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Need help setting up specific emulator in HyperSpin? Check the Tutorials section first and then post your questions here.

- XBOX/XBOX 360 Attraction II Themes
- Last reply by Andyman,
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Having problems with HyperSpin? You've come to the right place!

- Hyperspin not running
- Last reply by Roadrunner,
3,641 topics in this forum
- 3 replies
Does anyone check what's being uploaded to the Downloads section of this site? Since Circo started updating the DBs, I seem to be missing a few things here and there so I turned to the downloads section and what I'm finding is terrible. Take this supposedly "complete" cart pack for the Genesis http://www.hyperspin-fe.com/files/file/11194-sega-genesis-complete-cart-pack/ 1. It's not complete. It's missing a few games 2. There are over 200 miss named carts with version numbers attached to them. Not sure where that db came from but never came from this site 3. The artwork is terrible. Even the old cart set from this site had better artwork. Good thing I checked fir…
Last reply by SubZero, -
- 1 follower
- 9 replies
Hi, I have all system name wheels showing e.g. AAE, NINTENDO WII etc when loading Fade in loading screen in Rocket Launcher, but in Hyperspin they are not showing up in the top left hand corner. Any ideas ? Thanks in advance
Last reply by bcterp, -
- 4 replies
Hey guys, so I have managed to get to a point in a few of my wheels where I am ready to find tune some of the sorting. In particular, the way games in a series are listed. For instance, my sonic games currently look like this: Sonic - 3D Blast Sonic - Dr. Robotnik's Mean Bean Machine Sonic - Knuckles' Chaotix Sonic CD Sonic the Hedgehog Sonic the Hedgehog - Spinball Sonic the Hedgehog 2 Sonic the Hedgehog 2 - Knuckles Sonic the Hedgehog 3 & Knuckles Sonic the Hedgehog 3 - Complete Sonic the Hedgehog 3 - Part 1 Sonic the Hedgehog 3 - Part 2 - Sonic & Knuckles Trust me, I know how insane that naming scheme looks. My wheels are pretty whacky as it is, bu…
Last reply by SkyHighGam3r, -
- 8 replies
Firstly I'm not building a cab. This is going to be a build on a 65 inch 4k display in my home theater. Setting the resolutions for all the other emulators is simple enough. Just set the resolution configure the emulator to launch in full screen and done. If only it was this simple with MAME. In my research all of the information has been overwhelming regarding MAME and the multiple resolutions for various emulated cabinets combined with endless types of displays and other variables. Is there a simple(lol) solution to go about configuring MAME to launch games in their native resolution and launch them in full screen that are optimal for my display? Even if I have to…
Last reply by ChinMuzik, -
- 2 replies
So I know I can use Don's tools to do each system individually by plugging in the XML to list generator, selecting the artwork / video to false, selecting all, exporting the list as an XML (maybe even as a list - not sure on that point) But... what i want to do, is run a similar process across ALL systems, giving me missing wheels / videos / art Is there anything that will allow me to do this? For those wondering why i might want to do this, some of the later XMLs don't match my artwork sets, so i have odd things missing. It would mean that i can hunt those things down in spare minutes that I have at work etc, rather than having to go through system by system.…
Last reply by vaderag, -
- 45 replies
I have a set of images for my Atari 2600 which seem to match an old XML. I have this xml but it has no CRCs so can't use Dom's tools to rename the rom's to match the images (not ideal either) The roms I have match the XML linked from the Hyperlist page, so I want to rename the batch of images that I have with one naming convention to the batch of images with the new naming convention... Any ideas? Thanks!
Last reply by Turranius, -
- 8 replies
After donating is there content available in the downloads section that isn't available to standard members? I'm asking because I started a Hyperspin build a few years back and life took over and I had to stop. I remember there being a few different wheel art sets under NES that are not there anymore. Now that I have time to finish this project I'd like to get that pack again.
