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Need help setting up specific emulator in HyperSpin? Check the Tutorials section first and then post your questions here.

- XBOX/XBOX 360 Attraction II Themes
- Last reply by Andyman,
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Having problems with HyperSpin? You've come to the right place!

- Hyperspin not running
- Last reply by Roadrunner,
3,641 topics in this forum
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- 3 replies
I have a question regarding the platinum membership. correct If I'm wrong but If I have all my emulators and roms will hypersync help me get all the proper images for my systems and games or do I have to get them myself?
Last reply by Saturn, -
- 1 follower
- 5 replies
Hi Folks, Hypersync is not logging into Hyperspin as it cannot verify my credentials. In addition the front tells me that it cannot resolve hyperbase.hyperspin-fe.com. Is this server down?
Last reply by Lamaman1971, -
- 0 replies
Is there a way to disable the random wheel spin (attract mode) for the main menu wheel but have it enabled for sub-wheels? There doesn't appear to be a way to do that through HyperHQ, but I'm wondering if anyone has any outside the box suggestions to accomplish it.
Last reply by superrob3000, -
- 2 replies
What happened to Hyperlist? Is it gone for good? I haven't been able to access it for over a week now.
Last reply by richardmaid, -
- 0 replies
Hey guys i need some help. i got a new pc and im having an issue when i first boot the pc and get into hyperspin.. i can load games super fast and fine... but after like 3 different roms, i keep getting errors or slow loads. example: Mame - after like 4 game loads or after 10 min... mame takes a while to load a game. ps2, pcsx2... after 3 different roms... emulator takes a while to load, and then i get hit with a error such as "error detected cant determine if pcsx2 finished loading your game if i resatrt my pc.. im back to normal... but again its either after multiple roms being loaded or after 10 min hyperspin just slows down …
Last reply by rcdude, -
- 57 replies
I just today discovered this program. I have been working to figure out how to set it up with Retroarch and have been having difficulties. so I thought I would search there forums only to discover that there hasn't been any news or information from the devs sense May of 2016. before I consider paying money for a full membership I need to know 2 things 1. Is it still being developed 2. Detailed information on how to get it working with retroarch Any info and help is greatly appreciated. thanks (p.s. on a side note I REALLY need to find a n easy tool that will rename all my roms so that they can match all the fancy graphics that all these frontends …
Last reply by zaktallica, -
- 0 replies
what is ahk_class wxwindowNR cause this is the error I got when I tried to load a game in Dolphin in RocketLauncher and how do you fix this annoying error so my games can play thank you if anyone can help
Last reply by gamer4343, -
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- 4 replies
I'm looking to change the special artwork to something that matches my controls. I've created all the graphics needed, down to each frame for the animations. problem is, i cant figure out for the life of me how to edit or make a .swf i'm not sure if i have the right understanding of how they work, but i exported a PNG of how each frame would be. ( i'm not sure which is which either, the A and the B ) On the main wheel i'm just looking for the 2 button options with the joystick animation going up and down. and on the system wheels, the 4 button options with the joystick moving up, down and side to side. I've made GIFs of each for examples. the frames how th…
Last reply by dark13, -
- 1 reply
Is anyone running Hyperspin on a 4K monitor/TV? Is that even a thing? Would the wheels, artwork, video snaps be designed for 4K, or is it based mostly on a 16:9 aspect and runs fine on 4K? Thanks!
Last reply by Spawk, -
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- 1 reply
I installed my CRT arcade monitor today after using a LCD. I followed all the instructions I could find but I just cannot get Hyperspin or hyper HQ to launch. Is there some magic thing I need to do? I have reduced my modes to what I think is an acceptable number but it does nothing. I have read about the hyperspin issue but not hyper HQ. Not sure if anyone here can help but I thought I would ask.
Last reply by TexasRED, -
- 0 replies
Hi Everyone, I've started a project I think this community may be interest in. The goal is to bring verification to romhack translations, much in the way projects like No-Intro and Redump have for their respective mediums. The complete SNES translation library (232 games to date) has been fully databased and converted to use a clean No-Intro base. I hope this will the improve accessibility and documentation of translations, while crediting the authors. If interested, you can read more here: https://romhackdb.com/news.html (Note: No ROMs are hosted on this site or distributed with the software.)
Last reply by mibro0224, -
- 0 replies
Hello, there is any way to install Teknoparrot for Sega Lindbergh for HyperHQ? (I've made my system with HyperHQ, im not using RL) There is any way to Add an ahk module in the same directory of the others to use sega lindbergh?
Last reply by aguskapool, -
- 0 replies
I downloaded **removed** 8TB Hyperspin list as I bought a 10TB drive just for that and I don't know if I need to re letter the drive (Which I'll have Dad do as I don't know how on Windows 10) as it's set to F elements 1 could that be causing problems? I don't want to delete days of downloading because of punks on here all upset at a non 'official' build when it is official just predone for you and NOT buying some smoker dooper's Hyperspin drive off the street. For now I can use the emulators stand alone. Rocket Launcher seems to just get stuck on Ghostbusters saying it cannot be found. Do I need to change the letter to drive D. The instructions say I may need t…
Last reply by SortingHat, -
- 1 reply
Wondering if there is a way to input your initials when you get a high score in Frogger...maybe a line of code you can input or is this not possible.
