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Need help setting up specific emulator in HyperSpin? Check the Tutorials section first and then post your questions here.

- XBOX/XBOX 360 Attraction II Themes
- Last reply by Andyman,
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Having problems with HyperSpin? You've come to the right place!

- Hyperspin not running
- Last reply by Roadrunner,
3,641 topics in this forum
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I don't know about everyone else, but everytime I update MAME with the new xml (e.g. MAME 0.189 - 0.190) it ends up with loads of missing videos on my Hyperspin wheel (as they have not yet been released) A good temporary solution to this is to go and download the MAME snaps files (images only) and rename them all to .mp4/flv (whatever format you have currently) MAME has a snap for every game (38,000+) Then copy them to your MAME video folder, and this fills in all the empty videos all in one go, so when you view your game at least an image is showing, rather than nothing. Reason for using .flv or .mp4 extensions instead of the current .png extension on the …
Last reply by AntoPISA, -
- 5 replies
Need to be able to click "select" to start 2-player games. There is no "select" to assign in the TAB menu setup control panel. I think I have tried every other "button" but no luck. Has anybody set this up for two player games? Otherwise, seems to work perfectly. thanks
Last reply by shinobi68, -
- 1 follower
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Thought I would share my Mario Collection wheelart. mario_wheels.7z
Last reply by Creezz67, -
- 27 replies
Hi, I was inspired to give Hyperspin another try by a video on youtube of a Nintendo Game & Watch wheel. It looks really impressive, well worth searching for. Has anyone tried this or other electronic hand held games (pre-DS, PSP)? I'm hoping to get the Tomy/Tomytronic 3D, Casio watch games and some of the old LCD systems on my set-up (see the excellent handheldempire or handheldmuseum websites for more info!)
Last reply by MADrigal, -
- 0 replies
Hi, First thanks a lot about your HyperSpin, it's a great frontend (for now I'm using it for MAME arcade, Neo Geo and Sega Genesis emulators/games). To developer: is it possible to add an option to avoid any database sorting (I mean using custom XML database "as is"), so I presume it's easy to implement (eg an option - into ini file, or XML database header). In wheel, for example, having Metal Slug after Metal Slug 2, Metal Slug 3... Metal Slug X, isn't friendly in my opinion. Many thanks in advance. Greetings from Chartres, France. Dominique.
Last reply by docam28, -
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- 10 replies
Hey fellow arcadian's My latest battle (previous postings), with xpadder has lead me down the path of it substitute [JoyToKey] which I have downloaded from the official site and registered. I currently have my arcade drive setup on drive letter Z: The JoyToKey application launches fine, but when I go to exit/quit the app if comes back with the error window: Cannot create file "D:\Hyperspin\Utilities\JoyToKey_en\JoyToKey.ini" - The system cannot find the path specified. Now as far as I am aware this is a portable application and doesn't have a designated drive? Has anyone else had/has this issue? Just I cannot get the app to stay registered with the p…
Last reply by mandicri, -
- 1 reply
Hello , guys im not getting hlsl to work within HyperSpin with the latest MAME 0.189 Hlsl does work outside of hyperspin in Mame. I enabled it in the global module settings to true or ini even with Rom Settings hlsl true it just refuses to enable hlsl Any help appriciated
Last reply by Suhrvivor, -
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- 11 replies
Hi, I am looking for some new backgrounds or borders for AutoKustom as the current ones are quite limited. Any info appreciated Thanks
Last reply by defre1976, -
- 189 replies
UPDATE: Project finished. See post #64 UPDATED: Changed topic title and the entire Wheel can be downloaded from the emumovies FTP at: Upload Here/_RocketLauncher Media Submissions/Metalzoic/Ghouls'n Ghosts Wheel If you get it post and let me know what you think! ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Since this is one of the all-time greatest arcade classic games I'm thinking of giving it its own wheel. It would be the only title specific wheel in my setup and pull from different systems. I'm looking to see what GnG games and games like or …
Last reply by papidios, -
- 2 replies
While I am scrolling through the themes on wheels Is there a way to delay the game animation flying in with the movie? I just want to scroll throught the wheel names and not have the animation fly in until much later. How do I do that? Thanks
Last reply by thatman84, -
- 1 reply
I've got the latest hyperspin. Did the standard install. Ran it. Then put the upgraded hyperspin in. All the settings are correct, the path, the mame 0.187 64bit), the extension (zip). When i load it, it will launch "1" game then it pretends like the rest aren't there. I even have the filter to only show the roms that are there. All the roms have been tested on Mame64 directly and Mala and play perfectly. Hyperspin just seems to be a confusion in it's self.
Last reply by immortalsoule, -
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- 10 replies
Hey, so I know getting the upgrade of emumovies and hypersync allows me to get the little videos for each game. However, does it also do other things like the wheel art, or am I own my own to do those? If I am on my own, where can I find the themes for a lot of the games? Thanks!
