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Need help setting up specific emulator in HyperSpin? Check the Tutorials section first and then post your questions here.

- XBOX/XBOX 360 Attraction II Themes
- Last reply by Andyman,
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Having problems with HyperSpin? You've come to the right place!

- Hyperspin not running
- Last reply by Roadrunner,
3,641 topics in this forum
- 0 replies
Hi there, i'm setting up a hyperspin system mainly with the help of Simply Austin's guides. I think i'm getting the hang of it, and wondered if I could add Netflix and Plex as a wheel. I saw on HyperHQ that you could create a wheel to point to an exe, which looks like it'll work, but has anyone tried to do this for the Netflix app downloaded from the windows store? I can't find the exe anywhere, or is there an easier way to do it? Also, i'm assuming the next issue i'm going to have is navigating the interface with my controller, and being able to exit out and get back to hyperspin. If anyone has done this on there own setup i'd appreciate the advice. I'll want Pl…
Last reply by caatah, -
- 1 follower
- 9 replies
I'm setting up a PSP theme to look as close to the actual PSP XMB as possible (Just like loading a game from the PSP memory stick) The problem I'm having is the position of the wheel I need to move the wheel more to the left, and if possible stop with the main game a little more closer to the top (where the arrow is) Anyone have any idea how to go about doing this? Here's the mockup I made in Photoshop And here is how it is now so you can see where I have to move it from. (I know how to resize the wheel images and change the text location. I just haven't gotten around to it.)
Last reply by Mark Norville, -
- 1 follower
- 7 replies
Guys, It's been asked a bazillion times I'm sure...but... I am able to launch roms from Rocketlauncher but cannot from Hyperspin. When I press enter to keyboard to launch the game nothing happens. Can someone help me please. Below in an extract of my log file: 11:55:11 PM | Using HyperLaunch 11:55:11 PM | Getting Launcher path 11:55:11 PM | Can't find HyperLaunch, defaulting to root HyperLaunch.exe 11:55:11 PM | Launcher located at E:\Hyperspin\Hyperspin\HyperLaunch.exe 11:55:11 PM | Running Launcher 11:55:11 PM | Launcher Command Line is: E:\Hyperspin\Hyperspin\HyperLaunch.exe "Sega Genesis" "Alex Kidd in the Enchanted Castle (USA)" 11:55:12 PM | …
Last reply by Mark Norville, -
- 1 reply
Started to add full screen individual game themes to Hyperspin, but once they are displayed the wheel appears behind them. Is there a way to keep it on top of the other graphics? Thanks!
Last reply by Mark Norville, -
- 2 replies
Hi, I´ve been reading a lot about problems on ePSXe running in Hyperspin and my ePSXe doesn´t work yet. I´ve Hyperspin and epsxe 1.9.0 that works out from HS but when I try to running on HP it screens black, and nothing... I´m looking for HS modules for this ePSXe version, but I don´t find anyone. Someone knows where I can find it? Thanks.
Last reply by Neuroptico, -
- 8 replies
I want my left mouse button to be my select key in Hyperspin. I have tried using HyperHQ Keyboard Mapping for Start but it wont register Mouse buttons. Autohotkey is not an option
Last reply by Spawk, -
- 0 replies
Anyone install a second monitor in their cabinet? I’ve got a 31.5 inch wide space, ideally I’d get a stretch bar but it would be about 500 bucks to fill it. I could get a 24 inch for maybe 300 but I’d require a bezel if some kind to fill the rest of the space. I’ve also looked into wide screen pc monitors 32 inch which fill about 29 in wide which would still require a bezel but at a fraction of the price and it would be double the height. How are you all mounting the second monitor and do you have any recommendations stretch or wide screen in general If I get a regular 32 widescreen, I’m wondering how do I mount it, then I wonder what bezel should I try and get and thir…
Last reply by ninja2bceen, -
- 1 follower
- 2 replies
Within HyperHQ controls there is an option to set a Hyperspin action I'm assuming this does some random spin to a random game (?), but no matter what I set it to nothing happens... Thoughts?
Last reply by vaderag, -
- 32 replies
Do not know what to do. System Windows10
Last reply by LarryLaffer75, -
- 1 follower
- 1 reply
Hi everybody, thank you for reading my post. So i bought a hdd a while back with hyperspin and games on it. It worked fine, until windows decided to not execute the program anymore. So i download an update, all good. Hyperspin starts up okay, but as soon as i plug in an ipac and move the joystick the wheel keeps on spinning on hyperspin. I thought my ipac was broken, so i bought a new one, connected all of the buttons and again, spinning wheel. however, if I unplug my ipac the wheel does stop spinning. Any solutions for this problem? Thanks.
Last reply by 32assassin, -
- 1 follower
- 4 replies
hey everyone, having a weird issue and can't seem to figure it out. My videos play for every system, except SMS. All the videos are named the same as the rom and other media files but they won't play when you are on a game. I tried to download a new default theme but that didn't seem to fix the issue. thanks.
Last reply by vp5665900, -
- 0 replies
https://m.facebook.com/groups/399832893521843?view=permalink&id=930115750493552 I'll try again to see if I get better results. Too bad that the Hyperspin team does not solve this type of problem or that the solution could go through an improvement of hypertheme. See ya.
