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Need help setting up specific emulator in HyperSpin? Check the Tutorials section first and then post your questions here.

- XBOX/XBOX 360 Attraction II Themes
- Last reply by Andyman,
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Having problems with HyperSpin? You've come to the right place!

- Hyperspin not running
- Last reply by Roadrunner,
3,641 topics in this forum
- 5 replies
I, like I'm sure many of you, have deleted several fruit machines and games that cannot be played on my cabinet that I am close to finishing up. To get rid of these games from appearing in Hyperspin, I am updating the mame.xml file that lists the games and deleting the records of those unplayable and unwanted from there. What I would like to do from there, however, is find an automated way to reconcile the .z7 ROMs with the .xml file, deleting all of the ones I do not want. My hard drive space is tight and as such, I'm using an external hard drive to host the ROMs (yes, I know I can install a new hard drive, but would rather not if this will work) and would hopefully c…
Last reply by Polemicist, -
- 3 replies
Hey all; I am now catching on to how to setup Hyperspin, now I just set up my Emumovies account and started downloading things. I downloaded some movies to show in the previews of the game system. I also learned that I have to change the name of the video so that Hyperspin recognizes it. This is going to be a momentous job to change all the video names to match the database for each system. Is there an easier an easier way to do this. I learned how to use Hypermatch.exe to change the names of the games so that Hyperspin recognizes it, is there a program to do the same thing for the videos, art work, themes,etc? I'm working on building my first gaming machine. Thank you t…
Last reply by rexryan, -
- 1 reply
Hi Guys i seem to be getting everything all mixed up. My media/videos and wheel files have all the same file names for each game thats great BUT my rom names don't match. Ive tried FatMatch but that does the opposite that started renaming the wheel names the same as my roms, which then don't match the Videos lol. Anything i can do to get myself straight.
Last reply by 32assassin, -
- 9 replies
Hi, I've been trying to create an AHK script that runs on HS close. I want it to close xpadder and hypersearch but they won't close and remain in sys tray. I've tried turning on Detecthiddenwindows but no joy. Does anyone have a script or batch file for this? Thanks
Last reply by ghutch92, -
- 12 replies
I made some Special Art for Hyperspin that "features" a selection of games that I want to highlight even as the Hyperspin wheel is doing its job. Hyperspin has a Special Art feature that loads Swf art in sequential order and at the time interval you specify. Even though this "featured" game art makes the main screen more complex, I've found out that it's a quick way to help players choose a game to play. MAME has so many games, that sometimes it's hard for players to choose a game. With these "Featured" game slides, the player has another opportunity to choose a game that you pre-select. The artwork shows five snaps that rotate, description text for the game, and num…
Last reply by mmg1design, -
- 4 replies
Hello everybody. I am brand new to Hyperspin and I'm excited to get into it. I installed the latest version of Hyperspin, HyperLaunchHQ,etc. I was able to install my first system(NES using the emulator Jnes) and I was able to even launch a rom using HyperLaunchHQ and the game comes up with no problem and I was also able to launch using HyperLaunch.exe, but when I try to launch the same game using Hyperspin I get this error message "CANNOT FIND HYPERLAUNCH.EXE". What am I doing wrong? Please help this noob! Thanks:)
Last reply by gigapig, -
- 10 replies
Hey Homies, I've been working on a lot of video stuff and learning a lot about video editing lately. Here is one I made today using Portal. I used some audio modification software for the voice. I hope you like it! Thanks, Steve I also have uploaded it to the ftp, /Upload Here/LSDguy/Hyperspin Intro Videos Remeber to change the file extension to .flv
Last reply by xHyperSteve, -
- 7 replies
I've done quite a bit of searching and cannot find a simple solution for this...regarding MAME...I have a 6 button controller layout numbered as follows: 4 5 6 1 2 3 This allows all two and three button games to conveniently be on the bottom row. However, this also means that all fighter games are reversed...Kicks on top and punches on bottom. Is there an easy way to reverse the button mapping for all 6 button games? i.e. so MAME sees it as follows: 1 2 3 4 5 6 I use LEDBlinky with u360's but I was hoping there is an easy way to do it for all 6 player games ONLY. I want to avoid having to perform this manually for every 6 button game. Any help is appreciated.
