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Need help setting up specific emulator in HyperSpin? Check the Tutorials section first and then post your questions here.

- XBOX/XBOX 360 Attraction II Themes
- Last reply by Andyman,
- 23.6k posts
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Having problems with HyperSpin? You've come to the right place!

- Hyperspin not running
- Last reply by Roadrunner,
3,641 topics in this forum
- 2 replies
Good morning guys, I have a friend who has recently bought a 2nd hand machine and it doesn't seem to be working correctly. He asked me to take a look at it as I am more into IT, but my experience with emulators is slim, so i was wondering if someone could help point me in the right direction. When launching Hyperspin, everything seems to work fine, until a game loads. Then some or all of the buttons stop working. He has 2 x Sanwa joystick with 6 buttons plus credit and player buttons. After reading the initial guide on here i could see that the software version was very old, so i downloaded the latest update files and installed them. N64 roms are not workin…
Last reply by AntN, -
- 19 replies
Hey, anyone have a guide or have any information on how to setup Visual Pinball? I have Future Pinball up and working correctly and loads the tables no problem and works fine in Hyperspin I have all the roms for Visual Pinball. What's the easiest and best way of setting up and installing Visual Pinball?
Last reply by braap, -
- 7 replies
Hi everybody I'm looking for à Taito F3 main theme. I don't find many artworks to do it myself If someone have it or can do it Thank you
Last reply by SalutemDat, -
- 10 replies
Hey guys I'm kind of new to hyperspin but I do know how most of everything works. I bought a system online that has 16tb hdd worth of hyperspin games and the only thing that is driving me up the walls is there is this terrible looking retro shader on all mame games (big pixels) it pretty much ruins the games I would like then to look like the original arcade games. Can somone please tell me how to remove the shaders and put it back to the original settings please. I would really appreciate Somones help on this.
Last reply by Creezz67, -
- 3 replies
FTP and website is down for me. Working for you guys?
Last reply by justice999, -
- 0 replies
Looking for advice here... and hoping someone here has some input...Posted on HyperPie forums as well, but maybe someone here has advice or can offer some support & knowledge if they run both platforms. Have a beautifully running HP2 setup on my MacMini with a 32" Dell monitor. I'm looking to add a second monitor above it to display marquee art (specific art per game) as I plan my cab build. Anyone have input or success with a second monitor that shows marquees? Software or hardware driven? Searched high and low, but only get processes for PC based HP systems, not for MAC. Any advice would be appreciated... What I’ve already done/tried below: I have multi-…
Last reply by ZiMiNeE, -
- 1 follower
- 54 replies
i have just downloaded and attempted to in stall hyperspin only to have my AV delete the main exe because it has found a virus , \HyperSpin Install v1.3.2.0.zip » ZIP » HyperHQ.exe - a variant of Win32/Packed.MoleboxVS.G suspicious application \HyperSpin Install v1.3.2.0.zip » ZIP » HyperSpin.exe - a variant of Win32/Packed.MoleboxVS.G suspicious application come on guys clean up and scan before you publish!
Last reply by Scyto, -
- 3 replies
Hi everyone, the last days I thought a lot about building an emulation machine. I ended up installing a second Windows partition on my MacBook Pro. (which was a pain in the a, since you are not supposed to install more than one additional system) I was planning to use this Windows just for emulation and didn't even install an anti virus tool. Installed Dolphin, PCSX2, made both run with DS4Windows to use the rumble function of the controller and everything worked so far. Then I tried forever to make Hyperspin running Dolphin but it just didn't. I added a wheel in HyperHQ, tried to set it up, called it "Nintendo GameCube", but in Hyperspi…
Last reply by 32assassin, -
Windows downloads of Hyperspin from hyperspin-fe.com web page are infected with malware
by Shadowfire- 2 replies
Both the 1.51 full and 1.51 upgrade archives contain system level trojan malware as of 12/15/2018 12:08am EST (-5 GMT) Both HyperHQ.exe and HyperTheme.exe files are affected.
Last reply by Bungles, -
- 4 replies
I'm doing a reasonably simple HS setup with just a single MAME wheel. I have a good mixture of games, many without their own HS themes, in both vertical and horizontal. For those without their own theme I am using the following theme as the default: Sorry for not crediting its creator but I've downloaded so much recently that i can't remember where I got everything! Anyway, what I've found is that horizontal games display with the correct aspect, but vertical games are stretched and they don't look that great. Further compunding this is that I am running it on a widescreen monitor. I have researched this but can't work out how to "force" it to show vertical (3:4) vi…
Last reply by TheManuel, -
- 5 replies
Hello. I recently changed my old flv videos for better quality mp4 ones. The problem I'm having is that videos for vertical games are showing up squished from the sides into the video.png frame. I have changed several parameters in the theme.xml file and none of them have any effect on how the video is displayed. What parameters should I change to control the aspect ratio of the video?
