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Need help setting up specific emulator in HyperSpin? Check the Tutorials section first and then post your questions here.

- XBOX/XBOX 360 Attraction II Themes
- Last reply by Andyman,
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Having problems with HyperSpin? You've come to the right place!

- Hyperspin not running
- Last reply by Roadrunner,
3,641 topics in this forum
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Hi, I note this system appears to have little support so i would like to create over time a video pack for this system . However i would like to use the game pack that most people use to make it useful to all. Therefore i am asking what is the best Atari xl xe game pack to use? Thanks Andy
Last reply by Plastron, -
- 0 replies
bonjour a touse, j aurai besoin de vos lumiere, j ai un petit sousis avec le son de mon hyperspin,au lancement de mon hyperspin j ai plus de son pour l intro et pour la wheel, par contre quand je lance un jeu j ai du son .mon hyperspin fonctionnait tres bien .
Last reply by minotor, -
- 1 follower
- 2 replies
Hey Guys, Started building a wheel with all the art and videos for the Sony Playstation Vita. Do we have a module available I can use for Vita3k so we can run its games from within Hyperspin? Thank you!
Last reply by t824601, -
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Hello, I'm in the process of configuring Epsxe 2.05 and module 2.1.6 under emu 2.05 but unfortunately I ran into a few problems, so called: I will not litter the forum and write all the problems in one post, i was looking on the RL forum, this page but the topic either closer or moved the archive, i.e. 1 comes out ;( 1. Games packed 7zip, zip etc do not start despite checking 7z enable and another problem If he wants to run the game in slow boot mode in 7zip zip, every time such bushes appear as on the attached SS WTF oO 2. How to configure multimode / game, ie if the game is played on several discs 3. Problem with analogs in games, e.g. wwf smackdown 2 aft…
Last reply by KRIS85, -
- 0 replies
Hello Everyone, I am new to Hyperspin and Mame... and have run into an issue. I have been trying to play Xmen with my boys.. and every time I go in and try to set the controls on my cabinet, it auto assigns the control to the letter "A" before I can put my input. My cabinet just has 4 Sanwa controls... I do have a keyboard setup And I even turned off the keyboard (bluetooth) to see if it was a keyboard issue but it keeps doing it. So I tried to set the Gobal Controls in mame... and also did the "For this Machine" controls... and it does the same thing. So as you can imagine, its somehow always hitting A.. I have no idea what to do. I should say, it …
Last reply by FlimFlam, -
- 1 follower
- 5 replies
Hi, Im trying to add OpenBOR to my Hyperspin. I added the exe file along with the roms but it keep getting the " Cant find ROMs error. I can use a little help with this issue.
Last reply by Aorin, -
- 1 reply
I can’t find these Unified arcade themes anywhere here or on the ftp. I could download the videos of them on EM but I’d rather have the real thing.
Last reply by BobbyZ, -
- 0 replies
hey guys, im having an issue getting rocketlauncher to launch deml shooter along with dolphin for wii shooting games i set up wii shooters on its own wheel and using dolphin emulator and dolphin ahk... i tried setting dolphin exe to launch demul and then dolphin via bat file i got it to work outside of rocketlauncher.. but when i assign rocketlauncher to read the bat as the exe.... rocketlauncher is stuck on the now loading screen. if i set rocketlauncher to read just the dolphin exe, it boots like normal... but i need to add a way to have demul shooter launch before dolphin TIA
Last reply by rcdude, -
- 2 replies
Looking for a gun game list for the wii. Anyone have this xml?
Last reply by rcdude, -
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- 3 replies
Hey All, A true gentleman by the name of Schwing over on the Arcade Controls forum whipped together a new Keyboard to Xinput solution about a year ago. It's far simpler and more stable than the old VJoy/X360ce workaround! Rework your cab to avoid all Dinput/Xinput conflicts in games from here on and simplify game installation! It works with all the latest most popular games like Street Fighter V, Dragon Ball FighterZ, Soul Calibur 6, Tekken 7... you name it! I just reworked my machines over the holidays and can say it works like a charm. Take a look and share your experiences with it... and give a shout out to Schwing for the great work on this VERY needed appli…
Last reply by ninja2bceen, -
- 2 replies
Hello, I am new to the hyperspin scene; I currently use windows 10 and have been excited about this software for a while, but my last computer died and still hasn´t been fixed. Now I finally have the time to use it on a desktop but when I was about to download hyperspin I saw that apparently there´s a problem with the latest windows update. Has this problem been fixed? I don´t know much about hyperspin, so am I supposed to download the latest version and apply a patch, or will it self update? thanks.
Last reply by Lcvolt, -
- 1 reply
Hi everyone, I am stumped. I've had Rocketlauncher and Hyperspin working with MAME for a while. I wanted to get other emulators going so downloaded Retroarch and started with SNES. I have everything done and can play the first ten ROMS I downloaded for SNES. I downloaded about 20 more, and Hyperspin isn't seeing them. When I do a game audit in RLUI it only finds ten games. I can launch the games in Retroarch just fine - it just seems like Hyperspin/RL aren't finding them. I have 7z enabled. All the games are zip files and I haven't changed the name, downloaded from WOW roms. I have ROMS only checked in HQ, and I do have zip,7z for file extensions in both HQ and RL. Any id…
Last reply by Mrmikey73, -
- 1 reply
Problem with Aspect ratio, mame.ini with Hyperspin and RocketLauncher Hi all. I will be super brief: - Arcade machine running Hyperspin and RocketLauncher which I didn't set up - Games run at 16:9 unless I set "Keepaspect = 1" in C:\Hyperspin\Emulators\Mame\mame.ini - File seems to get re-created every time I boot the machine. I tried setting the file to read only but it still gets set to 0 when the machine boots again. Is there any way to know what is causing the file to be overwritten or any other way to solve this issue?
