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Need help setting up specific emulator in HyperSpin? Check the Tutorials section first and then post your questions here.

- XBOX/XBOX 360 Attraction II Themes
- Last reply by Andyman,
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Having problems with HyperSpin? You've come to the right place!

- Hyperspin not running
- Last reply by Roadrunner,
3,641 topics in this forum
- 9 replies
Hey all, Just got a question for anyone whose set up Mame with Hyperspin. I originally had a hyperspin installation that was several years old passed on to me, and i'm planning on building a cab so I decided I would rebuild the installation, making use of the thousands of roms I already had but re-doing the frontend to use the newest version of Hyperspin and the newer tools. I've quickly realised just how broken the original version of Hyperspin I was given is when I started to configure Mame. HyperLaunchHQ auditing showed me I was missing some roms, and further investigation revealed that a lot of the ones I do have are missing samples, chd's and are basically unwo…
Last reply by djvj, -
- 4 replies
got everything set up, but when launching, says can't find VBAM.ini. It looks for it in the wrong Dir. It works fine outside of hyperlaunch but not in it. I have Ver 1.8.0 (SVN1097).
Last reply by PacMan7, -
- 1 reply
Hello Guys, I'm looking to build a dedicated Hypersoin PC, and I need to know what the requirements will be to have this awesome program running smoothly. I'm looking to run the entire collection of emulators across all platforms. I've seen a few posts dotted around on the internet, but they seem dated. If anyone has recently undergone this operation, and could give me some advice, it would be greatly appreciated. Thanks
Last reply by Cryofax, -
- 5 replies
hy guys i was lurking at the game ex side and take a look of what is coming up at the end of his video he says evolve or die i think anyone knows of what fe this is aiming. what do you think? how will went away if the new game ex is better then hyperspin? and let it die? i for myself wil stay because its not only the fe whats great on hyperspin i like the people here too and the times when i search the forum and chat with guys like you all
Last reply by Fromlostdays, -
- 2 replies
For some reason my Start1+Start2 keys when pressed together aren't triggering my esc key. I set my ipac back to default and I don't understand why this is happening. From what I understand this is a default setting. Is there something in the winipac config I need to enable for this feature?
Last reply by rfancella, -
- 6 replies
Hello, so far on tuning HyperSpin and still wondering which one to go with. As far as I know they share same games and similar system, so what do you think I should set up? I'm not the type of guy to put full romsets or redundant games, I only put the best version of said game so I think I will go for only one of them Master System or Game Gear. I was wondering if there were exclusive games for each of them, so made a search and found this: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Category:Sega_Game_Gear-only_games http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Category:Sega_Master_System-only_games
Last reply by Dogway, -
- 11 replies
Well homies, We lost a member of the family early this morning. Sam. Sam Sung. He committed suicide and jumped to his death taking his beloved wall mount with him. He will be missed... BUT! You know what they say, out with the old and in with the new!! Last one was a 46 inch smart tv. Maybe bigger and smarter this time! Any thoughts? Maybe up to about 700bucks?
Last reply by xHyperSteve, -
- 1 reply
I have snes9x working with hyperspin. I just got my tank stick and I am trying to map the buttons. If I map the buttons, when snes9x comes up I hit what I mapped as start and it says Bg#1 off and if I hit another button it says sprite layer off and on. What is my best approach to have my tank stick mapped to this emulator? Thank you so much.
Last reply by sandman7793, -
- 3 replies
I noticed people have a lot of different styles for organizing their hyperspin setups. Some put an emphasis on old computers, others on consoles, some on specific console regions, and still others just like everything in one giant melting pot. I'm curious how people like to keep their collections partitioned (if at all) and the reasons for it. Me? I'm a bit OCD probably lol. I have 3 setups, one machine under the TV strictly for North American consoles and all their releases (no handhelds, or hacks). From Generation 2 up through Generation 7 (though no Gamecube or Wii just yet since I have a modded one that works great atm). I keep a second setup for old computers (C-64…
Last reply by rust2dust, -
- 2 replies
ok this is probably a stupid question but how do you perform a search on FTP server. Judging by forum i was reading they inferrred that you can but i have no clue. Thanks in advance
Last reply by dsnyd22, -
- 2 replies
Last reply by Pyramid_Head, -
- 3 replies
The easiest way I can explain this problem is a video. SNES, Genesis, and GBA wheels don't populate for some reason. Mame, NES and 32x are fine. Hyperlaunch works fine with all my emulators as well. Also, Hyperlaunch HQ looks like everything is good. Any ideas?
