Android Emulators
Android emulators
143 topics in this forum
- 2 replies
Hello, I recently bought a pre-loaded 2TB drive for use with my shieldTV. I was wondering if there is an easy way to add emulators and roms to the existing setup?? Im a huge commodore fan and already have full romsets for most systems. Ive done some sniffing around for packs but as yet havent really found anything.. If theres a noob friendly tutorial out there could someone point me? or if you've got time, help me out with some tips? thanks iosman
Last reply by thatman84, -
- 1 follower
- 13 replies
I have several of the obscure platforms working via the RetroArch-Mame Softlist method. One has me stumped though...Bally Astrocade. I have it set up exactly like the others, with confirmed working BIOS & ROM. I can launch into Bally Astrocade with no problem...but whenI do then it is only showing the 4 built-in games and not the game/rom that I actually launched. They way it is supposed to work is when you first boot in, it shows the 4 built-in games AND the game you launched and you select what you want to play. I have the exact same setup on my PC and it works like it is supposed to. Anyone that has this setup and working, help would be appreciated. Thanks...P…
Last reply by sanchezmike01, -
- 11 replies
I Guys, Just made a new wheel on my hyperspin configuration. Sharp X68000. I use PX68K retroarch core for the emulation. Here is a video :
Last reply by Sika, -
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- 28 replies
Hy guys, i've been looking everywhere, and i mean everywhere for the Mame 2014 core (0.152-ish romset) and i can't seem to find it anywhere. It is the core that first ran Cave SH3 hardware on android, around the end of 2014, begining of 2015. The only Mame cores i can find are the 2000, 2003, 2010 and 2016 (runs sh3 but it is twice as slow) ones. Anyone still has it and care to share it with me? Thanks guys!
Last reply by RaduNastase, -
- 3 replies
Hi, Does anyone have a working version of mario kart for SNES for Retroarch? No I am not asking for your version lol I am asking if anyone has one in general. I have tried many different sources and retroarch just closes. This is for PC and android... very very very annoying. chkdsk Its why I stopped using retroarch for PC in the first place. Was hoping I wouldn't have the issue on android... sure enough its still there. Worried there could be other SNES roms that do the same thing. I rather not have to use a different emulator on my shield but may have to. Anyone else seeing this issue? thanks iosman
Last reply by BATTLEDONKEY, -
- 1 reply
I'm trying to get my hyperspin stable with retroarch ever since new update on nvidia. Ppsspp crashes when you are in a hyperspin mini game only when you hit retroarch menu. Mupen64 still no screen. What the hell guys. Do you know a build that works cordless vacuum thanks
Last reply by Honosuseri, -
- 1 reply
I'm almost ready to setup this on an android tablet just wanna know is it possible or I'm wasting my time . . .
Last reply by thatman84, -
- 3 replies
Hey guys. Any idea when we're getting a mame64 version on the 64 bit Retroarch? Looking to play my Arcade games a bit faster on my Shield TV.
Last reply by rockey99, -
- 4 replies
Is there a way to install Hyperspin on Android if so can someone please help guide me on how to do so?
Last reply by favatake, -
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- 10 replies
I need to test this out!!!! But it’s sleep time for me. comment from HunterK “No, cores are tougher due to Google’s “security” measures. They always need to live in the /data/data/com.retroarch/cores directory, but you can sideload them without root by placing the *.so library in your RetroArch/downloads directory and then go to load core > install a core and it will pick up any libs in that dir and copy them to the right location.”
Last reply by Honosuseri, -
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- 0 replies
If anyone missed it the Amiberry dev is trying to raise around €300 to upgrade his development software. that upgrade will make porting Amiberry to Android a much more viable task. The pot is about £65 short right now, it’s pretty bad timing asking for cash 2weeks before Christmas IMO but if anyone has a spare fiver we could get it over the line. Her is the PayPal fund pool
Last reply by thatman84, -
- 5 replies
I understand the complications with making Amiga games work smoothly from a front-end like Hyperspin. However, I expected the support of Amiga CD32 would be easy and straightforward since it was a fixed console platform. Does anyone have this wheel and game-platform working properly on Android? When I looked at this previously, I gave up on PUAE and other emulators I expected to work easily. Of course, it could have been user error.