Last reply by monoespacial, -
- 28 replies
hello i have successfully added bezel support to a few modules that previously did not have it acorn bbc micro alice acorn electron now im trying to add it to american laser games any different setup for this system? not your typical system anybody have it set up? thanks craig
Last reply by griffin518, -
- 0 replies
I want to create an AutoHotkey script that only runs on the HyperSpin games screen (i.e. the games wheel for a given emulator). It shouldn't run during the intro movie, emulators screen, or genres screen. I use this AHK snippet to detect when HyperSpin is running: if (WinActive("HyperSpin")) { ; Custom code } Problem is, the custom code will run on every HyperSpin screen and not just the games screen. Is there a way to distinguish between the different HyperSpin screens?
Last reply by SuperPang, -
- 2 replies
Hello I'm frecnh..sorry for my bad english l hyperspin in the navigation, the joystick move too speed. I can't select the good game or the good emulator because selection is difficult. I past 2 per 2 or 5 per 5...I can't selct emulatot per emulator...witch the keybordit's ok What is the solution. Many time also, I can't move...the video emulator is playing and my joystick not respond...I need to move many time to leave the video... Can you help Me?
Last reply by dark13, -
I downloaded something like a theme pack(A pack that contains medias like artworks, videos, bezels, etc etc, that you can just drag and drop on your Hyperspin/Rocketlaucher setup) and I've noticed that the Bezels it provided are divided into two Folders which are: Horizontal and Vertical. I loaded them up in my systems bezel directory :(RocketLauncher\Media\Bezels\Shmups MAME\_Default) but hyperspin is only loading the Horizontal folder bezel for all my games. I want all of my vertical screen games to use the Vertical folder's bezel and likewise with Horizontal games.
Last reply by shambles1980, -
- 4 replies
Hi guys. i have setup JoyToKey Keymapper for HyperSpin. Imade it launch at Startup with HyperHQ. It works fine. But I want it to work ONLY in Hyperspin, so if I tab out for example in my Browser it shouldn´t work. Is there a setting for this? Thanks
Last reply by 32assassin, -
- 1 follower
- 1 reply
So I was tired of all the mashup HS intro videos out there that didn't capture the retro 80's arcade past-time and also had some shitty ass music. I edited two HS intro videos and mashed it into one. I did add the VHS effects, adjusted the brightness and saturation, and threw in the classic Separate Ways (the mix adds to that nostalgia). I will be attempting to make an original video sometime this summer. There is also a clean non-VHS version on my channel as wel. Hope you guys dig it. 😎
Last reply by gigapig, -
- 1 reply
I cannot for the life of me get PCSX2 to work with a playstation controller when launched through rocketlauncher/hyperspin. Created a joy2key profile matching keys binded in PCSX2. My settings are all set to global and to use joy2key. My main controller for hyperspin is a 360 controller, so maybe that's the problem? edit : narrowed it down to a specific game I was using to test. Tony hawks pro skater 4. Controls work great when launched through pcsx2, but controls do not work through hyperspin. Every other games controls are perfect through hyperspin, any ideas?word counter VidMate Mobdro
Last reply by dark13, -
- 3 replies
Hi All, I have been playing around with my Mame cab lately and have recently attempted to add the "Nintendo Entertainment System" to the list of systems (previously I only had different arcade manufacturers and only using the MAME emulator). I have HyperSpin as the front end and had previously successfully used HyperSync to get all arcade video snaps to work. I have everything setup where Nintendo Entertainment System is showing up on the wheel, launching games through the NES emulator great. I used HyperSync to download all EmuMovies content for NES and all artwork and a lot of animation/themes seem to have synced fine and appear on the wheel. The videos also s…
Last reply by jtb1987, -
- 1 follower
- 10 replies
So... Here are the questions: 1. I want to know how hyperspin works to launch a game from an emulator, and for PC games, i mean, what does it make it work? From my knowledge HyperLaunch makes start the AHK file from the Modules to run the game or rom from the emulator, if its like this, i want to know the steps the HyperLaunch or modules does. 2. Im currently "working" in using Demulshooter (a program that gives you the posibility to use dual guns, in my case... im using Wii motes with configurations. Never mind the configurations). The thing is... that for each shooting game that i run, first i have to open the Demulshooter, THEN the game or in some cases the rom, so…
Last reply by shambles1980, -
- 2 replies
I am quite new and i would love using Hyperspin, i am confuse in which antivirus to use with having Hyperspin. Does antivirus affect Hyperspin. I am interested in Avast or AVG or i could also probably choose from Avast and Mcafee and i want to choose from them. Any guidance in this regard would be appreciated. Many thanks..
Last reply by KerryBrown, -
- 2 replies
Hello I'm trying to configure epsxe on rocketlaucher I can make the configuration perfectly but when running any game it stays with black screen and does not come out, running the emulator only all games that I have here run normally. Does anybody know how to solve this?
Last reply by Creezz67, -
- 0 replies
Does anyone have a list of fonts that HyperSpin uses? I'm trying to create special artwork that uses this font: Noticia Extrabold Rounded is close but isn't an exact match.
Last reply by SuperPang,