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Need help setting up specific emulator in HyperSpin? Check the Tutorials section first and then post your questions here.

- XBOX/XBOX 360 Attraction II Themes
- Last reply by Andyman,
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- Hyperspin not running
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- 4 replies
Does anyone know of a way to use the 360 controller's guide button to launch HyperSpin?
Last reply by diskmach, -
- 9 replies
Hi everyone, noob here trying to make to start from scratch. Can someone clear up some confusion for me? I'll be using RetroArch and MAME for most of the setup. I want to run everything from Xbox 360 controllers (wired/wireless). With the improvements to HS 1.4 do I need to mess with Xpadder/Joy2Key or can the software do it all now itself? Or will I only have to use them if I setup a cabinet with custom controls?
Last reply by kylecp1979, -
- 7 replies
Hi everyone, I'm just about to setup the Sega Dreamcast and would like to know what emulator is currently best and why? i know about NullDC, Demul and Reicast on Retroarch. How good is Reicast now and what emulator is the most compatible? Please give me your opinions and guidance for my setup Thanks.
Last reply by kylecp1979, -
- 8 replies
Are there any apps that enable HyperSpin to load a random game? I think that would be a cool feature.
Last reply by shitoken, -
- 6 replies
Hi guys, I know before I start everyone here prefers Nestopia to JNES. I do enjoy all of the options that Nestopia offers, however there is one thing about Nestopia that drives me up the wall, its screen tearing. It is god awful, especially with games like Super Mario Bro.’s I currently have my system hooked up to my CRT Tv and LCD monitor and the screen tearing ruins the feel/authenticity of playing on a console for me. I know that JNES hasn’t been supported in quite a while by its developer but out of all of the NES emulators out there it seems to handle the screen tearing the best. I don’t see any tearing at all actually. Guys I need some help here. It doesn’t…
Last reply by mcfasa09, -
- 0 replies
I am looking for a complete list of all the roms with descriptions. Has Anyone come across this?
Last reply by NJDave71, -
- 1 follower
- 34 replies
Dear All, I`m new here and love my Hyperspin, love the old school games and Arcade games, to me Hyperspin is the best thing i`ve ever seen so far. But.. I just discoverd a amazing hyperspin on youtube, I can not post a link here ? maybe it`s not allowed or because I`m new, but if you type in at youtube "hyperspin 2016 " you will notice this one fast, it`s from a person called Daniel Besteti,, maybe he is a member overhere ? I`ve never seen such a clean and nice Hyperspin before, maybe a stupid question but does any one know where I can find this Hyperspin perhaps ? Thank you in advance. Regards Gyruss
Last reply by THK, -
- 6 replies
As I get going on setting up systems in hyperspin. What are some practices people are doing to backup roms, videos etc. Also backing up hyperspin. Can I just copy the directories like c:/hyperspin. And if new setup needs to take place. I just install and copy over files from b ackup to keep same settings.
Last reply by SkyHighGam3r, -
- 30 replies
Has anybody tested this out yet. Love the controller and was wondering if anybody has ran into compatibility issues. Thanks.
Last reply by gigapig, -
- 8 replies
I'm trying to get the nes system setup now and I followed Simply Austins video on setting up Retroarch. I got that done and now I'm on to his NES setup video. I'm using the database he provides in his download and when i audit my roms it only finds 9 out of almost 800 games. I'm not sure if there is an issue with my roms. I have the extentions listed and set compressed to true. I don't really know much about the roms themselves. I got them from a coworker but he's not around to ask. I'm not sure how to tell what the issue could be. Any thoughts?
Last reply by Clutz450, -
- 1 reply
Hi, Does anyone know a good place to get unframed Main Menu wheelart ? I just can't seem to find any, such as Attack of the Clones,Kodi, HBMAME, Super Acan etc Everything seems to be framed Any help appreciated. Thanks in advance
Last reply by Black Hazor, -
- 2 replies
hi hyperspinner
Last reply by THK, -
- 22 replies
Hello guys, I'm looking for a HBMAME main theme and general game theme. I cant find it anymore in the FTP, and andy folder seems to have deasapered. I'm still using Misfit theme and I dont find it really nice. Thanks in advance.
Last reply by anthonygeracitano, -
- 5 replies
does anyone have an xml with only vertical games? I am trying to use the rom lister, but everything i found online says theres around 650 vertical games. When i use rom lister, 2 player alt only, vert only. taking out majhong and casino and other things (misc, fruit, clones) i come up with 1400 or so. Am i doing something wrong? Just really looking for the classics, although some clones would be fine i guess... any help would be much appreciated.
