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Need help setting up specific emulator in HyperSpin? Check the Tutorials section first and then post your questions here.

- XBOX/XBOX 360 Attraction II Themes
- Last reply by Andyman,
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- Hyperspin not running
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3,641 topics in this forum
- 5 replies
Hi guys, I recently downloaded a torrent of a full rom pack for Mame 0.185 but it turns out to be Mame 0.183 Can someone please help me to find the best emulator to play these through hyperspin? I recently used MAMEUFIX but was not aware they don't go higher than 0.75 And I can't seem to fin an emu for 0.183 has anyone got any links for one? It will be very much appreciated
Last reply by CamoUchiha, -
- 1 follower
- 6 replies
Hi! Just got FruitMachines pack from PD. Searched HS FTP for any info on XMLs, wheels, themes and found some. The only one XML on FTP gives multiple errors related to character "&" in filename. So I renamed filenames to remove it. But however the result is really far from expected: PD pack has over 3K roms for MFME and FTP XML (old one) only 270 entries. Does anybody have anything fresh and good for MFME fruit machines? I digged RL and HS forums but FM seem to be very outsider stuff here and there...
Last reply by Hawkeye71, -
- 3 replies
I have my setup nearly complete and am happy overall, but I can't seem to figure this one out. No matter which system I select, when I skip left/right, by letter, the letters don't actually show up. It skips by letter just fine, it's just that the letters don't show. I have the letters in the ...images/letters sub-folder. Is this correct? What am I missing? Thanks, --J
Last reply by jevansoh, -
- 3 replies
I got fed up with software solutions to forcing idle timeout. Nothing worked. So I glued two switches together and used a dremel to bore some holes into the switches so it will fit in a happ style button. One connects to my Ps2 keyboard to force hardware event. The other goes to my d-input device that runs the joystick. It works! If it is a bit janky looking.
Last reply by Metalzoic, -
- 0 replies
Just a FYI announcement! I purchased the Elgato Stream Deck and it is an awesome device however those looking to use it in conjuction with MAME well .... it does not work with MAME! Really sucks as I was really hopoing that I could use it with HyperSpin and MAME by creating custom icons for buttons like Insert Coin or Player One ect ect well for whatever reason the Elgato Stream Deck will not send hotkeys when MAME is running. Outside of MAME it works perfectly so maybe at some point they will fix that but not currently. So if your looking to use it within MAME I can't recommend purchasing it. I have seen it works in games but have not tested with any yet so I …
Last reply by Krakerman, -
- 1 reply
My cabinet only has 3 buttons per player + a start button so I usually want to see how many buttons a game uses before I start it to see if I can play it. Is there a way to display the number of buttons used when I select a game? There's a file "controls.ini" that has control data for most games, like this: [mshvsf] gamename=Marvel Super Heroes Vs. Street Fighter (Euro 970625) numPlayers=2 alternating=0 mirrored=1 tilt=0 cocktail=0 usesService=0 miscDetails= P1NumButtons=6 P1Controls=8-way Joystick+joy8way P1_BUTTON1=Punch - Jab P1_BUTTON2=Punch - Strong P1_BUTTON3=Punch - Fierce P1_BUTTON4=Kick - Short P1_BUTTON5=Kick - Forward P1_BU…
Last reply by THK, -
- 0 replies
I got a new PC for the arcade cabinet and working on migrating everything over from my old machine. I'm running into issues with House of Dead 2 (PC version) I keep getting the error "Not support graphic device". This is a windows 10 machine with graphics drivers updated. This game runs on my office machine which has the same setup. I'm really stumped as to whats different from the arcade machine vs my office machine. I made sure they have the same directex drivers. I do a dxdiag and I see directdraw is not available how do I make this available? It maybe the issue? Thanks
Last reply by jradams76, -
- 1 follower
- 3 replies
Your expert help is requested: I have freshly installed for HS 1.4 and RL but ran into a snag when testing my setup after enabling the XIN-MO controllers in HYPERHQ. It was my understanding that version 1.4 brings support for Joystick navigation without the need for a key-mapper. Is there an additional step beyond enabling the "Joystick" in HYPERHQ?
Last reply by Gibz73, -
- 3 replies
Hi guys, I was hoping I wouldnt have to come asking questions but I'm baffled here... I have a Xin-mo Dual for my HS/MAME setup but I'm having a few weird issues. Firstly, there seems to be a discrepancy between what the Xin-mo thinks is P1 Joystick and what Windows and HS think is P1 joystick...this shouldn't be an issue in itself, but it leads into another problem: When trying to set controls up in HyperHQ (was under the impression that this works now) I can get both P1 and P2 buttons to select and escape etc in HS but only my P2 joystick will control the wheel...can this be remedied? On that same note, has the enable joystick control feature in HyperHQ a…
Last reply by Gibz73, -
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- 3 replies
Hi All, I am new to Hyperspin and I've been following the guides to set it up properly. I am currently watching this video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UQRg4tMFdpY&list=PLKkoYR3SrcmcOrfryNXamq2za8Q4S0Nii&index=5 And I'm stuck with renaming/matching my roms to the latest mame.xml database. When I run the Dons hyperspin tools renamer. It matches 0 of 9772 roms. Is there a better way than matching them manually? It seems like a lot of work! Is it a good option to create a new list from the existing roms and then merge it with the one I downloaded from this forum? Thanks a lot, Lucas
Last reply by sr.lucas, -
- 14 replies
Exactly what it says in the title.. I live the Unified Megatheme stuff all made for the Widescreen... its amazing as it means I have a minimum of stretched themes on my system. However apart from just a few wheels almost all my covers, wheels etc is stretched and warped when sized into my 16:9 screen. I know theres some voodoo you can do and I even heard of a Tut available to resize some themes. Has anyone got a program, can make a program or even a Batch script for PS so I can resize my art in a 1'r. I dont mind then sharing all the resized stuff for others in the same boat with warped art. It would be handy top have something that you could input your rez and it…
Last reply by stampedem, -
- 4 replies
After a recent hard drive disaster I finished recovering my Hyperspin directories and I'm going through systems to check them. PC Engine-CD is back to its old misbehavior of refusing to mount the disc to Daemon, causing it to launch to the music player. Turbografx-CD works perfectly, which is why I'm so absolutely baffled here. I even tried using the Magic Engine in my Turbo-CD directory to launch PC Engine-CD; nothing. No disc mounted. I also copied the PCE.ini for TurboCD over to PC Engine-CD's install of Magic Engine. No disc mounted. Why is Turbo-CD working as intended but PCECD refuses? This was working before I had to recover my hard drive. Sega Sat…
Last reply by pavlovtiger, -
- 1 reply
Hello , if anyone can help me out with a strange problem with hyperspin? All of a sudden I have no sound in hyperspin but when I go into a game/emulator the sound is fine in games but when I exit out to hyperspin no sound ??? Any help would be appreciated . I have windows 10 and a few days ago everything worked ???? I haven't made any changes and sound is fine on my pc.