Last reply by mmg1design, -
- 3 replies
Hey Homies, Here is an idea for a sexier intro. Just some sexy audio. Nothing completely obscene. I thought it would be cool for the guys (or gals). There is Version A and Version B. Version B uses a clip from Spaceballs but some may not like that so I left Version A without it. I hope you like it. Version A Thanks, Steve Uploaded to FTP /Upload Here/LSDguy/Hyperspin Intro Videos remember to change the file extension to .flv
Last reply by rust2dust, -
- 2 replies
its seems to run reaally fast even if i play with the settings anybody else mess around with this emulator? anybody else notice it runs fast? thanks craig
Last reply by craiganderson, -
- 18 replies
So I been snooping the forum all morning but I can't seem to get a definite answer if using wiimotes is a viable setup for 2 players. I have 2 lying around but im unsure what else I need to get them up and running. If it's to much of a hassle/inaccurate I don't want to use this setup. Any suggestions would be great
Last reply by gigapig, -
- 36 replies
PASOS PARA CONFIGURAR EMULADORES EN HYPERSPIN 1º/CONFIGURAR UN EMULADOR (EJEMPLO :EMULADOR MAME) CON EL CONFIGURADOR HYPERHQ: 1º-Os bajais el instalador del Hyperspin de su pagina oficial esta . http://www.hyperspin-fe.com/forum/downloads.php?do=file&id=664 2º-Lo instalais en C:/ y quedaria la ruta asi. C:/Hyperspin. 3º-Luego creais una carpeta dentro de C:/Hyperspin llamada Emulators y meteis ahi todos los emuladores que vayais a usar. 4º-Ahora voy a configurar como ejemplo el emulador Mame pero para el resto de emuladores hay que hacer los mismos pasos: -Metemos la carpeta del emulador Mame ya configurado dentro de la carpeta de Emulators que h…
Last reply by sneidder, -
- 11 replies
Can somebody upload own nullDC-Naomi_1.0.3_mmu.exe with config file and hyperlaunch with hyperluanch ahk file which are working fine with Hyperspin ? I wanna compare and maybe use because I cant get this to work :/
Last reply by sneidder, -
- 1 reply
Last reply by Fromlostdays, -
- 4 replies
Not mine I did not make it Just sharing link cuz it looks pretty darn cool I did not make it No credit to me SnwMoIwOQtg Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
Last reply by marxkemp, -
- 7 replies
Since unpacking can take some time, I'd like to see something more interesting than the progress bar. I'd especially like to see a random cracktro since no-intro is missing all those nice cracktros.
Last reply by dnbcyan, -
- 9 replies
http://youtu.be/qG0G65MgV-I A bit more polished.....took at bit of advice and got all systems in the same format/size. I'm happy with the results.
Last reply by marxkemp, -
- 4 replies
For a change I am left with some choices. .. Software. check. Hardware. Check What monitor to use..... Right now I have 4 choices I have a 25 in w/g with a fresh cap. Wife says she wants a bartop.....so that is out. Right now I have two 19 in monitors. 1 is 4:3 1 is 16:9 I also have a 32 inch led that is collecting dust.. I'm really thinking about the 32....but wouldn't that kind out defeat the purpose? Any thoughts?
Last reply by Polemicist, -
- 10 replies
Hello I am just feeling out what the HS community uses as far as Operating Systems:
Last reply by Metalciaf, -
- 1 reply
Hi, I've spent the last few days finishing a hyperspin and mame setup ready to throw into a cab. I'd noticed that hlsl was working from command line but not via hyperspin. My mame.ini is configured correctly so I edited the mame config file in the hyperlaunch mame modules folder and added a line "hlsl=true". Hlsl is now working from hyperspin but I'm just wondering if this is the correct way to fix the issue? Sorry if the question seems a little dumb - I've been away from HS and mame for a bit of time while I built a pincab. thanks in advance for any responses.
Last reply by rfancella, -
- 6 replies
Hello all, Can someone direct to me to a tutorial or a guide for absolute beginners? Thanks. p.s. Can someone tell me how can I change the resolution of the main program?
Last reply by Polemicist, -
- 10 replies
i dont think this system is anywhere near playable but here is my video contribution it is what it is in my emumovies ftp along with a phillips cdi commercial kD5RsYLr8Sk
Last reply by dougan78, -
- 12 replies
Hi guys not sure if this is a bug or i've done something wrong...... i dont rember it doing this before... i have my wheel set to horizontal..... if i click left it goes left.... if i click right it goes right..... if i click and hold in any direction.... it spins the opposite way to where i want to go..... any ideas?
Last reply by amrathe, -
- 9 replies
Looking to build another cabinet and at the point where I need to source the computer (so far I have setup/configured everything on a VM on my main machine). The machine will be running MAME, many of the older consoles (e.g. Megadrive, SNES), and probably the most demanding being Dolphin for Gamecube/Wii. Already have the drives (SSD for O/S, standard SATA for roms/media). Any recommendations on a cpu, motherboard, memory, and PSU (and GPU if onboard would not be sufficient)? Ideally nothing too expensive bank breaking but can stretch if really needed. Thanks in advance.
Last reply by urbangangsta101, -
- 42 replies
Hi, Just tried logging onto to the ftp, changed user name to lower case but still will not connect.? Any ideas.?
Last reply by alogringo,