Last reply by Stormyblade, -
- 43 replies
Well after a ton of work, and a ton of jack n' cokes, I am finally able to put out a beta of HyperTheme. Please read for new additions to HyperSpin also. No more xml editing! No figuring out what animations there are! Quick preview player! Friendly interface! What is HyperTheme and what does it do so far? HyperTheme is our skinning application, it is meant to be used by anyone wanting to make themes for HyperSpin. It will help streamline your theme making process and its pretty fun to use. So far since its still beta it doesnt do everything that I want it to do yet like installing and uninstalling themes, and editing existing themes, but thats next, the hard…
Last reply by hyperspidey, -
- 73 replies
As much as I love the skins of hyperspin, there is no consistency across all the different systems. Now don't get me wrong, there is nothing wrong with that - I just wondered what a "global theme" would look like, that is consistent across the board. I loved the theme 8bitmonk designed, but he decided not make it available... So I decided to give it a shot, and as I love the High Tech/Industrial look, I came up with this: I could also change the base color easily. Here is pretty much what it would look like on an actual cabinet: At the bottom of the theme, there is a fog effect, made with particles. (I tried recording a video with Fraps, but couldn't get it …
Last reply by Killa Sin, -
- 1 reply
I know this question has probably been asked and gone over countless times. Does anyone have a list of games for mame and other popular systems of good playable games. I know everyone has different opinions of what games they like. I was looking for a base list to work off of. To cut down on the process time of going thru and adding favorites and removing games I just wanted to see if there was a list going around to help with this issue.
Last reply by JoyStickKilla, -
- 17 replies
Hi.. i made a donation a week ago, and I already sent mails to Rain and BadBoyBill, and I still haven´t got access to the ftp server... is there anything i´m doing wrong? how can I contact them?
Last reply by justindarc, -
- 2 replies
Hi guys. New to all this but i want to get blood bros for mame. A classic old game. The thing is the game is labelled as set 1, set 2 and set 3. Do I need all three of these or are they separate versions of the game?
Last reply by Bruiserh89, -
- 2 replies
Hi there. I am interested in setting up Japanese only versions of the following systems, but I'm running into trouble. I'm guessing that I have to use RetroArch or something similar, but my main problem is this. I am trying to get PC Engine (not the turbografx16) ,SuperGrafx, PC-Engine CD (and If possible) Super Famicom added on Hyperspin. I have all the roms and videos etc... for these systems but not the wheel art/intro video. Plus I dont know how to add them? I tried through HyperHQ but it can't find the XML even if I download it and add it to the correct folder! On another note, I cant find the wheel art for PC Engine etc....even using using the Hypersync tool, sele…
Last reply by badboo, -
- 14 replies
Currently on Stable release you can use two wireless xbox controllers and map either of them perfectly fine. On the beta and nightly releases you can only map one. Either wireless controller will over map the existing controller, so basically player 1 and player 2 switch off back and forth. Any gurus here find a way around this yet? I know I know, beta yatta yatta but a lot of guys here are using it in their current set up for the PSP and Atari cores support versus Stable release lacking those.
Last reply by grantoswisey, -
- 1 follower
- 0 replies
I probably spent a week trying to get the Touhou Project games working in Hyperspin in Windows 10. Well, I´m almost there now, but several games (10,11,12.5,14,14.3,15) lose focus when opening in Hyperspin. They work perfectly in RL, and in Hyperspin I can Alt-Tab to get them into focus and they then work as they should. Games 12,12.8,13 had the same issue, but there it helped running them as administrator, but that didn´t help for the others. I´ve tried different compatibility settings, but nothing seems to help. Anybody know of a solution for this? Also, game 6 works in RL, but in Hyperspin opens with a white screen, and I have to Alt-F4 to close it, o…
Last reply by diskmach, -
- 1 reply
Like it says on the tin.... everything you need to get it up and running I made the art from scratch.. let me know if anyones got better to share!
Last reply by QuinnHQ, -
- 1 reply
Controller set-up using joy-2-key. I keep struggling with switching back and forth with controllers nad some of the games. Here is my idea. I started with the n64 usb adapter (2 controllers). Then there are 3 wireless x-bpox controllers and a pedestal running mini ipac with trac-balll (8 button each). Could I run joy to key on all of then fir 1st player and 2nd, and then 3rd and 4th palyer and make it work. 1 side of pedestal (ipac mini)+1 xbox controller+1 n64c ontroller would have the same key assignment and not used at the same time. Could this work? jFlash
Last reply by Spawk, -
- 5 replies
Hi, just wondering if HyperSpin could run on a win 98 knowing that HyperSpin needs the .NET 4.0 but apparently windows 98 is partially supported. indeed, Win98 is .net 4.0 supported if ASP.net is not needed. Does someone is running hyperspin with Win98 ? Any issue with it ?
