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Need help setting up specific emulator in HyperSpin? Check the Tutorials section first and then post your questions here.

- XBOX/XBOX 360 Attraction II Themes
- Last reply by Andyman,
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Having problems with HyperSpin? You've come to the right place!

- Hyperspin not running
- Last reply by Roadrunner,
3,641 topics in this forum
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- 42 replies
I cannot get this to work for some reason. Created a folder in the right place... Z:\Hyperspin\RocketLauncher\Media\Fade\Nintendo Entertainment System Added the image titled Layer 1.png Can someone help me out? What are the Fade option in RLUI suppose to look like for an image? Basically, I would like my controller configuration to come up before each game for each system...
Last reply by mccorkled, -
- 1 follower
- 29 replies
With the constant work on the Aeon Nox XIII skin we are getting closer and closer to have a sick new skin to match our home entertainment systems! Since there are no good fades (in my opinion) out there, I have decided to create one using an Xbox One controller. There are a few finished systems in this PSD. Have fun.
Last reply by mccorkled, -
- 20 replies
I have followed the setup guide here https://gameroomsolutions.com/setup-hyperspin-mame-hyperlaunch-full-guide/ exactly as described in the article. I can see the Wheel and the selected systems I click HyperSpin.exe. I have removed the systems that I don't use and ONLY have Nintendo, Super Nintendo, Nintendo 64 and MAME. When I wheel down to Nintendo and open any game it shows the following error. It does the same for Super Nintendo and Nintendo 64. If I run the ROM from the RocketLaunchUI.exe I get the following error when running Nintendo ROMS I click "OK" and the game opens. When I attempt to launch a Super Nintendo or Nintenod 64 from withi…
Last reply by phulshof, -
- 1 follower
- 67 replies
Is it me or does visiting the Hyperspin forums give you memories of what this forum used to be like? Remember the days of old with HS 1.0 and trying to nail that script to get any one of your emus to run and when you got it running you jumped up and screamed for joy just to find out when you exited HS would freeze Tons of people always online to help you with questions. Constant new topics/threads daily. Having to always bump your thread because this place was booming. I guess what I'm getting at is....where the heck is everybody!!!??? Visiting here anymore feels depressing, empty like you can hear the echo of your keyboard. I feel like there should be some tumble we…
Last reply by SkyHighGam3r, -
- 20 replies
Just recently installed my system again after a lot of problems so went for the Windows 10 upgrade so far so good, my questions are:- 1: do people prefer wired over wireless as I'm hoping of connecting 4 Xbox pads either wireless or wired? 2: can you use a usb hub to add more connections and will the pc still recognise each pad still? 3: if charging from pc will each pad still retain is number or will the pc try to reassign? 4: is there any known conflicts with wii remotes and Xbox controller reassigning or crashes I should know? Sorry if these have been asked before I did try to search but nothing came up on this!
Last reply by SkyHighGam3r, -
..new verions of mame gives us many new opportunities and i think that we all love to see perfect looking games on our cabinets we all see lots of media files (screens, videos) with original graphics for each systems and i think lots of us have different consoles like nes/snes/neogeo etc. so i think we sould put together our knowledge and make our mame systems pixel perfect different systems need different INI files with different settings of shaders - some looks better with hlsl some with glsl, vertical games also needs to be treated separately i know its lots of work.. i know its lots of testing and comparing but all the work we do will bring us lots of joy …
Last reply by scoodidabop, -
- 0 replies
Hi Demul has a confusing controller set up in rocket launcher. If someone had this set up already, can you send me you demul pad ini and your rocketlaunch demul ini? I can get the controls working in the emulator but in rocketlauncher it's not responsive. I tried pasting my pad ini into the demule rl ini per game but didn't seem to work. Note I'm using demul from gigapigs set up pack Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
Last reply by ninja2bceen, -
- 2 replies
Hello I wanted to know there is a version of hyperspin compatible with Raspberry? Thank you all :-)
Last reply by hyperboy, -
- 2 replies
Does anyone have ROMs spread across multiple drives AND have the "ROMs Only" filter turned on—since HyperHQ only allows one ROM path? I'm guessing this can be done with symbolic links but I haven't tried yet. If so, would it be a link to each individual file on the other drive, or a link to the folder with all of the other files on the other drive?
Last reply by Avar, -
- 1 follower
- 4 replies
Hey Everyone. I finally finished my Sega My Card and Sega My Card Mark III boxes and i'm ready to release them publically. don't exactly know how to go about doing that so please give me some help if you can. I spent countless hours creating a custom template for the my card mark III boxes but it was very fun as well as challenging. I'm currently finishing up my versions of the SG-1000 cartidge boxes. In the meantime, here are some samples of what you have to look forward to grabbing fromt his my card and my card mark III pack thanks for your time. C So! Dragon Wang Pitfall II Drol My Hero/Seishun Scandal Ghost House Teddy Boy B…
Last reply by dougan78, -
- 5 replies
Hi. I don't get it. My extensions are correct in HQ. I only have 7z compressed playstation games. My extensions are set as: 7z,rar,zip Games launch from rocket laucher. I have HQ directed to my roms folder. Show roms and show wheels only settings. Is there anything else that could be stopping me getting to my psx games wheel from the mainmenu?
