Video Games
Let's talk games!
351 topics in this forum
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Like it says guys, a game maker has remade the classic P.T. game that was taken down from the PS4 network. He remade it in amazing detail and to be honest is identical to the original. to think this was made by one guy is mind bending alone. Included as always is the download and all the information on how this game was made etc. Trust me, for a tiny download... its epic!
Last reply by SkyHighGam3r, -
- 1 follower
- 1 reply
Null DC works fine with out a front end but as soon as i run a front end with it i get a black screen.... any one else experience this
Last reply by Lucky1, -
- 0 replies
Eya, I thought I'd share with you guys something: The tools you find on the other end of that link will help you create Talkie versions of The Secret of Monkey island and Monkey island 2 Le chuck's revenge. now I here you thinking: but you can have that using the Special editions of those games.. well I say SCREW those editions.. I want talkie without the slick graphics.. and they dont give that what you will need -The special editions - the originals -these tools this tool will output the original game with talkie that is playable in DOS(BOX) or ScummVM It's realy great ! LOOK BEHIND YOU A THREE…
Last reply by KlopjerO, -
- 116 replies
So I am still waiting for my Desktop PC to sort itself out. Having to find new projects to keep my mind active. Decided to move over to TTX or PC Arcade games as they like to be called now. I will be going through each game, showing you how to set it up and then adding them to the HyperSpin Wheel. I just wish they could crack the ChaseHQ game. However for now... lets get this started.... SUPER STREET FIGHTER: AE
Last reply by Anpanman, -
- 4 replies
Finally, im the owner of that particular emulator and thanns to Mr. SimplyAustin, king of the emulators, extreme ruler of youtube video, he pwith the my 360 gamepad config associated with the emu left side says pc/ps and the other shows pad config but its not as simple to me may be ps1. alil direction please? thank you.lay 007 agent under fire a pop up came om in game saying something about the memory card needing formating? and im alil comfused helped me to configure the emu on my low end pc a amd athlon II windows 7 emachine with a 5.50 gb of ram highend graphic card in it a nvidia 750 and it works. i could kiss the ground he walk on. but of course rain on this …
Last reply by Oldgamer51, -
- 2 replies
I was wondering just fair is it to spend x amount of dollars on a digital download for a piece of paper, that when your done with playing the game you cant trade back or nothing. Im still crappy that I that I have cd disk that ill never have to beable trade in because they had to be downloaded to a gameclient and due to that it cant be transfer. Its almost make you that usung torrents isn't such a bad idea, no money lost on that deal once the game is done just uninstall, but then again its because of the torrent people who are able to upload a pirated game is the reason why gameclients are in "business". Anyone have a fav gameclient, mine have to be steam due to the fa…
Last reply by Oldgamer51, -
- 3 replies
anyone know the controls for this game? i know 6 is for coins and 1 start... i get up to the part that says shoot the map and I can't figure out the controls from there...
Last reply by Styphelus, -
- 1 reply
...I don't even,searchweb201644_3_505_506_503_504_10020_502_10001_10002_10017_10005_10006_10021_10003_10004_10022_10018_10019,searchweb201560_8,searchweb1451318400_-1,searchweb1451318411_-1&btsid=5b0a799b-3112-47d2-8841-3856b90f358b I guess aliens are already on earth and discovered the superiority of retro gaming
Last reply by Avar, -
- 1 follower
- 5 replies
These two games look super fun. I really hope they will be as good as I imagine. Power Drive 2000 Drift Stage
Last reply by SIMPLYAUSTIN, -
- 2 replies
I saw this article online today about hidden menus in Mortal Kombat. Pretty neat: Here's the video:
Last reply by damageinc86, -
- 26 replies
Haven't tried this myself yet, but it looks like it might be a better alternative to Bluestacks:
Last reply by shitoken, -
- 0 replies
I was going thru my older systems and obviously a lot of the games were either coin-op conversions and or available on multiple systems.... the great thing about MAME is all of the original COIN ON versions are there and nothing really beats the original arcade versions in my opinion. I found Colecovision seemed to have the best versions of games that were also ported to other systems of the day (but that may just be my opinion) and Atari 2600 seems to still capture how the games were back in the early days (I'm not let down when I see a A2600 game like other systems that for some reason I remember having better graphics but when I see them now... they don't look that gre…
Last reply by rastan, -
- 0 replies
Last reply by bulbousbeard, -
- 0 replies
Hello Does anyone know how to enable VSYNC on Raine? Thanks.
