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Need help setting up specific emulator in HyperSpin? Check the Tutorials section first and then post your questions here.

- XBOX/XBOX 360 Attraction II Themes
- Last reply by Andyman,
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- Hyperspin not running
- Last reply by Roadrunner,
3,641 topics in this forum
- 9 replies
Been Working on some Famicom Boxes. Let me know if you dig them. Thanks. My Famicom Final Fantasy Presentation
Last reply by SIMPLYAUSTIN, -
- 4 replies
Hey everyone Struggling to get back up and running on my cab. I'm using mame 0.153 and clrmamepro, newest possible version. I go to scan my set and I get this reading "clrmamepro cannot run 7z.exe, please check compressor settings". I've been googling this and cannot find a straight fix. I know this has been encountered before if anyone has tips please help a guy out!! Many thanks!!
Last reply by thenoob, -
- 3 replies
hi guy got popcap set up in hlhq and the run but they wont run in hyperspin any ideas on what to do? thanks.
Last reply by sonicboom88, -
- 17 replies
Hello, everyone. I'm currently facing a hard decision as I consider upgrading the machine in my cab. With currently available deals, I can upgrade to either an Intel Pentium G3258 with O/C available, or an AMD FX-6300, also with o/c, for a similar amount of money. Both setups are within what I'm willing to pay for the upgrade, with Intel's i3 family and above being outside of the budget so let's not consider those for this discussion. Since I only want to go with stock voltages and cooling, I expect I can overclock either of the alternatives to around 4.0 GHz, perhaps 100-200 MHz more, so let's use this assumption. With so much information out there, I'm to the point…
Last reply by vwcr, -
Hi to all,i'm new here. first steps with hyperspin and already I have problems: AAE does not correctly display VideoSnaps. I found this video (not mine) of a user who has the same problem. how to solve? Thanks and sorry for my English, I used google translator
Last reply by matsugoro, -
- 5 replies
Hey everybody; I'm loving this new front end and enjoy setting it up, but I got a question, I'm not building any cabinet, I just have it installed on my main computer, but I'm tired of having to go through multiple files to get to the Hyperspin. The last time I tried to create a shortcut to my desktop I screwed something up and had to install it all over again(glad I didn't add any roms) but is there a way to create a shortcut to my desktop without fouling up Hyperspin? Thanks for any help!
Last reply by ghutch92, -
- 3 replies
Sorry to create a new thread on this, but the FTP is not working for me. I was able to get on over the weekend, now I am no longer able to. Seems my password isn't authenticating. Tried 3 different clients across Windows and Ubuntu, still no luck: Filezilla, WinSCP, KFTP.
Last reply by albert_c, -
- 2 replies
I´m now setting up C64 in Hyperspin and I have downloaded videos and some artwork. I haven´t checked yet but I guess there´s a default theme with the video and boxart. Wheels and themes all works, but not a single game has the same name as in the xml, is there a way to fix this or do I have to look for another download site? I got all my games from pleasuredome.org.uk, all videos from emumovies.
Last reply by Raccoon, -
- 6 replies
Hi I have set up the Commodore Amiga and everything works, games launches and all is fine. But the games wheel acts a little odd, if I press the joystick left or right so I can step through the list by letter and chose a letter, as an example "L" it jumps to K, no matter which letter I chose it always jumps to the letter bvefore that. This is an issue that only happens with Commodore Amiga, all other game wheels works as they should. Any suggestions anyone?
Last reply by sonicboom88, -
- 19 replies
So, I see sometimes on Youtube videos and such, "Arcade Classics" rather than MAME (which is what I have)... I was wondering, how do I obtain an Arcade Classics setup, and is it basically just another theme for MAME? Help is much appreciated. Thank you!
Last reply by Bigster, -
- 55 replies
Anybody have a list (or suggestions) of systems that work in Hyperspin but don't have themes? It doesn't matter how obscure the systems might be. (I'd like to continue trying to improve my theme skills by working on more systems in need) Thanks. Craig
Last reply by craiganderson, -
- 14 replies
hi guys could you help me some of my emulators are not showing consoles name image its happend since i renamed them in hyperhq because they was named wrong and was not showing settings in hyperlaunch hq
Last reply by sonicboom88, -
- 6 replies
Hello guys! Sorry for my English. I am a new gold member! I sent messages to administrators BadBoyBill, Circus, and Dazz to have my ftp account (password, username, ..), but still have nothing! Help me, thanks
Last reply by scooter1974, -
- 12 replies
Hello; I'm still new at this but I like using Hyperspin, but up till now I relied on Windows Defender prior to installing Hyperspin. My question is I worry about all the stuff I've downloaded from this site and from Filezilla want to install the latest version of Norton Anti-Virus. If I install Norton how would it affect Hyperspin? I keep reading that some antivirus view Hyperspin as a virus. Can somebody enlighten me on the topic. Thanks!
