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Need help setting up specific emulator in HyperSpin? Check the Tutorials section first and then post your questions here.

- XBOX/XBOX 360 Attraction II Themes
- Last reply by Andyman,
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Having problems with HyperSpin? You've come to the right place!

- Hyperspin not running
- Last reply by Roadrunner,
3,641 topics in this forum
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whats up guys i built a 4 player pedestal with a trackball but im having hard time mapping all the buttons for all the players across all the systems and emulators. What is the best way i can go about doing this?
Last reply by xul, -
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- 5 replies
Hi Guys, I have xpadder setup and working for all my systems, including MAME, but I'm having a problem with HBMAME. While keys are defined as "A" "K" "1" etc in MAME, they are defined as "Kbd A" "Kbd K" "Kbd 1" in HBMAME. As a result -- I think -- xpadder doesn't seem to work with HBMAME. Are there any solutions?
Last reply by newoski, -
- 1 reply
I have Kodi execution for a music app and movie app but it launches into the main menu. Is there anyway I could launch them straight up under the music category in Kodi or music from Hyperspin?
Last reply by Avar, -
- 3 replies
Hi, I've been trying to setup Hyperspin with PC games and I've been partly successful. I created a folder with .lnk files (Shortcut) of every PC games exe, which I renamed just like every installation folder, which matches the XML (Used Rom2XML). When configuring it via HyperHQ only, every PC Games launch fine, but I can't exit the games via pressing ESC. I need to manually exit the game either by using the in-game menu or using Alt-F4. When configuring it via rocketlauncher alongside PC, you need to add every game to the module list and add link by link to the exe for every games in the list. My list is quite large so I was hoping to cut it short by re-di…
Last reply by thomas3120, -
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Hello, Did a search (I had a post long ago but can't find it) on why not to map your controllers in HyperHQ and where instead to map them. Should this be done in RLUI, and if so where in RLUI? Also, what about using/enabling a trackball also done in RLUI? *Is HyperHQ not necessary to use anymore? ...Guess what I'm asking all settings, etc.. can be made in RLUI now? thomas
Last reply by thomas3120, -
- 2 replies
Hi there everyone. I plan on building a Bartop Arcade with HyperSpin as the Frontend. I currently have a EVGA GT 730 1GB Graphics Card laying around, and I was wondering whats the best type of build around this GPU? I only plan on maybe going up to Dreamcast on the system, and don't plan on Gamecube or PS2 at all. What I really want out of this system is to have video previews, and filters and scanlines. Thanks for reading.
Last reply by nzbsolo, -
- 0 replies
I am wondering if its even possible to use index/jump points in the main menu like it is inside a system's menu. I tried copying the letter image folder to the Images folder of Main Menu, and updated my main menu xml like the following, but it doesn't work: <game name="Amstrad GX4000" enabled="1" index="true" image="a"/> <game name="APF Imagination Machine" enabled="1"/> <game name="Atari 2600" enabled="1"/> <game name="Atari 5200" enabled="1"/> <game name="Atari 7800" enabled="1"/> <game name="Atari XEGS" enabled="1"/> <game name="Atari Jaguar" enabled="1"/> <game name="Atari Jaguar CD" enabled="1"/&…
Last reply by Neonrage, -
- 1 reply
Hi Guys, I am trying too add Sega Mega Drive Japan too my hyperspin but I am having all sorts of problems with this one which should have been quite straight forward. First off all I was getting troubles saying that Sega Mega Drive Japan is not a supported system name even though I have added it too the Retroarch AHK File and no games play atall apart from the systems I already have. I changed the system name through rocket launcher too 'Sega Mega Drive' and that allowed my to play games through Rocket Launcher but when I try on Hyperspin it points too my old drive. I recently put my whole hyperspin setup on a new hard drive and redirected everything but for some …
Last reply by CamoUchiha, -
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- 16 replies
Is there a way to have music playing in the background while navigating thriugh games. Once the game is launched it would stop and then reduce when returning back to HS
Last reply by pandacity, -
- 8 replies
I'm using MAME64 and can load Golden Tee Fore! Complete 2006 from the MAME64 GUI. When in the GUI, it lists the rom and says the rom set is gtfore06, but I cannot find that in my rom list. After further research, it looks like the file iteagle.zip is used to launch it along with the gtfore06 CHD, which I also have. In hyperspin, I don't know how to get it to run because if I make the iteagle.zip the "rom" it points to, it doesn't work. Does anyone know a trick to make this work?
Last reply by Skip34, -
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- 9 replies
Hey Everyone. If anyone is interested...I've recently picked back up my Sega Mega Drive Japan Project and will have an update to my Japan box pack very soon. I've been very slowly working on making some fresh cases for unlicensed and prototype games as well. Also, I've been working on Custom Carts. My Carts will all have a Japan Mega Drive label on the side. Here are some samples. Thanks for your time.
