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Need help setting up specific emulator in HyperSpin? Check the Tutorials section first and then post your questions here.

- XBOX/XBOX 360 Attraction II Themes
- Last reply by Andyman,
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Having problems with HyperSpin? You've come to the right place!

- Hyperspin not running
- Last reply by Roadrunner,
3,641 topics in this forum
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Someone recently requested access to this old project of mine which generates wheel logos from a hyperspin xml database. I thought I'd share it in case anyone wants to fork it etc. https://github.com/dlip/hyperlogo
Last reply by fata1err0r, -
- 0 replies
Hello all! I am trying to emulate Spider-Man 2 using pcsx2 through hyperspin. Everything seems to be configured correctly through RL but I keep getting the above error and I have no idea what to do. I saw another thread with the same problem where the fix is to "delete the module and let RL download a new one on restart" but I have no idea what that means or how to do that. Help would be appreciated. Thanks!
Last reply by Zerender, -
- 92 replies
About once an hour or so my keyboard and xbox 360 controller will totally become unresponsive after exiting a game and I can no longer control Hyperspin. The only thing I can do is press the windows key on the keyboard then right click on the hyperspin icon and close it. So the keyboard is still working fine and as soon as I start HS back up again, the keyboard and controller work fine again for a while, but sooner or later it happens all over again. It always happens when exiting a game. It's not locked up or anything, rather just totally unresponsive to keyboard/controller. It's not that it has lost focus or anything like that, either. Any suggestions?
Last reply by AllBeast, -
- 3 replies
Hi all, OK so I've decided to give my old machine an update as it hasn't really seen much use for a while and it was originally built and setup a very scary 7 years ago 🤯. So I've got a new PC, monitor and got Hyperspin and RL setup and got the old stuff up and running (from what I can see so far), now.... everything is old MAME is on 0.152 and obviously everything else is around the 7 years old mark. Also I'd forgotten that I have loads of duplicate versions of games i.e. what seems like about 30 versions of street fighter II, along with many others I guess question one is should I get the latest MAME 0.226 from a glance, or any other version I should lo…
Last reply by hearntd, -
- 4 replies
Ive read for days and still am having trouble. I'm looking to pay someone to remote into my system and get things working. Spent a lot of money on dedicated pc and 4 player cabinet. I'm in eastern time zone USA. Please reach out rpaulson at ezworks dot net thanks
Last reply by Bellozanne, -
- 1 reply
any ideas what the hell is wrong with windows this time ????? hyperspin used to work, i cant get it to launch .... it will show up in task manager then disappear. sometimes it will stay in task manager.... absolutely nothing will show up on the monitor, or taskbar..... all copies of hyperspin on the computer will not work.... it worked 3 weeks ago or longer , i know windows did a update....
Last reply by Creezz67, -
- 0 replies
Hey I had an idea if anyone knows how to pull it off.. Its a party game so you select the amount of players are playing "it's always 1v1" and there's 5 games it randomly picks from a list - it keeps track of winners and losers - so each game is like a round robin, so p1 v p2 - then p3 - p4, then p1 v p4 etc etc. each of the game then moves on to the next, and the final game is highest score and second highest score battle best of 3. What you think?
Last reply by djbuzzcola, -
- 1 reply
Hola amigos no se que pasó con mi Hyperspin que lo conecte en mi ordenador en "D" Y no hacé nada .. No me sale nada para configurar ni nada, Y le doy a Hyperspin. Exe. Y me sale este fallo. Que puedo hacer?
Last reply by ivanfcb, -
- 0 replies
Hi guys, I have already opened this post on the RocketLauncher website but no one has answered me, maybe there is someone else here who has the same problem as me. I created a unique wheel for all Laser Games, to do this I used PClauncher module and created batch files for each Daphne and Daphne Singe game. Everything works perfectly except for the fact that if I enable a bezel to lightgun games, the horizontal movement area of the crosshair is greatly reduced leaving a lot of space between the game screen and the edge of the bezel, also when the crosshair touches the surrounding areas it jams, as if for a moment it remains glued. If I remove the bezel everything w…
Last reply by cnterr, -
- 7 replies
I am having an intermittent issue with HyperSpin where sometimes when I try to launch the application it will not start. The process starts, if I CTRL+ALT+ESC I can see that there are 2-3 HyperSpin processes running. Closing them all and trying again fixes the issue. Does anyone know what could be causing this? I am on Windows 7 with Hyperspin 1.5.1.
Last reply by damphon, -
- 0 replies
Hey Guys Wondering if there is a setting to increase the transitions play time, I have the transitions files in the correct location and they are applying fine, the theme just seems to cut them off, meaning they don't play fully before the next theme loads. Any help would be greatly appreciated. TIA SIK
Last reply by onesikcoupe, -
- 6 replies
Can anyone tell me if there is a tool/plugin/add-on that exists to display information (i.e. a game bio) onscreen, preferably with an auto scrolling capability and allow for x,y, coordinate placement on a theme? Kinda similar to this...(just did a quick google search for a visual example)
Last reply by sanchezmike01, -
- 0 replies
Last reply by Pasuco68, -
- 6 replies
Hello hyperspinners... I updated my retroarch to 1.9 by downloading the retroarch folder and overwriting my existing Retroarch folder. I have done that a couple of times without any problems so far but this time, i can access the games via retroarch directly but the games won't open, when i want to start them through hyperspin. Besides that, I have the exact same problem with the dolphin emulator. games start via dolphin perfectly but don`t start through hyperspin. when i exit hyperspin via task manager, i can see that the dolphin emulator window gets opened by "starting the game via hyperspin".