Last reply by ratzy82, -
- 87 replies
Reserved for only enhancement request to keep this clean. Thanks
Last reply by ci2own, -
- 2 replies
Hi all, I'm having trouble closing emulator "Sega Model 2 Emulator v1.1a" I'm using this AHK script: Run, % executable% %romName%, %emuPath%, Hide Process, WaitClose, %Executable% ExitApp CloseProcess: Send, {ALTDOWN} {F4} {ALTUP} Return But when I press ESC, the emulator does not close. It stays as window in front of Hyperspin Thank you in advance for your attention!
Last reply by AYOOOB, -
- 1 follower
- 3 replies
Hi guys,for my games i use a ps4 controller ( bluetoooth) and work's fine with all ( games and single emulator) but inside the HS works partially.. only the buttons.. analog and digital directions don't work..
Last reply by rogerdj, -
- 3 replies
Can someone please help me. I am at a total loss. I would like to set up a wheel for Skull Girls. I have created a system in RocketLauncherUI called Skull Girls, but I dont know where to go from there. I have PCLauncher as my emulator. I go to Modules, and edit global settings to add the game, but when i click the + on the rom settings tab it's blank and won't let me add anything. Do you have to create your own database xml? Is there a guide anywhere?
Last reply by maabus, -
- 0 replies
so i got a hyperspin collection downloaded and all the controls are screwed up in mame, like p3 button 3 was set to p "P" and every knows P pauses the damn emulator. I messaged the guy who made the build and asked him why hes using P as a button and he laughs and says no it doesn't pause the emulator....it clearly does and everyone knows that P has always been reserved for pause button. Well i changed P to 6 and i wanna change all the joytokey profiles that came with the build to match that because also P1 has button 3 and 4 set to shift and space and if you mash buttons and hit those 2 at the same time it tabs you out of the game so i need to change those as well.
Last reply by saiyan7702, -
- 1 follower
- 3 replies
Hello evryone, I post this topic because i got a problem to add in hyperhq the sega mega drive japan. I've already got sega mega drive (PAL), sega genesis (US) but what must i do in order to add a new system for sega mega drive japan ?
Last reply by lecommandant78, -
- 12 replies
Hai There, I do a sync, and some video's are scrambled. the are all MP4. so i deleted the complete folder of Sega Genesis, and did a sync again. the first *3 ninjas kick back* is a MP4, and play with every player good, but in HyperSpin it is scrambled. the second movie, 6-pack is also a MP$ and play good in HyperSpin??? the only diff is in the folder if you choose big grids, you see a EmuMovies Video Snap logo, (6-Pak) all others are the preview of the movie. Can somebody give me some good directions? Greets, Ger
Last reply by Gerurver, -
by Danielito83- 1 follower
- 1 reply
Hola, soy nuevo aquí. Alguien podría ayudarme con este problema? Cannnot Find: z;/Hyperspin/Hyperlaunch//modules/demul/demul(v0.58).ahk you do not have hyperlaunch modules for demul58 please create one or check hiperlist Espero respuesta Gracias
Last reply by Suhrvivor, -
- 11 replies
Hi All, I've spent a long time looking online and can find people that have done it but have not found anyone who shared the themes, wheels, etc for a dedicated system and wheel for all of the Street Fighter MAME games. Does anyone know where I can find media downloads for this? I can make the XML file for every street fighter MAME game, but I would like the main menu theme/wheel as well as a default a system theme. Any help is appreciated! Thank you
Last reply by abodetti, -
- 3 replies
Looking for some wheel art for Odyssey and Atari 800. Anyone have on the FTP? Video snaps would be awesome for both. Thanks.
Last reply by scoodidabop, -
- 1 follower
- 2 replies
A lot of cores in retroarch, in particular MESS, require special command line parameters in order to work right. I was wondering how you can configure all that in rocket launcher? Is it possible to pass in custom command line arguments when you load a particular core?
Last reply by steptoeUK, -
- 12 replies
I recently added a "VHS" wheel to my setup, using VLC and movie files. It works beautifully because it points to each individual movie file and that opens in VLC by default. I'm wondering about TV shows though... For instance, I have a show with over 700+ Episodes I want to add, but adding each episode/file to the xml would be cumbersome at best, and absurd at worst. So I'm trying to figure out a way to condense it to a single database entry, but still be able to select which episode to watch. Be that via HyperSpin, RocketLauncher, or VLC directly. I don't mind if it's a bit cumbersome, so long as it works. lol I did manage to setup a file for a show like …
Last reply by Suhrvivor,