Last reply by Avar, -
- 25 replies
So 2 years ago i had a ruff time in life but members on this forum helped me out so generously that i could get back on my feet, now that my life is more then i ever wanted and i have time again, i though it was time to pay the forum back. this is a teaser and will be revealed later down the road. i can tell that it involves a COMPLETE PACK think about a cnc file.......artwork pack and a global theme to go with it More news on the subject........later.
Last reply by SubZero, -
- 1 follower
- 2 replies
Anyone else have this problem, when i try and set the rom path in mame hyperHQ crashes. Just that. Everything else seems fine. Seems to have started when i updated to windows 10.
Last reply by gigapig, -
- 3 replies
Hey everyone, very new to the world of arcade emulation - and I used Simply Austins videos to set up RL and HyperSpin. I'm at the point now testing the Sega Genesis system with a couple ROMs. They display properly and launch via RetroArch using the function in RLUI. when I try to launch the same ROM via HyperSpin, this is the error I receive: http://iforce.co.nz/i/zuje1z5m.j3m.png This is my setup in HyperHQ: http://iforce.co.nz/i/lghcjodr.353.png I've got Rocket Launcher and Hyperspin in different directories, correctly pointing to each other where required - just ticked over 1am here and I'm just stumped as to where the problem lie. If anyone could…
Last reply by dustytrenchcoat, -
- 6 replies
As the title states, when I try to sync anything for DS it says no new media even though I have no media to begin with. I downloaded the covers in the download section but they are not named to match the DB like they do when downloaded with HyperSync. Any advise? Maybe it is just broken? Thanks
Last reply by 32assassin, -
- 1 follower
- 9 replies
What's the deal with the Databases link at the top of the site, now? I thought HyperList was unreliable these days and it is best to download from the Downloads section??
Last reply by Jumpstile, -
- 4 replies
I am having a small 3 to 5 second delay when exiting any game back into the Hyperspin wheel. Just wondering if this is a setting I can change or just typical behavior. The machine is an i7 with 16GB of DDR3 and an SSD so I am confident it's not a hardware constraint. Any insight would be greatly appreciated. SIK
Last reply by onesikcoupe, -
- 2 replies
Hi guys, is there any way I can remove all Casino, strategy ect games from my rom set without having to actually delete each one? Meaning is there a way to do it in the XML or wheel? I might be asking for a miracle but thought I'd at least try lol
Last reply by albert_c, -
- 4 replies
Hey guys Have a mint set of 0.170 but there's a few games missing such as NBA jam TE (rev 2.0) that I don't see. Want it so I can enter my codes etc. Can't in 3 or 4. Now I added it to my roms folder, mame stand alone can see it, RL can see it and I can play it in either way there. But when HS is launched, it doesn't show up in my wheel. What am I doing wrong?? I've tried to rescan with clrmame goes good and everything shows up just HS doesn't show it in my wheel of games. Hmmmm???
Last reply by thenoob, -
- 4 replies
Does anyone have a list of systems that work well with arcade controls? I.e. Nes will work well as it's 4 way pad and buttons Gamecube will not work well as dual analogue It seems to me that there are a load of edge cases as well... e.g. Amiga - if you can set the games to load automatically (which i presume you can - i havent looked) then they could be controlled with a joystick so would probably work fine I'm in the process of building my cab and I would like to define an "insert pad" fade for systems that don't work with arcade controls.
Last reply by swimminginthoughts, -
- 18 replies
UPDATE: Final Version 2.1 Available Here: http://www.hyperspin-fe.com/files/file/11247-nintendo-ds-top-100-games/ Matching Media: Wheel Pack: http://www.hyperspin-fe.com/files/file/11260-nintendo-ds-top-100-games-xml-matching-wheel/ Box Pack: http://www.hyperspin-fe.com/files/file/11261-nintendo-ds-top-100-games-xml-matching-box-pack/ Screenshot Pack: http://www.hyperspin-fe.com/files/file/11263-nintendo-ds-top-100-games-xml-matching-screenshot-pack/ Default Theme: http://www.hyperspin-fe.com/files/file/11262-nintendo-ds-system-theme/ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------…
Last reply by SIMPLYAUSTIN, -
- 21 replies
I appreciate this is probably a total n00b question... BUT... I have Neo Geo Pocket and Neo Geo Color set up, and I have a complete Mame set up... Am i right in thinking that all Neo Geo console games are covered by the Mame set up? Because i don't see sets for Neo Geo console on it's own anywhere... I also have Neo-Geo CD - i'm guessing these are not covered by the Mame games? Or are they... As you can see... i'm a little bit confused! Thanks
Last reply by SkyHighGam3r, -
- 1 follower
- 7 replies
Hey All, just joined, building a taitorama style cabinet soon but getting the guts together first and testing out what works and doesnt. Drop me a message for any handy tips! ill post pics of my progress Lee
Last reply by Leenacson, -
- 1 reply
Hello everyone. I finally got around to working on my DS set and I am all done except for 1 button press. In DeSmuME the mouse and left click is used as the stylus for the DS. I came across this tutorial but I cannot entirely figure it out. I have Xpadder setup to use the left joystick on my controller as the mouse movement and that is working fine. The problem is I cannot figure out the left click part. I would like it set to A on my controller which is mapped to B within DeSmuME, which is X on my keyboard. Any help would be appreciated
Last reply by mccorkled, -
- 0 replies
I know there will be a really simple answer to this, but if I create an exclude xml in Dons tools, how do I use it? Do I have to use it with don's again to build an xml that excludes them or can it be used directly by HS? Thanks
Last reply by vaderag,