Last reply by Creezz67, -
- 1 reply
Hello, I'm installing Hyperspin for the first time and I was just curious if having the Rlauncher media pack not being available anymore going to be an issue for the tutorial?
Last reply by thatman84, -
- 1 follower
- 4 replies
I have just downloaded version 1.5.1 from the Hyperspin download page and unzipped the file but there is no Hyperspin.exe launch program. Ive turned off my anti-virus just in case its deleting the program as a false positive but it still isnt installing the program. Am I missing something with the new 1.5.1 release or could someone tell me where I am going wrong. Any help will be much appreciated.
Last reply by Aorin, -
- 0 replies
I don't know about the other virus scanners as they are pretty much crap but with Webroot you can add exceptions and whitelists and I unzipped it again and it didn't delete it this time! Without having to turn my AV off! That is the most dangerous advice you can do! If your anti virus allows it (A good one NOT yet compromised will) you should be able to see what files were blocked and allow them without compromising the rest of your computer as face it even if the 'team' of the software doesn't let viruses in other factors outside of their control can unless they use as Moody would yell CONSTANT VIGILANCE!!!!
Last reply by SortingHat, -
- 5 replies
So I am having this problem where i would download a set of roms it wouldn't read the roms because the name is different. Example is trying to run "Super Mario 64 (USA)" but couldnt find the game because the file name is "Super Mario (U)" is there any way that hyperspin or rocketlauncher can read (U) and (USA) as the same?
Last reply by Creezz67, -
- 5 replies
I just setup Hyperspin 1.4 and Rocketlauncher with MAME 1.53 using Simply Austins guide Now when I run hyperspin and go to MAME all seems fine until I run a game. I get this error everytime Cant find database here H:\rocketlauncher\rocketlauncherUI\databases\mame\mame.xml I don't store the database there my mame database is located here H:\Hyperspin\databases\mame\mame.xml Everything seems to work if I run it under rocketlauncherUI with the rocketship just not in hyperspin. Thanks Netflex
Last reply by Savagess, -
- 1 reply
I set up my game cube wheel, the game showed in the main menu wheel but the game list didn't appear and every time I tried to enter game cube it just reloads. What could be reasons for this. I already got the XML for the game list.
Last reply by Spawk, -
- 1 follower
- 3 replies
Hi folks. I would appreciate help with this new problem. I upgraded to Hyperspin 1.51 a few weeks ago without any issues. This morning, I ran into a new problem. Hyperspin main menu loads normally, but when I select the MAME wheel, a black screen appears and nothing else happens. It doesn't respond to Escape, so I have to use Task Manager to end Hyperspin. Other (non MAME) wheels load normally. The only thing I can think of is that I performed a Windows Update yesterday. The Hyperspin log.txt reads: 11:41:51 AM | HyperSpin Started 11:41:51 AM | Going FullScreen 11:41:51 AM | Checking for updates 11:41:51 AM | Update Check Complete 11:41:51 AM |…
Last reply by pachangaz, -
- 1 reply
can hyperspin be fully set up in a hard drive or external hard drive? I was installing it in my C local drive and it was a pain it keep asking me about permission or do this as an admin for every single thing I opened or moved out of place. it was incredible frustrating. I had to delete it I want to start fresh in a new hard drive where the destination folder is simpler.
Last reply by Aorin, -
- 0 replies
Hi, Hyper-Spin I have a question, I just wanted to know in Hyper-spin in Attract-Mode is it possible to add your own sound effects in Hyper-spin in Attract Mode, & if so what folders do I need to put the files in? The sound effects that I have aren't really video game sound effects & I made my own theme with a character that I really like that's not really a videogame character, (I mean the character was in one videogame on the PS1 I believe, but I think the game was only released in Japan. I can't remember the name of the game, I think it was called Angel Tales or something like that).( Back on subject). I got the sound effect off a website called Pond5.com &…
Last reply by CJ1, -
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- 0 replies
I have just upgraded from a 2tb Hyperspin drive to a 8tb Hyperspin drive. One of the game Mario 64 has a lot of game play on it and i am asking how do you find and copy the game save state on the 2tb drive and copy it into the correct place on the 8tb drive? Can anyone help?
Last reply by iceman291uk, -
- 1 reply
Hey guys, I was working with building an arcade machine a few years ago. I had it pretty well along but ended up moving and life got in the way. I'm just now booting up the pc again and getting it patched up with the latest greatest windows version. I'm trying to refamiliarize myself with all this and just wanted to make sure I'm running the most current versions of things. My hyperspin exe shows it's 1.5.1. Rocket launcher didn't ask for updates so I'm guessing that's up to date but I'll pay a visit over to their site as well. Looks like 1.5 is the latest greatest?
Last reply by Creezz67,