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Need help setting up specific emulator in HyperSpin? Check the Tutorials section first and then post your questions here.

- XBOX/XBOX 360 Attraction II Themes
- Last reply by Andyman,
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Having problems with HyperSpin? You've come to the right place!

- Hyperspin not running
- Last reply by Roadrunner,
3,641 topics in this forum
- 3 replies
Hey homies, Got a little inspired and made this video game cartoon intro. Hope you like! Steve
Last reply by xHyperSteve, -
- 6 replies
I can get the joystick and buttons working in the games but not on the hyperspin wheel itself. Need help pls :banghead: Can anyone help me?
Last reply by Agrajag, -
- 19 replies
Figured I'd ask in a separate thread before giving up on it if nobody has advice. Street Fighter Zero 3 (Japan) doesn't want to run in any of the three SSF versions I've tried, nor the latest build of Yabause, and if anyone here has it functioning on their system I'd love to know how if you'd share that with me. It's a great version of the game and I'd play it if I could. Cheers.
Last reply by gigapig, -
- 2 replies
Hey everyone Big thanks to everyone in here for getting me up and running. My setup: Old shinobi cab Running hyperspin front end Current emulators: mame Nes Snes All sega (incl model 2/3) N64 My question is that given that I'm in a cab, with a 2 player xarcade controller, What other systems would translate well to my setup from all of your experience? It's harder with the newer style stuff because of the controller issues. What's the PC stuff all about ? Good/bad? Just looking for some reccomendations?? Cheers!!
Last reply by thenoob, -
- 2 replies
Hi Guys Any idea how to get Pinball fx2 working on a 800x600 monitor the only lowest resolution supported is 1024x768. cowboy
Last reply by dark13, -
- 16 replies
Here's something I've just stumbled upon, I was looking for Ms Pac Man / Galaga 20th reunion artwork and it appeared; and am now looking forward to it very much. Started out as a Kickstarter. http://www.thekingofarcades.com/The_King_of_Arcades/Team_Richie_Knucklez.html Roll on the 25th.
Last reply by cowboy, -
- 3 replies
I am running windows 7 with an intell Bluetooth. I can not get the Wii remote to sync, either of them. Computer doesn't even recognize them. Can anyone help?
Last reply by gigapig, -
- 3 replies
so im saving "save state" files for the multiple disk games on sharp x68000 its really cool on my system...loads right into game (especially for 2 disk games) anyway ,..inside the save state file (XM6) is stored the location of the actual roms this posses a problem for sharing the save state files obviously unless the person taking the file from me also has roms in the exact same location which for me is an external drive S:\Hyperspin Roms_Seagate\Sharp X68000\Roms ive tried to solve this a couple of ways but to no avail ive even tried to change the code inside the XM6 save state file (without changing size of file) ...but didnt work anyway if anybody has any th…
Last reply by craiganderson, -
- 7 replies
Hey Guys, Newbie here and looking to get my HyperSpin up and going! I recently got interested in emulators, did some research and found out that HyperSpin is the best front end to run!! I Just got both Mame and HyperSpin installed, but I have a couple of questions. First, which version is the most stable to run on with pretty much everything working? Second, where can I find a good rom pack that contains the all the bios and possibly the chd's? If I have to download the chd's separately, where can I get them? Thank you for your time in advance!
Last reply by scooter1974, -
- 8 replies
What -is- it about this emulator that it won't work the way I want it? If it's not one thing it's another, and then if it isn't any things, it's things that develop spontaneously after it sort-of works for a few days. After my recent thread about the aspect ratio, I learnt tonight that SSF automatically writes an .ini for each individual game you run, which -overwrites- the main .ini for the emulator itself, including the screen settings. Why this was implemented I will never understand, but unless I can turn it off then I have bigger SSF problems than I thought. And it doesn't help to delete the individual game .ini files and then set SSF to what I want, because the …
Last reply by pavlovtiger, -
by Beaps- 20 replies
Hi all, Can someone knock me up the latest version of MAME, no nag please Dos MAME & MAMEUI Ta!
Last reply by albert_c, -
- 3 replies
Good day smart folks I know this has probably been asked before but can Hyperpin launch other programs like pinball fx ? I know my way around hyperspin but this is is all new to me,if I can do it how do I set it up? Many thanks Sent from the smut hut
Last reply by bettogro, -
- 19 replies
Hey BBB/HS team, There's another arcade emulator that deserves the HyperSpin treatment: AAE. For those not familiar with it, it's a vector based arcade emulator, for games such as Tempest, Asteroids, etc. "But Loaf you moron, Mame already handles those real well" Yeah, it certainly does, but check out this page and see for yourself what makes this particular emulator so unique. "Loaf, don't waste my time, I'm busy making themes here. What's so special about it?" Sorry, ok, the uniqueness of this emu is that it simulates the phosporous nature of those classic games. Sometimes a picture is worth a thousand words, so check out the homepage and see for yourself. I m…
Last reply by Agrajag, -
- 2 replies
Hi Guys, I know Jumpstiles has nonag Mess on the FTP, but I'm looking for the GUI version. Are there any versions already compiled available? If not, could someone link me to instructions for compiling my own? I've found lots of instructions for MAME, but not much on MESS Thanks!!
