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Need help setting up specific emulator in HyperSpin? Check the Tutorials section first and then post your questions here.

- XBOX/XBOX 360 Attraction II Themes
- Last reply by Andyman,
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Having problems with HyperSpin? You've come to the right place!

- Hyperspin not running
- Last reply by Roadrunner,
3,641 topics in this forum
- 34 replies
Hello, I set up my hyper spin and rocket launcher today and everything seemed to go smoothly. When I start hyper spin and go to mame and hit enter it takes me to the games but when I choose a game and hit start it doesn't do anything. I know the games are good cause I can launch them from rocket launcher. So any ideas on what I could try so I can get this thing working? Thanks in advance for your help!!
Last reply by phantasy, -
- 3 replies
Good afternoon All, I was wondering if anyone could help me. I would like to know if anyone knows how to disable the hyperspin wheel. Currently, I go into HyperSpin which then loads the HyperSpin wheel, from there I click onto MAME logo which inturn takes me into the MAME Wheel with all the Roms. what I would like to achieve is, when clicking on the HyperSpin logo on my desktop, it takes me directly into my MAME Wheel. So it bypasses the HyperSpin wheel. If anyone can assist, that would be appreciated.
Last reply by griffin518, -
- 80 replies
Wasn't sure where to post this here but since there are no announcements, figured I'd try to keep people up to date so they'd know to head over to Emumovies and grab the new videos. I'll try to keep this topic up to date on releases if I remember to lol So I finally finished going through the N64 video set and redoing all the problematic vids, as in footage that had messed up audio or graphic glitches. These can usually be remedied by using a different emulator or plugin setup. It's all a complete pain but I'm glad to say it's over. I also filled in the gaps and did the missing vids from the latest project db. Only 2 vids will be missing now, for the two unplayable St…
Last reply by thatman84, -
- 1 follower
- 2 replies
Hello hyperspiners. First, thank u for all the great job there...epic stuff u ve done ! This is Main Menu Wheels - Consoles and Computers made by me (in my youtube channel I an Play it with venga !... lol ) This was done long time ago by me, but I wish to share with that great comunity ! Link to download the wheels : https://mega.nz/#F!i5klyB7J!lZdNJsfmHq-s3JVgSQJG-A Hope u enjoy !
Last reply by moranetigger, -
- 1 follower
- 28 replies
I've finally gotten into a bit of PCLauncher game setup with the excellent Youtube video on how to get Taito Type X games going, and I can control the games just fine with my USB controller (Dualshock 4 running via Inputmapper.) My problem now though, is my beautiful Hori Real Arcade Pro 3...which I would -quite- prefer to use with these arcade titles...simply won't work in any actual games. I can configure the stick just fine..either in the control configs provided for the individual games or in Taito X Loader...but no matter how I launch the games I get nothing on that stick. I can't even set it up with Joy2Key, it simply doesn't work in-game. No clue what I'm mi…
Last reply by pavlovtiger, -
- 9 replies
Morning all, First time ever attempting to using Hyperspin, in all fairness only discovered it a week ago. So I found a 95gb download for what I believe was an out the box Hyperspin setup, however upon downloading it appears there are 136 zip folders that all except one appear to contain the same info, am I missing something. Additionally do I need to to download the emulators seperately as I can't seem to find them in the folders? and finally a TXT file advised me to register here to download the .exe file, where would I find that? Many thanks, BranMan
Last reply by parramatters, -
- 1 reply
Hey guys.. I am starting to collect my roms as of now. But I am curious which sets should I go with?? I know No-Intro and Tosec are two most reliable sources but some of the systems are included on the both (like AtariST or C64 or Sinclar ZX.. So Which ones I should pick to set my HyperSpin? Thanks for the help in advance
Last reply by SkyHighGam3r, -
- 2 replies
I'm using a Wii theme I found on YouTube and am having an odd problem. All my other themes for all other systems work fine, but this one, for whatever reason, only works one time per session. What I mean is when I'm on the main wheel, if I select Wii, the theme will display the video and show a disc loading animation with the disc going into the slot of a Wii machine. As soon as I scroll to a different selection, though, it no longer works. No video shows and it's just a black box and no disc loading animation shows. I have to exit the wheel and go back in to it for it to work again, and again, it will only work one time. I don't have a clue as to what c…
Last reply by jevansoh, -
- 11 replies
Is it possible to keep the Sega CD rom file sizes down by running as .rar ? - Retroarch only seems to support Bin, cue or iso
Last reply by kincaid76, -
- 0 replies
Hi All, im trying to set the screen resolution by default to 1920 x 1080, ive gone into Mame and then into default options and set up the screen size. ive also gone into HyperHQ and set it to screensize full but for some reason, when ive loaded the rom i want to play, i need to hit ALT Enter on the keyboard to make it go full size. does anyone know how to set this up by default?
