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Need help setting up specific emulator in HyperSpin? Check the Tutorials section first and then post your questions here.

- XBOX/XBOX 360 Attraction II Themes
- Last reply by Andyman,
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Having problems with HyperSpin? You've come to the right place!

- Hyperspin not running
- Last reply by Roadrunner,
3,641 topics in this forum
- 6 replies
I couldn't find any information about this, but I found it hard to believe I am the first to bring this up. I'm not very familiar with PC cloud services, my only experience with the cloud is Xbox/Playstation game saves, and Microsoft One Note. However, I was thinking that there has to be a way in which we could background sync the savefiles from a desktop hyperspin build, over to a laptop hyperspin build. That way we'd be able to pickup right where we left off when we are out on the go. I have the OneDrive with Windows 10, but I'm not familiar with it at all. Has anyone else setup this kind of save-file synchronization yet? How would someone even go about doing suc…
Last reply by AxelTerizaki, -
- 2 replies
Hello ladies and gents and happy halloween. I just got my new computer up and running and have some questions to all you that knows more about overclocking and computer builds than me. So here's the specs first: Case: Zalman Z12 Plus (3 12" fans included one intake at the front one out in top at back and one out in back. Motherboard: ASUS Z170-p D3 CPU: i5 6600k 3,5Mhz Cooler: Arctic Cooling Freezer i30 GPU: ASUS GTX 970 Strix PSU: Corsair VS550 80 Plus RAM: 16GB Kingston HyperX 1866 CL10 Windows 7 Ultimate So that should be a pretty solid setup imo, or at least I think it is. So first off, I'm not looking to overclock this thing heavily at all...j…
Last reply by JayC, -
- 11 replies
if anyone here has a decent or good PC, could you do some testing? Won't take you more than a minute. I'm having problems with vids playing a bit choppy and jerky most times they load in HS, it's mostly with 60fps videos. I recorded some footage to show. Watch in fullscreen and pay attention to the right side in comparison. Notice how it appears a bit laggy and almost out of sync? Is this normal performance in HS or something? I spend so much time doing artwork, I never pay much attention to HS itself. https://youtu.be/D2Ga7Nv4EJk So I've tried everything I can think of to fix this, from a fresh Windows install and everything. This problem is less apparent with 30…
Last reply by DamnedRegistrations, -
- 0 replies
Hello guys! It might be a stupid question, but I have a hard time configuring my wiimotes as lightguns in MAME through Glovepie. I have several scripts, which work great outside of hyperspin. The mouse cursor moves smoothly and everything looks fine. However, when I enter Hyperspin, the cursor starts to move as if it was on a grid. It looks like the wiimotes are emulating the keyboard and it makes the whole thing unplayable. Do you have any idea on what my problem could be? Thank everyone! PS: This is the "best" Glovepie script I've found so far: ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 'MAME Wiimote Lightgun Script 'N…
Last reply by RGTMax, -
- 1 reply
Hello All, I had a older build of HS and now just building a new setup for HS 1.4 from scratch. Used the new HyperSync. Currently experiencing an odd issue. Not sure if it is due to the artwork not in the correct folder for the default system theme or something else. If I go into the system (in this case NES), you can see it goes to the last game you were on and that box and video loads. If you then scroll up to a different game you dont see the box. If you happen to hit a game with its own theme, that always loads, and then after you move off the game theme to a default theme, that box will show up. The only way to show the video and box for the default theme is …
Last reply by ninja2bceen, -
- 10 replies
Hi guys, bit of a long winded one here... So i've built a cab, with a nice small classic collection of games spanning atari, sega, nintendo, neo geo, and some classic arcade stuff like simpsons and tmnt all the games that were big in the uk when i was a kid. All mashed together nicely with hyperspin (by the way cheers guys, awesome work!) At the moment it's sitting in my living room, ready to rock... ...my question is of the logistics and legalities of putting it into a public bar...! the machine works for free incudes hyperspin includes many emulators including mame zsnes and neorage and plenty of roms I realise copyright is king of the concerns and I absolutely…
Last reply by Mark Norville, -
- 0 replies
Hi I setup RocketLauncher and Hyperspin using the pinned install topic on this forum. I'm having an issue where it seems like rocketlauncher isnt reading my mame.ini correctly. If I launch mame outside of both applications using the following command line switch without mame.ini I get the results I want. I am using mame .166 and the latest hyperspin/rocketlaunch. mame64.exe -video ddraw -nohwstretch It is very very obvious to me at this point that these commands are not taking affect when launching a mame game in hyperspin/rocketlaunch. What or where can I force these settings? Thank you.
