Cabinets and Projects
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- 19 replies
Hi Hyperspin Community, I will start here my Custom Build of a Tron Legacy Theme Cabinet. 1st i am thought is better to plan and build it in cad/3d programs, to see eventually mistakes. So i show at the moment only some scratches And from Time to Time i will post here the progress of the work. I am not so fast because i need to spare some money for some of the stuff. Now here some Pics Sry for bad texture , i am not so good in it. Greetings uNkeLo
Last reply by unkelo, -
- 5 replies
Hi all. I have recently started to make a HyperSpin cabinet, just thought I'd post up a few progress pics! First step, collect cabinet :-) Here's a quick pic of the cabinet before starting I tried to sand the inside of the screen edge as it has a curved monitor in before, but because of the angle it was creating some strange shapes in the corners, so I decided to go to town on it, hacksaw style! Two edges almost done Getting the edges perfect by using a low grade sandpaper curled around my finger Three sides now done Cabinet front now screwed back onto the main cab with all buttons reconnected Now a quick closeup of the finish
Last reply by lukebrynycz, -
- 5 replies
Hey was wondering if anyone purchased these from paradise arcade? I have them but not sure how to install them. I bought a paceled64 board and rgb buttons from Ultimarc and was very simple to wire up. Then I tried to wire the balltops to it and they are not working. I did just notice that the website says I will need resistors for them. Has anyone messed with this and if so how did you set it up? Thanks
Last reply by rebelmaveric19, -
- 1 reply
For all the budding hyper-spinners building on a budget that need a cab and don't have the money or friends/family for woodcutting equipment, or for those who want a portable system, I've found a perfect portable cab box. At Michaels Crafts they have a luggage style, very sturdy and hard cardboard luggage style box that is perfect for only $18. I am currently in the process of relocating my hyperspin set-up into this box. It's about 10 lbs. lighter than the wood box I have, is sturdier, waaaaaaay easier to slice into and has a built in handle so you can take it to a friends house for an impromptu tournament. Don't really play too much at home so I really wanted to make …
Last reply by MontyQ, -
- 7 replies
I have always wanted to build a Jukebox. The problem was I did not want to sink a ton of money in a touch screen that was tiny 15 to 19 inch. Finally the larger screens have come down to a reasonable price (kind of) So I designed the cab with a 24 inch touchscreen in mind. I racked my brain for a while figuring out how I would like for it to look and what kind of components I wanted to use. So to solid works I went. After a few days I had all of my CAD files. After I had all of my panels and pieces cut I did the assembly. Then I had to decide whether to design a graphic wrap for the fronts and sides, or go with a stain and lacquer finish. Finally I went with the stai…
Last reply by RidicRick, -
hi all Heres my Bartop but not finished yet need more art for games.
Last reply by andyco40, -
- 7 replies
I guess this had been a long time coming. I always loved going to the arcade or playing video games on my PC or consoles. Every once in a while I would update my MAME to the latest build, would play for a few minutes and then forget about them. Well recently I have raided my parent's attic and found our NES, TG16, and Genesis with all of the games, still in the original boxes. Got to talking about it with a friend at work who is into gaming and somehow got the bright idea that I was going to build an arcade cabinet to compliment my new-found/old collection. He tried to talk me out of it, saying it was tough and that I would start it all psyched and then enthusiasm wo…
Last reply by njgsx96, -
- 8 replies
Now that I have created my first cabinet using an XArcade Tankstick, I want to start learning how to create a custom control panel for four players. I was initially going to just by an additional XArcade stick and disassemble and reassemble it inside my own custom control panel, but then I thought that it might be fun to start wiring things together. I have no experience with wiring arcade controls and I was wondering if someone could help me get started by at least telling me what I need and maybe where I can find some good information on how to approach/complete this. I have looked online and saw some things, but I am not sure what is a good approach or what material…
Last reply by hitchhikingflatlander, -
- 3 replies
Can anyone help me out here? I have a 2D drawing of my cabinet side that I need converted into 3D. Took me a long time to put together, 3D has got the best of me. Thanks for any help.
Last reply by regocolm, -
- 16 replies
Ok, this isn't an arcade, but since my tablet is in there I could hook up a wii controller or any blutooth controller and play MAME. I came up with this idea a few months ago and decided what the hell and built it... let me know what you guys think. The website for it isnt up just yet. I will probably just offer the graphics to build your own unless someone really wants me to build one for them. I would of course use a digital picture frame that played video instead of a tablet, or you can throw your tablet in there if you wish.
Last reply by monkeychunkuk, -
- 27 replies
So our good friend MontyQ is building a dedicated Popeye cabinet I personally don't have room for a full size cabinet, but I can dream. So I ask you, what single game cabinet would you build and why? For me it would be hands down a Mr Do! cabinet. I do remember it as a kid but don't remember playing it much. But I love the gameplay and the sound. I do like the artwork but maybe I prefer the Popeye artwork, but yeah that would be mine. Oh, and MontyQ, if your watching, what would be your next project or are you done after this one.
Last reply by MontyQ, -
- 7 replies
Can anyone direct me to a site where I can find a coin pushbutton for on top of my control panel? I'm not looking for the coin drop pushbuttons, but rather a regular pushbutton with perhaps a dollar sign on it or even a large "c". I've seen the pushbuttons where you can put a logo underneath it, but i'm not really interested in doing that. I could have sworn I saw a cabinet with what I'm looking for, but can not find it anymore.