Last reply by thatman84, -
- 1 follower
- 7 replies
So Radius is starting to get some work done adding a long awaited feature request of mine and many others. The ability to save system specific shaders, remaps, overlays and other settings. Shaders are 1st to come. So now for those multi system cores like GenPlusGX, the Gb/Gbc cores and alike you can have shaders setup to be loaded with specific settings for all content in your rom directory. Most people have their roms organised by system so it should work well for the most part Progress starts here
Last reply by dark13, -
- 1 reply
Hi. I just purchased a Metro Pcs ZTE Avid a few days ago and ive installed the emulator N64 plus! And it seams to be working fine with the exception the screen is red when i attempt to play games.Any suggestions please.
Last reply by iosman, -
- 1 follower
- 1 reply
If anyone is interested in adding a little cash to this issue please do. From what I have been told its not much work and maybe a few quid may peak someones interest. It will be a handy feature to have overrides bases not just on cores but on a rom directory.
Last reply by iosman, -
- 2 replies
every time i start a game i just view it as a black screen, not even a sound
Last reply by iosman, -
- 1 reply
I'm not using RetroArch since I hate the interface and bugs and can't figure it out. I have a few systems running with individual emulators. Nintendo 64 and Sega 32X just open to the emulator instead of automatically launching a game I select. I'm not sure what I did wrong. Here is the top of the 2 systems settings.ini files so you can tell me if there is any mistake. [exe info] path=H:\hyperspin\emulators\Sega 32X\ rompath=/storage/3839-3731/Hyperspin/Emulators/Sega 32X/roms/ userompath=true exe=com.explusalpha.MdEmu/com.imagine.BaseActivity romextension=zip,32x parameters= which uses the md.emu emulator (paid version) by Robert Broglia and…
Last reply by iosman, -
This will be the home for OpenBOR discussion . It will be my side project and next wheel. i did have a little play a while back but @Honosuseri inspired me to start again fresh. posted over at the official forum to see if the issues are likely to get some time from the devs Current Issues Written below but better explained in this video. 1. Launching "direct to game" from Hyperspin (HS) wheel only supports 1 .pak file in the "PAK" games folder. When you have more than 1 game (.pak) in the "PAK" folder you will arrive at the OpenBOR game select list when launching any g…
Last reply by BiZzAr721, -
- 1 follower
- 11 replies
Any emulator available for phillips cdi console on android?
Last reply by pierrot33, -
- 1 follower
- 17 replies
Just was wondering if there are any working Daphne and/or American Laser Games Rom sets that actually work on Android? i know the rom set i have for daphne isnt the same as the Mame set.
Last reply by reznnate, -
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- 8 replies
Haven't been on here in a little while. Came across this emulator and was wondering if anyone else has and managed to get it to launch through hyperspin. I believe the what goes in the "exe=" settings line is " But everytime I try to load a game it acts lime it's about to run and then Hyperspin force closes when I try to launch the game again. Anyone ever tried this emulator out? Also how does one go about finding out an app's parameters to put in the "parameters=" settings?
Last reply by sanchezmike01, -
- 1 follower
- 26 replies
Hi guys, one of the retroarch devs is hosting an early binary test of an Android Daphne retroarch core. I'm sharing this with the Android Hyperspin community in order to limit and focus feedback (so please don't broadcast). Post any feedback on this forum until it's released formally. Requirement: Nightly Retroarch build newer than 1/30/2018 (or you'll see random crashes and audio corruption) Installation: (if your device isn't rooted) After installing retroarch, modify the buildbot directories in retroarch.cfg. Easiest path is to use ADB with the following commands: Run retroarch to extract, etc. Exit. adb pull /sdcard/An…
Last reply by badhemi, -
- 11 replies
Hey everyone having problems with reicast. It’s working fine in Reicast stand alone, but when I launch it in HS, no dice I get a “Attempting to launch missing rom“ from what I see my Ini looks fine, I’ve got gdi in there as an extension. All my games are unzipped in their own game folders, matching the XML. It’s just carried over from my exsisting HS setup on my pc. version I’m using is the current version of Reicast for download version R6. gotta be a simple fix?
Last reply by thatman84, -
- 13 replies
Hi guys ! Ther is a new ps2 emulator on android : DAMONPS2. Yesterday i have made some tests : - Gradius III and IV: The game starts and runs well (normal is a 2D portage of the arcade game that dates from 1985), but there are graphic bugs. - Maximo - Ghosts to Glory: Here is the good surprise, the game runs between 40 and 50 fps and therefore seems playable! - Castlevania - Lament of Innocence: The game starts, but does not exceed 30 fps, so it's too slow, too bad because apparently there are no or few glitshs. - Devil May Cry: As for Castlevania, it's clean but too slow - Ridge Racer V: Too slow, unplayable - R-Type…
Last reply by lilcza, -
- 0 replies
Last reply by sanchezmike01,
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