Last reply by nektarios, -
- 2 replies
Good afternoon All, I was wondering if anyone could help me. I would like to know if anyone knows how to disable the hyperspin wheel. Currently, I go into HyperSpin which then loads the HyperSpin wheel, from there I click onto MAME logo which inturn takes me into the MAME Wheel with all the Roms. what I would like to achieve is, when clicking on the HyperSpin logo on my desktop, it takes me directly into my MAME Wheel. So it bypasses the HyperSpin wheel. If anyone can assist, that would be appreciated.
Last reply by nektarios, -
- 5 replies
Hi Everyone, I want to add a new collection to my rocketlauncher (Hyperspin), but I can't make it work. I will try to be brief. For example I want to create a zelda collection (in my case "Legend of Zelda Wheel" as system name). I added the "Legend of Zelda Wheel" system to Rocketlauncher with Retroarch as default system, then I created the xml list like this: <?xml version="1.0"?> <menu> <game name="Legend of Zelda, The - A Link to the Past (USA)" index="" image=""> <description>Legend of Zelda, The - A Link to the Past</description> <cloneof /> <crc>777AAC2F</crc> <manufacturer>Nintendo<…
Last reply by badboo, -
- 1 follower
- 10 replies
Hi All Got HLSL working just how I want thanks to these forums , however I thought if I could put a bezel in the form of a screen edge to look authentic for horizontal and vertical Games using the Hyperlaunch/Bezels/Mame/Game Name method. All works fine except the sound staggers during game play in some games, seems as if the bezel is causing the problem. If Bezel is removed for a certain games all works fine. Anyone else experienced this as I really like the look on an LCD screen. Thanks cowboy Sent from my GT-N7100 using Tapatalk 2
Last reply by warriorpoet, -
- 3 replies
I've been trying to find a way to control windows volume for some time with no luck and was curious how everyone else handles it. I've created an AHK for it that works fine but never activates as explorer.exe never runs. I've tried adding multiple programs and AHK to hyperHQ startup application also with no luck. I've created a service for ahk executable but the service is stopped and I get access denied when trying to start it manually as it refuses to start automatically. How do you guys get volume up and down to work from a hyperspin shell with key combinations? Any help appreciated!
Last reply by Metalzoic, -
- 0 replies
Hey guys, I've posted this in the VPforums, but hoping that I may get some help from you guys as well. I've got (2) issues: 1) I've been working with VP with plans to launch in HyperSpin FE. Right now, my issue occurs whether I launch directly from the VP.exe or in HyperSpin. Upon loading, the graphics, visuals, etc. are all loading just fine. I can play the games, but I am not getting most sound through my speakers. I am hearing some sounds; mp3 files associated with certain games, etc but not the vast majority. The issue appears to be that when the table is loaded, Visual Pinball automatically opens up its own channel in my windows sound mixer (Windows 10).…
Last reply by borntohula, -
- 0 replies
Hello, been getting a 'SidebySide' error. Was wondering if I have all the Visual C++ , .NET programs/files that are required, especially for HS. Here is a scrnshot of installed programs: btw, not sure why on my pc I have .NET Framework 4.7 (french version)...will go back and delete thanks, thomas
Last reply by thomas3120, -
- 1 follower
- 2 replies
Are there any tutorials on controller mapping? I cant manage to figure it out. All I can use is my keyboard. I have a USB SNES style controller that I would like to use. I read that on a RL keymapper that I may need to download something like xpadder. Eventually this computer and Hyperspin will end up in a 2 player bartop arcad so I need some help with all the mapping and controller assignment.
