flash drive all inside. I started with a Genesis controller and I am finding that there just is not nearly enough room in there to even get a hacked USB keyboard encoder to fit! I already have a really small USB flash drive. I ordered a small 2 port USB hub that should be here any time. I also ordered a USB numpad to see how big that encoder might be, but I doubt the matri…
Last reply by loppydog, -
- 0 replies
Getting this message when picking a game from the mame wheel. Anyone know how to correct this? HyperLaunch - Error File.txt
Last reply by barakawins, -
- 0 replies
I see some youtube videos where when they launh a sega game with fusion it's a black screen till game comes up and a black screen on exit. when i launch it's fine but when i exit the the game i get a white box for a second which i don't like. I want no sighns of windows. How would i do do this? can any one out there help with this fusion emulator question?
Last reply by fishman, -
- 3 replies
i learned by dumb luck that if you want a file to sit in the ROM folder but NOT be included in the database file, just make it look like this with the brackets in the front [OS] dB-BASIC.2d it seems like the brackets at the beginning prevent it from being listed in the database file this comes in handy for example on sharp x1 because some games need to LOAD additional "HUBASIC" files to be able to play so i have them in the ROM FOLDER and the module loads them automatically for those games but because of the brackets they do not show up in the database file, and hence not on the wheel just sharing maybe old news to everyone else but never saw it mentioned before …
Last reply by craiganderson, -
- 8 replies
Hey guys, just need some opinions. There is a 21.3 inch 4:3 flatscreen monitor at my local pawnshop for cheap. Right now I'm running a 24 inch 16:9 in my cab. Well I just started using MAME's HLSL and it really is amazing.....but the pincushion effect on a 16:9 display just don't look good, and when I choose to keep the aspect ratio the picture is just too small. So I'm honestly considering swapping it out. On top of giving me at least a correct aspect ratio, due to the shape of my monitor area in my cab, the 4:3 will just fit nicer, rather than having a crap load of wasted space like I have now. Plus I think running this size monitor will give me a larger vertical gam…
Last reply by JSinn, -
- 5 replies
I get this message in when picking a game in the atari 2600 emulator screen. Atari 2600 is an invalid System name or stella.exe isn't supported yet I don't understand this error. Game plays fine in hyperlaunch when I pick stella as the emulator and a game rom. No problems. But when I pick the game from the emulator screen in hyperspin I get this error. Anyone know what I'm doing wrong? Colecovision does the same for me. Except gives me Colecovision is an invalid System name or Colem.exe isn't supported yet.
Last reply by barakawins, -
- 2 replies
Hello. I've added a lot of rom hacks recently to my hyperspin (probably at least 100 for NES and SNES). I have the romhacker as the manufacturer and the year of release for most of them. I was just thinking if there was a demand I could put them all into one xml for each console and upload it somewhere. Only good, complete games... no super afro bros. I also have artwork and screenshots for all of them and amateur quality wheels for some. The artwork is a picture I found somewhere that I thought would suit the game and some popular hacks have fan created box art.
Last reply by craiganderson, -
- 2 replies
Hi guys I am looking for a safe rom renamer to match my games with the xmls in HyperList what would you recommend ?
Last reply by sonicboom88, -
- 2 replies
I've been having tremendous issues updating Hyperspin/Hyperlaunch from previous versions and I really don't know why. Paths are correct and I can get most emulators running but for some reason, I can't get two of my emulators (Stella and Colem) running. It doesn't see the hyperlaunch.exe path. But how can my other emulators see it? Secondly, tried clean install on my laptop. I get Stell and Colem running fine. But when I copy the clean install with these two emulators into my pc, they don't run.. What the heck? Checked the paths and programs and they are all there. Still, it doesn't run. Can someone please zip up their hyperspin/hyperlaunch set up minus the roms …
Last reply by barakawins, -
- 8 replies
Somebody asked me to make this module because apparently MESS does not load all games. This is what I am told. I have not tested MESS. I tested this module (for SimCoupe) with one .dsk game, one .sad game, one .sdf game and it worked with all three. There is no associated .isd file. The BEZEL function has been added and works on my system. (FYI) Read the notes in the module to see how to set FULLSCREEN. I did not test it with zipped games. (FYI) MEmu = SimCoupe MEmuV = v1.0 MURL = http://www.simcoupe.org/download/ MAuthor = craiganderson MVersion = 1.0 MCRC = iCRC = MID = MSystem = "MGT Sam Coupe" ;--------------------------------------------------------------…
Last reply by Konamito, -
- 2 replies
I looked all over the emumovies site. I cant seem to find where its says how much it will cost to upgrade my current (active) yearly subscription to the lifetime subscription? I am assuming it would not be the full 60 dollars? (if i overlooked the info on the page, my bad) Thanks anybody know?-- -craig
Last reply by craiganderson, -
- 6 replies
Hello everyone. I am new to the emulation scene and am "rebooting" an ancient project to convert an old arcade cabinet to a more sophisticated emulation cab. Hyperspin front end is amazing and I want to include it as part of my build but I have to get some hardware issues sorted first. The PC that I originally wanted to use is WAY too slow but realistically a new monster of a computer isn't in the budget. I have been reading that most older emulators are CPU only and multiple cores are not advantageous but as we get into the gamecube/N64 eras it seems that the requirements rise pretty drastically. I did read the "requirements for Hyperspin" thread but I can't search fo…
Last reply by n3wt0n, -
- 12 replies