Last reply by ericlecarde, -
- 2 replies
Hey Homies, Thanks giga and Hazard! This one is uploaded onto the FTP. I may make an extend version of this for driving games. It's just an idea, sort of cyber punk vibe. I hope you like it: /Upload Here/LSDguy/Hyperspin Intro Videos remember to change the file extension to .flv Thanks, Steve
Last reply by gigapig, -
- 2 replies
Hi Everyone, Does any one happen to know if these Hyperspin MUGEN System and Games Themes still downloadable anywhere? They are no longer on Bitgamer or on the FTP, I don't think. Any helps truly appreciated. Thanks. J
Last reply by reddye5, -
- 5 replies
Hey Homies, This time around HyperSpin threw me into the clutches of Daphne. A little game called, Ninja Hayate! This game is really cool in style. An 80's cartoon vibe with that retro joy of a laser-disc. But damn when you miss those commands it kills!! As before I'll post this here and in my original thread to make it easier to find later: Thanks homies, Steve Let me know if you'd like a boss battle shout out, I'll pick you at random....somehow
Last reply by HazzardActual, -
- 2 replies
Anyone else have an issue with a lot of tables when the ball is in the launcher and getting ready to be launched it makes a very loud "Mehhhh!" noise. Anyone know how to fix this?
Last reply by sreisig1, -
- 10 replies
I wanted a bare bones dolphin module that did nothing more than load a game (gamecube). I had noticed that outside of hyperspin the gamecube games loaded very fast. But inside hyperspin the cursor would do that little spinny thing forever and the game would sometimes not run correctly (even though it was loaded).... So i put this togther. It works super fast but has NO bells or whistles it just loads a rom and puts it in my bezel.... just fyi if someone wants it i took the Run Command Line from the real dolphin module im not a command line expert but it works perfectly on my system so far just sharing what i have MEmu = Dolphin MEmuV = v4.0 MURL = http://www…
Last reply by craiganderson, -
- 26 replies
Thank you.
Last reply by SIMPLYAUSTIN, -
- 3 replies
Hi all, I apologize a head of time if this is not the correct place to post this. I have a full rom set for MAME version .150 or at least I'm pretty sure it is full. SO I have some questions in regarding updating it and using some programs to do it so hear goes. 1. How can I tell if I have split or merged rom set? 2. I followed the tutorial on http://www.cphsolutions.f2s.com/guides/cmprotutorial.htm is there any other tutorials out there? 3. From the tutorial on cphsolutions website I do not see the dat file being used; do I need to use this file? I have seen other tutorials that mention downloading dat files and using them clrmamepro. This is it for now thanks fo…
Last reply by maxpwer, -
- 2 replies
getting this weird message: Your submission could not be processed because a security token was invalid. If this occurred unexpectedly, please inform the administrator and describe the action you performed before you received this error. Did i miss something?
Last reply by mercury888, -
- 9 replies
I have just discovered a weird bug in my setup. In both Stella and Mame I was playing Bezerk to test something out and I noticed that when I go upper left diagonally, I can't fire using my default button. I have the 'B" key assigned as my main 'fire' button for all my games and it works fine. But upper left the 'B' button just doesn't work. I tried re-assigning the fire button in that game to 'C' and it worked no problem. Any idea why I'd have this weird issue? Is there some script that might be causing this? Any help would be appreciated because I really don't feel like remapping everything.
Last reply by Roadrunner, -
- 5 replies
Hey homies, I my ruined old crappy stick with water. It already sucked but then became unusable. This is my replacement...MUCH BETTER! I hope you like it! Thanks, Steve
Last reply by Agrajag, -
- 2 replies
I am trying to setup Dfend inside hyperspin but total lost The ahk refers to hyperspin 1 & 2 but im using 3 I tired to create a blank txt with the same name but nothing happens when i try launch the game Can someone please kind enough to post a tutorial or any help in setting it up My main purpose is to ran point & click games on my arcade cabinet Most point & click games have different keys like space quest 5 & monkey island 1 To get around this i installed auto hotkey & created the below script Can i launch a different hotkey per game or only 1 per game system How can i also inject this script into hyperlaunch Many Thanks b::LButton z::RB…
Last reply by tgh, -
- 7 replies
Hey homies, I have to fix this video up and repost it! Needs to be properly modified for fair use! Gimme a couple of days! sorry, Steve
Last reply by xHyperSteve, -
- 3 replies
I'm getting closer to what I want....I'm doing all of it using windows movie maker....what is the most user friendly movie/fx program for this type of project? I'm seeing a lot of impressive intros lately. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E2mgZ9CvEAQ Sent from my SCH-I545 using Tapatalk
Last reply by damageinc86,