Last reply by gooch, -
- 2 replies
Hello, new to HyperSpin and I had a general question. Trying to figure out the best way to setup my controllers. I have two Logitech gamepads at the moment, and I have purchased Xpadder. What's the preferred setup? Setup my emulators directly or map them to keys and use Xpadder. I've read a lot about the key mapping methods, but wanted to ask to be sure... Thanks
Last reply by s4turn3, -
- 4 replies
Hello; I got a new problem. I was able to download Xpadder and setup my joystick(Logitech Dual Action) and mapped the keyboard keys to it. It tested great in HyperLaunchHQ (every button matched exactly the way I set it up) but when I go to test any game in Hyperlaunch, the START & Direction Pad works great, but the A,B,C,X,Y,Z buttons do not work, oh also when I go into the emulator(in Hyperspin) and choose Fusion the keyboard buttons work fine. It's a head scratcher and I don't have a clue as to why it's not working in Hyperlaunch. Any hints or clues? Greatly appreciate the advice. Thanks
Last reply by dmanc30, -
- 5 replies
Been a while since been on here i have a old version of hyperspin and think its about time i went for it i tryed before i gave up seen a few ways of installing it is the git way best or just donwload the files from the hyperspin download page. Last time i had a prob because i was installing to W drive not c must be something i missed was saying can find hyperlauch fingers crossed here goes.
Last reply by Emu54, -
- 2 replies
Hi Guys, Should I be tweaking any of the settings on my ASUS GTX 660 -- NVIDIA Control Panel? I'm getting some really nasty screen tearing with default settings. Thanks, Owen
Last reply by SIMPLYAUSTIN, -
- 39 replies
Geez....Just when I thought I was all caught up with 153 If anyone compiles the new version post here! Whats New http://mamedev.org/releases/whatsnew_0154.txt MESS: Whats New http://mamedev.org/releases/messnew_0154.txt
Last reply by Polemicist, -
- 4 replies
Hi Guys, I'm still trying to figure out the cause of my HyperLaunch problems (I get emulator windows instead of clean launch, despite hours of fussing with resolution/settings.) Someone mentioned that the Z97 chipset is a bit more problematic for HyperSpin/Emulators than the Z87. I'm committed to setting up a seamless HyperSpin bartop, so at this point, I've ordered a Z87 Gigabyte board to test. Can anyone confirm that the Z97 might be the cause of my problems? Thanks!!
Last reply by justinwebb, -
- 3 replies
I would like to put together a database file for msx2+.. .. You guys/gals that put those together all the time....where do I start? TOSEC? http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_MSX_games http://www.generation-msx.nl/software/result?productcode=#/productcode=&sy%5B%5D=MSX2%2B&p=1 thanks craig
Last reply by rfancella, -
- 2 replies
Guys, I can't remember... how do we turn off transitions within individual systems? I know we can do this but can't remember how.
Last reply by Roadrunner, -
- 18 replies
Sega model 2 aimtrack gun reloading issues. I belive when sega model 2 games open to full screen the crosshairs on the gun games still think the desktop is there. So when you go to reload it does not go off screen. I found this article with the application to fix the problem. Is there anything like this application that hyperspin can open it up at the same time it starts the game! i found this from google I wrote a launcher program that launches the emulator in a child window of a full screen window. That way you can't "shoot" the desktop anymore and the program no longer loses focus. You can download it at: http://www.extrastrength.com/files/M2Launcher1.0.zip I have …
Last reply by connorsdad, -
- 3 replies
Can I get one of the moderators to deactivate my account on here? I am unable to participate in any discussions now do to inability to post or reply to threads, so I see no need to keep my account open anymore. Can't get any help, so time to move on I guess...
Last reply by Polemicist, -
- 9 replies
Hi Guys, I've got all my emulators launching with HLHQ -- using the most up-to-date versions of everything -- but I'm having a terrible time with emulator window pop ups during game launching. At this point, I've tried everything I can possibly think of and am ready to offer up some compensation to someone who really knows HS / HL and is willing to help polish my bartop setup: i5-4670K ASUS GTX660 19" Dell 1908FP monitor 1280x1024 Resolution I'm in the Philadelphia area -- if anyone is relatively local, I'll be happy to drive to you -- or we can do TeamView etc. Shoot me a PM if you're interested. Thanks very much, Owen
Last reply by wesfranks,