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HyperSpin 1.5.1 Public Release


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Unbelievable how much negativity there still is. It's a huge reason why good people leave the project. It's exactly why this is my first post in quite some time. Thanks to everyone involved with the 1.5.1 update. Hyperspin has stood the test of time for me and I still run it on my cab for that reason. I am very appreciative of everyone's hard work here. Thank you!


 - J*

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Well, if there's support for animated wheels I guess I should release my supergrafx set (if i find it lol). It worked only on older HS build (when a .swf was renamed to .png HS red it, on later build it crashed the software)


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11 hours ago, Aorin said:


I just hope my HDD don't die any time soon because I don't have a 5TB spare HDD for backup.

I pay 5euros a month for 10TB from HuBic. If you need me to refer you then PM me, then we both get extra space.

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Ah, a question: does this build correct the bug with videos playing on background after a game is launched? Basically it happens when you launch a game with a "slow" RL .ahk and you move the wheel before the emulator actually launch. To avoid the bug i the video can be removed when HS is off-focus and reloaded when HS is in-focus, I haven't intensively tested the method but it seems to work well while loading videos from a .swf.

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6 minutes ago, dark13 said:

Ah, a question: does this build correct the bug with videos playing on background after a game is launched? Basically it happens when you launch a game with a "slow" RL .ahk and you move the wheel before the emulator actually launch. To avoid the bug i the video can be removed when HS is off-focus and reloaded when HS is in-focus, I haven't intensively tested the method but it seems to work well while loading videos from a .swf.

I wasn't aware of this bug. Please PM me and if you have a video of it happening, that would help greatly.

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44 minutes ago, dark13 said:

Well, if there's support for animated wheels I guess I should release my supergrafx set (if i find it lol). It worked only on older HS build (when a .swf was renamed to .png HS red it, on later build it crashed the software)


Yes please, those look awesome. I'm assuming they would work normally in the artwork4 folder also?


And to keep this thread on track, thank you for the quick fix. I have had the internet unplugged from my pc for the past week to avoid the windows update while I waited for this fix

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Hey guys, thanks for all the great work. I do have one issue, though. This update kinda messed up the wheel positioning for my Dungeons & Dragons theme. I tried to re-position the wheel images but the images are skewed to the right and the middle image is way off center and sits closer to the right-hand images. When I first looked at it, the images were way out of whack.

BEFORE: (This is a much more desirable look for a horizontal wheel)D&D_before.png.af1be6602d0472c6c4fc878213de95cc.png

AFTER (The center image starts from the same top position as the small images and skewed to the right - this doesn't look correct)


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1 hour ago, malarrya said:

Hey guys, thanks for all the great work. I do have one issue, though. This update kinda messed up the wheel positioning for my Dungeons & Dragons theme. I tried to re-position the wheel images but the images are skewed to the right and the middle image is way off center and sits closer to the right-hand images. When I first looked at it, the images were way out of whack.

BEFORE: (This is a much more desirable look for a horizontal wheel)D&D_before.png.af1be6602d0472c6c4fc878213de95cc.png

AFTER (The center image starts from the same top position as the small images and skewed to the right - this doesn't look correct)


This is being looked at...Thanks for the report

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I did notice something like that when I opened a theme inside hypertheme everything was out of position. Not sure which theme it was at top of my head.


Not all themes do it. I can try again tonight see If I can duplicate it and give more details.


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53 minutes ago, Krakerman said:

I did notice something like that when I opened a theme inside hypertheme everything was out of position. Not sure which theme it was at top of my head.


Not all themes do it. I can try again tonight see If I can duplicate it and give more details.

Please do... :) the more specific info the easier to fix normally

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Please do... [emoji4] the more specific info the easier to fix normally


Will do. When 1.5.1 got released I quickly just tested a few things and I’d like to say might been the 1942 theme but not 100% certain. I will check a few tonight and see what happens.



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6 hours ago, malarrya said:

Hey guys, thanks for all the great work. I do have one issue, though. This update kinda messed up the wheel positioning for my Dungeons & Dragons theme. I tried to re-position the wheel images but the images are skewed to the right and the middle image is way off center and sits closer to the right-hand images. When I first looked at it, the images were way out of whack.

BEFORE: (This is a much more desirable look for a horizontal wheel)D&D_before.png.af1be6602d0472c6c4fc878213de95cc.png

AFTER (The center image starts from the same top position as the small images and skewed to the right - this doesn't look correct)


Are you using .swf as wheel image? Check the documentation, while creating file in flash you need to set 1px*1px stage size and move the image you load on stage on negative values to get it centerd (es if your image is 640*480 set -320 on X and -240 on Y). I was having the same issue, then i RTFM :P

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i'm running into the same issue with SWF files, not all of us use Adobe to make wheel icons or swf files, I'm using Aurora 3D text and logo maker, and it's shifting all the SWF wheel icons to the right. Is there any way an offset can be created in the settings.ini for the menu?  The only application that i know of that you can make use a negative stage is adobe. 

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i'm running into the same issue with SWF files, not all of us use Adobe to make wheel icons or swf files, I'm using Aurora 3D text and logo maker, and it's shifting all the SWF wheel icons to the right. Is there any way an offset can be created in the settings.ini for the menu?  The only application that i know of that you can make use a negative stage is adobe. 
Can you pm me some sample files?

Sent from my Pixel 2 XL using Tapatalk

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14 hours ago, dark13 said:

Are you using .swf as wheel image? Check the documentation, while creating file in flash you need to set 1px*1px stage size and move the image you load on stage on negative values to get it centerd (es if your image is 640*480 set -320 on X and -240 on Y). I was having the same issue, then i RTFM :P

I don't use flash or SWF but have never had any issues.

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Microsoft just put out a Cumulative update to 1803. Hope that doesn’t break anything again.[emoji51]


Testing now.... everything still works tg![emoji106]


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Honestly I haven't tested if .swf wheels looks better but anyway I had quickly updated my .jsfl batch scripts to support conversion for .png to .swf wheelset (with the old scripts wheels would appear not centered, the new scripts should fix the problem).


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