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Need help setting up specific emulator in HyperSpin? Check the Tutorials section first and then post your questions here.

- XBOX/XBOX 360 Attraction II Themes
- Last reply by Andyman,
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- Hyperspin not running
- Last reply by Roadrunner,
3,641 topics in this forum
- 0 replies
Hi guys! I have a HyperSpin configured with 38 systems that use long time ago , using Xppader as Frontend Profile configured in HLHQ everything works fine (navigating in HS menu and entering an exiting games), but a week ago I have been in trouble , I can usually navigate HyperSpin menu and it's systems, enter and exit (that means Xppader working fine) but when I get into some game of any system, I can not leave using the button configured with the "ESC function in xppader" . I have changed several settings , I redid all the configuration in xppader but the problem persists. Any help is apreciatted! Thanks in advance!
Last reply by GangstarrapeR, -
- 4 replies
Hi, I'm building my 2nd arcade. I would like suggestions for a computer that will 1. boot up quickly (~10 seconds) 2. boot up by hitting an external button (e.g. start) instead of having to hit the physical power button Also, do you recommend Linux or Windows? My first one ran Windows 7 and I frequently encountered slowdowns.. Maybe this was due to hardware but I wonder if I'll have better luck with Linux. I'l be running Hyperspin and emulators such as MAME, NES, Sega Genesis, and possibly Dreamcast if the hardware is good enough. Thanks so much!
Last reply by epayson85, -
- 5 replies
Hi guys, I am new to Hyperspin and just got my MAME up and running last week. I watched Simply Austin's videos on youtube and they helped me out a great bit. Everything has been working fine for me up until today. I try to launch a game and Hyperspin is telling me that the extension is wrong or missing. Everything has been working and playing for a week now so why out of nowhere could my roms not be loading right? I have tried to search for answer on here but haven't found anything yet to match what is happening to me. Sorry if I have over looked any topics that might contain anything like this. I am using RocketLauncher and have everything set up for the .7z ex…
Last reply by BlazePro, -
- 2 replies
I use a few AHK scripts outside of Hyperspin and HyperHQ that conflict with them when open, particularly the arrow keys on the numpad navigates inside Hyperspin/HyperHQ. Does anyone know how to turn this off and use the regular arrow keys instead? If not, knowing what AHK scripts open when Hyperspin and HyperHQ opens will allow me to edit them to use specifically the arrow keys, instead of both the arrow keys and the arrow keys on the numpad.
Last reply by DJQuad, -
- 3 replies
Hi, i noticed there is a top 100 ds games xml file, has anyone got any other top 100 xml files from other systems? Thanks
Last reply by Henderson33, -
- 1 follower
- 20 replies
So I was toying with adding "The Amiga" to my system... only to find out that Amiga/Commodore is vastly more complicated than I had thought. I was under the impression the Amiga was a single PC-style system. Yet there's the Commodore 64, Amiga 500, 4000, CD-32, etc etc... I don't even know where to begin now. Are these all separate systems with separate games? Originally I envisioned having just one "Amiga" wheel, could this combine the 500, 1000, 4000 etc systems? What about the CD-32? It's all just very confusing and I don't know where to start. Thought this would be as straight-forward as, say, NES lol
Last reply by SkyHighGam3r, -
- 4 replies
Hi all, So i decided to install a fresh version of Hyperspin/RocketLauncher on a new computer after about a year since the last time i did. I had kept a log and some instructions, which have helped me remember, but there are a few things not working properly: 1) For some reason, hyperspin starts with MAME by default, and i cant go back to the main system/emulator wheel to choose another system (partly because of the next point) 2) The keys to control the hyperspin menus seem wrong (by default). I imagined it being 'enter' to select and ESC to close the program, but for the life of me, i cant find the escape button. I'm having to Ctrl + Alt + DEL to close the…
Last reply by meancun, -
- 1 reply
Can someone point me in the direction as to how to filter my wheels so it only shows the games that I have and only one version? I tried to filter it in HyperHQ with roms only, and it doesn't work, it just bumps me back to the main menu. no games are shown. Thanks
Last reply by aginc81, -
- 12 replies
So I have all my MAME emulator configured. I am able to launch all my roms from rocketlauncher so they all work. They even work in hyperspin but my problem is I set the parent and roms only filter on the MAME wheel and now MAME will not launch. Specifically I believe the "rom only" filter is causing it. I applied one at a time and it only fails to enter past the main MAME menu. I looked at my extension and saw somewhere that extensions where case sensitive and even thought my files are zip I went ahead and added "ZIP" in the extensions without luck. Any body have any idea what I can do. I played with settings for hours and finally just decided to post and ask for some hel…
Last reply by Metalzoic, -
- 19 replies
Hello all. I'm a new user to Hyperspin and have 1.4 install with Rocketlauncher. Everything is working great. The issue I'm facing is the mass confusion around xpadder profiles and how they are loaded and where RocketLauncher looks for those profiles. I can't for the life of me get things working properly for my Xin Mo USB controller which connects to my arcade control panel. I've watched many youtube guides and combed other various forums and got useful info and have keymapper enabled with xpadder selected in global settings. My setup: Xin MO USB Controller, 2 player setup where each player has the following (Joystick, Player button, Admin button, and 6 action butt…
Last reply by Spawk, -
- 1 reply
Are there any plans to have a Nintendo 3DS xml on the main XML page?
