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- XBOX/XBOX 360 Attraction II Themes
- Last reply by Andyman,
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- Hyperspin not running
- Last reply by Roadrunner,
3,641 topics in this forum
- 16 replies
The question is really simple... is it possible to generate, in some ways, an xml with the same structure of the posted image from hyperspin's .xmls or emulators .dat? More infos I can get the better it is It may seems a crazy question but... well, I've found a way to batch these kind of .xml in photoshop to create info artworks. You can create layout then assign variables to text layers and automatically create images from simple data
Last reply by ghutch92, -
- 19 replies
Hey everyone Following install instructions on here for hyperspin/launch etc. I'm getting to the part of the "git clone" in the hyperspin folder I right clicked the first time, the option came up, entered the directory, and it wouldn't work. My stupid 160lb mastif then stepped on my mouse, clicked some shit, now when I right click I only get "git synch" or "git commit" 2 questions 1. How do I reverse what happened to the folder 2. How come the git didn't work the first few times? I'm following instructions to the T!!
Last reply by Agrajag, -
- 3 replies
So, I'm an avid SNES fan. In fact, that system alone is pretty much the reason I got into emulation in the first place. I'm working on making special videos, wheels, and boxes for games that aren't on the minted list. I also went ahead and filled in most of the gaps from the minted list. I skipped over two games: Super Copa (Brazil) because I couldn't seem to get past the menu screen and Mickey's Playtown Adventure - A Day of Discovery! (USA) (Proto) because that game freezes and is just plain terrible when it's not frozen. For me, I'd rather just not have them in my list. I posted this info on the emu movies boards, but 1) this forum gets more attention and 2) thes…
Last reply by gerardogelizondo, -
- 1 reply
If the sharp x68000 is a home computer, why do some of the games mention "insert coin" ... like a game/rom on MAME? thanks just curious craig
Last reply by Skitprat, -
- 4 replies
Hi All, Was hoping to find my solution by reading related posts but I've tried a lot with no luck. EPSXE works fine on it's own outside of Hyperspin, loading cue files. The problem I'm having is when I load a game in Hyperspin, the emulator stays in a black screen and seems to not load the game. I'm running through HyperlaunchHQ with Daemon Tools "true" and a SCSI drive "true". The cue naming convention is correct with the XML, which loads them on the wheel. Rom path is correct, extensions are set in HyperHQ as cue, bin, ecm and HyperLaunchHQ as cue|bin|ecm. I just downloaded HyperLaunchHQ a week ago so I can't imagine module are out of date. Not sure what the disco…
Last reply by nofxbam, -
- 1 reply
Has anybody got a theme for: Soul Calibur II Soul Calibur III Mortal Kombat Armageddon I don't really care what system they were made for. I did not find anything in the FTP. Thanks.
Last reply by TheManuel, -
- 6 replies
Hello! I have been running Hyperspin for quite some time, and recently (today) created a new intro video that I want to play when the arcade starts. Problem is, the new video is MP4, and I can only get Hyperspin to play a file if it's name is exactly Intro.flv. I tried just changing the file extension and the video plays, but with no audio. What is the proper way to play an MP4 at startup? Is there a specific audio encoding I should be using? Thanks.
Last reply by timekiller, -
- 1 reply
hello, i am working on sharp mz-2500 game setup if anybody can read japanese and would like to help out on what certain screens ask/state....that would be greaat thanks
Last reply by relic, -
- 6 replies
Does anybody have a solution for the xarcade control setup for this game? I have tried vjoy and the xarcades virtual xb360 driver but none of them seem to work. I have Mortal Kombat KE and xarcade's xb360 driver works fine. I'm not sure why it doesn't work for injustice. Anybody have a solotion for this? Thanks!
Last reply by fire10, -
- 9 replies
hello, im working on a module. my first attempt at loading multiple disks. basically the emulator has 4 "slots" for disks. some games have two disks i need to load them both. (into drive 1 and drive 2 separately)..which i know how to do individually.....but some games only have one disk so the module needs to be able to do the following check to see if game has 1,2,3,4 disks? if one disk only....thats easy...load it if has multiple disks ...load them into the right drive (disk 1 in drive 1 etc) any modules you can recommend i look at to see how to do this? if anything comes to mind thanks craig
Last reply by craiganderson, -
- 25 replies
Hi everyone, Requesting Famicom Disk System wheel art if anyone has any or has the time to make them before I get the chance (busy, but aren't we all...) Thanks, Nick
Last reply by jayray442, -
- 1 reply
Is that a Hyperspin will soon be compatible for our system themes 1920x1080 or 1920x1200 create distortion-free version? thank you
Last reply by AshuraX, -
- 35 replies
I am looking to set up some of my systems up with mess but I don't have any programming skills does anyone have a tutorial for it? thanks.
Last reply by gigapig, -
- 4 replies
first off: they are not good, they are not fancy i wanted to finish the wheel today so here we go there is not a ton of good art for these so what i did used the french set to fill in any gaps it is one of those sets that look like this i will put that set in my ftp as well and then i made a few wheels for the remaining again...not hyperspin quality!!!!!!!!!!! not matching! not fancy! im putting them in my ftp if anybody wants them please make better ones!!!! somebody carry on the super major league is from the naomi set here they are in the rectangle
Last reply by floatingyeti, -
- 4 replies
Hey guys, So I have my cabinet up and running and I've been thinking about a mini wireless keyboard. Anyone have any recommendations on brand and model? Also has anyone created an addon to Hyperspin that can keep track of your wins vs your significant other's wins across all games on the cabinet? Thanks for the help.
