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Need help setting up specific emulator in HyperSpin? Check the Tutorials section first and then post your questions here.

- XBOX/XBOX 360 Attraction II Themes
- Last reply by Andyman,
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Having problems with HyperSpin? You've come to the right place!

- Hyperspin not running
- Last reply by Roadrunner,
3,641 topics in this forum
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- 90 replies
Hello everybody, It's been a long time since I've posted here. First off hello to all my friends here, and welcome to those that are new since I've been around and haven't gotten a chance to get to know me. It feels good to post here and see what people are up to. Before I go on I would like to first of say that I'm not dead by no means and still have a lot of interest in HyperSpin. I mean it's my baby and I of course want to see it grow to be as best as it can be. I am sorry I haven't been around. Writing a frontend is a lot of work, a lot more than probably most people can handle or have the time for that have the ability. We've seen a lot of them come and go, so…
Last reply by gigapig, -
- 17 replies
Hi, I am setting Up my Sega Genesis on my HyperSpin and i ran into a Problem " Cannot Find Rom- D:\HyperSpin\Roms\Sega Genesis\3 Ninjas Kick Back (USA) with any provided extension" i Check the .xml and Rom name and they matched and I even launched the game from RocketLauncher and it Launched Just Fine, Any suggestions?
Last reply by blkrage, -
- 3 replies
Hi all, With the help of this forum I've managed to set up a new wheel called "Gun Games" (I've just ordered a AimTrak light gun for the cabinet I built!). I've put some American Laser Games and some Mame gun games in the folder and they are working fine through Hyperspin apart from the media? I could probably copy the necessary media in to the Gun Games media folder but wondered if there was a way to avoid duplicating the media? Maybe a way to point the system to the media folder where the ROM is coming from? Is this something that can be done? if not, it's not a big deal but just wanted to avoid duplicating media if possible? Thanks
Last reply by uptown47, -
- 77 replies
ok im tried everthing to get 2 player working on the SSFIVAE on Taito type x. can anybody please help? i searched the forums and found gigapig has a fix but the zip file is corrupt. or not letting me open it. i tried an updated TTXSHELL.exe file but maybe im just installing it in the wrong directory. im sorry if it has been ask a million times, but any help would be greatly appreciated.or point me in the right direction thank you so much!
Last reply by tronbaby, -
- 28 replies
Hey Guys I am a severe nube here and have watched countless youtube videos and read threads but still cant get anything on hyperspin to work. To test out I download approx 700 genesis roms and the Gens Emulator. When I open the emulator and test out the games everything works. I goto Rocketlauncher Changed the Global Gens Emulator path to the path where my Exe file is. Went to the the Sega Genesis Emulators and Set Rom path to the tolder I have all my roms in. Set the default emulator to Gens. Set 7z value to true because the roms are still zipped files. Goto the Games section and do an audit of system games and None are found. I cant figure out what on earth iam …
Last reply by thatman84, -
- 1 follower
- 2 replies
Hello Please help me! 1: Hyperspin and Rocketlauncher on C: Media on E: Rocketlauncher Media-Path is now on E:\Media How can i change the Hyperspin path? 2: Why i need the Media path of booth progs? 3: Here my downloaded Artwork Do i have to unzip that media? 4: Which file from the downloaded media in which folder? 5: Here in Hyperspin again! Which file from the downloaded media in which folder? I thank you very much! wfg fredimoto
Last reply by lio974, -
- 4 replies
Hi to you all again. I sorted a few issues out in my last post. I now have a little nagging issue. I have used Simply Austin's old crt look file and pasted them into root of my Mame folder, MAMEUIFX 0.159 and when i launch a game from there, i get a nice old crt look with scan lines and corners edging, but when i launch from Hyperspin i get all the nice fade in\out screens again from Simply Austin but i don't get that old crt look i was getting from my mame folder, it looks blocky and frankly rubbish. Is there anything i need to alter in RocketLauncher . Thanks for any advice regards Dave
Last reply by griffin518, -
- 2 replies