Last reply by hawkeye06, -
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- 2 replies
Hi all, this is really driving me crazy. Don't know when it started but here is my problem. After I pause a game by pressing P and I resume by hitting P again, the game slows down and drops to about 66%. The only way to get it back to normal is by pressing tab to bring up the MAME menu and then hitting tab again to exit the menu. Sometimes I have to pause the game a few times for it to happen and it seems to happen pretty consistently if I pause it for over 10 seconds rather than pausing and resuming quickly. I first noticed the problem after pausing through RocketLauncher (HyperPause) and initially I though it was a RocketLauncher Pause issue, but like I sad it happ…
Last reply by Yardley, -
- 6 replies
I have seen a lot of questions asking about what builds would be best to run hyperspin and emulators so I decided to come up with a list of a few builds at different price points. I am far from an expert in building computers but I have built a few in my life and thought I could help. I will go back and edit these builds based on comments or drastic changes in prices of parts. I am sticking with Intel builds (mostly due to their performance with emulators) but I welcome someone to message me some AMD builds at the different price points. The three price points I am going for are Under $200 (Can handle some Dolphin and PCSX2 with overclocking), Under $350 (Can be used …
Last reply by JayC, -
- 11 replies
Hello everyone, I'm trying to get a new PC specifically for Hyperspin. My current Desktop just doesn't cut it, and honestly my end goal is to have a custom 'console' that runs all these games in one single streamlined interface where I never (or almost never) have to pull out a keyboard. Here is the specs I am currently running this on. CPU: AMD A8-5500 3.2GHZ GPU: AMD R7 260X 2GB RAM: 8GB (2x4GB) PSU: 600 Watt As you can no doubt tell, my CPU is not exactly top of the line. As result, what I've found is that while I can run 8, 16, 32, & 64 Bit consoles very well (pretty much everything from NES to PSX) Anything above that ends up in me giving me various pr…
Last reply by SkyHighGam3r, -
- 1 reply
Could someone help me i'm new to MAME and hyperspin. Ive got HS and RL fully up and running with snes nes ect. I've been trying now to get mame running for a few days but when i launch a game it seems to go to a load screen, once it gets to 100% it goes off. I downloaded loads of MAME 0.166 games but something just wont work. HS and RL sees the games so all that side is set up and i've set the global emulator up too. I'm not sure what else to do. Cheers in advance
Last reply by DefektivePrimate, -
- 3 replies
Is there any way to get a wheel to start on genres much like the start on favorites option? (I've got a slick setup for HyperXMLspin and I hate the initial wheel with that image repeated over and over. I'd like to just open that wheel directly into its genres list every time. I've already got a separate entry elsewhere to launch HyperXMLspin on its own.)
Last reply by ghibu, -
- 10 replies
Hey Yall, I think im starting to understand the madness that is Hyperspin..... So I have been trying to figure out how to install PC games into Hyperspin. A simple task by most stretches of the word except, most tutorials I find are either out of date (using a older version) or use either ONLY RocketLaunch or ONLY HyperLaunch. Anyway, so I tried adding ReMooD (4 player split screen doom) to Hyperspin, I could get it to run normally, I could get it to run through RocketLaunch, but for whatever reason i could never get it to run through hyperspin, I always ran into an error. Some many hours later and a small break, I sat back down, changed something.....and it worked. …
Last reply by Metalzoic, -
- 0 replies
I would like to tell you that I actually enjoy GC Fit 360 and I have no thought yet as to how many. That is how to actually see GC Fit 360 for yourself. It was right after the last GC Fit 360 scare this my GC Fit 360 efforts actually started to pay off. Truer words have never spoken. The reason, again, is plain. Don't hold your breath… http://supplementranking.com/gc-fit-360/
Last reply by Susicire, -
- 1 reply
Hi guys, does anyone know an easy way to download all of the system genre XML files? I don't see a way other than to click on each system, click on each genre, then click download. I'm hoping I'm just missing something simple.
