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Need help setting up specific emulator in HyperSpin? Check the Tutorials section first and then post your questions here.

- XBOX/XBOX 360 Attraction II Themes
- Last reply by Andyman,
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- Hyperspin not running
- Last reply by Roadrunner,
3,641 topics in this forum
- 11 replies
Happy thanksgiving!! I'm thankful for all of the support and pals on this site! Great buddies and great fun!! Thanks to Gigs, Ron, Hazard, damned reg, aletterfromlostdays and everyone who has every offered support and contributed to Hyperspin-fe.com. Wherever you are in the world, whether or not thanksgiving is today, thankful! You guys fucking rock. Steve
Last reply by Trnzaddict, -
- 1 reply
anyone have an Atari 800 emulator xml file? Not sure how to make this work but I get an XML file error. Hyperlist is down so that's out. Anyone have this on ftp?
Last reply by phulshof, -
- 11 replies
fits the border better 60fps used (japan) games about 8 games or so putting in my emumovies ftp if anybody wants it hN4pRCHH8Mk
Last reply by craiganderson, -
- 10 replies
Anyone have a reliable source for mame .155 and xml list?
Last reply by brolly, -
- 5 replies
Hi Is openbore or taito type x worth setting up? I've read at least taito to be a pain to set up.
Last reply by Styphelus, -
- 2 replies
Just updated my Hyperspin and hyperlaunch. Now I can't launch a game from the hyperspin wheel. Says Cannot find hyperlaunch.exe Does anyone know what file I have to alter to point it to hyperlaunch.exe?
Last reply by barakawins, -
- 12 replies
Does anyone have the raw KoolJeep style button artwork? I have it as my button for most of my systems (synced with HyperSync) but there are a few I'm missing - most notably Future Pinball and a few PC games like Hoyle. Thanks in advance
Last reply by pipes78, -
- 0 replies
Hi Guys, Do anyone ever consider to add unicode support in HyperSpin? So that we could show the original Japanese names of the games. I guess some of you guys are as persistent as I am - for those original names .... Raymond
Last reply by moudenrai, -
- 3 replies
does anyone have any PSP Themes I could get from ftp? my hyperspin is looking boring.
Last reply by sonicboom88, -
- 0 replies
Like I said I haven't messed around with HS for a long time now, just wondering what is the status with 2.0, does it exist? Also can someone point me to a video of someones setup in action so I can see all the new bells and whistles that are probably out by now. Thanks
Last reply by rrcade, -
- 13 replies
Ive searched this board high and low, searched google and tried a lot of stuff and cant seem to figure this out. Here is my stdout log, any help would be greatly appreciated. Starting Mednafen 0.9.21-WIP Build information: Compiled with gcc 4.5.4 20111030 (prerelease) [svn/rev.180676 - mingw-w64/oz] Compiled against zlib 1.2.6, running with zlib 1.2.6 Compiled against SDL 1.2.15, running with SDL 1.2.15 Running with libsndfile-1.0.25 Compiled against libcdio 0.83 x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu, running with libcdio 0.83 x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu Base directory: C:\Hyperspin\Emulators\Atair Lynx Internal emulation modules: nes snes gb gba pce pce_fast …
Last reply by Sea Monkey, -
- 7 replies
Hey guys, I have been having some trouble getting Colecovision working along with MESS. I am pretty sure it has something to do with the BIOS. I have MESS 0.155 along with the MESS64UI Front End. I am auditing 139/140 through HyperLaunchHQ, but when i try and load any game, I get this message: "313 10031-4005 73108a.u2 NOT FOUND (tried in coleco coleco)" and then anoither message that reads: "FATALERROR: Required files are missing, the system cannot be run." The set of roms I have, has the BIOS in a zip file in the Colecovision roms folder. Does it need to be in a different folder? Where does MESS check BIOS files at? My current Hyperspin setup is C:/Hyperspin and t…
Last reply by dmxwyrw, -
- 28 replies
I'm a longtime Hyperspin user, and loving every second of it. A couple of months ago I took the plunge and decided to invest in both a Hypersync and Emumovies account... and I'd have to say all of the submissions are beautiful. Awesome bezels, box and cartridge art on the FTP for games that are not on Hypersync. All kinds of stuff. I expect to stay busy with it for a long, long time and have absolutely no problem with that. Just to reiterate - I'm loving every second of this amazing program and hope to god we see future development. Anyways..... Enough with all of that. I've tested with all kinds of different settings and have learned how to do all kinds of awesome thi…
Last reply by BakerMan, -
- 1 reply
I'm running an earllier version of hyperspin and Hyperlaunch. In order to upgrade to the newer versions of hyperspin, hyperlaunch and Hyper HQ is there some type of tutorial? I'd hate to loose everythign. Can someone provide the steps to properly upgrade?