Last reply by 32assassin, -
- 15 replies
I was wondering what would be the best set-up for playing hyper spin. I use to play M.A.M.E a lot and liked it on my pc, and had the Hanaho controller for the arcade feel. Now its 2016 and saw that Hyperspin exist. So I have 2 choices, order a bartop "weecade" arcade with roms already included ($1500) or do one myself. If I take option 2, what monitor(20 to 22 inches) would be best and VGA card and OS? I would use a controller with happ buttons. Basically I need the MAME games, and Daphne, Neo Geo and Sega, and LOVE SHMUPS!!!!!!!!!! since you guys have experience, tell me what and what not to do for a fun experience! thx
Last reply by SkyHighGam3r, -
- 0 replies
Ok, thanks for the help on my other topic! Now I have no idea what the heck I did wrong when setting up xpadder. So what happens is the wheel and systems work I can navigate no issues I can select a system no issues (using the start button) when I go into a system say NES I can navigate no issues, I can select a game no issues. Now when I go to hit start nothing, select nothing buttons nothing. What I did was go into the system name in HQ and create a profile and called it P1 the typical layout, with the LTYR, wands, , . Cvzx ijn;k that's the map keys. I save the profile, I check the folder it's there. I don't know what I did wrong? I watched videos on YouTube the…
Last reply by wyldside74, -
- 4 replies
Hi Everyone, I'm having a issue with the genre XML, this is what is going on I have all my hyperspin on a external harddrive which works well on my laptop with the keyboard so I picked up a computer with hdmi out to use the external via our tv, so I set up xpadder and that works rolls through everything but when I go to play any game in any system it says cannot find genre XML, but the drive works on my laptop flawless? I spent countless hours putting my drive together. I'm lost now, it works on one and not the other. Is it something with xpadder? Please help....thanks...
Last reply by wyldside74, -
- 9 replies
Hey everyone, Apologies if this has all ready been discussed (or if it is a silly question). A number of the XML databases I have for different systems in my setup are missing some/all metadata (things like the genre, rating, manufacturer, etc...). Is there any way for me to obtain/add this data into the XML files without doing it totally by hand? I realize it isn't a necessity to have this data, but I'd really like to polish my setup a bit and add it in if I can. Does anyone know of a way for me to do this, or am I stuck doing it totally by hand?
Last reply by SkyHighGam3r, -
- 1 reply
I need some help from someone with a blissbox... I noticed that Tur-Another Idle Volume Adjuster never goes idle when I have my BlissBox connected. I am wondering if its just me or if its something in the BlissBox that sends some signal that resets the windows idle timer. So I made a very small Autoit program that just displays the idle time. It should count up all the time if you do not touch anything. As soon as I connect the BlissBox (even with nothing connected to it), it just shows 0-20MS idle time before it resets.. Could someone please verify? =) http://grandis.nu:81/software/Tur-AnotherIdleVolumeAdjuster/Extras/Test_Idle_Time.zip Autoit code for th…
Last reply by Turranius, -
- 14 replies
So, my understanding is that PC Engine is the original Japanese name for the Turbografx-16 - same hardware, different box I see Hyperlists for both however... what's the difference? The TG16 list is way shorter, with far fewer games than the PCE one... Just debating which I should put on my wheel (or both) or if i should combine them or not...
Last reply by badboo, -
- 9 replies
Hey guys got a couple questions for you, so my controller will be here next week so I will need to set the controls up soon. My question is do I have to setup up the controls in the emulator? For example I use RetroArch for most of my systems, everything beside Dreamcast and PlayStation. Will I need to setup the controls there. Also, if I set up the controls in RetroArch do I also need to setup the controls in JoyToKey?
Last reply by dicksonpoon,