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Need help setting up specific emulator in HyperSpin? Check the Tutorials section first and then post your questions here.

- XBOX/XBOX 360 Attraction II Themes
- Last reply by Andyman,
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- Hyperspin not running
- Last reply by Roadrunner,
3,641 topics in this forum
- 18 replies
Hi there, First of all, i want to say,i have been looking through the forums and whilst i have found some great advice on what to buy/build, i didnt read anything that was very recent so i would love to hear if i am heading in the right direction. I plan to buy a cabinet (from here http://www.recroommasters.com/32_Pro_Upright_Xtension_Arcade_Cabinet_Emulator_p/rm-xt-32-pro-ee.htm ) I am looking to play everything up to and including PS2, Dreamcast,Wii. I understand that CPU speed is the main priority but i am also on a budget, i am not confident enough to build from scratch (happy to upgrade RAM and gfx cards etc) Would one of these refurbs be good enough to get me r…
Last reply by azzajess, -
- 3 replies
Hello! Im not sure if this is the right forum section to post this in as i'm unsure of where to put this. Anyway, I was wondering if there was any actual location, whether it would be in the forums or the FTP where we can submit/upload our custom wheel images for PC games that have not been done. For example i have made custom wheel images for some of my PC games that i cant find on the FTP or Forum. (Such as Broforce, Binding of Isaac, Angry Video Game Nerd to name a few)(They are in my FTP at the moment) I saw a massive list of PC game wheel art in the FTP under 'PC Games' and was wondering if that would be a good place to upload custom wheel art. Or is another foru…
Last reply by azzajess, -
- 11 replies
I have just gotten the Coleco ADAM working using MESS in Hyperspin - a real blast from my past. The new MESS (r25923) has support for both ADAM floppies and data packs. I have made a crude XML, and modified the mess.ahk to pick the right parameters. There is also a great collection of ADAM software out there. Now I just need some nice clipart, and I'm no artist. Does anyone have any spare Coleco banners/wheels/themes?
Last reply by spotUP, -
- 2 replies
I am going to visit the family for about a week. No computer. No internet really..... I hope these patches help...
Last reply by rust2dust, -
- 23 replies
I thought I would start as I came across this pretty nice looking gem today. If everyone contributes we should have plenty of great games to play coop with friends and family! Beat Hazard (Ultra) http://store.steampowered.com/app/49600/ Bionic Commando Rearmed http://store.steampowered.com/app/21680/ Broforce http://store.steampowered.com/app/274190/ Castle Crashers http://store.steampowered.com/app/204360/?snr=1_7_7_151_150_4 Crawl http://store.steampowered.com/app/293780/?snr=1_7_7_151_150_4 Devils Dare http://www.rockpapershotgun.com/2014/10/08/game-pc-convention-devils-dare/#more-239623 Dungeon Defenders http://store.steampowered.com/app/65800/?snr=1_7_7…
Last reply by BiLbOBaggins, -
- 6 replies
I have seen a lot of negativity being thrown around the forums as of late. It's easy to misunderstand something you know nothing about or to form a opinion and assumption because you don't know all the facts. This is easily one of the most active and caring gaming communities I have ever had the joy of being apart of. I have made a ton of friends in what I would consider a reclusive life style. I have been inspired to create and share artwork that I never knew I was capable of making. I wish I was able to code or make fancy themes and help the community even more then I do now but I really don't have that kind of talent. People need to realize that when you sign up for g…
Last reply by Aceisback, -
- 4 replies
I'm reconfiguring everything due to RocketLauncher.0 and got most emulators working but having an issue now. Atari Lynx, Turbo Graphics and Neo Geo Pocket color seem to use Mednafen. I cannot get them to work no how. In hyperlaunch global settings I found the Mednafen module and directed to the correct exe path. Next, clicked on Neo Geo Pocket Color emulator on the left in Hyperlaunch. Directed Roms to the proper rom folder but when I choose default emulator, there is nothing to choose from. This is the same result for all 3 of these emulators. Is there a fix for this? Error message when I try accessing a game through the emulator wheel says that the ini file isn't…
Last reply by dsnyd22, -
- 10 replies
Hyperspin 2.0 feature request 1.) Gradual speedup when scrolling through wheels 2.) Wheel centering on x & y coordinates 3.) Adjustable wheel positions on all sides i.e. "pin" style showing others systems at set radius 4.) Adjustable theme extis instead of random i.e. "main menu artwork in & out the same way" 5.) More versatility for home television use 6.) Menu system instead of "strictly in and out of a single point 7.) Allow ambient background music play along with preview audio output 8.) Artwork rendering methods as in Mugen i.e. tile=, velocity=, tilespacing= , alpha= 9.) Allow short video after main menu system is selected, i.e. Nintendo selected…
Last reply by ninja2bceen, -
- 14 replies
http://segaretro.org/Super_Control_Station_SF-7000 I have ten games or so for this. They are all .bin. MESS says it supports this system/add on but not .bin as far as I can tell. Anybody know if there are other versions of the games? Or an emulator that can play the .bin....? thanks -craig
Last reply by craiganderson, -
- 10 replies
Уважаемый разработчик. Сделайте пожалуйся хотя бы для меня патч в который будет добавлена функция случайного выбора. Я знаю что в hyperspin есть случайная прокрутка. но хотелось бы чтоб не только крутилась и останавливалась но и выбирала устройства. а тесть типо демо режим но без запуска игры. вот пример вот он 3 секунды стоит на выборе устройств. потом крутится 4 секунды и останавливается на случайном устройстве. так может повторится несколько раз. затем он входит в это устройство сам и начинается крутится и выбирать игру. и так несколько раз. а потом он возвращается обратно к выбору устройству. и так продолжается несколько раз пока ты не остановишь это
Last reply by Aorin, -
Sir Cyrano no allow use his 3D boxes until Baddeolv clear the BAN
by Guest SirCyranotwo- 7 replies
I am Sir Cyrano user. baddeolv said I had a ban for 3days and I've realized that it's forever, here the test: Well, While I am banned not allow use my 3D boxes. I am the owner and do not give my permission for the use my 3D and 2D boxes. My Project 3D Boxes: Playstation Sega Master System Sega Genesis Sega Saturn Again, do not allow the use of my boxes by Hyperspin until Baddeolv remove my ban
Last reply by THK, -
- 18 replies
Last reply by dsnyd22, -
- 12 replies
The module in HLHQ is for Magic Engine 1.3. I cant find this emulator anywhere. There is only a demo available which does no good for anything. I have magic engine 1.0 and it works fine outside of hyperspin, but since the version is different than the module it crashes every time. I was wondering if there is a module for 1.0 or a tweak that would allow this to work?