Last reply by gigapig, -
- 1 reply
Ok this seems like a lame question but my mame emulator just stopped launching from hyperHQ. I double checked and everything seems to be pointing in the right direction. Probably something easy and im just frustrated. Any suggestions please.
Last reply by snstay, -
- 3 replies
So I got the eXoDOS collection 1-5, which is AWESOME and it says in the NFO that it includes a hyperspin module. However, for the life of me, I cannot find it in any of the packs... Anyone have any luck integrating eXoDOS with hyperspin?
Last reply by djvj, -
- 11 replies
I have been setting up different system emulators and the last one being Dolphin. I don't want however to have a huge list of games which are crap and/or don't work proparly when i'm opening the system in hyperspin. I'm kind of OCD on having everything perfect so thats a bitch with hyperspin! So what I do is when I set up each emulator i use don's hyperspin list generator to select only the games I want to or consider myself playing. However I find and read that a lot of gamecube games are not playable or have some minor glitch. I don't mind the latter as long as it doesn't bother the gaming experience too much. So I found the following site which provides you an over…
Last reply by jeanvion, -
- 56 replies
It has been a while since I have posted here, but I do lurk from time to time, still love hyperspin and setting up a new cab as I type......but I found this today, along with his site, not sure if it has been reported or not, but his video is.......wow... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MCebvv-EJig and the site www.homearcadesystems.com if you guys have busted his ass already, cool, but I just wanted to check ;p
Last reply by SubZero, -
- 1 reply
I cant seem to kill this task with the bat file i have made Taskkill /F /IM button_on_guide2.exe timeout /t 5taskkill /im Hyperspin.exe" it works with xpadder but not this any ideas?
Last reply by sonicboom88, -
- 17 replies
If you ever used Demul, you've probably seen that it's VERY slow. However, there actually is a way to change that. Here, I give you, my guide to making DEMUL run at a half-decent speed! Enjoy! Step 1: Download the newest version of DEMUL(.582 as of this writing). Extract it to a folder. Step 2: Open Plugins and Paths. Make sure the plugins are set as follows: Video plugin: gpuDX10 Sound plugin: spuDemul(only choice) GD-ROM plugin: gdrCHD Controls plugin: padDemul(only choice) Untick Activate BBA if it is checked. If there is nothing in Roms and Bioses Paths, create the folder "roms" in the Demul folder and click Add. Navigate to the roms folder in the window tha…
Last reply by albert_c, -
- 0 replies
Just curious if anyone has a mondohub? I was thinking of getting one just to plug all my different controllers in, and then some! lol. i'm already running out of USB ports on my PC and on the expansion cards i have installed.
Last reply by damageinc86, -
- 12 replies
Hello, I am fully aware I may be 'taking the piss' a little when requesting this. but thought I would extend my imagination out there a bit ;-) kaillera... imagion you and a freind had cabinets at your homes, could you imagion built in webcams, with voice-over-ip so you can speak and see eachother while playing? and if you connect to someone elses "hyperspin" application you could take control of what game to play next by choosing the game. maybe a bit of argument would be included lol. and then when you launch the emu, it somehow auto-logs into kaillera and starts you playing together? to me that sounds amazing, to a developer that would leave them scratching there hea…
Last reply by damageinc86, -
- 7 replies
Hello, i am building a bartop out of some old computer parts which are left over from my last pc. It´s like: ASROCK G31M-GS R2.0 2 Gig G-Skill DDR2 800 Intel E8400 3.0GhZ DualCore 700W BeQuiet Geforce 650 GTX I want to play everything till dreamcast. maybe some PC-Games like Mortal Kombat. Do you think this sxstem will be enough or should i replace the 2GB ram with 4 or 8? Thanks for your answers
Last reply by Ridu83, -
- 5 replies
Hello, still playing with the camputers lynx system Rather than making a bezel with the xpadder profile on it for each game I decided to play around with the module and see if I could simply use the module to restore and position the xpadder window on the screen as well as re-position the emulator (and hide menu bar and title bar) I think its pretty cool. I have bezels off. I have hide desktop and hide frontend to true. I have fade OFF The module positions the emulator window off to the left and then hides the menu bar and title bar....so it kinda looks like it in a bezel anyway. (but not a fancy one or anything) and then the xpadder active window is positioned o…
Last reply by craiganderson, -
- 1 reply
Hello, I'm working on themes/videos etc for camputers lynx thanks to this great new emulator being available. http://jynx-emulator.tumblr.com/ http://jynx-emulator.tumblr.com/ http://jynx-emulator.tumblr.com/ http://jynx-emulator.tumblr.com/ The author was kind enough to combine the roms of "Dungeon Adventure," however there are additional sets of roms/tape that need to be combined in order to play on the emulator from what I understand. I do not know how to do that. If somebody does, and would like to combine them please let me know. Thank you very much either way craig
Last reply by dragon57,