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Need help setting up specific emulator in HyperSpin? Check the Tutorials section first and then post your questions here.

- XBOX/XBOX 360 Attraction II Themes
- Last reply by Andyman,
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- Hyperspin not running
- Last reply by Roadrunner,
3,641 topics in this forum
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- 17 replies
Hi Guys got a full Rom folder. When i attempt to load anything I get.. "Current system has an empty Genre list" It has worked before....Not sure what ive altered ? Any advice ? Cheers
Last reply by mrv, -
- 0 replies
I would like to know how do I configure x68000 games with 2 floppy disks for more?
Last reply by pac00zilla, -
- 0 replies
I would like to know how to put the games of some system in the home menu for example the mother wanted to make a project with only games of the same and wanted all games to be in the home menu
Last reply by pac00zilla, -
- 10 replies
Guys what would it take for me to have some special artwork above the buttons in the photos instead of the press start flashing logo. What would i need to create artwork file wise to have the words, "Exit Pause Enter" above the three buttons, and "Volume Up Down" above the two buttons.
Last reply by KaaMoS, -
- 15 replies
Hi, In the past, I've used Instant Sheller to "hide" the operating system and to boot directly to HS. I've never tried the utility with Windows 10? Has anyone tried this? Thanks, Jim
Last reply by dark13, -
- 2 replies
Hi Guys. I have got a Mame 0.219 full. What do I do with regards to the database.xml file? Do I still use the one from here even though its 0.16 onwards and from 2016? Just want to be sure I am using the correct items.
Last reply by McTechSolutions, -
- 13 replies
I like to know that wii games can be played decently with an xbox 360 controller configured with dolphin. Some will be very difficult, but others can play pretty well Please put your experience
Last reply by KRIS85, -
- 186 replies
(To be updated with CHD support info) Hey guys, So I know a few months back we had a great discussion about various compression methods. I've made a lot of progress and changes on my personal build since then, and I now feel like it's a good time to revisit the subject; and hopefully provide some kind of solid template for the 'best' formats for myself as well as others. I'm trying to find formats that are natively supported by emulators. The standard zip formats are great (7z/Zip/Rar5, etc.), but they also require unzipping; which takes time and local hard drive space (Albeit, temporarily). This can be handled with various methods like scripts, but for the sak…
Last reply by KRIS85, -
- 1 reply
i haven't messed with hyperspin in 6 years, could not get it to run again on my computer... so i downloaded the latest version of hyper spin, and rocketlauncher i can load up mame in rocketlauncher emulator tab and run a game... it will not load a game on games-tab in rocket launcher, after a audit then selecting a game that works and pushing the red rocket....it it will not load also anything through hyper spin...
Last reply by Spawk, -
- 1 reply
Hello. I have a full size cabinet 4 player with hyperspin emulators the goods. I would like to know how to stream it to a PC in another room. Whenever I link my PC to my tv it just shows the windows desktop screen even though hyperspin is running on the cabinet. Is it because the monitor is plugged into the pc? Basically I'm just screen mirroring right. The controls on the cabinet also use an Xbox one controller aswell that will reach where I'm trying to stream to so no need for another PC right?
Last reply by niftey, -
- 0 replies
Hi, ich habe einen Wireless Xbox One Controller und 1einen Wireless "Bartop" Controller, ein "Hori Fighten Stick" Das Problem ist: Wenn nur der Xbox One Controller verbunden ist geht sein Analog Stick im HyperSpin Wheel (um hoch und runter zu gehen),aber wenn Hori Stick also der zweite verbunden ist geht nur der Hori Fighting Stick zum Hoch und runter gehen im HyperSpin Wheel. Die Buttons (also A, B ,... ) beim Xbox One Controller gehen aber trotzdem noch. Anmerkung: Der Hori Fighten Stick hat als Input für Up,Down,....POV Schon mal Danke im Voraus
Last reply by fettesLama, -
- 3 replies
Hello everyone I open this thread in case you can help me with rpcs3 in your latest build 0.09 and hyperspin. The emulsifier has changed the way I load games and now it doesn't support the shortcuts created to run the roms. Before I loaded the games with the rpcs3 module, I have created bin shortcuts with the name of the games but when updating the emulator to its latest version now gives me error.
Last reply by razobark, -
- 1 follower
- 14 replies
Been awhile, roughly 6 years. I setup a couple of systems back in 2013 and I haven't touched them since. Both systems have and continue to work fine for the most part (sometimes when I leave the system running I get the Flash ! error). Other than that, no issues. I currently have Hyper HQ controlling everything and I'm currently running MAME and Daphne. However, with the COVID-19 work from home restrictions in place, I finally have the time and energy to get Amiga running. I started following the Amiga tutorial from this site and everything was going good until it got to the section where I needed Rocketlauncher and that is when I found out RL doesn't work with 1.3.0…
Last reply by gigapig, -
- 5 replies
Hi Hyperspinners Just wanna ask what do you suggest should I rename roms or media files for systems like Wii, Xbox, PS3, etc ? Recently downloaded xbox classic games, unfortunately all of them are having (i) at the back of the game name. tested using Don tools renamer, but it is not very accurate and left out some, also tried FAT Match renaming and coping to new folder take ages nor showing how much % been done. Is there any program which can rename it without duplicating the file to new folder or not to leave old one at origin otherwise become very complex, because some of the game names are correct , at the end need to go thru all one by one to find o…
Last reply by shitoken, -
- 5 replies
Hi all I've been away for awhile. Looking to update my game themes. I'm seeing this 'HD Video Theme Pack for MAME' on the Emumovies site, can these be used in place of themes for Hyperspin now? Sorry if this is a stupid question. It looks to be the most recent thing.