Last reply by Manddrakke, -
- 0 replies
Hi , After two evenings messing around with this game i give up . I need help So out run 2006 in my pc games hyperspin collection . Really like to have this game in there . But i have a big problem with it . There is forcefeedback mod out for this game . But its really difficult to set up my wheel G25 . I control hyperspin with my XBox 360 controller . Buuut i must disconnect my xbox 360 controller to able to work with outrun . In hyperspin i must then first disconnect my the 360controller , before i start outrun . And when i exit outrun . 360 controller control lost over hyperspin . In outrun itself , even if the 360 controller and my g25 i…
Last reply by defre1976, -
- 5 replies
Hello All, After the recent update I am having issues launching games from Hyperspin but Rocketlauncher does everything just fine. Below is my log... 04:07:41 PM | HyperSpin Started 04:07:41 PM | Going FullScreen 04:07:41 PM | Checking for updates 04:07:41 PM | Update Check Complete 04:07:41 PM | Startup program unavailable 04:07:41 PM | Error intializing joysticks 04:07:41 PM | Menu Mode is multi 04:07:41 PM | Loading Main Menu.xml 04:07:41 PM | Main Menu.xml successfully loaded 04:07:42 PM | Main Menu wheel loaded successfully 04:07:48 PM | Loading Nintendo Entertainment System.xml 04:07:48 PM | Main Menu.xm…
Last reply by R4messne, -
- 0 replies
Does anyone know of a download website that works for downloading multiple meganz files? I was using mega downloader but now it gives lots of errors. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks in advance.
Last reply by kratos99050, -
- 1 follower
- 3 replies
Besides the obvious, being able to run hyperspin in windows 10, what features of 1.5 do you like, use, or notice a difference? Has anyone spent the time to animate the wheels yet? Not sure i am going to animate. Curious if there’s something I’m not seeing.
Last reply by dark13, -
- 9 replies
Hey everybody wassup? Been awhile since I posted any of my work on here so I figured I would share my latest project. I've been working on custom disc art for Sega Saturn games as well as Sega Dreamcast. I wanted to give the discs a custom feel but somehow still make them look "Authentic". I've properly placed the correct I.D. numbers on them as well. Some of these I worked very hard on after putting together templates. Feedback would be appreciated. Thank you for your time. Sorry for such large sizes. I DO NOT know how to resize using html code. I tried using [imgW][/imgW] but it had no effect at all. Thanks. *Sega Saturn* Astal v.1 Astal v.2 Bubble Symphony A…
Last reply by Aorin, -
- 24 replies
hello i have MarioKartGP.iso 402,653,184 9/14/2010 MarioKartGP2.iso 503,316,480 9/14/2010 vs2002e.iso 308,461,736 12/10/2010 all working pretty well any other games useable/playable? and if so....which version of dolphin do i use? (i use a different version for each game above) thanks in advance craig
Last reply by malarrya, -
- 1 reply
It would be nice to have a separate wheel like the one for Commodore Amiga Demos. I don´t know anything about how to create one but if I can help in any other way like make video snaps and wheels I would absolutely help. I think the best emualtor for this is WinVICE as you can create a "Flip list" like in THIS POST Then you can map keys for ALT+B and ALT+N in HL so you can change disk easily. The hardest work is to make the Flip list and the script for this I guess. Maybe this can be of some help for someone who knows programming and scripts: http://forum.arcadecontrols.com/index.php?topic=104925.0 If someone wants to work on this I will help with the little I can d…
Last reply by richie_jones, -
- 4 replies
About to set up hypermarquee and was wondering if there are system marquees that are out there other than by retro humanoid. His are great but there are many systems missing, does anyone have the gaps filled in? Also does anyone have a nice default main menu marquee? Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Last reply by ninja2bceen, -
- 26 replies
Hello everyone, first off I just wanted to say I am new here and I've recently just started my HyperSpin setup with what little time I have (college ) I want to donate and become a Platinum member here and on EmuMovies to use HyperSync and make life a lot easier, but I can't seem to find any information regarding the 25% off EmuMovies discount code. Is that still an active perk of becoming a Platinum member here? Please let me know as soon as possible and also if this post is in the wrong section I apologize and Admins please move it to where it belongs. Thanks!
Last reply by thatman84, -
- 0 replies
Does anyone know how REtro humoid activated the start up marquee in this video? I have hyper marquee set up and a default marquee on hyperspins main menu but im unsure how to use the flv file that he is using at the startup only I’m also interested in finding the top part of the marquee video where the cabinets are hopping. I have the bottom video of Mario running around Thanks Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Last reply by ninja2bceen, -
- 23 replies
Aorin made an incredible 'Hacked Games' collection for everyone. I actually requested something like this before users pointed me to his thread where it hadn't been released yet. At this point, I already made my own database of hacked games that I found in video snap packs I had downloaded from the emumovies ftp. Fast forward to Aorin's release of his themes and videos, it was awesome. He made an amazing amount of videos, and included a well put together database. Although the graphics that were supplied were awesome, they weren't anything I was looking forward to. No offense to him, I thought they looked great - it was just that I was looking for something different…
Last reply by StreetGamer, -
- 13 replies
Has there ever been any 4-way or 8-way joystick arcade game databases made before? Or maybe genres? Seems like it might be beneficial for people who have either stick, or one of those that switch, so they can go through games with that joystick in mind.
Last reply by mrhyde1969, -
- 2 replies
Very weird - my hyperspin build has worked perfect for years - all of a sudden the program doesn't open when I click the exe. It's being auto shut off when it launches as I can see the program appear in my task manager and then it just disappears by itself! I disabled windows defender but still no luck. Anyone experiencing issues? Suggestions?
Last reply by delt31,