Last reply by FANCY, -
- 1 follower
- 6 replies
Can someone explain the background music feature to me. Going to be updating to Rocketlauncher and HS 1.4 later on today and wondering about the background music. Im at work right now and just thinking ahead. Well, more like I have nothing to do at work so I'm sitting here counting the seconds until I can go home and get my hands dirty I see they get put into: Media\System\Sound\Background Music\Name.mp3 Now does this only do background music for the system wheel, game, etc? Or can it be put in the Front End or Main Menu folder as well? What I'm really looking to do is have music playing in the background while browsing for a game to play. Once a game is sele…
Last reply by ninja2bceen, -
- 5 replies
I know there had been post in past but they are not active and this is slightly different. Looking for feedback on retro pc games that work in hs and are gamepad compatible... Newer games are ok too but I am limited to 128mb video. I would be interested in updates of games ie double dragon neon that are remakes or similar to arcade, nes, genesis time... I appreciate a list.
Last reply by Aorin, -
- 104 replies
For anyone that does not know what the Bliss-box is check it out here -> http://www.hyperspin-fe.com/forum/showthread.php?29063-Bliss-box 4-play is the production version of Bliss-box in hops to open the door to lots of cool products. If interested check out the kick starter. https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/544088930/bliss-box-4-play-one-adapter-for-many-controllers=0
Last reply by newoski, -
- 3 replies
Hello everyone. Having issues with setting up Hyperspin with snapshots and marquees. I'm only using Mame within Hyperspin. I would like to have each game to show the game's corresponding snapshot and marquee. I've tried using Hyper Marquee, but I'm not sure if this program is used for what I want or just for having a marquee appear on a second screen. I have searched this forum and web search for a tutorial but have found nothing. If someone could point me in the right direction that would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.
Last reply by Gothicplsur, -
- 9 replies
So I know this is specific, but it seems some other articles/posts run into a somewhat similar issue. I have Retroarch, and from the RocketLauncherUI I am able to successfully load all of the emulators I want to. However, from Hyperspin, only the most recently emulator loaded directly from Retroarch will successfully load, all others go to a black screen. Example. If I load Super Mario 64 from Retroarch using detect core it loads perfectly. I can then go into Hyperspin and load Goldeneye64 no problem. Now if I go to load Sonic the screen goes black. Back out, open Retroarch, detect core load Sonic. Loads fine. Go back to Hyperspin, load Lion King for Sega and all is well…
Last reply by thcdgaf, -
- 1 follower
- 1 reply
Recently was at a local bar and saw a arrcade cabinet (complete with a exit button on the control panel) from a company that was using Hyperspin as its frontend. I read the HyperSpin EULA and while it says it cant be sold, it doesent say it cant be used as a for profit arcade cabinet as far as I can tell. What is the legaity of what they are doing? It was not a local company because I know the local company that runs the coin op stuff in our town and while they had their sticker on it, the logo on the front of the marquee was silkscreened in it and it was obvious it was a company selling these nationwide.
Last reply by gigapig, -
- 4 replies
I've started seeing videos and images of Themes that seem to feature the game cartridges being inserted into the consoles and CD images that spin. Does anyone know which themes these are and where to grab the corresponding artwork (CDs)? Thanks!
Last reply by Aorin, -
- 0 replies
hi, i would like to add a movie player to the hyperspin wheel. in this will have some documentarys ,history of games etc. how would i do this? thanks
Last reply by juicelee, -
- 1 follower
- 10 replies
Is there any secret to speed up the process of unpacking 7zip files? Trying to unpack my ps2 set and its gonna take forever.
Last reply by Aorin, -
- 2 replies
I don't really know how to explain it but In my original set up I did through austins videos I got the "Caution Angry Gamer!" Wallpaper when ever I exited a game. In my 1.4 build I have someone missed this. The picture is easily found but I can not find the right location to out it in. It's a 1.4 build so HS and RL are held separately.
Last reply by Gambino147,
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