Last reply by jeancarlocs, -
- 0 replies
Hello, When I scroll to NEC PC Engine on the main hyperspin wheel the theme goes into action but the video is hidden... I do hear the intro video playing though. Any suggestions on how to get it to show uo?
Last reply by thomas3120, -
- 0 replies
Hi guys I get this error message saying "This is a folder and must point to a file instead" please help me , i'm trying to turn on Commodore Amiga with fsuae and hyperspin/rocket launcher, thanks
Last reply by dancewell, -
- 1 reply
Hello everyone, I ask for help on this little problem that is happening to me in these days, obviously before formatting everything went smoothly without problem of this kind, of course if they were, they were small trifles that could be solved. But this instead is giving me headaches for 4 days, then I start HyperSpin.exe select Emulator the MAME [I think they are also on other types of EMULATORS the problem] I select the Rom (the game), I play a bit, when I leave the Rom, the screen remains black (Obviously the screen is always on and can be seen from the backlight) with the game's Audio background, or the HyperSpin itself. It is as if the HyperLauncher remains in the…
Last reply by tancrede987, -
- 1 reply
I read the best emulator for the best type of game, but I am just trying to play the real arcade versions not nintendo for example. My box is only going to play Arcade Classics. Which one do I use?
Last reply by dougan78, -
- 12 replies
I'm using RocketLauncher and HyperSpin and have a large collection of Game Boy Advance ROMs, though only about half of the entire catalog. Rather than spending five hours going through the XML in Notepad++ and manually removing the ones I don't have, is there any way to auto-generate an XML list that only features the games that have actually passed the RocketLauncher audit? Surely there has to be a utility that would automate this?
Last reply by Spawk, -
- 2 replies
Hello, I have a request or someone can explain to me how to do a custom wheel, for example: Beat 'Em Up, fight game, etc., as you know RL HS does not see a non-standard wheel and hence the module I thought that the alternate emulator in RL would solve my problem but RL is still screaming for the emulator's path and because there is no module,emulator I can not give the path and choose game The only solution I found was a tutorial from Planet Geekdom on YT, but it does not really suit me so-called: over the first circle Beat 'Em Up, fight game I would have been sitting for ages: P Is there any solution, some time ago on YT I saw a video in which someone did these w…
Last reply by shorgnit99, -
- 1 follower
- 2 replies
Hey, All... I am using an Ultimarc SpinkTrak spinner with my Gaming setup - and it works FLAWLESSLY while playing games. However... One of the things i was hoping was that when I enabled Spinner Support in HyperHQ, that I would be able to navigate the Hyperspin wheels very easily and with complete, accurate control. That's not the case at all. Please see the attached video (I apologize in advance for the vertical video). It seems that the Spinner simply acts as a digital on/off switch for the wheel to spin. That is, as soon as i turn the spinner a little bit, the wheel just starts spinning at a constant speed. I can't control the speed or an…
Last reply by gigapig, -
- 0 replies
Hello guys, I'm working on a Tate build with Hyperspin for candy 15khz cab. I made it for used with jammAsd or ipac2 or something who use a keyboard encoder. I was thinking to find solution for people who will used it with a 1player panel with 3buttons and start. Usually the keybinding is Start p1 . 1 Button 1 . Lctrl Button 2 . Lalt Button 3. Space Button 4 . Shift My trouble is hyperhq don't recognize the alt key. My thought was to ask rocketlauncher to use an AHK script to change lalt::k No problem, it works. If I start it manually, Hyperspin recognize my button2 (lalt) as a k. I change few thi…
Last reply by wildpumpk1n, -
- 1 reply
Okay, So I've got a 512GB SSD internal, and dont fancy installing an internal HDD for the main Hyperspin storage. Can anyone reccomend a 4 or 6TB external that is reliable & quick enough to do the trick? Ideally around £100 ($130). Looking at this but unsure... https://www.amazon.co.uk/gp/product/B07C7V494X/ref=ask_ql_qh_dp_hza
Last reply by Creezz67, -
- 1 follower
- 0 replies
Hi guys, I am trying to generate my own mame DB, I started wìth the full 0.219 set generated using Roman0's Mame XML full lists generator, Then I gave the output to FilterHyperList in Don's Hyperspin tools, when it asked if I wanted to generate the mamelist.xml I clicked "yes" then I got an Out of memory Error. Is there any way to fix it? I tried bot generating the list with the tool and also generating it via commandl line "mame -listxml > mamelist.xml", but still no luck. What am I doing wrong?
Last reply by edge33,