Last reply by Fursphere, -
- 14 replies
http://www.badboybill.com/thealbum/ I was amazed when I saw this and heard it, wow!
Last reply by Zinger19, -
- 23 replies
I am having a issue with ePSXe and Daemon Tools Lite I have never had in the past. It takes sometimes 1-2 minutes for cue/bin format to load in the SCSI virtual drive. No other system is having this issue. SSF loads lighting quick for example. My previous build of Hyperspin did not have this issue and I am using all the same hardware as before as well as the same OS Win7 64. The roms are extracted. I disabled DT in HyperlaunchHQ and tested directly loading through the emulator and it still takes the same amount of time. So is it perhaps a issue with the module? I also tested this in ePSXe 180 and 190 thinking maybe 190 was bugged. No dice.
Last reply by keltoigael, -
- 28 replies
HyperLogo Wheel Image Generator 0.1 I have decided to abandon my mame2hyperspin project in favour of this one. I hope the following makes sense as its 2:40am It allows you to open any HyperSpin Database XML and automatically generate the wheel logos for it. Download : HyperLogo 0.1.zip (1.22mb) You might need the Visual Studio 2008 Redist to run: Visual Studio 2008 Redist How to: 1. Click open and browse to your hyperspin/database/<emulator name>/<database>.xml 2. Click browse and go to any folder of your choice, or the corresponding images/wheel folder 3. Choose your font settings, fontface, size, stroke, colour etc... 4. Press Generate Logos
Last reply by DamnedRegistrations, -
- 16 replies
Anybody have this? dd5cx1bWFtA
Last reply by floatingyeti, -
- 4 replies
I tried using fraps to record my setup but it didn't work so well. Black screen but with sound. Thanks!
Last reply by craiganderson, -
- 3 replies
But I cannot find the ftp download and other downloads this membership allows. Do I just wait some time and it will be enabled or what do I do?
Last reply by mrstaun, -
- 7 replies
I have a pretty simple issue, i just cant find the right setting to change it. My theme art is blocking my wheel art on a few themes. Most of my themes automatically fade out when you start turning the wheel. I need to know how to change this so my theme art is not blocking the wheel??
Last reply by dsnyd22, -
- 4 replies
just bought a mini candy cab. cant get hyperspin working properly.can somebody help me set this up at my house? im down to pay to get it working on my cab. im located in NORTH HOLLYWOOD. email me at [email protected] or call me at 818-601-XXXX
Last reply by treylasalle, -
- 6 replies
When I download individual Roms, I can get them to play from the Hyperspin wheel. I recently added a full Rom Set(unzipped) to my MAME\v0.156\roms folder . No games show up on my wheel. Do I need to unzip?
Last reply by nathan1974au, -
- 6 replies
I tried to use MESS as Atari 2600 emulator, all roms are 7z When I tried to start a game a window flashed briefly and all I had time to see was something like "Fatal error" and the window disappered again. Then I extracted all romfiles and could start the games with MESS from Hyperspin. Does this mean I don´t have 7z installed correctly? My MAME roms are in zip archives and ScummVM are 7z, MAME works but not ScummVM.
Last reply by bleasby, -
- 9 replies
Has anyone made a PC-88 setup/module for hyperspin? It seems like a quite cool system. It would be cool to see it in action!
Last reply by kop9000, -
- 11 replies
For each system I install in Hyperspin I feel like a complete noob. Finding roms and game xml files is easy, but when it comes to game wheels it´s a little harder and takes some time searching. Still not so hard, google a bit, find a thread here and mostly download from a user in the FTP. But when it comes to main menu system wheels it´s a bit annoing, can be searching for a long time, sometimes withou finding anything. I have downloaded the whole Hyperspin ready Cart collection from PD and I´m now finishing a system at the time in alphabetical order. So far only one new system finished, now I´m on to Atari 2600 and it´s a bit frustrating to search for wheels. Is th…
Last reply by Raccoon,