Android Emulators
Android emulators
143 topics in this forum
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- 132 replies
Tested Emulators -- .ini config settings Retroarch - Various emulators exe=com.retroarch/com.retroarch.browser.retroactivity.RetroActivityFuture parameters=<choose one of the emulator cores like below> Examples of retroarch core parameters Atari 2600 core: parameters=cores/ PSX core: parameters=cores/ libretro cores: etc... Dolphin - Gamecube/Wii/Wiiware exe=org.dolphinemu.dolphinemu/org.dolphinemu.…
Last reply by Honosuseri, -
- 11 replies
Nightly builds - platinum download section Dolphin - PPSSPP - Retroarch - Reicast - Mupen64AE - Other great Android-emulation pages: Top Android emulators - Robert Broglia emulators -
Last reply by BiZzAr721, -
- 0 replies
Hi really sorry if this has already been asked, im quite a noob to this kind of setup. Ive basically followed the below video to a T and I get this error whentry to open Hyperspin the final part. Does anyone have any ideas or can point me in the right direction? Download site This is what shows up on screen Any help would be greatly appreciated Thanks in advance
Last reply by Dave85, -
- 6 replies
This is now the holy grail of settings required for Hyperspin android for Sony Playstation 2 ! The emulator works very well on NVS and many other android phones etc, now all we need is the settings for the Sony Playstation 2.ini Has anyone managed to get it working on their Hyperspin setup ? If so, please could you post your settings.ini file HERE ? Thanks in advance.
Last reply by DaR99, -
- 2 replies
Hello, i´ve installed the 200gb hyperspin pack for my nvidia shield, but some games, nintendo, supernintendo wont bot through hyperspin, the screen goes black for a while then throws me back to the select games menu. The same roms work fine if i start retroarch and run the game through there. Whats wrong?
Last reply by novellakeeney, -
- 2 replies
I purchased this hdd and need help, ive done everything on these instructions and still nothing happens, hyperspin doesnt even open on my home screen, ive seen a video that says to root it but idk, then one that says unzip files, i dont know how to do either. Is there a tutorial video out there, its been 2 weeks i havent heard from the vendor so reaching out to public for help thank you
Last reply by fred33, -
- 13 replies
Hi all, hope someone can help me. I'm trying to set up Retroarch with the core ScummVM with Hyperspin. I followed this guide , but am stuck on a few points. 1. Where do I create my game folders? I put them in Hyperspin/Emulators/ScummVM/roms. Is this OK? 2. Where do the media folders go? E.g. Day of the Tentacle, do I put the media folder in Hyperspin/Media/tentacle? Or do I have a media folder inside the folder where I put my rom? 3. None of the media I've saved in the standard Media path currently shows up on the wheel, I'm assuming that's because the XML file has the "game/folder" structure in place, so fixing 2 will fix this? 4. I couldn't ed…
Last reply by Chewyspin, -
- 2 replies
I have attached a short video showing that the Arcade games not launching and other games launching perfectly with no problem. So when I try to launch the Arcade Game it appears to open up Retroarch, but does not load the core. Do I have to edit the Hyperspin Info Settings to make sure it is opening up the Core to launch the game? I am trying to provide all information that I can in order to get this build fully up and running. Once again thanks in advance for any assistance with this.
Last reply by budhatley, -
- 0 replies
I really need some help with this. I am attempting to install hypserspin to my nvidia shield. I am using an external usb devis to hold the files. When i click to open hyperspin i get "No hypersin data folder found! Valid locations are "/storage/uuiid/hyperspin, /sdcard/heperspin", or /storage/sdcard0/hyperspin" Please visit Why is it trying to access my SD card when my shield doesnt even have a sd card slot. It should be accessing the external USB storage i added. I just cant for the life of me figure out who to ask for help on this. Thank you!
Last reply by NerdOfTheNorth, -
- 0 replies
Hola, tengo una shield tv con hyperspin y hay un amigo que está intentando configurar el lanzamiento de pc games desde la shield, Me ha pedido la ruta de instalación de gamestream y creo que la hemos conseguido encontrar pero no sabemos bien como lanzar cada juego. Alguien nos puede ayudar? Gracias
Last reply by davidsotelo, -
- 0 replies
Hey guys, I've been using Glide64 on M64Plus FZ since it runs way better than GlideN64, but I've encontered some graphical bugs. Snider blueprints shows all of them unlocked, even though I only have 3. On GlideN64 it shows up correctly. And Diddy's face on the gongs shows up colored, but it should only show up as a black mark. Also on GlideN64 it shows up correctly. Anybody knows how to fix this? any specific setting I should change? Thanks
Last reply by pedrosenedesi, -
- 1 follower
- 17 replies
I did notice today that the Caprice core has been added to the cores available in Retroarch's online updater. I did already have it added but that was through faffing around with a "custom" retroarch.cfg file which sourced the cores from an alternate source (I think Pouter had done a Youtube video in French about it some time ago). The Amstrad CPC is the first machine I can recall ever owning, it makes me smile replaying some of the classic games (Barbarian is awesome!). Hope this helps some of you guys out, now you don't need to jump through hoops to play the games. Have a great weekend whatever it is you're doing
Last reply by flisterten, -
- 0 replies
So, i am looking for the retroarch Mame 0.197, Mame2016 0.174, Multi(Mess)2014/Mess2015 and Ume2014/2015 cores. I was unable to find them online and i heard that some guys here have them, so i figured i'd give it a shot. (Also mess repos are gone from libretro github so this place might be the only way to get my hands on these older cores).