Last reply by ocm, -
- 1 reply
My system keeps freezing at this page. Any thoughts on how to fix. Launching nes with retroarch Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Last reply by Avar, -
- 0 replies
Hello Hyperspiners ! I bring to you a theme that I ve done for add New Retro Arcade to hyperpsin New Retro Arcade is a GREAT virtual room, so great and also, worked much well with riftcat (simulate a cellphone). The video and also the link in the description of the video for the Theme: Also, a demo of the New Retro Arcade (there is a download link for the progran there too...but, it was a beta, that works great well...) Hope u enjoy this. Also, there is a tutoria to launch it propelly in hs, u can find it at youtube. Hope u enjoy !
Last reply by moranetigger, -
- 1 follower
- 11 replies
.. The only thing I've found is PuckMan As a side note, asteroids also isn't showing up. But I'm mainly interested in Pac-Man. Any help? Sent from my SM-N920V using Tapatalk
Last reply by 32assassin, -
- 1 reply
Hey everyone...how's it going? Just dropped by to show a little of another project I've been working on as of late. You can find my entire Sega CD Retail Library of Cases with 32X CD included right here (Minus the Unlicensed and Prototypes which I am currently working on) http://imgur.com/a/MIXTH They are all watermarked due to the fact that I am going to tweak a few things and am not ready tor release them since i'm finishing up the remaining cases. I hope you can understand. I do have progress on my newest project to share with watermark free though. Here are a few samples of My Sega Mega CD Japan Set i've been working on. Hope you guys enjoy. Thanks for your time. …
Last reply by moranetigger, -
- 1 follower
- 0 replies
Hello!!! After tons of years to setup this front-end on Bartop and Upright cabinet now i would move it on a Driving upright cabinet with Analog control... How setup joy and (or) mouse to move between menu and launch game? At the moment i use original optical control game with a encoder (SmartASD) basically i will use JOY X AXIS for wheel and some key button (player 1 and visual change), i tried with HyperHQ with JOY enabled without any lucky to grab the analog control....
Last reply by Marcoqwerty, -
- 1 follower
- 9 replies
So I was confused but I think I have figured most of it out now. Here goes Animated Backgrounds (Allows all settings grouped below it function) Intersititial Backgrounds (loads the images in Hyperspin\Media\Main Menu\Images\Backgrounds\Interstitial between switching system) Level 1 - 4 Backgrounds (Appiles different levels of animations to backgrounds as they fade in and out when switching. Higher level = better animation and higher CPU load) Special Backgrounds (Plays Override Transitions in .flv format from Hyperspin\Media\Main Menu\Video\Override Transitions for .flv files that match system names you have in your Main Menu.xml) or Hyperspi…
Last reply by Metalzoic, -
- 1 follower
- 4 replies
Rocket Launcher UI tells me that there is a new update but my question is... What happens to all the stuff that I added on my own? - systems to the emulators - custom wheels with different games from different systems - new formats for some emulators - different changes in the modules ... So I'm afraid that I will lose a lot or can anyone guarantee that nothing will be changed / deleted?
Last reply by Avar, -
- 1 follower
- 39 replies
I would love to see other folks' main menu xml so I can see what systems I am still missing. If you don't want to ...you don't have to.... I think I have 118 <menu> <game name="AAE"/> <game name="Acorn BBC Micro"/> <game name="Acorn Electron"/> <game name="Alf"/> <game name="Alice 32"/> <game name="American Laser Games"/> <game name="Amstrad CPC"/> <game name="Amstrad GX4000"/> <game name="Apogee"/> <game name="Atari 2600"/> <game name="Atari 5200"/> <game name="Atari 7800"/> <game name="Atari Jaguar"/> <game name="Atari Lynx"/> <game name="Atari ST"/> &l…
Last reply by Zeaede,