Last reply by phulshof, -
- 39 replies
I fired up goldentee complete 2006 and the sound is echoing, how do I fix that? Changed dip switch to resolution low made it better but still not 100%...doable though. (Tapatalk)
Last reply by ninja2bceen, -
- 12 replies
So I have a habit of overthinking things sometimes and this is one of them. I am looking to buy a 3 or 4tb hard drive since my 1tb won't be enough since I caught the bug of HyperSpin and emulation. I am ready to pull the trigger, but am scared to get a bad one. For example the 3tb Seagate with high failure rates and WD and Seatgate 4tb are only 5200rpm. Advice on my crazy overthinking would be nice. P.S. I would prefer to save money and not buy a WD black since all I want is a reliable drive for my games.
Last reply by lqlegit, -
- 18 replies
I remember inadvertently downloading a merged set for MAME 0.163. Somehow it didn't work. Then picked up a split 0.166 set (the first one with Raiden working) and the split set worked fine. Now the latest MAME 0.170 has swelled in size! And I do need since I am using a CRT based cab, Calamity's Emu drivers, and GroovyMAME which now has new dependencies. Looks like to squeeze it into my 500gb drives, I will have to pick up the merged sets. How do you guys get full merged sets to work in HyperSpin? I have always used Don's HyperSpin Tools to created my database. This has always been my process: In a command prompt 'mame -cc' to generate 'mamelist.xml' Go to hyperlis…
Last reply by Metalzoic, -
- 12 replies
So I see all these cool jukeboxes in peoples cabs and i want some but of course i have a dilemma. All my songs are in google play which are stored in a cloud. Google play lets you access and play songs from any laptop or mobile device so I dont actually have hard copies of any songs. I have the ability to download them back to a hard drive if i need to, but i wanted to see if there is anyway to make this work without doing this. ANy ideas would be helpful. If downloading them back to a hard drive is what i need to do then so be it, but would love to not have to do this.
Last reply by C.riley, -
- 4 replies
Hi all, Looking for a bit of help, Got the new PS4 app up and running to stream games from PS4, Its all running in hyper/rocketlauncher. But my issues is, When the app launches i have to press start on the app manually for it to start, if there something i could do/use for this to be done auto while the app is hid in the background till the app is loaded and i see the PS4 stream? Thanks
Last reply by Dime333, -
- 7 replies
Hey all I am making a hyperspin coffee table and dont want to have to be exiting hyperspin to manage full 8mb PS2 memory cards through the PCSX2 interface. I have around 70 PS2 games. Just testing them filled an 8mb memory card in no time. Some games wont even play without the necessary memory space. I musnt be the only one that has had this issue. Is there anyway to make an infinite memory card? The solutions I've read have people making files to transfer saved games from folders or swapping memory cards. Both these solutions require me hooking up a keyboard which basically sounds like ongoing maintenance to keep space free for game saves.
Last reply by SkyHighGam3r, -
- 1 follower
- 20 replies
I just signed in last night for the first time since 2010 and I see that there's a newer version or I should say a few newer versions since then. I'm not sure what version I have at this point, but it seems to still be doing just fine. Are there any advantages/disadvantages to upgrading?
Last reply by aginc81, -
- 4 replies
My Hyperspin arcade cabinet is complete https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=unmRR33h9yU
Last reply by overpowered, -
- 1 reply
So I go to pick a genre within a wheel, and get this. See attached. Where is that giant white "ALL GAMES" graphic PNG file located within Hyperspin? I'd like to change it, since I'm going to default to "Best Games," not "All Games." Don't wanna confuse people. I checked media/frontend and media/main menu, but it's not there. Thanks!
Last reply by Twoflower, -
- 1 follower
- 3 replies
I have just recently setup HyperSpin/RocketLauncher on my PC following a few of Simply Austin's YouTube videos. I have been able to wrap my head around quite a bit of the file structure and setting in HyperHQ/RocketLauncher however, I've hit a few road blocks and I want to start out by clarifying one detail. In RockeLauncher under the General Settings tab, on the RocketLauncher tab, under Paths, what should the Default Frontend Path be? Also in the same section, under base settings what should the Default Plugin be? I ask because in one of Austin's videos it directed to set them to RocketLauncher and in another it directed to set them to HyperSpin. I haven't noticed a…
Last reply by jasynergy, -
- 8 replies
I'm a Noob as well on games and roms. I'm about to make a journey on making my first cab and started playing around with Hyperspin and Rocketlauncher. My only question is where are you getting all the games and roms from? I see the list of games in Rocketlauncher and I've updated from this website but the games are just not there. Is this something I have to buy or find myself?A little confused please help