HyperSpin Android
Feature Requests
- 54 posts
Feature Requests for HyperSpin Android
- Playstation wheel
- Last reply by Wayneodell13378,
Android Emulators
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Android emulators
- Keep getting this Error...on Nvidia Shield 2015
- Last reply by Dave85,
538 topics in this forum
- 7 replies
Can anyone else confirm that these 2 systems using "mednafen_pce_fast_libretro" core are currently down on RetroArch ? I have tried every possible option but now not working on latest RetroArch 1.7.7 Using NVIDIA SHIELD TV, and was previously working a few weeks ago Any info appreciated. Thanks
Last reply by Creezz67, -
- 1 reply
Hi all, has anyone managed to get the j2me launcher working with the shield? I’ve got the emulator downloaded and a few old .jar files that ive got backed up on my system. Struggling to launch the games via hyperspin. has anyone on here had any luck?
Last reply by Honosuseri, -
- 1 follower
- 11 replies
what is it Settings mayflash wireless wii sensor nvidia shield tv I have TOTALCONSOLE W010 Mayflash Wireless Sensor DolphinBar Nintendo Wii Remote dolphin emulator nvidia shield tv 2017 What are the settings? [Solved] Working fine with Dolphin version 5.0-6339 تم الإرسال من SM-N950F باستخدام Tapatalk
Last reply by ParkeLie, -
- 1 reply
Hello - I am working on my Nvidia Shield, and I am using a very cool, preconfigured version of Hyperspin that I found on Youtube I have the roms running in retroarch, but I when attempting to launch in HS, I receive an ''attempting to launch missing rom'.. I have been attempting to set the rompath in Hyperspin, but I'm a bit confused as to where this should go? Should I update the settings in the "SETTINGS" or the "SETTINGS_ANDROID" folder? I'm thinking the SETTINGS_ANDROID, but just want to make sure. My NAS is named DISKSTATION, and I created a shared folder called 'Emu', and Hyperspin directory lives there. Here i…
Last reply by thatman84, -
- 3 replies
Ive added all the correct ini files and links and paths and still everytime i click on my nintendo ds link on my hyperspin it just goes back to the main menu and wont load the romlist. can anyone begin to think what i am missing. All the files seem in place and paths all look correct. please help.
Last reply by Honosuseri, -
- 1 reply
As we celebrate 25 years of DOOM! John Romero has brought us SIGIL, an unofficial 5th chapter to the original game. So as Retroarch's Prboom core has now been updated to support it...figured I should really add it to my Doom Classics wheel... Threw together a Sigil theme, wheel art and video snap. I was pleasantly surprised, that the prboom core now played the midi music natively. Doom 1&2 originally required me to add the music tracks as mp3 files.
Last reply by Honosuseri, -
- 7 replies
hello.this question has been already asked whithout answer. which animation work on android. thank you.
Last reply by sebastienlegus, -
- 11 replies
I am running Hyperspin on an Nvidia Sheild Tablet and have been able to setup most systems with RetroArch. However when I try to load PSX roms, Hyperspin always says the rom is missing deapite it being in the correct folder and named properly. I've tried loading the roms in RetroArch alone just to make sure they work and they do. I've even loaded wheel art for the PSX wheel with no problems. Everything seems correct but roms on the Playstation wheel won't load.
Last reply by Rowr14, -
- 1 reply
Need help setting up daphne on the shield. I think I have all the files needed i'm just not sure about the folder structure and frame file
Last reply by Honosuseri, -
- 1 follower
- 7 replies
I fell in love with the Amiga again last night! https://youtu.be/1axRwAJz1LU My setup - shown in above video: Nvidia Shield TV > HyperSpin > Retroarch64> P-UAE core I am using tweaked HDF files, a WHDload file, and three amiga kickstart roms (no seperate game config files are needed now, you just need the HDF file), I am so happy at how well this runs, pump it up to the higher resolution via the Retroarch core options and I am in Amiga heaven, just a shame about the CD32 music still trying to get this working.. If you want to do similar; I used Squizzys script from this thread on my hdf files: script thread…
Last reply by ezukax, -
- 77 replies
EDIT: there is now a work around for this issue by following this guide by Hyperspin_Retroarch64_fix.docx hi, we could now install a second retroarch aarch 64 bits besides the regular retroarch in order to use retroarch dolphin 64 bits without deleting the regular retroarch. So we could you the two retroarch together. So is there a way to integrate dolphin with retroarch aarch 64 bits on hyperspin ? The retroarch aarch64 bits core folder is located in root/data/data/com.retroarch.aarch64/cores. (Root needed) The name of the core inside is: dolphin_libretro_android.so Is it possible to add this with a settings.ini ? T…
Last reply by sanchezmike01, -
- 12 replies
Ok usually I dont ask for help for android but this is a 1st for me....as I scroll thru the Sega mega drive wheel I added, once it gets to the 1st game starting with letter "O", hyperspin crashes ...even if i navigate using the letters option when i get to letter "O" again it crashes....i use a default theme i made and have cart art, boxart,and wheel for all the games ...will upload a log as I'm clueless to what happening...thanks
Last reply by sanchezmike01, -
- 1 follower
- 1 reply
Hi all first tine poster here. Looking for some help, as title says I need help clearing nvram for rom Raider fighters. i can’t seem to find the Seibu system folder to delete the nvram folder contents. It’s not in the actual MAME folder. So im presuming I’m looking for a system other than this but I cannot find what I’m looking for. Can anyone point me in the right direction please. thanks
Last reply by thatman84, -
- 1 follower
- 13 replies
I have read so many posts and watched so many videos over the last two weeks that my mind has gone to mush. Some people say using zip files for your roms is a bad idea because of save state compatability with RetroArch or other emulators. Others say it's fine as long as you add zip/7z to the file extension list in HyperSpin. There are also performance considerations to keep in mind with unzipping a game every time you want to play. How do you all store your roms on Android, and why? And what about on PC?