Last reply by rfancella, -
- 4 replies
I need a new hard drive for my Hyperspin setup. Does anyone have any experience running Hyperspin with WD Green drives? I currently have a 3TB WD Black for all my PC games and Hyperspin but I need more space for Hyperspin and was thinking of getting a WD 4TB green drive. The reason I'm looking at the WD Green is mostly price and the fact that Hyperspin is mostly a storage drive for all the roms and doesn't require high performance unless I'm playing PS2 or Wii games. I would keep the WD Black for PC games only (I'm mostly a PC gamer). Would this be a good idea? I know the Green drives are slower and go to sleep easily and take a bit of time to start spinning again. Not…
Last reply by Styphelus, -
- 10 replies
i have it working outside hyperspin have bios files any ideas? thank you. 13:14:23:346 | HL | INFO | +N/A | Main - HyperLaunch v3.0.1.1c 13:14:23:381 | HL | INFO | +31 | Main - System Specs: HyperLaunch Dir: E:\Hyperspin\Hyperlaunch OS: Microsoft Windows 8.1 SKU: Windows 8 Total Memory: 16298.77 MB Free Memory: 14107.71 MB Used Memory: 2191.055 MB SystemType: x64-based PC Physical Processors: 1 Logical Processors: 8 GPU 1 Name: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 760 GPU 1 RAM: -2048.00 MB GPU 1 Driver Version: Sound 1 Device: Realtek High Definition Audio Sound 1 Status: Enabled Sound 2 Device:…
Last reply by Sea Monkey, -
- 1 reply
I just accessed the ftp for the first time, and I was amazed by the amount of content available. This community is ridiculously awesome. I teared up a little when I saw how many wheel images were available... Thank you everyone.
Last reply by craiganderson, -
- 4 replies
Hello. I wanted to "finish" VG 5000. My definition of finished is 1) Roms 2) Main menu, default themes 3) main menu and default wheel art 4) videos I could not find any wheel art for phillips vg 5000 if you want em im putting them in my ftp they are not fancy they are not cutouts they are the color i like i will not be changing them they are good enough for me they are simply some random arcade font that i downloaded i like how they look i like the color but they are there if u want em better than nothing if somebody makes real cutouts i would gladly use those instead thanks craig if you dont like them feel free to NOT comment
Last reply by craiganderson, -
- 6 replies
can anyone point me to any tutorials for setting up atari emulators? I've tried getting 5200/7800 working with mess and some others but have been very unsusccessful. there were a couple threads here with links to the tuturials but the links were dead. Dont really care which emulator it is, just want to get those working one way or another
Last reply by jamaster14, -
- 2 replies
Hi I'm setting up hyperlaunch to work with an xbmc front end using advanced launcher. I can use the built in scrapers to pull art and thumbs etc but it's looking like a long process. Is it worth me paying for gold or plat access to the ftp? If plat, will hyper sync work for what I need? I don't need anything to do with hyperspin, but will it still look at my hyperlaunch and pull everything I need for all my roms? I need to it for most of the old Nintendo and Sega machines plus mame, mostly. Thanks SW
Last reply by StevieW, -
- 8 replies
I have just set up pcsx2 and when I play gta vice city I get a slight stutter and sound goes strange could someone help me with this? I have radeon Hd6670 graphics card 16 gb ram AMD Athlon X4750k cpu.
Last reply by sonicboom88, -
- 5 replies
The Amiga database has a weird naming convention that doesn't match any of the Tosec roms that I have, Is there a proper Tosec named database available? Thanks
Last reply by jedfactor, -
- 10 replies
I have been running with NullDC for years, how does DEmul fair against it? I have a very high spec'd emulation machine. I know NullDC works off single core does DEmul take advantage of today's multi core PC's?
Last reply by damageinc86, -
- 2 replies
Looking for the complete set of intro videos for colecovision. Anyone have these on their FTP? Emu movies download is limited and I'd like to complete my set.
Last reply by gigapig, -
- 14 replies
new longer, better main menu MAME attract video for people who like to let it run awhile. Has more hype and good music sections are highlighted. To use it use a good youtube downloader to download this video at desired rezo/filesize then go to: HyperSpin\Hyperspin Project - The Frontend\Media\Main Menu\Video and rename the old mame video to keep it and put this video in that folder and call it "MAME". Your old video is now replaced with this one. to check it out see my and use a youtube downloader to get it.
Last reply by wrmiller161981,