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Need help setting up specific emulator in HyperSpin? Check the Tutorials section first and then post your questions here.

- XBOX/XBOX 360 Attraction II Themes
- Last reply by Andyman,
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Having problems with HyperSpin? You've come to the right place!

- Hyperspin not running
- Last reply by Roadrunner,
3,641 topics in this forum
- 1 reply
Please excuse the very basic question, but I know NOTHING about Hyperspin, and am the literal babe in the woods. I have some questions And I hope I can get some answers. 1. I am thinking of getting a preloaded Hyperspin external drive, and would like to know what would be the best to purchase. I am looking at the 8T because it seems to be loaded with the most stuff I want to play. What would be your recommendation. 2. If I get a plug and play unit, is all I need to do is to plug it into a USB and my computer will recognize it, will I have to do anything else to get it running. 3. I already have a setup on this computer with a front end (mGalaxY) …
Last reply by Spawk, -
- 5 replies
Hi Guys, I recently lost some of my settings for unknown reasons and now when I launch Joy to key is running as per my windows startup and associated to Hypersin as an application all fine. Enter a game its fine, but then return to menu..it stops running. I can CTRLALTDEL and see its stopped running, if i double click the joytokey.exe shortcut on desktop it runs again and stick resumes How can I tell Joy To Key to stop disconnecting when I return to main menu? Please help!
Last reply by rick101, -
- 3 replies
Hi Guys, I only have MAME setup on my cabinet as all I want. How can I default it to my game chosen favourite list to boot on startup? Currently it opens the entire MAME catalogue I then press my key set to Favourites 'do you want to enter Favourites' I press ok and it then shows me. Someone previously said you can amend the mame.ini file to 'start_on_favourites = yes' which I tried but didn't work Please help!
Last reply by rick101, -
- 3 replies
I can't download hyperSpin 1.5. Downloading is starting, but after few seconds it stop. Only one try to download and get out of here
Last reply by jkonami, -
- 0 replies
Does anyone know where to find a module for this system???
Last reply by pac00zilla, -
- 3 replies
Morning my peeps! Not sure where to place this question, but here I go. I just installed HyperSpin Attraction and am trying to use HyperMarquee and can't get HM to work. I got all the paths sorted out except for the HS Theme section, primarily the Theme File path since the HS Attraction directory doesn't seem to have any .zip themes. Also, originally when using HyperMarquee, we have to point LEDBlinky to EDS. In HS Attraction, there is no LEDBlinky or way I see of doing that, which is why I think it is failing to load any marquees. So, does anyone out there in the HS universe have HS Attraction installed and have HyperMarquee running with it? What are …
Last reply by godxy, -
- 1 reply
has anyone had problems with copying the update files into the root of the hyperspin attraction folder , it seems to stall at .cfg files for no apparent reason or am I missing something obvious?
Last reply by yoann, -
- 0 replies
Based on what I already know about Hyperspin, I imagine this not being possible...but I'm asking the question anyway in hopes that someone may have an idea that i haven't thought of yet. Is there a way to make a hotkey that says ' no matter where i am at in hyperspin, go to system X" .....so for instance lets say I am in the NES game wheel...and I want to instantly go to the Playstation wheel, I could select a hotkey to take me there. ....or If I am in the main wheel and i want to launch the playstation wheel, I could use the same hotkey to launch the playstation wheel....is it possible to do something like this? I'm probably overthinking this. But is this possible to do?
Last reply by shredder, -
- 2 replies
Hi All, After many years i'm finally going to rebuild my cabinet into something more modern. Currently It's setup for 2 players using a J-PAC for encoding the arcade controls. I want to make it into a 4 player but was wondering if the I-PAC is still the way to go for these things or if there is something better now? Thanks!
Last reply by 32assassin, -
- 1 follower
- 3 replies
I have been experiencing issues with hyperspin and a few Mame games from my list. I always take the habid to test the Rom on Mame first and see if its missing files and fully functional. Then I test the rom in RL, making sure the name matches and see if it launches properly from there. After it passes the RL test, I launch Hyperspin and run the game. The problem is when I launch the game from hyperspin, I see it loading quickly through mame but it stops all a sudden and doesn't go any further. It stay's in hyperspin. I have about 30games in the list and 8 of them causes this issue. The other games works flawlessly. And all the 30games works outside of hype…
Last reply by Spawk, -
- 0 replies
i have multiple file roms in one folder,how can i zip file with similar name in one zip? for example rom_disk1.adf rom_disk2.adf in rom.zip
Last reply by remiggio, -
- 2 replies
Hello! I have been using HyperSpin and RocketLauncher for years and am now trying to get my system to run off a USB drive using relative paths so I don't have to hard code the drive letter. All the path values for all the ini files work fine using relative nomenclature (e.g. .\ & ..\) save for Hyperlaunch_Path in the HyperSpin Settings.ini file. My installation happens to have RocketLauncher installed alongside Hyperspin, so it's: C:\HyperSpin C:\RocketLauncher So the correct value for Hyperlaunch_Path using a relative path would be: ..\RocketLauncher\RocketLauncher.exe But HyperSpin doesn't recognize the ..\ portion correctly and in…
Last reply by sloppymagoo, -
- 0 replies
Hello, I have a Nintendo Arcade setup with Hyperspin. I was just playing a game without any issues, and then all of a sudden got this error message. This comes in right after I try and start any game. I can’t find anything specifically for it on the forums. Let me know what you think. Thanks, Mr.Pasta
Last reply by MrPasta, -
- 0 replies
Hi can you still put hyperspin on the nvidia shield if so how do you do it
Last reply by Csmscottyp, -
- 0 replies
I'm new to this industry, I only understand that Hyperspin is a frontend, but I don't understand and especially don't really have time to understand anything else. Many on some forums say that there are full ISO images of Hyperspin for both android and computer, where I just need to press install and it all works. I was interested in having something like this even a few GB just to start understanding it, can anyone help me?
