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Need help setting up specific emulator in HyperSpin? Check the Tutorials section first and then post your questions here.

- XBOX/XBOX 360 Attraction II Themes
- Last reply by Andyman,
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Having problems with HyperSpin? You've come to the right place!

- Hyperspin not running
- Last reply by Roadrunner,
3,641 topics in this forum
- 10 replies
Hi Guys can anyone tell me if this pc is powerful enough to pay drama at and ps2 game and what the limitations or problems It may cause me? Thank you http://m.ebay.co.uk/itm/FAST-GAMING-PC-Intel-i5-3-20GHz-8GB-DDR3-1-TB-HDD-2GB-GDDR5-Graphic-Card-Win-7-/371552241120
Last reply by capcomtony, -
- 2 replies
Hi. I'd be grateful for the answer to this one. Its hard to watch the spinning game covers in my hyperspin menu. I've tried to find the solution in HyperHQ but to no avail.
Last reply by Bruiserh89, -
- 2 replies
Anyone else notice at least for me with the latest AutoHotKey release it is coming up as Malware with Windows Defender.
Last reply by Krakerman, -
- 3 replies
Hi All, so, thanks to these forums and Youtube, I was able to get my Hyperspin MAME setup working on Windows 7, and it was near flawless. I use an X-Arcade Tankstick for my controller, which basically emulates a keyboard input via USB. I recently upgraded to Windows 10, and now whenever I launch Hyperspin and it goes to the first "wheel" (console/platform selector) it just spins on it's own (randomly, like in demo mode) and my joystick can no longer control it. However, when Hyperspin is loading, I press the "ENTER" key on the controller and it jumps over the intro....so it clearly received the command. But once it hits the platform selector wheel, it's just like…
Last reply by STEMALO, -
- 1 reply
Hi there, I've been working on getting hyperspin set up for a few days now, and it has been pretty smooth sailing so far (thanks to the forum). But i've come across an issue that I just can't seem to work out. I'm trying to launch turbografx 16 games via hyperlaunch but keep getting: "Cannot find: C:\Documents and Settings\Admin\Desktop\HyperSpin\Modules\NEC TurboGrafx-16\NEC TurboGrafx-16.ahk You do not have a HyperLaunch 2 module for NEC TurboGrafx-16. Please create one or check HyperList." Iv'e been pulling my hair out because the module is named properly, and is an exact copy of the module I use for my other systems that use mednafen, 08:44:04 AM | Hyp…
Last reply by inf35ted, -
- 2 replies
Hi guys, As the tittle suggests. I want to launch the PC Game Pinball Arcade, directly from Hyperspins main menu... But i want to use Hyperlaunch to take care of the launching because i want to take advantage of the Fade feature. I use the fade-in feature of hyperlaunch to display the System controls before the game boots. Problem is, i'm not sure how to do this. I can easily create a main menu wheel called PC Games, then launch the program from within the PC Games sub menu, however i don't want this... I want Pinball Arcade as a wheel in the Main Menu. Is there a guide to this? I'm assuming you use PCLauncher to take care of this, but how do i set it up in this…
Last reply by dotnetzero, -
- 3 replies
Hey all So admittedly PS2 sits at the flagship of my consoles emulated in my hyperspin cabinet build because its as nostalgic as all f#ck. I was in my early twenties, refusing to grow up and having nights with the lads playing the thing amongst other immature endeavors. I digress. But there doesnt seem to be a game wheel for PS2. Is there one and I've missed it? Worst case scenario and I have to create game wheel entries for each ps2 game (a scary thought, but I will put a poster of myself in the lounge room so my wife and kids dont forget who I am ) is there a template or better still, a guide out there? Cheers folks.
Last reply by Bruiserh89, -
- 5 replies
I have an odd issue... 3 main menu system wheel images, always the same 3 never show at load of HS. If i enter a wheel and come back, they often start showing (not always), and can later disappear again. I've tried resaving the PNGs, but no change... it's clearly not a naming issue as they DO show occasionally... anyone got any thoughts? Thanks
Last reply by Dime333, -
- 14 replies
Looking at getting a light gun for my setup. It seems the AimTrak is the best one out there. Is this still the case? Also read about the EMS TopGun III. The AimTrak seem to have mixed reviews though so I'm not sure which to go for. Is the AimTrak decent for calibration?
Last reply by XC-3730C, -
- 23 replies
If you click the top left corner of demul when it is full screen with your mouse it will restore demul to a small window, if you click about an inch in from the left it will shrink demul to a window plus you also get the about demul window showing up. Now playing ordinary games this isn't a problem but when playing lightgun games this is a big deal. Anyway of disabling this?, I'm not sure if its demul or windows as windows lets you close\restore\minimise etc if you click the top left corner of a window.
Last reply by kevinlisowski, -
- 7 replies
Hi, build a Apple2.xml full Gamebase set. All Games match to a Titel or Game snap. Database & Snaps found on FTP under "Nexus23"! hope you like it !? Maybe someone wants to build the wheels? Auto Wheel Creator does not work for me...
