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Need help setting up specific emulator in HyperSpin? Check the Tutorials section first and then post your questions here.

- XBOX/XBOX 360 Attraction II Themes
- Last reply by Andyman,
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- Hyperspin not running
- Last reply by Roadrunner,
3,641 topics in this forum
- 5 replies
Hey guys, got my arcade and everything working with future pinball. The only Proble i have is that a lot of my Tables all start with Credit. Of course i want to use my Coin MEch and so i want all the Tables to start with NO CREDIT!!! Im not sure weither each table has its own credit option and where i can change this. Im using the coinmech to trigger "5" so no problems there, but i basicly want to turn off all FREE GAMES and only have Credits when thrown in beforehand. Maybe you guys can help. Cheers Sam
Last reply by marxkemp, -
- 13 replies
Hey homies, I edited a Star Wars arcade commerical with various gameplay footage. Added some epic music from Willow (James Horner). Also, some fades and cuts! I really hope you like it! Thanks, Steve
Last reply by xHyperSteve, -
- 6 replies
Hey guys. Is Gauntlet Dark Legacy broken in MAME currently? Me and my friend just went to go play it on my cab and we sat and stared at a black screen for 5 minutes and nothing happened. MAME hangs. My rom passes audit and it's marked as working in 155?
Last reply by Trnzaddict, -
- 45 replies
Hey everyone, Just wanted to pop in to share the news that baddeolv has been promoted to administrator here at Hyperspin-FE. I can't thank him enough for all his hard work and effort that he has put into the site over the years. I also want to thank everyone (the list would take pages) who has helped make HyperSpin what it is today. I never imagined that this site would ever get this big, and it really does take an army to keep it going. Merry Christmas everyone and beware.... Baddy has teeth now! BadBoyBill
Last reply by THK, -
- 6 replies
What do you guys think of a pc like this? http://jacksonville.craigslist.org/sys/4816529257.html I only need to use Mame, atari, nes, snes, Sega Genesis.
Last reply by kfchow, -
- 21 replies
Merry Christmas dudes! Thanks for the support and excellent community! I spend a lot of time nerding out and thinking about whats going on around the site! This is an awesome time to be into Hyperspin! Special Christmas/Holiday Shoutouts to: aletterfromlosdays, Giga(for all the help and positivity), Hazard (for all the excellent shit talkin'), DamnedRegistrations (for all the goddamn famicom work, you're damned awesome), rust2dust (congrats on that cab!) and to all the awesome people who make Hyperspin-fe amazing!!:hello::tee::beerglass:
Last reply by THK, -
- 27 replies
Database is incorrect there are about 6 games that are wrong. Adventure Island (USA) in example is actually called Hudson's Adventure Island (USA) This database is based on no-intro's dats they use the box art for titles. This info also matches with art already made by the hyperspin community. more info: http://datomatic.no-intro.org/index.php?page=show_record&s=45&n=1001
Last reply by Fursphere, -
- 3 replies
hi all does anyone no how to do vertical bezels on vertical monitor for vertical mame games to cover the black bars at top and bottom thanks. i can only seem to do them at left and right side game and not top and botton. like this
Last reply by zorg2000k, -
by sonicboom88- 6 replies
anyone know what this means?
Last reply by sonicboom88, -
- 16 replies
I thought I'd start or have a go at starting a HyperShow for news etc of what's happening in and around this hobby of ours. I'ts very lo fi at the moment as I'm still drunk (it's Christmas BTW), but if it works it may get better This first one is mainly for the HyperLaunch Beta, and gets you up and running if you've just updated. If you think it's crap and I should just give up, then please keep it to yourself, I'm way to sensitive right now No be frank, and any suggestions are welcome.
Last reply by Codbo, -
- 3 replies
Recently made an XML file which for seems to work well. Issue I'm having is that upon opening some of the roms I get an error once the video is starting to open up. any way to correct this issue? See below log. It seems to not want to open but real errors Nestopia log file version 1.40 ----------------------------------- Language: loaded "english.nlg" version Direct3D: initializing.. Direct3D: enumerating device - name: Intel® HD Graphics, GUID: D7B78E66-4306-11CF-247E-5001A2C2C535 Direct3D: dynamic textures: supported Direct3D: texture bilinear filtering: supported Direct3D: max texture dimensions: 8192x8192 Direct3D: scanline effect: supported Direc…
Last reply by barakawins, -
- 14 replies
Last reply by Fromlostdays, -
- 4 replies
Everything works when I choose MAME through Hyperspin but on the list there are some clones I downloaded to make some games work. How do I hide these clones and the bios ie neogeo, snk? I have tryed opening MAME xml through notepad and deleting the description of the clones but when I do this some games I havn't deleted dissapear when opening Hyperspin/MAME. Can anybody help? thanks
Last reply by spotUP, -
- 18 replies
Game\Theme\Favorites\Genre List Creation [updated!] [iNDEX] Create a "Roms List" Create a "Wheels-Only" List Create a "Themes-Only" List Create a "HiToText" List - Works with HiToText! Create a "Command" List" - Works with CPWizard! Create a "NPlayer" List - For MultiPlayer Lists! Create a "Catlist" List for Even More Genres! Create a "Filtered-Working" Mame List Create a "Favorites" List Create a Folder "Favorites.ini" for Mame\Folders (bottom of post). Create a Folder "Series.ini": http://www.progettoemma.net/public/series HyperList Download NO LINK PENDING NEW RELEASE Other List makers - Assemble - CartList -Database Management - fata1err0r's Di…
Last reply by spotUP, -
- 5 replies
Hello, Friends. I'm setting up a Jukebox app in the main menu. I'm using the beautiful theme that ACE created but can't seem to find an FLV video for the main menu. Would anyone be able to point me in the right direction, please? Thanks!