Last reply by prova123, -
- 3 replies
I set up Mame in RocketLauncher and am able to run the games directly from RocketLauncher with no problem but when I start up Hyperspin and select MAME from the systems it doesn't load the games, it just flashes and shows the MAME system selection again. This is the only one I am having problems with. I have successfully set up Nes, SNES and other gaming systems. Can anybody help with the issue? I'm using a PC and Windows10.
Last reply by Spawk, -
- 8 replies
I updated my MAME roms to 215 from 0170 recently, since there are 1/2 more games I'm interested in available now and due to increases in accuracy etc. Just thought it was a good idea, but... The latest AHK/module file from the downloads section (labelled for 212) seems to not work with 215, but it worked with 0170. What do I do? Is there a AHK file that works with MAME0215 that I'm missing, or do I need to wait. If so, how long? (I'm getting the .ahk error that means the .ahk file is out of date. I had this problem with 0170 and sorted it with the 212 .ahk file.)
Last reply by chadderack, -
- 4 replies
Olá, Peço desculpa por vir aqui expor a presente questão, que para alguns de vos deve ser fácil de solucionar, contudo, estou exausto de tentativas.... Já tentei muitas coisas, não sou expert no assunto, não chego lá... daà peço e agradeço a ajuda que me possam dar. Baixei o MAME 0.232 e uns milhares de jogos desta versão, porém tenho um problema de há largos dias que não consigo resolver: colocar o MAME a funcionar no HyperSpin. 🤮 É assim mesmo que já me sinto...) Segundo entendo, quando verifico no RocketLauncher o teste de qualquer jogo, o mesmo emite um aviso de erro de MODULO... Alguém me sabe explicar porque isso acontece…
Last reply by badfished, -
- 0 replies
Ragazzi ho risolto per l'ultima versione di retroarch su hyperspin lascio il video per aiutarvi vi voglio bene https://youtu.be/lZmyeNRA-44
Last reply by pezz, -
Salve ragazzi ho un problema con hyperspin praticamente retroarch si avvia su rocket launche ma quando vado ad aprire hyperspin non mi avvia i giochi come mai quale il problema ?
Last reply by pezz, -
- 0 replies
Apologies if this is not the correct forum section for this question. I recently signed up and was trying to locate the overall setup guides/tutorials for HyperSpin, but I keep getting this error (shown below) and I don't see the tutorials other than at the bottom where it mentions recently updated ones. I get the same error in Edge and Chrome. I'll check out the support tool mentioned in the error, but in the meantime I wanted to ask a specific question. [[Template tutorials/front/browse/rows is throwing an error. This theme may be out of date. Run the support tool in the AdminCP to restore the default theme.]] My question is: When selecting Mame in Hype…
Last reply by palacekeeper, -
- 0 replies
Hi - have searched but cant find anything. Is it possible to add scan lines to the front end menu of HS? Any help would be much appreciated!
Last reply by deem, -
- 1 follower
- 3 replies
Sorry, but I have tried many different times to get this thing to work. Has anyone ever had a good answer to fix this issue? I try and continue with same problem every time I try to start the program at the first time during the installation. It's all until this day that it still arises with a current version of hyperspin. And with other community members just as well with same problem I'm having to start hyperspin. Is there a fix? What can be done? 😂😆 [code] 02:07:54 AM | HyperLaunch v2.25c 02:07:54 AM | System Specs: HyperSpin Dir: C:\HyperSpin\HyperSpin OS: WIN_7 OS Language: 0409 OS Admin Status: No Monitor…
Last reply by MrEmAn, -
- 3 replies
Hi everyone, I recently tried out Hyperspin Attraction that I found at Arcade Punks and was wondering a couple of things. 1. How to add extra games to the collections? Are there compatible ROM packs? 2. Is it possible to add extra emulators to this? 3. Is it possible to search on Hyperspin? Many thanks
Last reply by Enkak, -
- 0 replies
I have seen many posts from years ago about this same problem. Hyperspin launches and runs fine. Main menu emulator selection, back and exit all work fine. But once within an emulator if I press p1 start (enter) ... nothing happens. No error message. was this solved previously?
Last reply by Repoman,