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- XBOX/XBOX 360 Attraction II Themes
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- Hyperspin not running
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- 18 replies
I'm trying to set up minecraft and load an xpadder profile. I already have the xpadder profile save correctly.im finding this splash screen that's the preloaded for minecraft to be the problem. For it to run the program I have to set app wait exe in hyperlaunch. Problem is it runs the game fine but my xpadder profile doesnt flip I've tried adding the post launch mario bro x ahk in there but then I get a fade error. If I add the prelauncher mario crossover and the post launch mario x ahk the xpadder flips to what I set up, it gets past the preloaded but seconds in the main exe I get a fade error again. Anyone have minecraft set up and have a xpadder profile solution?
Last reply by WheezyE, -
- 1 follower
- 1 reply
My hyperspin was working a few days ago then BOOM it just stop working rocket launcher loads game perfectly but my hyperspin wont open at all hypeHQ doesn't open either log wont update either it just opens in the background and closes
Last reply by gigapig, -
- 1 reply
Hi guys. Been searching these forums and I couldn't find a solution to my problem. I am finding when I select a game it is taking sometimes up to 10 seconds to load. It's sorta frustrating cause I select a game and you have no idea if the button registered because of this delay. Hyperspin doesn't freeze, it continues to run. One time the delay actually allowed me to continue to scroll and then finally loaded the game I previously selected. I am not running off a external hard drive. Does this have something to do with the zipped Mame files? Any help would be appreciated. Thanks.
Last reply by jteney, -
- 12 replies
Hi Everyone, Well, I have updated Retroarch to version 1.7.xx (don't remember well), an I noted that Sega Saturn stopped work on RA and looking at the notes on Rocketlauncher, it says that the developers stopped supporting Daemon tools or whatsoever. And I have found on reddit some people mentioning the same issue with latest RA builds, but no answer yet. Has anyone had this issue with Sega saturn? There is SSF but I just liked the way I had Sega saturn on RA.
Last reply by badboo, -
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- 0 replies
Last reply by Creezz67, -
- 1 follower
- 12 replies
I have Mame and Daphne set up and working great using Hyperspin and can access RocketlauncherUI, however, just recently I've been unable to launch HyperHQ. I get a message that it must be in the same directory as Hyperspin (it is, although I do have a backup directory on the same drive) Where is the .ini file which I can check to see how HyperHQ is being mapped?
Last reply by ThulsaDoom, -
- 0 replies
I’m having a real hard time getting light gun support on pcsx2. Does anyone have that working? I have two light guns plugged in at all times. I’ve spent hours trying to map keystrokes and light gun to this emulator. Anyone have the inis needed for this? Would be much easier to just modify them at this point. I’m using version 1.4 with the nuvee plugin Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Last reply by ninja2bceen, -
- 4 replies
I have checked the forum and someone has listed a similar fault in Hyperpin but I thought I'd ask here in case someone has encountered this before. (Hyperpin question http://www.hyperspin-fe.com/forum/showthread.php?10243-Wheel-Art-Randomly-Disapears-from-the-Wheel-while-in-Hyperpin) I have Hyperspin running on a computer that I will use for a driving cabinet I am working on, I have 3 selections on the wheel, 1 Player Arcade, 2 Player Arcade and PC Games. When in 1 Player Arcade, there is one game (Ridge Racer 2) that the wheel art only shows up occasionally and I don't know why. 2 Player Arcade isn't really tested yet (I plan on using this to set a 2nd copy of the Model…
Last reply by julianoVieira, -
- 1 follower
- 3 replies
I have installed hyperspin with Rocketlauncher and have a set of 4 roms that have been found and I am able to launch in Rocket launcher. I can also launch the roms from Hyperspin wheel with no filters. However when I put a wheel filter in Hyperspin HQ to only show "Roms Only" some of the games do not show in the wheel. I have downloaded a new MAME.xml from the hyperspin site and placed it in the Databases/MAME folder but it still does not make a difference. How do I get the roms to show with the "Roms Only" filter on. I dont want to have to scroll through thousands of games when I only have a few roms.