Last reply by gigalula, -
- 6 replies
Hi Guys, I've finally got round to updating to 1.4 with Rocket Launcher. Everything running fine except for my Hori RAP 3 Stick that I use for playing. It was working perfectly fine in my old version of HS/HL. I've set it up in HQ but the response time I'm now getting is very slow/delayed when selecting on the wheel. Any ideas why this is happening? Do I need to go back to the old way via xpadder and if so is it the same set up in RL as it was in HL? Thanks in advance
Last reply by albert_c, -
- 6 replies
Hi my friend would like hyperspin and as I have it I was wondering how I go about cloning my drive and transferring the data to his external drive. Is it simply a case of plugging it in and copying the D drive of my hyperspin? Cheers guys
Last reply by aldub516, -
- 19 replies
Now that the long awaited PSX database has been released, it is time to finish this system. I have collected covers for all game except the following... 1Xtreme (USA) Onside Complete Soccer (Europe) F1 Racing Championship (USA) Flying Squadron (Europe) Global Domination (Europe) King of Bowling 3 (Europe) LMA Manager 2002 (Europe) Madden NFL 2005 (USA) March Madness '98 (USA) Player Manager 2000 (Europe) Super Match Soccer (Europe) Superbike Masters (Europe) Truck Rally (Europe) Herkules (Europe) I have found some of these but they are not proper covers. For instance, USA covers for Europe games, and Europe covers for USA games. We all put in so much work to our s…
Last reply by mccorkled, -
- 1 follower
- 18 replies
Please give a warm welcome as a new forum moderator, everyone's favourite well turned out, bald headed assassin, Agent47. He's certainly helped with my workload and kind of reminds me of myself, super helpful, quick to respond, friendly and of course very handsome. I'm sure he won't take any nonsense either, so if you've been naughty check the roof tops and behind the toilet for the master of stealth We are having a bit of a much needed shake up and clean up here at retro centre and I'm looking forward to working with our new staff and also our fantastic members. Thank you very much guys.
Last reply by gigapig, -
- 1 follower
- 11 replies
Hello everyone, I am new to emulations, but have been gaming since I owned an Atari 2600 and spent most my allowances on cartridges or at arcades. I now have some nephews and nieces who are coming of age to appreciate the delights of a traditional arcade, so I am building a HyperSpin arcade cabinet and a HyperPin table. The 80's may be gone, but I hope to capture the pure joy of these games for the next generation. I've been having some trouble setting up Hyperspin, specifically with HyperspinHQ. Windows 10 keeps kicking me out of the program. Does anyone have any ideas as to this issue? thanks as always, devilFist
Last reply by gigapig, -
- 5 replies
I have HyperSPin connected to a non-analog joystick. Tried all threshold settings. Tried all wheel speed settings. Works great with the games, but if I try to use it to control the spin and selection of the games, the wheel just keeps spinning. I set the speed to slow, but it just keeps spinning. How can this whee be controlled with a joystick? What exactly is the problem?
Last reply by Nocturnaloner, -
- 1 follower
- 3 replies
LOL easy setup for Android with MEmu in Hyperspin NOTE. This is if you can live with just the executable of MEmu in Hyperspin. You boot into the Android system and choose your games from there. You need a mouse or a keymapper simulated mouse for controls. 1. Install MEmu, it´s free: http://www.memuplay.com/ 2. Open MEmu, configure it like you want it. Add your Google Play Account. Install the games you want to play from Google Play. 3. Open HyperHQ. Go to Main Menu Wizard. Add “Android” as executable. Add path to MEmu.exe. 4. Put your Android wheel, system video and theme in Media/Main Menu 5. Start up Hyperspin/Android and enjoy. …
Last reply by diskmach, -
- 1 follower
- 4 replies
I am currently stress testing my rig for MAME and HLSL settings. With Blitz 2k, my cpu (i5-4460) can handle it 100% without sweating, however, with the HLSL settings I plugged in...the Intel HD 4400 embedded gpu was crying uncle in no time. So, a discreet gpu is in order. Will this be sufficient? http://m.newegg.com/Product/index?itemnumber=N82E16814500337
Last reply by albert_c, -
- 0 replies
Is there a Link/Network, Database/list, of games for MAME ?
Last reply by pind112, -
- 0 replies
Cant work this one out ! When I select a game in my mame favorites menu, the game launches fine, but the audio from the video preview for that particular game continues to play, as well as the loaded games audio. Its like the video is still running in the background although it cant be seen. Incidently this is just in the favorites menu. This problem doesnt happen from the general games list when you launch a game Any ideas ? Gary
Last reply by jockinaus, -
- 6 replies
Hi Guys, I took a crack at adding Nintendo Game & Watch to the RetroArch module. Seems to launch fine on my end. RocketLauncher System = Nintendo Game & Watch Module - http://pastebin.com/TXADx26P XML - http://pastebin.com/3cUTNuT1 This is quick and dirty for now. I simply did a rom -> XML and the rom names match the RetroArch provided game files.
Last reply by luxmen, -
- 0 replies
Hello guys I use glideN64 and htc textures for zelda i have tested los of settings and every time i have a blackscreen but the game ist loadiso and Run i listen the Music but the mystery is ... IT work with zelda master quest ocarina of time and the Same settings I every zelda game i have got a blackscreen and the game runs... I need help
Last reply by xbboyx101, -
- 1 follower
- 3 replies
****************, what is it? The site is in some Swahili-like foreign language or something so I can't make two cents of it (I know it's French. It's a joke). It it just HyperSpin translated into another language, with a foreign movement? A foreign fork of HyperSpin? Or is it a blatant rip-off of HyperSpin? Which isn't too bad considering that imitation is the best form of flattery. EDIT: Nevermind, the board isn't letting me ask the question at all.
Last reply by albert_c, -
- 1 follower
- 18 replies
I would like you all to give a very warm welcome to our friend Avar who has been promoted to moderator. He is a great asset to the forum, helping out in all areas with that cheeky grin, so well done Sir. We look forward to working with you to make the site even better.
Last reply by TheMadHatter,