Last reply by maxpwer, -
- 3 replies
Things are progressing quite quickly and the first 72 hours of our beta test were successful enough that we are now moving on to the public beta. What is this new download service? The EmuMovies Download Service Utility completely automates the installation and use of all of our artwork packs and media in the front end of your choice. This means that instead of spending months of downloading, sorting and renaming it will now only take minutes per system (plus download time). The download service utility only downloads the content to match your roms and renames the content automatically to whatever romset you have so it just works! Feature List Support for over 70 diff…
Last reply by jamaster14, -
- 1 reply
Hi all, newbie at HyperSpin. What I've done so far is download Hyperspin, HyperLaunch, Dons List Generator etc I've generated a MAME.xml file using the LG and placed it in the Database folder and it's called MAME.xml I only have the Donkey Games listed. When I show the wheel for MAME none of these games get listed. If I click enter on Daphne (as an example) I see all the Daphne games. Any easy way to troubleshoot this ?
Last reply by gigapig, -
- 7 replies
Hi my drive with hyperspin on it what u think I should do I ran CrystalDiskInfo and got a caution on my drive that has hyperspin on got a yellow tab that says Reallocated Sector Count current 100 worst 100 threshold 36 000000000180 them temp is 27c and smart test passed and help be great can get a new drive but don't really wont just throw away if can help it.
Last reply by craiganderson, -
- 17 replies
Hello my name is Jamie and I have always dreamt of building a arcade system but never acted on it. Then about two weeks ago I saw a video in my YouTube feed about hyperspin and it blew my mind on how cool it looked and what a great community was supporting it. I also could not find basic up to date recommendations for a PC when doing searches, so I apologize for kicking an over done topic. So now I am planning on building an upright arcade, not sure if I will build or get a flat pack. But in the mean time I found a used tankstick that I will play around with while I learn more about hyperspin and building a cabinet. I don't plan on using it in my build. But what I am lo…
Last reply by albert_c, -
- 1 reply
Hey people! I am searching for some awesome ARCADE STYLE game names =) I'm building an arcade machine and first off I got to fix my HS to work (nearly done) but I want some awesome games for an arcade machine. The machine will be a two player machine with 1 joystick + 8 buttons per player. Could someone give me some good names and the console names with it? Till now I got this set up: N64, NES, SNES, Sega GENESIS. But I want to set up other consoles aswell if they give me the oppotunity to have some awesome arcade style games! Thx in adv =D
Last reply by jamaster14, -
- 4 replies
I'm cruising through NES roms and renaming with Hypermatch, but suddenly and for no reason I can understand, pressing Audit on the NES section instantly throws an Unhandled Exception. Rebooting didn't solve it, and I can't keep working if it refuses to function. I even deleted Hypermatch and redownloaded it and the unhandled exception still happens every time. It's only for the NES section, everything else works fine, which makes me think I inadvertently mucked something up with my NES database, but it looks fine to me and Hyperspin still works perfectly with it. Please help, I have no idea what to do and I'm rather displeased over this. Edit: a little digging makes …
Last reply by Bigodassa, -
- 3 replies
As far as I know it's impossible to change the location of hyperspin rom's info but it is possibile to hide it. The question is: is there a third party software capable of overlaying text on hyperspin while browsing games? I'm preparing a 16:9 htpc layout and making infos as layers would be a pain especially on mame (a .png each rom)... so, it is possible to read it from .xml and select where to place lines? This is a quick test sketch, basically in this case i would like infos on the right panel
Last reply by ghutch92, -
- 2 replies
hello. there was no emergency call ambulance on the emumovies ftp i recorded one KiPuotRWVi4 ill put it in my emumovies ftp if anybody wants it im gonna see if any more are missing and record them as well
Last reply by dougan78, -
- 8 replies
While using a few tools and creating my list of games that I know (not necessarily the games that people that play my arcade know) and seeing posts from folks with thousands of games, I wondered Do you keep the entire Hyperlist database in your hyperspin build or do you edit? I can't image sifting through thousands of games to find the one i'm looking for. I do however use my memberships to download the themes and videos for all the games but edit the XML with only hte games I want. Is there a better way?
Last reply by bondy, -
- 4 replies
Hello people, Today I got a weird problem.. When I go into the SNES sub wheel. Every time I search for a game or something, I just spin up or down and every time the wheel stops responding when I hit the game "Super Punch Out". From there the wheel freezes on that game and no matter what you press, it won't do anything anymore.. (Pressing enter tells me I don't have the ROM tho.. but I don't want it.) Does anyone know how to fix this?.. Help would be appreciated. (Sorry for my bad grammer, just woke up..) EDIT: I found out that it does NOT happen when I remove the wheel image for Super Metroid ( Super Metroid (Japan, USA) ) But I want that to be in there .. Also the…
Last reply by niekholweg,