Last reply by Creezz67, -
- 8 replies
Hello; I need a little help. I had updated Windows 10 pro to the latest update and it broke my Hyperspin. I did a little research and found out that I can undo the update and go back to the previous version of Windows(before the major update which is Windows 10 Pro Version 1903) which i did and now my Hyperspin is working now again. Has anybody else came across this issue? How do you resolve it? Thanks! Damon C
Last reply by ci2own, -
- 0 replies
So I finally sorted exiting most of my emulators under hyperspin. I finally understand how the setup works. Use joytokey to set the joystick pushes to equal a keyboard input - I chose the esc button (for now), and mapped it to pushing the start and #1 buttons on my joystick. Use Hyper HQ to set the location of the joytokey program. Use rocketlauncher to set the HYPERSPIN RL profile in joytokey to record the button pushes Also in rocektlauncher use the global settings/exit emulator setting to be ~ESC|1joy1&1joy9|2joy1&2joy9 so the escape key and both joysticks with the key combo can trigger to exit. This means that rocketlauncher sees the key c…
Last reply by mildred, -
- 3 replies
I use Hyperspin with EDS and Hypermarquee. After I exit MAME64 (0.183) the focus is on the second monitor (marquee), I need to alt+ tab to get the focus back on the main monitor because it is frozen. Everything worked perfectly until I added the second monitor (Hypermarquee/EDS) I use a totally stripped Windows 10, no internet, most services turned off, no notifications etc etc Hyperspin MAME64 0.183 I don't use Rocketlauncher *I only have 1 wheel for arcade games. Emulators I use are MAME64 and Demul, exiting Demul does not seem to have this problem
Last reply by luquitas100, -
- 1 reply
Can't download these two even though I am a platinum member. Any reason?
Last reply by pinsanity, -
- 1 reply
Hi All, As i could not find any good collection of Atari 8 bit videos i made for my own use a set. I have up loaded them to Emu Movies close to 900 clips if anyone interested path to them below
Last reply by Krakerman, -
- 1 follower
- 27 replies
Evening Guys, I have two issues I need help with:- 1) Hyperspin loads in AAE fine but when I browse through the games I can't select to play ? I see the videos etc but I cant enter them ? tried pressing every button but cant get in. Tested in RocketLauncher and selected an indivdual game which works fine ? 2) When I quite out of testing an AAE game in roicket Launcher I am left with a VERY over exsposed desktop of colours in windows ? Can anyone assist please
Last reply by gunit, -
- 1 reply
Good Morning, I've been a member on here for a good part of 7 years. I have a Hyperspin arcade machine running on Windows 7 however, everything I have is outdated - MAME, DAPHNE, FUTURE PINBALL, etc. I need to have the Hyperspin, roms and its components updated. I would like to keep Windows 7 installed if possible. I'd like to hire someone on here to properly configure and update all of my stuff that I use. I've got way to much on my plate to do it myself as I've been taking care of my son who is recovering from COVID. If anyone is interested and knows EXACTLY what they're doing, drop me a message. Be well and stay safe from COVID-19. Thanks, Epic
Last reply by thatman84, -
- 1 follower
- 2 replies
Hi! So I'm getting back to MAME and Hyperspin. I have a 4 year old which I want to surprise with a ~70% Fix It Felix Jr. cabinet, I hope I have the skills/time/patience to finish it this winter. Anyways, I have a P8Z77-V LE motherboard with i5 3570k CPU and 8GB RAM which I'd like to use. It has a built-in Intel HD Graphics 4000, but I'm not sure Hyperspin will run with it? I remember it being extremely resource demanding when trying it out 6-7 years ago. The games will mostly be NES/SNES/MAME for now. I do actually have a GTX 680 laying around, currently flashed with a Mac BIOS as a spare for my identical GTX 680 in a Mac Pro 5.1 (which would be…
Last reply by glennefj, -
- 1 follower
- 2 replies
with semi configured 61 does it have the wii mote for shooter games like time crisis set up?
Last reply by davidrodriguezjr, -
- 2 replies
Quando para de procurar um jogo na roleta e se ficar um período sem mudar de jogo a roleta começa a passar pelos títulos dos jogos de forma rápida e pára de repente e até passar mais um tempinho e começar a girar novamente. Assim não tem como ver um vídeo do jogo por inteiro. Alguém sabe como corrigir esse erro?
Last reply by villesmall, -
- 0 replies
i am new to game emulation. I install hyperspin to my NVIDIA SHIELD TV PRO and when i start the app. When I choose the game it said missing rom. where can I download the rom and where do i place it. thanks
Last reply by honeypluto,