Last reply by TheManuel, -
- 5 replies
My setup has been running perfectly for months, I built a 4 player cabinet and love it. Recently though I attempted to start a game from Hyperspin, and it took an extremely long time to load, same issue if I tried to load from RL. It has continued each time I have tried since, regardless of the emulator/ROM I try to start. Hyperspin starts up as fast as always, and the wheels and artwork load and move great. Now when I select the game I want to play, nothing happens at all. At first after about 30 seconds or so, the artwork/video would stop moving, eventually after maybe 2 minutes the loading screen would come up, I'd hear "loading complete", but the game wouldnt start, t…
Last reply by sterling84, -
- 3 replies
So I had themes and video working for gameboy, I renamed my folders using rocketlauncher and then copied the contents from the media\gameboy folder to the media\Nintendo Game Boy folder. Now I get the emulator to launch but in hyperspin I get the wheels, just no video or themes. Any ideas?
Last reply by Creezz67, -
- 6 replies
Hey guys, so here's the deal.... I started this Hyperspin project like 5 years ago. I got it mostly set up but then I got busy and it got shoved in a closet. I took it out yesterday to hook it up at my Aunt's house for her kids. I need to get it working completely by controller only. No keyboard. I'm almost there but I just have one problem... There's two emulators I can't find a way to close without the keyboard's escape key, JNES (an NES emulator) and Fusion (a Genesis emulator). There's no way to remap a "close" function in those emulators' options. At least none I can see. So how do I get this working? I need to be able to hit like the trigger button a…
Last reply by Creezz67, -
- 1 follower
- 9 replies
Hi, im editing xml list for MAME 0.139 and im seeing that there is an alphabetical order, but what happens is that is not an exact order Im asking me if someone knows about a program that can handle that, i mean, reorder the blocks in the xml by alphabetical order by a determinated tag/label (in this case description label). In the next example we will see that the game mgakuen2 should be place before than the game mgcldate (because the description tag/label is the real alphabetical order for this case): <?xml version="1.0"?> <menu> <game name="88games" index="true" image="'"> <description>'88 Games</descrip…
Last reply by mikty, -
- 4 replies
We now have a Discord server for chat. Join Now! https://discord.gg/56RdSPq
Last reply by Andyman, -
- 7 replies
i know i had to resolve this problem 2 years ago or so... but can't remember how to extend the time the videos are played in a wheel?! I have a jukebox with some long videos (around 30min) and they are stopped after several minutes and the wheel starts spinning and choosing another song. did not find an option in HyperHQ or do I have to look somewhere else? Thanks
Last reply by Bungles, -
It takes up all of my free time I hardly ever play any games anymore I feel that I will never finish my setup It is obsessive and not about playing games but hoarding and collecting People selling drives who have better setups than me
Last reply by Spawk, -
- 1 follower
- 22 replies
Howdy Hackers, i am new into HS and i bought platinum membership some hours ago. I received a paypal payment receipt via email but nothing else here in forum nor in mail, usually in other websites (like emumovies) it's automatic. Do it need to be verified by "human" ? I don't know what i have to do Thanks in Advance.
Last reply by gigapig, -
- 1 follower
- 3 replies
I'm wondering, does Pac Man Battle Royale exist for mame? Also, if so, does it work?
Last reply by 32assassin, -
- 9 replies
So I'm having some problems with Hyperspin and mame, and google is failing me. I've gotten it up, running, and loading a rom. When I back out though, it will no longer launch any rom. It just sits there. No error messages, nothing. This will occasionally happen when starting hyperspin, but usually I can load one, play it for awhile, escape out, and it won't launch any other until I restart Hyperspin. I makes me think something isn't closing correctly. I tried searching but it just lists games not running at all and mentioning paths being wrong. Rocketlauncher and everything should be setup correctly. I can run multiple games out of RocketlaunchUI, and again, in H…
Last reply by Tommatt, -
- 1 follower
- 3 replies
Hello, I have a problem and I would like to know if someone else has the same problem and if it has been solved. If I keep pressing right or left direction a few seconds I see the letter jump, and everything works fine except the numbers (which only appears first). I have tried in HyperHQ in navigation themes to activate the option 'use XML indexes' but then everything gets out of control. The problem I only have with the numbers because with the letters everything works perfectly.
Last reply by paco8998, -
- 5 replies
Hey guys, I had hyperspin set up for the past 4 years now, had it setup exactly the way i wanted it. I built a new pc and i guess i had some files stored on my old pc, so hyperspin would never run properly. I decided to restart the install. I have everything installed in a 4tb hard drive. I have most games and consoles installed, but i can't figure out how to edit what the buttons do on the tankstick. I remember using Hyper HQ before, and i would be able to setup how to close hyperspin, go back, insert coin.... The controller works, i just can't figure out how to set up a few things. Anyone have any ideas? I'm not used to this different install with rocket launch…
Last reply by triton2k3, -
- 16 replies
Hello ive just purchased a xin-mo dual controller, Only testing it with 2 buttons at the moment and not getting very far. Ive set the buttons in HyperHQ on the joystick tab , Player 1, I have start on 1 button and Exit on another. Launch hyperspin and i have to press the start button 20 times to select MAME, With my Keyboard i only press enter once and it works perfect. Ive played PacLand with the buttons and they are both great. Why cant i control my Hyperspin menu with these buttons ? Is the Encoder that bad ?
Last reply by Spawk, -
- 4 replies
Hi guys, I have a hyperspin made only with mame system and i need to prevent exit hyperspin with ESC key (only alt + f4) But i cant do this witouth disable the "back" button. For example, if i go to fauvorites list i cant go back. How can i go to full game list?
Last reply by 50l3r,