Hey all, So trying to figure out something. Been reading a lot here and found the thread about hyperlaunch=true/false, using HyperHQ to set Execution to Normal vs Hyperlaunch for troubleshooting how mame is launched. Basically I have everything configured on my system with MALA as the front end. If you let MALA launch mame, things work fine. If you double click mame.exe, it'll open and you can chose a rom and play. But, if HyperLaunch attempts to start mame to load a rom, my XP SP3 box BSOD's immediately. I've tried hyperlaunch=false, but then no working rom works. I have over 6k roms and certainly don't want to go through the xml file for each one using one mame.ini …
Last reply by Fromlostdays, -
- 2 replies
In the last couple of weeks I've managed to get the Commodore 64 running (and mounting snapshots if present) and also the Commodore Amiga, Vivanonno, Zinc and the Sony Playstation. This brings my working systems total to about 40. I only have about 12 to go! Partial success with Sega Model 2 but games load after a 30 second delay. Zero success with Sega Saturn and SSF - emulator appears incompatible with CPU or Win XP or both? Reinstalled DirectX 9 but SSF still crashes after a few seconds (tried v3 & 4 and fresh download). Any tips for the above or for the remaining systems? DICE - Works but loses focus - Hyperspin is being controlled. 3DO - can't load fro…
Last reply by derekablackburn, -
- 3 replies
Hey guys, I've been playing in my PSP this week and I asked myself when I saw some PSP Minis, I'm putting together my PSP wheel in HS, but only the games not the minis, the question is; In a near future, when all videos and arts for the PSP gets complete in HS, what about the minis, will these be a sub-wheel menu or a new wheel in the main HS screen? What you think?
Last reply by HazzardActual, -
- 2 replies
Thoughts? Not sure if this is the right place to post.
Last reply by derekablackburn, -
- 13 replies
i am going to start working on sharp x1 for my own system and then share it if anybody wants it i asked melu for his stuff...waiting for a response if anybody has ANYTHING to share please let me know module themes art anything at all here is a link http://nfggames.com/x68000/Mirrors/ the bottom most selection seems to have many games im hoping this is complete im going to compare to tosec thanks
Last reply by craiganderson, -
- 4 replies
I just bought myself the Mayflash wireless wii u pro controller so I can use my controller with my PC and it works awesome! I've only tested so far with PES 2015 and XInput, windows immediately recognised the controller and everything worked as a charm. Hoeray! http://www.mayflash.com/products/nintendowiiu/w009.html Since games are the most fun when you are with more than one I would like to use several controllers. I've read however that you can only connect one controller through XInput, when using DirectInput you can connect up to 4 controllers to 1 Mayflash device. The difference between both API's however are not clear to me, I've read some windows explanation but s…
Last reply by Awakened, -
- 11 replies
Yabause finally released version 0.9.14 a few days ago! You can get it here. I wonder how it stacks up now? Let me know how well it does now. Since its the next best emulator that runs disc images instead of needing discs or other software to handle images.
Last reply by 5thWolf, -
- 44 replies
My laptop was stolen, along with my book bag and external hard drive that contained 3 years worth of rom collecting and all my custom hyperspin images and videos. I was in the process of rebuilding my machine. I had just wiped everything so this was all my data backed up. I have nothing to recover from including the system image. Everything, completely gone. To top it all they also broke out all of my windows in my car and slashed up the interior. Not a good day. All of this happened in front of my apartment between me going to bed and waking up. I wasn't the only victim so I feel for all the others as well. Pretty sad day I dont even know if I have the motivation to try …
Last reply by keltoigael, -
- 8 replies
Hey guys I was just wondering, where can i get the video previews for the games on hyperspin. im really most interested in the NES and SNES game previews! becaus all im getting now when i got to select a game is the picture thats attached to this thread! can anybody help me out?? thanks!!
Last reply by THK, -
- 10 replies
got my bezel lined up but only after stretching and squeezing and cutting the handheld image if anybody has one with the .ini file that is lined up perfectly please share it? thanks craig here is mine looks pretty good but (like i said above) the handheld image has been cut and pasted quite a bit to get images lined up if anybody wants mine they can have it as well but not the best
Last reply by craiganderson, -
- 7 replies
Just wanted to thank all my friends and everyone that came to me offering help. I didn't end up needing a shipped drive. With everyone's help I was able to find and download everything myself. My cab is fully up and running again with the exception of some set's I need to still get. I was at a really low point and debated on giving up and not rebuilding. Everyone really inspired me and helped me keep my head up. The thief has never been caught, but life goes on and lessons are learned. Thanks HyperSpin community and friends. I will be working on a MK themed intro video soon just for you guys
Last reply by dougan78, -
- 5 replies
For me it would be Phantasy Star Online released for the Sega Dreamcast. The beautiful music with the simple and clean title screen really set the mood for taking a journey into a new alien world. This game was my very first online experience and what made me into a online gamer over the years. I could also argue my pursuit to play this game back in 2011 through a emulator video I watched on youtube is what lead me to find Hyperspin and start my journey with all of you.
Last reply by dmxwyrw, -
- 10 replies
Bliss-Box Normally I am not a fan of kickstarter projects but this has huge potential. As a fan of using the original controllers for systems this really is the coolest solution I have ever seen. Check it out. https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/544088930/1493310774?token=084f4851
Last reply by nicksbrain,