Last reply by Manwhoneedshiscores, -
- 1 follower
- 6 replies
I have converted a Dreamcast GDI to CHD which launches fine from reicast locally but if I try to launch through Hyperspin it just takes me to the Dreamcast bios/menu screen, anyone know how to fix this? edit. Not to worry guys went with redream instead
Last reply by shitoken, -
- 1 reply
Anyway to set hyperspin to autostart rom on Nvidia shield? Thanks
Last reply by Creezz67, -
- 1 reply
Hi , what is a intent to run new Yaba Sanshiro 2 pro ? Cannot get it to work old one was exe=org.uoyabause.uranus/ Thanks
Last reply by sanchezmike01, -
- 0 replies
Hi Guys if your trying to set up M64plus FZ on android this is what i did to get my one up and running with NVida Sheild TV exe=org.mupen64plusae.v3.fzurita/ parameters= romextension= n64,z64,zip,v64 searchsubfolders=false
Last reply by iamthamiz, -
Is there android emulator for the windows 10?
Last reply by Creezz67, -
- 9 replies
uoYabause has been replaced by Yaba Sanshiro on Android. This is a very good Sega Saturn EMU with excellent compatibility. If you still have uoYabause as your EMU in your Hyperspin cfg you'll notice it no longer runs.
Last reply by funkboy27, -
- 1 follower
- 3 replies
- 5.6k views The Redream emulator for Sega Dreamcast, is available on the google playstore. I know people struggled with setting up the standalone Reicast emulator, Redream is far easier. No extra BIOS files are required and it detected my gamepad straight away, even found the game files! I have asked about launch intent, so the app is compatible with frontends like Hyperspin and Arc Browser. The reply I got was he meant to add the feature last night but "forgot" as inundated with day one crash reports. Once the feature is implemented, I'll do a video showcasing the emulator and show my settings.ini for Hyperspin
Last reply by thomasbelmont, -
- 1 follower
- 2 replies
Hi all. I’m hoping someone here can help me, im currently got working setup on my nvidia shield. But decided to add another console to my wheel which I’ve done, my issue is my existing 5Tb hard drive is full so I’m trying to add the new console roms to the new external 10tb hdd and point to it in the ps2 settings.ini but I keep getting error “missing rom” the database.xml is correct and so are the roms as they work fine if I put them on 5Tb Hd i just want to add the specific console roms to external drive I even tried full rom path, but I’m not sure as the drive letter means nothing in Android so any help is appreciated
Last reply by idanunez, -
- 4 replies
Hi all, It seems retroarch (at least on android) has removed their Mupen64plus core and replaced it with Mupen64plus-next. My hyperspin (Nvidia shield) won't launch N64 games anymore because it's trying to launch a core that no longer exist. I have tried editing my "Nintendo 64.ini" file with multiple variations to get the new core to launch, but I cannot get it to work. Anyone know the new core parameters off hand? I've searched quite a bit and am coming up empty. Just to clarify I'm looking for the "Parameters =" line under the exe= that determines which core retro arch will use. I have confirmed manually loading the "Mupen64Plus-Next" core works with content. I just c…
Last reply by bernicepark, -
- 1 reply
Hello, New updates came today for all Robert broglias .emu apps. They no longer auto load roms when run through hyperspin. Anyone know the new command to get this working? thanks iosman
Last reply by iosman, -
- 1 reply
Hello, I recently sideloaded Ducktales Remastered to my shield tv. I've been trying to get it to launch from hyperspin's main menu but after choosing the game HS crashes to the dashboard. this is what my exe command looks like: [exe info] path= rompath= userompath=true exe=com.disney.ducktalesremastered_goo/.DuckTalesActivity romextension= parameters= searchsubfolders=true pcgame=true winstate=HIDDEN hyperlaunch=true Neither of these seem to work, is there something I'm doing wrong? thanks iosman
Last reply by iosman, -
- 4 replies
Finally finished setting up about 500 games from msdos for nvidia shield...each game has been mapped to the controller and can still use a keyboard and mouse...all games have been set to the internal drive (500g pro edition)..each game launches via a conf file and each game has been checked for speed , graphics, and control settings..
Last reply by niheso1635,
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