Hi all, Does anyone know of any arcade buttons you can get that has an xbox 360,PS3 usb controller input connector with them ? I am thinking of the equivalent of a Mayflash arcade stick/ Venom arcade stick that allows you to connect controller into the back and then remaps buttons to this controller. You could literally strip out the mayflash arcade stick and use buttons/wiring on an arcade machine and then plug usb into PC, that's the reason for the question to see if there is already a set you can purchase. Reason to ask is simply because my whole setup is via an xbox 360 controller currently and it would be very useful not to have to remap them all …
Last reply by Creezz67, -
- 7 replies
Hi to you all. I have been away for a while concerning hyperspin but just started using it as of today. My problem is when trying to load a genesis game in hyperspin i keep getting this error cannot find E:\hyperspin\modules\Sega Genesis\.ahk. please create one or use Hyperlist IN Rocketlauncher i have my rom path set correct, my emulator path set correct and when i audit the games and try one it loads up no problem but in hyperspin i get thee above message. So can somebody please explain in a bit of detail how to fix this so i can understand, hyperspin is confusing at best. I hope someone can please help. On a side note, i have mame set up and it works flawless…
Last reply by thatman84, -
- 8 replies
Hi, Has anyone experienced JOY2KEY not working on certain keys ? example, I have setup a game profile for a game and left & right are set ok, but it just won't work with up & down Up & down both work on the keyboard and also when playing the game, but for some reason Joy2Key just won't allow control of these keys. All other buttons work fine. I had to set left and right to use number pad 4 & 6 for left and right, unfortunately numpad 8 & 4 down't work for up and down. Any ideas, is there a setting in Joy2Key I am missing as I have had this issue on a few ancient systems previously? ps, I have set JOY2KEY to use admin right…
Last reply by Creezz67, -
- 6 replies
Pretty sure by default start is the enter key but nothing happens when I hit enter. I can see my two games and the associated videos but they won't start when I hit enter in HS. I set up RL per the video tutorials. Must have something set wrong in RL setup?
Last reply by bpjacobsen, -
- 1 follower
- 3 replies
finally got HS and RL working together. However, when I open HS, it opens in a small window in the middle of my pinball table monitor. I can't figure out how to move it to the backglass monitor and make it fill the screen. Please help. I"m so close. Checked ini files but can't find anything.
Last reply by Bungles, -
- 1 reply
I am stumped. I cannot get HyperSpin to use RocketLauncher. I have followed the tutorials perfectly. My settings.ini points to C:\RocketLauncher\Rocketlauncher.exe. Reviewing the log and every time: "cannot find hyperlaunch" then it defaults to HyperLaunch within the c:\HyperSpin Folder. Any help would be much appreciated. -Ryan
Last reply by rdm190, -
- 1 follower
- 6 replies
After launching Hyperspin I want to boot straight into a MAME game via Rocketlauncher. When I exit the game I then want it to come back into Hypespin and not just windows, otherwise I would just use a command line switch with MAME. I'm guessing it's something in the Startup/Exit options in HyperHQ, but I have been unable to find a solution? Does anyone know how to do it? Many thanks
Last reply by BlackWidow, -
- 1 reply
Im new in this retro world, since one month ago maybe. I learn faster and Im notice some deficiencies concerning to the *.xml´s. Why nobody create a program that takes the crc from the roms , contrast that crc with an xml file that have all the info about that rom (like name, description, clone, crc, manufacturer, year, genre, rating, enabled) and make this live of renaming xml´s more easy? Im editing *.xml´s with my hands one rom by one and is really painfull and boring. Im start to think that i will finish like in at least 10 years, being a no lifer of course. So if someone is interesting, im going to write my ideas here, with examples, hoping that someone will cr…
Last reply by Peliculon, -
- 1 follower
- 7 replies
hi, would it work if i wanted to add all gun games together as a main menu wheel with aimtrak compatible games from MAME to playstation 2? i thought i could just add all the emulators needed to the 'gun games' system in rocketlauncher. create a mixed XML. and make a Roms folder with all the games in it. would this work or would i run into problems?
