- 15k posts
Need help setting up specific emulator in HyperSpin? Check the Tutorials section first and then post your questions here.

- XBOX/XBOX 360 Attraction II Themes
- Last reply by Andyman,
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Having problems with HyperSpin? You've come to the right place!

- Hyperspin not running
- Last reply by Roadrunner,
3,641 topics in this forum
- 48 replies
I've been gathering a list of the best PC games that would play well on an arcade cabinet. Luckily, with the indie scene currently focusing so heavily on 8 and 16 bit graphics, several of these are quick-play, 2D, one or two button controlled games--great for an arcade cabinet! I'm looking for games that will easily work with a standard 2-player cab (1 Joystick and 6 Buttons per player). Keep in mind, the fewer needed controls, the better. -Able to control with 1 joystick (the 2p joystick is available for twin stick shooters) -Minimal button requirements (ideally the standard 3 button shoot, jump, special attack style of controls) -No online requirements -No keyboard req…
Last reply by Chubtastic, -
- 0 replies
Hi all, been messing around for a few weeks trying to work out how to go about this but havn't been able to work out a good way to go about it. Basically I am trying to setup rocketlauncher/hyperspin/mame and have different hlsl scanline shader settings for different wheels. For example I have 1 wheel setup using bezels with rounded corners so I use the rounded corner setting in the shader setting to make them fit the bezel. Then in another wheel I'll be using bezels that are square but it will use the default shader settings in the raster.ini and use rounded corners which I don't want with the square bezels. So as far as I can work out I can make rom specific ini fi…
Last reply by GhostofWar, -
- 3 replies
Hi all, PC games were launching fine via RL, I added a couple more to the database and now when trying to launch them I receive the error in the attached image. I didn't change any other settings. Roms from all other systems are launching fine. Any idea how to resolve this? Thanks.
Last reply by supergameco, -
- 1 reply
Hi The movie files that play in the NES wheel glitch, the sound is fine just the animation part. Ive checked the movie files not running in hyperspin and they are fine. Im using.MP4 from https://emumovies.com Any ideas?
Last reply by Steve7726, -
- 4 replies
I'm building my second arcade cabinet this one just has mame as a single wheel my question is how do you exit out of favorites and not go back to the desktop but instead go to the main wheel four mame.
Last reply by mrracer, -
- 1 follower
- 0 replies
Hi, Does anyone know what chd's have been updated on MAME 0.188 - 0.189 ? Also just for future reference where can I find this info ? Thanks in advance
Last reply by Creezz67, -
- 2 replies
Hey everyone, I am in desperate need of help. Just cannot figure this one out. I've setup MAME in rocketlauncher and all shows that it is okay. I've followed multiple tutorials and cant see what I am missing. But when I go to load any game it comes up with the error that my module does not contain a startup line see below.
Last reply by WBW90, -
- 2 replies
I just did a clean install of windows 10 to get rid of most of the background processes that have built up over the years. This is what I plan on running hyperspin on. I just want to make sure it is enough horsepower to run supermodel (model 3 emulator) and model 2 emulator. I will keep everything on an external HDD so I don't run into storage issues., I have a modern gaming computer with a desktop i7 and GTX 980ti Strix as well but am hesitant to run things on there that might have bugs or trojans buried in them so I like the idea of my laptop being a dedicated hyperspin machine. The laptop has a turbo feature that can boost the processor up to 3 GHz I belie…
Last reply by acpowell, -
- 1 follower
- 3 replies
I installed HS and RL latest versions on a PC that was an i5 with 16gigs ram and onboard graphics. OS was windows 7. Installed onto the boot drive (C:\). Hyperspin was Smooth as silk without any changes to any graphic/interface settings. I just setup on an i7 with 16 gigs ram and a PCIe Video Card (MSI i think) and windows 10. So a better computer, right? Besides the OS being different, new install was done onto a new 500tb WD Black drive. This HD was not the OS drive/boot drive. I had seen this recommendation before to prevent an OS crash from taking down the HS setup. Hyperspin is laggy and a bit unresponsive. Any thoughts on…
Last reply by gigapig, -
- 0 replies
Hi all, I completely setup Hhyperspin some time ago. I haven't looked at it for a good while because of work life etc I fired it up just recently and its now doing a strange thing. Basically all is well, until you choose a system (any system) you get the wheel and the expected theme for that system, with video etc scrolling in. But as soon as you scroll the wheel for another game the wheel fades and none of the theme elements come back in (title, video etc). Exiting that system and entering it again (or another) will show the theme elements for whatever game the wheel happens to be on, and then upon changing game the theme elements fail to re-appear. This i…
Last reply by tayl1684, -
- 34 replies
Anyone know how to get Pinball FX2 to work with hyperspin? I have it working outside of hyperspin (version not requiring steam). I have the wheel all setup. How do you setup the AHK's to launch the indivduall tables per wheel item?
Last reply by jevansoh, -
- 2 replies
Hi guys, i have MAME configures and running on hyperspin, everything works besides, my video snaps I've downloaded a full pack to match my roms from emuparadise, all *.mp4 files, but they show only black screen and sound. I've test with one from emumovies and it works! Is it a conversion problem? Anyone knows how to solve it, it's about 17gb of video, it's a lot to download one at a time from emumovies. Thanks, best regards
Last reply by Masterbaite, -
- 8 replies
Ok so I've got my consoles set pretty decently, now I'm treading into MAME. I have a romset, it's like 40gigs and its 0188u0 i believe. Of course, none of the things are named correctly. What's the best way to attack this romset to get it organized - named correctly, parsed down to English only releases, etc? Or is it best to just find alternative sources for individual MAME games, as I'd only want maybe 100-200 of them anyway...