Last reply by Suhrvivor, -
- 0 replies
Hi folks looking some advice on Hyperspin theme on start up when I’ve notice on some videos on how to install Hyperspin to Nvidia Shield that the start of the theme is different to the 1 I have which is like squares on startup .. but I like the idea of the 1 with when you hit HS app the text on screen is Hyperspin at startup is there away to get this on please
Last reply by dymo51973, -
- 1 reply
Hi folks I’m new at this and love the retro games ( like to bring back memories) so I got an external hd 5tb with hyperspin on it with emulators full of roms its a system x 184 (whatever that is lol ) , could some1 help me setting this up on the Nvidia Shield I’ve hyperspin app and retro arch app on the Shield and I’ve download and extracted the zip files in retro arch soo far ... the files are below and thanks for time ? in helping
Last reply by thatman84, -
- 1 follower
- 9 replies
After a long while and effort, the Daphne emulator is now available for Android and Hyperspin. https://buildbot.libretro.com/nightly/android/latest/armeabi-v7a/ setup and compatibility details here: https://github.com/libretro/daphne
Last reply by KillerQ, -
- 8 replies
I've in the process of creating a PLEX theme/wheel in HS. I used thatman84's HS Kodi project as a template. Thanks man. I'm wondering if it's possible to link to the different libraries in PLEX. Main Wheel: PLEX System Wheel: Movies Television Music Etc. I thought I might be able to use QuickShortCutMaker to find the links to each library, but that doesn't seem to be the case. I also understand this might not be something that can be done. If not PLEX, maybe this could be accomplished with KODI? I'm running HS on a NVidia Shield, which I know limits what I can accomplish. If this isn't something I can do, I'll build a Media Wheel, …
Last reply by sanchezmike01, -
- 1 follower
- 11 replies
Hi there, I've been banging my head against the wall for the past ten hours trying to get any games pulled up, and haven't had any luck. I've been searching through the forum, Google, and youtube.. and feel as if I've tried a hundred different combination of things... to no avail. Any help would be much appreciated. I'm currently working with an Nvidia Shield and external 4TB drive. I followed Thatman84's tutorial (Than you for putting that together!) I've also tried a few other tutorials found online, which I don't think I'm allowed to link to here. I have Hyperspin installed on my external drive, and pulling up the wheel when I start the…
Last reply by thatman84, -
- 12 replies
Basically updating the uninformed about systems for android that arent mentioned or talked about...super gameboy now works on android...it loads with colors and the built in bezels and plays perfectly as it does on the pc....atomiswave and naomi also work on android .....most games load and work using the lastest reicast core in retroarch...if u get an error about machine settings, basically u gotta enable service buttons then go to system settings and change screen from vertical to horizontal...then exit out and go to retroarch options and change it to horizontal and disable service buttons and save the game option file...game will now load and play....lastly msdos....t…
Last reply by zerojay, -
- 0 replies
hello Yesterday i could launch game cube games whithout problems whith dolphin nightly 5.0.9206. I changed nothing and this day ,i have a error message."attempting to launch invalid emulator. here is a part of my gamecube.ini rompath=/storage/4A1B-5CBF/NVIDIA_SHIELD/emulation/GAMECUBE/ userompath=true exe=org.dolphinemu.dolphinemu/org.dolphinemu.dolphinemu.ui.main.MainActivity romextension=iso parameters=AutoStartFile can someone help me?
Last reply by sebastienlegus, -
- 1 follower
- 8 replies
This is the start of the WIP guide and Amiga Project thread DONT REPLY TO THIS THREAD REPLY TO THIS ONE(clicky) For now this will become a tempory guide to UAE4arm setup with the Ultimate Amiga Raspberry Pi Project a helpful source of information in google Step 1 - Install Uae4arm (beta) You need to follow this link to sign up to be a beta tester to gain access to the apk that can launch games directly from Hyperspin. https://play.google.com/apps/testing/atua.anddev.uae4arm Link above taken from the English Amiga Board and the post below http://eab.abime.net/showpost.php?p=1158186&postcount=349 Step 2 - Instal…
Last reply by thatman84, -
- 1 follower
- 34 replies
Hyperspin Android ScummVM with RetroArch Credits JLeaver Norkusa reznnate badhemi sting honosuseri sanchezmike01 aftermath17 Pouteur krater9 What is it? ScummVM is a program which allows you to run certain classic graphical point-and-click adventure games, provided you already have their data files. The clever part about this: ScummVM just replaces the executables shipped with the games, allowing you to play them on systems for which they were never designed! Assets and Links Latest ScummVM release at time of posting Dec 17, 2017: ScummVM 2.0. Diskmach Updated Database ScummVM 2.1 Latest HyperSpin database ScummVM 1…
Last reply by Honosuseri, -
I'm about to start on my Neo Geo setup, I read THATMAN84's post on working systems & he sudgested using MAME or AES? I can't find the AES on the cores download list to load in RetroArch, have they re named it? Do you still recomend using AES? Anyone recomend anything? Thanks Steve
Last reply by dark13, -
Has anyone got a good setup for the C64 & C16? On my PC Hyperspin I used WinVICE for C64 & C16 but Ive seen Frodo being used & I'm not sure weather to install the two seperate Cores in RetroArch VICE C64 VICE Plus4 If I do add these cores what do I need to add to the settings.ini files in Hyperspin to find the cores I've added? Thanks guys Steve
Last reply by StevieMac,