Last reply by Roadrunner, -
- 8 replies
Hi guys, first of all: A big and nice MERRY CHRISTMAS to all of you! Hope you're enjoying a wonderful time with your loved ones and your arcade needs :-) I'm a new guy, was reading and reading and reading until my eyes fell out. I've managed to install Hyperspin and HyperLaunch, etc. But still, I have a few questions and of course, it's not working as expected :-D What's up with the site? Yesterday, I've bought the platinum membership for FTP purposes and to show some support for such a great project. LAter, I read that some key people like Rain and emd (or something, the creator of the Dom's Hyperspin Tools) are out and not doing anything anymore because of real life…
Last reply by flyer6, -
- 1 reply
I was setting up NullDC and found a workaround for getting the second controller to work in NullDC. I'm using two rotary U360's. Of course, you need to setup both port A and port B in maple to the purupuru input (for pads). Set controller 1 as usual. Exit out of nulldc and edit the Nulldc cfg file in you nulldc folder. Scroll down to PuruPuru_pad_2 and find joyid=0 and change it to 1. Start nulldc again and setup port b in maple using your second player joystick. When you click on ok, nulldc will save all your changes but it will change back the joyid to 0 in purupuru_pad_2. Go back and edit the nulldc cfg file again and change back joyid to 1. You are now ready to…
Last reply by Yuguru, -
- 7 replies
Has anyone here heard of preinstalled HDD with Hyperspin and lots of emulators and games? I saw an ad somewhere, but is that really legal? I mean MAME is not supposed to be sold, some of the roms must still have copyright?
Last reply by Raccoon, -
- 6 replies
I am subcribed to platinum today but when I use hypersync it says I dont have any system setup. I did setup SNES already but ROM XML not yet been added as per my database on roms. Anyway one system is already there or if I can have a link to a file of all systems been setted instead of me to set up? I thought once I paid for platinum they hypersync will do the job for me? Secondly why I cannot use the HyperFTP is says need donate? Hope someone can guide me Thanks Ken
Last reply by ricky112, -
- 4 replies
So HS 1.0 came out in Feb 2010.. Then a small delay until the road to 2.0 but it's now back on track. Interesting thing is that a lot can happen in 5 years. So what is different in your life in the last 5 years? ::: I'll start- I have had two beautiful daughters with my smoking hot wife. Moved from Germany back to the good old USA#1 Living in south Florida, bought a house. Made a groovy arcade cocktail and started my own business!!! What about you !!!
Last reply by monkeysez, -
- 1 reply
I"ve tried Rom2xml but this doesn't work well at all. Misses a lot of games. Does anyone have an XML maker that works well and generates a full games list?
Last reply by Aorin, -
- 16 replies
Anyone do this? Here is a cool program, http://keysticks.net/site/ Looks like it may work. Thoughts? Opinions? Don't really need it, just sharing.
Last reply by xHyperSteve, -
- 1 reply
Just upgraded to Platinum, to go with my membership over at Emumovies, loving all that. The FTP works a treat for Hyperspin, but I get the feeling I'm not finding the whole of the community's offerings. I see the Gold Members download section in the FTP, but none of the individual members' folders I've seen talked about for months. I should very much like to browse these if they're still up somewhere, as well as the Hyperspin Dropbox I also see mention of. If I'm mistaken and the FTP is all there is, I apologise and will continue thankfully enjoying what I find there, I'm just curious if there's other things in other folders I'm not finding. ^.^ Cheers. Edit, I Am …
Last reply by nathan1974au, -
- 17 replies
Working on a Capcom wheel. Hoping someone has the 150 game xml list. Thanks for any answer!
Last reply by Fuligin, -
- 2 replies
I'm working on Atari 800. My last emulator I'd like to load into hyperspin. But, there's not much documentation for the new RocketLauncher to execute atari800. Anyone get this to work? Hopefully you can share what emulator you are using and how do you get all the games to list?
Last reply by Styphelus,