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Need help setting up specific emulator in HyperSpin? Check the Tutorials section first and then post your questions here.

- XBOX/XBOX 360 Attraction II Themes
- Last reply by Andyman,
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- Hyperspin not running
- Last reply by Roadrunner,
3,641 topics in this forum
- 3 replies
Hyperlist link is reporting spam in Chrome and Safari. Not sure about IE or Firefox.
Last reply by keltoigael, -
- 13 replies
This is great! https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/1086176428/limited-edition-paintings-of-retro-game-nes-snes-c blog post about the kickstarter: http://nintendoage.com/index.cfm?FuseAction=Blog.View&Blog_Id=1&Id=1458
Last reply by dmxwyrw, -
- 1 reply
So i have to NES30 bluetooth wireless game pads. I'm looking to set them up to work with: NES SNES MAME Hyperspin front end/menu select I have it working with nes/mame/snes outside of hyperspin just set up in the respective emulators, although connecting and reconnect is sometimes an issue where i need to go in and repair the controllers or remap them in the emulators. i also need to set them up in the front end. Has anyone had luck with bluetooth gamepads staying set up after being powered on/off and keeping them mapped? I have xpadder, but im not sure if this is just a limitation of the bluetooth gamepads or not?
Last reply by damageinc86, -
- 16 replies
Firstly I would like to say "Hi", and what a great site this is. I have my heart on building a bar top hyperspin cab. Problem is I do not know where to start and whether i have the ability to carry out such a project. I bought a jamma cab last year to play one of my fave games whilst a teenager, "Kung Fu Master", been looking at another fave of mine Double Dragon, but the boards are so expensive and realistically need a vertical cab as well.(Can't see missus having that). So, could you please advise on maybe whether it's worth buying in a pre made bartop rather than cutting myself ?, what type of pc spec is best, best buttons etc... I live near Birmingham, England, a…
Last reply by THK, -
- 17 replies
Hi so I've had my mame wheel up and running for a while but to be honest it full of adult games,gun games, driving games I've tried using lust generators but always end up with problems So a simple request could someone cool and paste a sorted xml file please or PM Me Many thanks in advance Sent from the smut hut
Last reply by jeanvion, -
- 6 replies
New tutorial for installation of MESS for Atari 5200. Have your roms and games files ready and you'll be playing in just a few minutes: ATARI 5200 with MESS
Last reply by jamaster14, -
- 38 replies
Just curious on how many systems other diehards have successfully implemented into Hyperspin?
Last reply by rfancella, -
- 1 reply
when working with these old systems, pic and videos of the gameplay often look like this when in hyperspin. even though they look like this in photoshop etc anybody know how to avoid this? thanks
Last reply by dmxwyrw, -
- 29 replies
Hello to all the community of Hyperspin. I've been around for some time.... watching each week the forum for anything new from all of you. I've bought a arcade cabinet from RECROOMMASTER 2 years ago and a X-ARCADE Tankstick. I really like them... a simple and fast way to have a great looking arcade cabinet. I'm running a old setup of Hyperspin that I will update with the new hyperlaunch when I'll have more time. I would like something like this : (maybe someone will recognize the setup of a member in the forum) Xtension Arcade cabinet w/HyperSpin (Part 1) Xtension Arcade cabinet w/HyperSpin (Part 2) -------------------------------- My questions : 1- Wh…
Last reply by sevenseal, -
- 5 replies
Okay so hyperlaunch is fussing at me that I don't have bios that I need in the system directory of RetroArch. I can launch CD based games just fine inside of retroarch and my path for the system folder is correct in retroarch. All of this was working fine until I deleted my .cfg files in the config folder of retroarch and delete the main retroarch.cfg to redo all my systems and mappings. Everything is pointing in the right path and works completely fine outside of hyperlaunch. What would change with me just deleting the .cfg files in retroarch?
Last reply by keltoigael, -
- 2 replies
Finalizing my Colecovision emu and noticed I'm missing two things. I need the main menu intro video as well as the snap movies. I tried obtaining the snaps from emumovies but they aren't mp4 movies files. Just regular photos. Could someone advise if these items are on FTP and where?
Last reply by barakawins, -
- 6 replies
Hello, I'm new to the forums so I hope I posted this in the right place. I had two questions I was hoping I could get some help. 1). I was wondering if there is a way to use Daphne's VLDP and Non VLDP volume settings in Hyperspin ? 2). I am trying to play Contra in Mame on an LED arcade monitor but the "Insert Coin, or "Press Start" for player 2 is flickering and when I exit the program it's still there on the monitor like ghosting. Is this a Rom or emulation problem or is there something I can do to fix this. Any help would greatly be appreciated.Thanks.