Last reply by Parsec, -
- 1 reply
Just wondering if anyone can tell me do arcade monitors have a factory degaussing coil taped to the back of it like a crt tv tube? Wondering because I use a tv tube that had one and i removed it after decasing the tv. I have tried like heck to gorilla tape it back on but the heat just keeps making it fall off. I played the arcade with it off and didn't seem to affect the tv any. I believe it's on the tv for a reason but was wondering if I can just leave it off. thanks
Last reply by ebarlow99, -
- 6 replies
In particular I'm trying to design the artwork for my cabinet. I'm starting with the control panel and what I really need is the circular arrow diagrams that go around the joysticks and the circular labels that go around the buttons. I'm sure there is a resource out there where I can import these into photoshop but I can't seem to locate any. I know there are people that have done this themselves! Any help or links would be appreciated. Google image search hasn't given me what I need, but perhaps my search criteria is not cutting it??
Last reply by zeadlots, -
- 2 replies
I'm building my first cabinet; I was pretty inspired by the Nintendo cabinet from earlier this year below so I thought I'd try my hand ... I changed a few things, namely: * Re-built it so everything's front-access (combination of velcro for the top speaker panel and concealed hinges for the lower door) * Added speaker holes in the top panel so they're not behind the perspex * Built a pull-out drawer with a hinged door for a keyboard / mouse Going well so far, Hyperspin's all set up. I think I've got about 3-4 weeks left including painting (weekend work …
Last reply by estubbs, -
- 2 replies
Hi all I am trying to figure out how to connect wires to a USB keyboard IC/PCB like this one Side A Side B This is the USB Hub I am connecting it too to a Joystick or Arcade controls do I need a special tool to identify where I need the wire connected too. Please if anyone know how to help please drop me a line Thanks :adore::adore:
Last reply by Daruble, -
- 45 replies
well this isn't exactly a cab - but it sports HyperSpin. Ok here's my original concept: crack open an NES controller, piggy back the NES PCB onto a USB keyboard and have a USB NES controller. Nothing new about that, been done before. BUT then Brian_Hoffman showed off his HyperCade and it got me thinking. I knew I couldn't do an entire computer in the controller - but I could do the next best thing, that's where v2 comes in: pretty fancy huh? So I spent today at the store looking for the smallest usb hub I could find, as well as the smallest usb drive and the smallest keyboard PCB. Here's some pictures of what I've got going: I kid you not this drive is like t…
Last reply by Daruble, -
- 5 replies
I'm about to start building my cabinet and I've just recently ordered my microswitches. I understand the concept of NO/NC, but I don't understand why you would ever need to use the NC contact on a microswitch. Are there any circumstances where you would use this?
Last reply by Polemicist, -
- 2 replies
Hey Guys and Gals, I am working on a project slightly out of scope to HS. I am building a Raspberry Pi NES and I was wanting to build 2 custom small PCB to act as a port changer/port relocater. I have to use Eagle CAD to draw out the PCB I have a place that will print both boards for me for $40. I cannot for the life of me figure out this eagle CAD software. I was wondering if anyone here has used it and maybe could help me out. I have a jpeg of a paint rendering I did of what the two boards need to look like. . I realize this is out of the scope of HS as there is not HS Linux (specifically ARM) builds out there yet though I really do hope that will change.
Last reply by levent, -
- 4 replies
Good place to buy plexiglass tinted for a bezel in Canada ? Anyone know where to grab a sheet of plexi in tinted like smokey for a bezel, I see at places like rona homehardware ect they have clear but yet to find coloured cheers for any info
Last reply by MontyQ, -
- 5 replies
I have replaced CRT with a LCD screen last week and want to replace the bezel with a sheet of tinted plexiglass. It will be 26"X26" What thickness should I get for it to not bend or curve at all. I was thinking of 3/8" Am I overkilling it?
Last reply by bmosley, -
- 11 replies
Anyone any ideas what's happening here? I installed an iPac controller, in a cabinet PS2 version, when I came to boot up, only the P1 joystick UP/DN actually worked, all I could do was to spin the Hyperspin menu up and down, but the other switches etc, don't work. The cabinet is set up for 2 players, with 6 buttons each, there are also a few more buttons, 2 either side (pinball) and 4 along the front fascia above the control panel and 2 more on the front panel itself. I changed 5 of the original buttons for illuminated one's and I used another surplus button to control the PC booting on and off. I have checked and double checked with a multimeter every switch, joystic…
Last reply by copperfacejack, -
- 1 reply
Hi there guy's posted a 4 player bartop before it was a green one well never looked as I wanted it so im trying it again.Well last time I cut it myself from mdf with a jigsaw i've since moved house so most of my equipment is packed away so i've looked into this foamalux stuff due to wanting a lighter cab frame I cam across a company not to far from me gave them a a rough drawing with sizes and they did a cad design and cut me one out of the foamalux board it was the same design as my mdf with a few altered sizes (larger) Well so far i've housed my decased 24'' lcd in and really striped it down bare so there is plenty of room to house my small dual core motherboard under …
Last reply by Sir Cyrano, -
- 2 replies
So.... I started out with a bartop arcade, I had a really hard time placing it somewhere in my apartment, even though it's smaller than a fullcab it's still takes up more space if that makes sense? Any way, I have for a long time been thinking of mounting a track ball on my control panel the only problem was that the bartop control panel didn't have room for one. I started out building a bigger control panel, I then just built a box for the bartop to stand on, I also built a shelf inside the box so I could move the motherboard as the bartop was to packed, I built in an access panel in the back of the box so I easily could reach the motherboard. I then just designed and …
Last reply by Blashyrk, -
- 2 replies
Anyone know where I can find some horror art for a friends cab that I can work with in photoshop. Like some huge art, high quality ect...
Last reply by MontyQ,
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