Last reply by adamg, -
- 2 replies
I'm having an odd problem. I've spent hours setting up custom viewport settings in RL to get my RetroArch systems (99% of them use RetroArch) looking just right and fitting in the window with bezels but when I load a game through HS, the window is very tiny and in the top left corner of the screen. It should be full screen fitting in between the bezels perfectly, just like when I launch through RL but it isn't. It's as if the RL custom viewport settings aren't taking effect or being passed through or something. I don't know if that's it, but again, everything looks perfect when I launch through RL. I have a beta test for my new arcade cabinet scheduled to…
Last reply by jevansoh, -
- 2 replies
I'm using the latest Hyperspin version 1.416 and i'm updating my main menu system intros from the old .flv files to the new .mp4 ones. I'm using Hypersync to d/l the videos. However, when in Hyperspin i get no sound from some of the new videos like Wonderswan color and Atari 2500. These videos do have sound if i open them in other media players. What worries me is that i also updated all my other game videos as well. Thousand's of files. So i'm not sure how many are affected. Is there a reason why Hyperspin doesn't play sound with some? Edit: Some videos now have sound but no video...
Last reply by RLBradders26, -
- 0 replies
I'm trying to rename my Neo Geo (AES) collection using Don's Tool. The XML from Hyperlist doesn't have CRC values, so it's not matching. Don's Tool isn't matching using fuzzy logic, as it seems to be looking inside the rom zip files. Am I using these wrong? Thanks for the help in advance!
Last reply by angryherbalist, -
- 2 replies
Hi All I started this build 2 years ago but due to illness I had to put it on hold, not much has changed in my build but I am looking at getting a new GFX card, most of the questions I have seen on this were before the 10xx series cards were released. I have a i7 3770 CPU with 16Gb of 1600Mhz RAM What minimum amount I can spend on a card that will do the job, is it worth getting a 10xx or saving money and go for an older card? Thanks in advance.
Last reply by voicon, -
- 1 follower
- 1 reply
I never had any issue with ROM manager until i decided to build a C64 and Amstrad set. The Amstrad set has 2k+ roms and when i load the xml in the rom manager and hit scan to check my roms, it stops responding. I leave it there for 5 minutes but it won't show any results. Any idea how to fix this? Or should i check the roms in small batches?
Last reply by Dilated18, -
- 44 replies
First off, my wife thinks I'm crazy for all of the Hyperspin time. Granted.... But....... OK Here we go.... On the loading screen when waiting for a game to load, every great once in a while down in the lower right hand corner an image of a dude with black hair pops up over the hyperspin logo for like 1 second...wih a big goofy grin on his face....nobody has ever been in the room to see it....my wife thinks I am nuts and laughs when i tell her....i swear im gonna leave a screen recorder on for the next six months to capture it happening Please tell me somebody has seen this? It has happened on two different computers with two different installs of hyperspin? Is thi…
Last reply by RLBradders26, -
- 1 follower
- 39 replies
Hi all, Firstly I have to say a BIG thank you to all the support team and contributors to the Hyperspin project. I'm really getting my head around it now and, although initially there's a slight learning curve, once you get a feel for how it's put together it's brilliant!! I thought I would initially just want Hyperspin to access all my emulators from one place but now I've 'caught the bug' and gone a bit OCD with getting wheel art, themes etc to all match and be correct for every rom. As part of this almost fanatical approach I wondered if there was either.... 1) Alternative HS transition animations (when you switch from one game to another on the wheel and …
Last reply by gigapig, -
- 0 replies
Someone have the HyperTheme.exe, because my anti-virus remove them, and i do not want to download hyperspin again. Please up here, Thanks
Last reply by Accorsi, -
- 23 replies
Hi, I'm trying to find if there's a set release date (I've seen the video on AVArchivist youtube about new update); is there a date or can someone estimate how far along they are on the release? IE 80%, 90? etc? Will it have 'nested' or 3 level views of wheels (Grouped systems, then system, then wheel), or HyperSpeech, HyperXMLSpin, or other 3rd party support built in? Also, are they looking for any help with AHK coding or ideas? I've only been doing AHK for a couple months, but, I've created some pretty unique stuff for HyperSpin (and RocketLauncher) using autohotkey. I've refined Stephan Gagne's and ***drive seller*** hybird "swapper method" script…
Last reply by jdm001, -
- 50 replies
Hi folks. First post here. I'm a MAME enthusiast for several years and only now I started my cabinet project. I was looking into Hiperspin and it is impressive but I won't do Windows. I actually make my living on Linux exclusively (I work for Canonical, of Ubuntu fame) and have a large experience on it. As I was already thinking about create a nice interface for MAME on linux (the current ones are crude) I thought why not create a Linux version of hiperspin? I'm no designer but I have a very good experience creating GL based applications using SDL. I would like to do this with the HS creators blessing as I have the intention to use the art on it. Any developers her…
Last reply by Jawbraeka, -
- 1 follower
- 59 replies
Has anyone setup Amiga Demos in hyperspin ?? I got the games working great launching through WINUAE Launcher. Can anyone talk me through just adding the demos too and also doing a .XML
Last reply by richie_jones, -
- 3 replies
I am almost finished with setting up my HyperSpin setup, but there's one big problem. It's not a dealbreaker by any means, but it may become a hindrance in hindsight. Most of the games I have loaded into HyperSpin are recognized, but sometimes, things just don't come up! For example, games like Q-Bert for the Dreamcast and Wheel of Fortune for the Sega CD just don't show up in HyperSpin at all, even though RocketLauncher recognizes them perfectly! And there are other instances where the games could be recognized, but not the video snaps! The only example I could think of is Mr. Bones for the Sega Saturn. I CLEARLY have the snaps from EmuMovies downloaded, rename…
Last reply by Yeuxkes,