Last reply by guts46and2, -
- 3 replies
I am attempting to create what could be an awesome setup with my hyperspin front end. The idea being that nes, snes, sega genesis, ps1 and 2, as well as gamecube emulators are all controlled by their actual original controllers. I am using mayflash and related usb cables to allow me to do this. My plan is that you would navigate through hyperspin using my x-arcade tankstick. Then once a particular system is chosen you would simply pull out the original controller for that system and carry on! So far, it seems that windows is getting confused on which controller is being used and is proving to be a real challenge thus far. Has anyone else attempted a similar setup, and …
Last reply by Thooperman, -
- 3 replies
Is there a photoshop script to "read" rom names and automatically crank out .png's of the rom name? thanks in advance craig
Last reply by dark13, -
- 69 replies
Hi all, So I have Hyperspin all setup finally and I have it connected to my TV. I'd like to do an actual arcade cabinet setup some day, but until then, I am just using this as a game console system which is awesome! I am looking into picking up a couple wireless PC game controllers because right now I am using wired XBOX 360 controllers and would love to use something wireless. I was curious if anyone had some suggestions on which wireless controller to go with? I would really like something that has six buttons on the main part of the controller as well as trigger buttons, but I cant seem to find anything like that. What's your preferred wireless PC game controller…
Last reply by jeanvion, -
- 2 replies
Hi there, i'm a recent user of this marvel called Hyperspin. I already finished organizing my NES collection, now i'm with MAME, and the main issue i'm having here is that many games have their sub named roms that are needed too for the game works, but the the spin show me all the versions of the game. For example: 2020bb --- This is the main game, with the name that fit with the videos and themes and the one i want the spin show me. 2020bba --- it shows too 2020bbh --- it shows too Any chance to get a cleaner MAME spin? Thanks!
Last reply by butman, -
- 2 replies
hi, so i've been reading the hyperspin install posts, but my problem is diffrent my MAME machine is offline, is there a way i would be able to download and install my hyperspin in this online computer, then transfer it though usb to the offline one ? is there a way to do that ? i'm asking becouse i saw that you need an internet connection in some point of the install there.. thnx !
Last reply by THK, -
- 8 replies
What is the best/quickest/cleanest way to prunr a romset? I have the mame romset working great in HS, but there are just too many games id never play and then you have like all those gambling/casino games. I can edit the XML files, but the roms are over 30 GB, and with a 256 GB SSD as my hard drive the space is valuable. Is there an alternative to just going through it manually and deleting all the roms i dont want? does anyone have a 154 romset they have already done?
Last reply by Trnzaddict, -
- 8 replies
I've searched online and the obvious places on FTP, but can't find a collection of box or wheel art for the old school pea-soup screen GameBoy games. Anyone out there able to point me in the right direction?
Last reply by jamaster14, -
- 1 reply
Hey Gang, I have a question hopefully someone can help me out. I used Don's Hypertools (awesome program) to create an XML of my MAME roms and took out genres I didn't want eg. mahjong, puzzle, clones etc. So now I have the XML. I've backed up all of my MAME ROMS, and my question is, How do I make a DAT file to remove all of the ROMS from the folder that are NOT included in the XML now, and use ClrMamePro to scan out the non-needed ROMS? If this has been answered before please direct me to the forum post or an answer would be appreciated. Thanks.
Last reply by Gothicplsur, -
- 2 replies
I recently added neogeo nebula emulator and configured everything properly but now i cant load any!!! game in hyperspin. I wasnt having any problems before this. Hyperspin will load, i can see the emulator, i can select a system, choose a game then nothing. Enter key wont load into any game????
Last reply by sadisticmidget, -
- 3 replies
I would like to end up with a final top +-200 games MAME.xml, but have no idea what the best tactic is to make such a list! I see a lot of revisions on games, how do you know which one is working? Or do you need to test them all? Which are gun games, cuz I don't own one? ... You catch the drift, I could really use your guys advice What I done so far: Download brolly's xml to get rid of casino/mahjong/mature I made my other lists with Dons hyper spin list generator so I would prefer using the same tool.
Last reply by jeanvion, -
- 3 replies
I have been using retroarch and I love the advance shaders you can throw on the Mame core to make it look like an old CRT with scalines and glow. Is there any way to do this with just Mame itself? I tried fooling around with the hlsl settings provided with Mame but it always boots to a solid black screen. Anyone have a good guide to follow?
Last reply by keltoigael, -
- 4 replies
I picked up a TurboTwist 2 a while back (with the 7" mini-wheel) with the expectation that I could use it on racing games. However, as the wheel appears as a mouse I've found that that quite a few of the racing games I've got just don't work. I can control them fine with the joystick if I configure it that way, but that's not what I had in mind. Also, for some of the driving games that *do* work with the spinner I have found that the wheel is usually way too sensitive. What sensitivity levels have people found is useful for driving games?
Last reply by Diet_Coke, -
- 12 replies
Completing my 2600 install. Got the theme installed and some of the videos. Anyone have the cartridge wheel art I can download or hopefully someone can send?
Last reply by Roadrunner,