Last reply by dougan78, -
- 1 follower
- 1 reply
Hi guys, I recently made variation based on this after effects video: https://videohive.net/item/arcade-logo/15175743?s_rank=1 For mame systems: Hope you like it Intro.mp4
Last reply by Kondorito, -
- 1 follower
- 5 replies
so after weeks of trying to figure out when exiting a game, hypermarquee was in focus as HS was frozen in screen, requiring a mouse click to make it active. seems the official mame builds from mamedev wee causing the issue. i changed my name to a different build, arcade mame i believe, it only plays arcade games but stays updated (i am in synch with mame 194). so it seems however official mame is compiled, it was causing focus issues with my HS, HM set up. hopefully this will help others.
Last reply by d8thstar, -
- 16 replies
Hi I have video snaps from emumovies in my video folder. When I am browsing through the games in the Hyperspin FE, there seems to be a good 3-4 second delay before the video snap starts to play. Is there a setting for the delay somewhere?
Last reply by Valiant, -
- 3 replies
Hello i have ran into a issue while trying to set up an Atari 7800 Emulator with hyperspin. I am using the emulator "ProSystem", I have everything up and running in RocketLauncher UI. All 58/59 roms found and run like a dream.When i try to launch it through HyperLaunch i recieve the following error in my HyperLaunch Log. " 11:04:37 PM | HyperLaunch v2.25c 11:04:37 PM | System Specs: HyperSpin Dir: C:\Hyperspin OS: WIN_7 OS Language: 0409 OS Admin Status: No Monitor #1 (\\.\DISPLAY1): 1920x1080 (1920x1040 work) HyperSpin Res: 1936x1056 AHK Version: 11:15:43 PM | HyperLaunch launched directly 11:15:57 …
Last reply by eightleggedlife, -
- 4 replies
So now that I've figured out how to make Bezels show up I have a question. I've found what I think are some cool looking bezels designed for specific games over at EmuMovies (Designed by OrionsAngel) but they were done for MAME and not RL (they have a wrap around cabinet look) and the CFG file was done for MAME. Can anyone point me to a stand process for converting the config file so the Bezel can be used within RL? If not, any guidance on how to muddle through it via trial and error would be welcome Cheers ... Jimmi1271
Last reply by Rowr14, -
- 7 replies
Hey guys. Found some old lists I made of 3-4 players (in some cases more) for the consoles I care about most. I know there are plenty of resources for sorting through arcade games out there, but that wasn't the case for consoles when I checked. Anyway, I'm going to revive my previous work in the hopes that we can get lists of all multiplayer games eventually. Here is a spreadsheet by system for games that support more than one player: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1T7M51XQlTLvggdCIGanhlEb2CiXhtOMYUTREt3_dI1Y/edit#gid=1131636697 Please let me know if you have more games to add to any of these lists. Also, feel free to make more lists for other systems! Where I…
Last reply by Rowr14, -
- 0 replies
Can anyone point me in the right direction for a Speed Coin (MAME) theme? It's a bit of an obscure game, but it's a great little game. I have mine setup to play with two joysticks and it's a lot of fun to try to get the fastest time. Right now it's the only game I have on my build that I couldn't find a theme for. If it has not been created it would be awesome if someone could come up with something.
Last reply by lpeters82, -
- 1 follower
- 2 replies
Hey folks ... So I got my RecRoomMaster Cabinet in and assembled with the 2 player Xtension Emulator Edition controller board. Up until now I've been testing my build with an inexpensive Logitech controller and mapped via joytokey. The board is supposed to be preconfigured for MAME and Windows, but because I'm also using RetroArch and a few other necessary emulators my preference is to set a configuration through RL globally. Any guidance on where I might find a tutorial, or other guidance on the right way to get this all set up? There seems to be a lot of piecemeal stuff on how to do it but nothing I found that walks me though the right way from beginning to end. Th…
Last reply by Jimmi1271, -
- 1 follower
- 8 replies
Hi, Has anyone got/seen any other default bezels that work with MAME 0.194 ? horizont.zip & vertical.zip now work to replace games without bezels, but there only seems to be one set that currently works with MAME that for me don't look too good. Thanks in advance for any info provided.
Last reply by Creezz67,