Last reply by Blitzkrieg, -
- 9 replies
looking through the bet i see this looks wicked ,cant wait
Last reply by Metalzoic, -
- 1 follower
- 298 replies
RidicRick started a Fix it Felix Jr topic over in the Cabinet Forum, and since it's more geared towards the physical cabinet, art, etc. I decided to start a topic here to have a place to discuss the actual software, answer questions, etc. Table of Contents [TABLE=width: 75%, align: center] [TR] [TD=align: left]This Post - Original Game Concepts and Other Material First Concept Video by Joe Pitt Video Preview of Fix it Felix Jr in Cabinet Video of Fix it Felix Jr Cabinet by DisneyAnimation Other Material 1st Post - The Official CodeMystics' Version --- (2013.04.08 Leak) Command Line Arguments Controls Mods/Extras Notes 2nd Post - BadB…
Last reply by matty_g_8, -
- 4 replies
I'm setting up SSIVAE on the ttx platform, and every time I load the game I have to go back into the settings menu and set it on freeplay and change my difficulty setting, I cannot figure out how to make the settings stick... any help?
Last reply by Metalzoic, -
- 5 replies
A while back I was into the openbor scene... and like many into that scene... I made a game called "A Tale of Vengeance" Been looking for a while and I can find it... if someone has a link for my game, please let me know. I want my kids to play this game... and we'll me too xD My baby has been missing for a while, and now is time to come back home Thx guys Alex Ace
Last reply by AlexDC22, -
- 0 replies
Heya, werent there here in the forum once a thread with possible downloads for some high quality sound effects and a high quality version of the fix it felix jr music?
Last reply by Nic-1993, -
- 1 follower
- 2 replies
For a seasonal treat and promote the enhanced edition of Shadow Complex coming out for PS4 and XBOX, Epic games have put out the original Shadow Complex out for Free on PC for Xmas. So spreading the work go get it
Last reply by ninja2bceen, -
- 1 follower
- 4 replies
here is a few links to shows and documentarys i have found, i think it would make a nice addition to a hyperspin setup under a media wheel or somthing . hope you enjoy thanks Ralph H Baer Demonstrates The Brown Box (1973) games master - 1992 to 1998 computer chronicles 1983 - 2002 Once Upon Atari E01 House of Games (2003) Once Upon Atari E02 The Enemy Within (2003)…
Last reply by juicelee, -
- 5 replies
Friendly for arcade cab?
Last reply by Marcoqwerty, -
- 0 replies
so ive been having issues with vertical shooters and not showing bezels on windows 10... and i know simplyaustin is making videos with fixes that has work for some... for me only his raiden one worked plus am not getting any younger and cant wait for all of them to be done... so i went around and found these files, and with these files i was able to run them all just fine with bezels. please back up youre original files first... just copy paste from these folders to yours and run the games with the .exe file that corresponds to the dxwin application... that file will have a .cfg file next to it with the same name. anyways hope everything works for you guys as it did…
Last reply by AlexDC22, -
- 4 replies
Just a question here, What are the majority of people using for "Casino" games in their Hyperspin? *scratches head
Last reply by alexandreb63, -
- 6 replies
I've found a bunch of list of Jaguar games, and have it setup in my Hyperspin build. I want to add in the Atart Jaguar CD, but as with most CD addon systems, the vast majority of their library is just 'enhanced' ports of their cartridge bretheren. So what I'm trying to find is a list of games that are exclusive to the Jaguar CD. That way I can just throw them in my current Jaguar wheel, and avoid any duplicate nonsense. Is anyone aware of such a list? Google is not helping me.
Last reply by SkyHighGam3r,
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