Last reply by thatman84, -
- 2 replies
Folks, I already have a cab I built three years ago working and has done without any issues. Building a new one, and I am having issues with the ROMs Only filter in HyperHQ. It isn't working... no games listed and simply reverts back to the main wheel after attempting. I have farted around with the settings (extensions and wheel checkboxes) after watching vids and searching the forums, but still have not had any luck. I installed Hyperspin 1.3.3 and updated to 1.4.15. If I can't get it working, I will simply copy my 3 year old install over to the new machine. MAME.ini settings [exe info] path= rompath=D:\Hyperspin\ROMs\MAME userompath=true e…
Last reply by Aetron, -
- 1 follower
- 20 replies
Hey all, I have searched for hours for a topic exactly like mine to no avail and I can't find it so I apologize if this has been seen before. I'm running windows 10 and the latest Hyperspin/RocketLauncher out there. When I enabled Trackball in HyperHQ, Hyperspin would freak out in the menus so I disabled it. This causes an issue when trying to play games like Golden Tee because when launched, I can't use the trackball for the game. I've edited the MAME .ini to set the trackball/mouse value to true. When I launch MAME not through Hyperspin, I have no issues using the trackball in the game. It's only when I launch it through Hyperspin does it not work when tryi…
Last reply by xrism, -
- 7 replies
Hi All, After a very long break from Hyperspin I decided to get a set up going again and was just wondering if HS still has an FTP..? I have FileZila and have tried to connect but having no joy..? Cheers, love the new web design.
Last reply by ZOLTAR, -
- 1 follower
- 4 replies
I'm seeing a strange issue in my HyperSpin where the default system theme won't load twice in a row. This occurs in any system I choose. If I choose a game that uses the default theme it works, but when I switch to the next game that uses the default theme it does not load the default theme, nor will it load the theme for subsequent games that use the default theme. I just see the background art. However, if i scroll to a game that has its own unique theme, that theme loads, and when I go back to a default theme game it loads, but again any default theme game I choose after does not load. I can toggle back and forth between the unique theme game and default…
Last reply by KRIS85, -
- 3 replies
Hey Guys, I was wondering if anyone can recommend any solid PC titles that are fully gamepad compatible that are not overly confusing with keys etc.... commercial or indy... I would like to compose a list.... thanks Jim
Last reply by Yeuxkes, -
- 0 replies
Moving it to the correct section. Apologies.
Last reply by Otheus, -
- 6 replies
Pretty much as the title says Spent months getting my hyperspin right, second time as first build started to stutter on intro movie and nothing I could do would stop it. This time round all 55 of my wheels are great but suddenly now after a cold reboot hyperspin starts but doesn't take focus..i have to get my mouse out and give one left click then my controls work again.. So frustrating. I've used window focus logger but nothing shows up after hyperspin has started..i haven't installed anything new it's just started doing it.. Is there any way I can send a click to the front end after it's started up?? Help guys
Last reply by richie_jones, -
- 11 replies
I've been testing the CRT-ROYALE shader in Retroarch and been very impressed by it. So impressed that I've considered switching all MAME and MESS (I use MESS for nes, snes, Genesis, TG16, Sega CD etc...) over to being emulated in Retroarch - but I have a few huge hang ups that prevent this. First off is the button LED programming in LEDBlinky. It would all be lost in Retroarch and it's a huge feature in my arcade cab that took forever to wire and set up. Then there's the fact that you're at the mercy of retroarchs versions of MAME, which are behind current releases. Not a huge deal but still, something to consider. So the question is - is there a way to use the CR…
Last reply by StyleMaster, -
- 2 replies
When I am in Hyperspin, the mame wheel comes up and I am able to toggle through the wheel with my joystick, but when I try to choose a game to play, it doesn't launch the game. I mapped my joystick and it will play fine in RLUI, but not here. I looked at my log and it seems it is not finding the path to launch. Any suggestions? Here is my log: 09:26:12 PM | HyperSpin Started 09:26:12 PM | Going FullScreen 09:26:12 PM | Checking for updates 09:26:12 PM | Update Check Complete 09:26:12 PM | Startup program unavailable 09:26:12 PM | Playing intro video 09:26:18 PM | Error intializing joysticks 09:26:18 PM | Menu Mode is single 09:26:…
Last reply by Metalzoic, -
- 8 replies
Hi, I've finally got around to highlight this issue. If I hypersearch for a game or use the alphabet to narrow down the game I want I find that after selecting either a game or a letter hyperspin goes back to the wheel select but it spins like crazy before loading the game....unless.... If I hold the right/left position to select the alphabet and select "C" for example instead of HS going back to the wheel at the beginning of C it spins wildly and stops at some other letter eg "L" I then have to still go up or down until I get back to the C games. I can't find a topic on this and wondered if anyone has seen this or if my setup needs a quick fix somewhere I've overlooked…
Last reply by ligalegend, -
- 1 reply
Hello I am having the same issue as others here but the thread was closed so I could not comment on it. I have checked my settings.ini file and it is correctly pointing to D:\RocketLauncher\RocketLauncher.exe. In my log I get the same error as others have reported "Cant find HyperLaunch, defaulting to root HyperLaunch.exe. Any other ideas? Games launch from rocket launcher and hyperlaunch without any issue. This is driving me nuts! When I launch HyperLaunch.exe and attempt to test a game, the window closes and nothing happens. When I test using rocketlauncher no problem. Thanks, Dave
Last reply by blueboy09, -
- 0 replies
Hello everyone, I have a custom system i put together with two screens. Have Hyperspin installed and having one issue when I run an emulator or any other program from Hyperspin I get the cmd window and it does not go away. The pop up shows up on the 1st screen and a bit annoying. Does any know how I can fix this? Thank you
Last reply by RedPhoenixv, -
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I have Joy2Key setup to control my main Hyperspin wheel and everything works perfectly, except when I go into a system that uses Xpadder and then exit that system back into the main wheel, the controls no longer work. I have tested in systems that use either emulators own controls or Joy2Key and they are both fine so it must be Xpadder. Is there something I am missing ? Thanks in advance
Last reply by 32assassin,