Last reply by hpr, -
- 3 replies
Hello. If any of you have tried to change the region in some Sega Model 3 games from Japan to elsewhere, you may have discovered that they are locked. I understand that there are some codes you can input which will unlock the region and enable you to change it. Does anybody know where I might discover these codes? Unfortunately it seems that the Supermodel forums are closed. Many thanks. [Edit] I realised I put this in the wrong forum. Could one of the Admins please move it to support? [/Edit]
Last reply by twistedsymphony, -
- 15 replies
I know I can set a No Video for everything globally, but is there a way to set different ones per system? I tried moving one to the system videos, but no luck...
Last reply by vaderag, -
- 7 replies
So i'm still a little new to hyperspin messing around here and there. So i have Dragon's lair working in rocketlauncher ui but when i launch through hyperspin i get this message, how do i fix it?
Last reply by kylecp1979, -
Any way software that will sort through my roms and DELETE or move the ones I don't want?
by SpatzST- 4 replies
I have an SNES rom pack and theres several editions of each game for language, versions, etc... i obviously don't need them all, is there a way to delete them via software? Second question: anyone using retroarch, is it possible to have the program scan subfolders for games?
Last reply by SkyHighGam3r, -
- 15 replies
So I generally see 2 kinds of setups when it comes to screens here. 1.) CRT Monitors (usually in arcade cabinets) 2.) LCD/LED/Plasma etc Screens What I am wondering though, is has anybody setup their system to be played through an old "Square TV"? (Are these considered CRT?) I'm talking like the TV you would have actually plugged your NES/Genesis into. Like straight up, Composite and/or RF input Old School TVs. I used to plug my PC into a TV that took Component inputs, but that's the lowest quality signal I've ever output via PC. (My card supported it directly) I noticed Amazon.com has some HDMI to Composite converters for roughly 20$, and was thinking it would be k…
Last reply by SkyHighGam3r, -
- 4 replies
Hey guys, so I am dying to get my XBOX controller connected to Windows 10. I bought a mayflash adapter, but the drivers it came with (and on the site) didn't do anything... So I am wondering if anyone else has this working? I'd love to use this is it was basically the last 6 button controller ever made. Just to be clear, I'm talking about an XBOX controller, not Xbox 360 or Xbox One.
Last reply by SkyHighGam3r, -
Upon request - i have started a Disney Movie wheel..So far we are up to 70 wheels.
Last reply by eazydwn, -
- 20 replies
ok so I found this page on Facebook.. it has users who create "packs" for hyperspin. These are random stuff that are pretty much like collections. i wanted to run this one called Run N Gun.. i can get hyperspin to see it but not run the games.. the site is not in english so a translator is needed but from what i read is that you pretty much just have to drag and drop the files into hyperspin and set up Rocket Launcher.. and thats where i suck lol I was never good at setting up the pclauncher .. now i might just the whole thing screwed up.. cuz they have hyperlaunch and i have rocket.. so idk if you wanna give it a try and figure it out i'll be supe…
Last reply by thcdgaf, -
- 0 replies
I'm sorry if this is in the wrong category, and mods please feel free to move it, if so. So I ran into the joystick lag issue with Hyperspin, so I installed the newest version of xpadder, set everything up, saved everything, but every time I shutdown the computer and restart, xpadder shows up wanting me to accept the terms and conditions, install it here... Blah blah blah and I have to reset the controls. I used it before and never ran into anything like this. What's going on here?
Last reply by aginc81, -
- 4 replies
I have a custom cabinet build which requires a specific build of hyperspin. I need the 'Wheels' to be output on one monitor, and the flash animation of everything else (the movies, the custom art) to be output on another monitor. Can this be done? Any help would be appreciated. Scott [email protected]
Last reply by ScottBarrett, -
- 1 reply
Hi all, I recently noticed in my Hyperspin that the Mame game VIMANA had no sound in the wheel and neither in the game? even on youtube I noticed that Vimana in HS had no sound... This is weird since there are several Toaplan games on HS like Truxton 2 etc. which work fine. Does anybody know if there is a fix for it or is there a 100% version available now? Thank you in advance. Regards
Last reply by Gyruss, -
- 35 replies
I am new to building arcades, and I want to know more. I have a classic Donkey Kong from 1981 Serial Number: 47547 Model Number: TKG4-UP-US, and I love this thing! I want to build newer arcades using hyperspin and maybe start a local retrocade, but there are so many options out there and it can be overwhelming guys. If you had 700.00 to investing to a machine what would you do?
Last reply by wesfranks, -
- 6 replies
Hey all, I'm toying with the idea of making a little backup/restore utility specifically for HyperSpin but in the meantime, are there any other system configuration files other than all xml and ini files for settings?
Last reply by DJQuad, -
- 0 replies
Hi, Tried using Sega Model 3 emulator today on both HL2 and RocketLauncher versions of Hyperspin and neither are working. They were both fine a few weeks ago but now both come up with the following error: OpenGL information: Vendor: Intel Renderer: Intel® HD Graphics 4600 Version: 4.3.0 - Build Shading Language Version: 4.30 - Build Maximum Vertex Array Size: 1048576 vertices Maximum Texture Size: 16384 texels Maximum Vertex Attributes: 16 Maximum Vertex Uniforms: 4096 Program settings: XResolution = 1440 YResolution = 900 FullS…
Last reply by Creezz67,