Last reply by RetroKenesis, -
- 8 replies
Hey guys. Been a little bit since i posted any of my projects. I originally started this overlay project for consoles only but, decided this week i would like to do portable as well. Here's a look at the beta version of my Gameboy overlay. thanks for your time.
Last reply by RetroKenesis, -
- 0 replies
Hey guys I have an issue. When I launch my hyperspin I'm prevented, from entering the wheel, because a large sound bar shows up on the lower bottom of the screen, preventing me from entering the wheel, and scrolling my games and systems. When I press my controller b button the bar goes on an off. When I press the a button it goes mute, and when I press left or right on the d pad the sound bar goes up and down. Is there anyway I can remove this sound bar? Is this controller problem or keyboard problem? Sent from my SM-N910T using Tapatalk
Last reply by william19662060, -
- 7 replies
Working out the bugs in my cab, I have one of the x-arcade tanksticks (heavily modded). My problem is that the mouse buttons are still on in game. On some emulators this can cause functions of the emulator to stop or break by bringing up menus, causing the cab to stop. Does anybody know an elegant solution to disabling the mouse, or remapping the mouse to buttons that would effectively stop the mouse buttons from being able to input?
Last reply by Metalzoic, -
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- 2 replies
Hey Guys, haven't had to configure anything on hyperspin for a long time but just added sony psp. now i got hold of some themes/wheels/videos years ago for psp and hyperspin is showing all not just the games i have. how do i get it to show just the games i have? cheers johno
Last reply by thatman84, -
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- 11 replies
Here is my version of Sega Pico I did not make the theme Someone shared it with me.... I tweaked it a little bit made a default from the main menu grabbed a bunch of .pngs from this site http://forums.sonicretro.org/index.php?showtopic=20891&st=45 used dr maxwell .xml (i think might be missing a few based on that site) tweaked module a little bit using picodrive made the wheels with horseyhorsey app if anybody has more pngs or videos please share i think i have about half of the games P3W5TnZ28MA thanks
Last reply by JuanMi73, -
- 6 replies
So for NES, I have the Legend of Zelda 'secret' sound effect jingle when you enter the system, and for SNES, I currently have the Super Metroid 'item find' theme. What are some good ideas for system start sounds? What do you guys use for NES, SNES, Atari, Sega, Playstation, etc.? Also, I was just thinking, it would be really cool if there was a way to delay the default theme from starting a video (for only the first time you enter a system, not for subsequent videos) so that you could play longer system start sound effects. I'd like to use the Playstation Bios theme for PS1 but it's too long.
Last reply by gigapig, -
- 0 replies
Hey guys, is the VideoMode bug fixed on HyperSpin? Using magicresolutions mode doesn't cut it for me, i like the original CRT stype and magic resolutions takes that away from me
Last reply by Deepsnoozer, -
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- 5 replies
So due to unfortunate events lately, I have lost most of my hyperspin setup. In trying to get everything back to normal, I thought it might be a good time to switch over the RetroArch as it seems pretty simple to keep everything up to date. Unfortunately I have hit a wall. I have setup RetroArch as though it were any other emulator, made sure it ran outside of RocketLauncher and everything works great. When I try to launch anything through RL however, I get an error as seen below: http://imgur.com/YLmcKoc I am not using the correct version of the emulator as there have been amazing updates since the 2015 version the module seems to like. I also have fade off,…
Last reply by joseph2626, -
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- 0 replies
I have hyperspin setup over a mapped network share and want to use xpadders autoprofile. It works fine for programs on my local machine but doesnt switch profiles for programs over the network. Has anybody else had this issue or no a way to make this work? I dont mind moving hyperspin over to the local machine but its a lot easier to update over the share
Last reply by Dilated18, -
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- 6 replies
This button I have my finger on is not customizable in the MAME tab menu. It exits the game which makes it nearly impossible to finish a game because player 2 eventually hits it. I'm fairly new to joytokey and hyperspin. It registers as "button 3" on joytokey. Any suggestions?
Last reply by joseph2626, -
- 1 reply
how to use analog sticks on rocketlauncher in epsxe2.0.5?
Last reply by BATTLEDONKEY, -
- 2 replies
Would it be unethical to ask an ebay seller to provide a side box shot, when I have no intention of buying the product, just so I can make a 3D box art?
Last reply by gigapig, -
- 50 replies
Anyone know of any cool high quality Hyperspin intros?
Last reply by Avar, -
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Hi, Does anyone have a Taito Type X2 xml or know where to find one ? Thanks in advance
Last reply by Avar,