Last reply by KennyGarg, -
- 1 follower
- 15 replies
Hello guys, i have a small problem with JoyToKey... I'm using it to configure my PSX emulator with it since, some of my keys doesn't respond when i play some games... But i occured this problem: 1. I have configured JoyToKey to use the controller in the main menu.. So far so good.. 2. I have also configured the gamepads in the ePSXe, again so far it's working great! 3. Now let say i open Hyperspin, (i have configured the settings from HyperHQ that JoyToKey launches automatically when i run Hyperspin.) 4. And let say that i launch a PSX games, JoyToKey will then open the .cfg file i have created for ePSXe so i can be able to play the game with my gamepad... Now h…
Last reply by WheezyE, -
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- 2 replies
I am confused first as to if this is configured in RocketLauncher or Hyperspin. I am trying to find out if there is a key I can hit to popup instruction cards for a game and/or a visual picture of the control panel layout per game. I am not talking about a static bezel with instructions on the sides, I want a popup. I have been reading there seems to be a way to do this with Hyperpause? There is also CPWizBiz? But that seems like a major undertaking and yet another piece of software that has to be implemented. And that doesn't seem to integreate into Hyperspin, though the 3d images of the controllers is top notch. Basically, I want what GameEx has, but in Hyperspin I am …
Last reply by stigzler, -
- 18 replies
Hey guys, I am currently building a hyperspin arcade machine that will be running MAME, NES, SNES, Sega, and a few other emulators. I was just wondering if anyone knows if you are able to make any emulators (other then MAME) require a coin to be able to play? I want to eventually put a real coin mech in my machine but at the moment I will only be putting a dedicated coin button. Thanks -Mike
Last reply by Maggus, -
- 1 follower
- 107 replies
EDIT: I marked this as solved because I finally have everything working. If you need to get DOSBox working with rocketlauncher, read this entire thread. All the answers are here! Finally went through all my DOS games and found the ones worth keeping. Apparently the 90's were a "great" time for shitty RPG's... Anyways... I have RLUI setup to look for com, exe, and iso files. The games are showing up in RLUI but when I try to test a game I get this error. Any ideas?
Last reply by ninja2bceen, -
- 0 replies
I just got a emumovies account, how do I intergrate emumovies in hyperspin?
Last reply by kratos99050, -
- 10 replies
Hey everyone! I have recently managed to get Aliens Extermination working properly on my cab, Now I just need to get it to run through HS which is proving to be more hassle than I originally anticipated! It runs through virtual box so I created a shortcut (.ink file) to it so it could be launched without going through the virtual box GUI which works fine. But I can not get it to recognise it in Hyperspin when I create a new menu for it. Just tells me that the location does not exist. Any help appreciated, Cheers guys.
Last reply by bigcam, -
- 0 replies
Am I going crazy or is the MAME default wheel pack missing an rar file? http://hyperspin-fe.com/files/file/8146-default-mame-game-wheel-pack/ I got a message unpacking it saying part 3 was missing and the 2 files that are downloadable only go up to the letter P Does anybody have the full download???
Last reply by visy, -
- 22 replies
Hi all, In the past i have always struggled to clean lengthy databases (MAME in particular) when i only want to display a few games for that system inHyperspin. It seems straight forward at first, but with my luck, something always goes wrong. I'd love to be able to switch on a setting that only displays the wheels for each system that actually have roms for in that particular folder. I've heard there is a setting in HyperHQ for this but not sure where exactly and if it is that simple? Thanks in advance.
Last reply by thatman84, -
- 4 replies
When I scroll through games on MAME , or i think any other wheel , it selects a game when I am just trying to scroll through the wheel. I use HS 1.4 , The lates Rlauncher , and I use the latest Joy2Key to control my joystick in HS. Any ideas why this is happening? and how to fix? it is really a problem . Thanks
Last reply by vincefaro, -
- 10 replies
Hi guys, I'm looking for a bit of help, I've searched the forums but can't find an answer, so here goes: Basically my machine is all set up and ready to go. All my Joystick/button presses have been mapped successfully using joytokey and work in Mame as well as browsing through Hyperspin then launching/playing a game, however I have one problem that's holding me up. When I launch Hyperspin, my joytokey profile doesn't automatically load itself. This means I have to manually go into HyperLaunchHQ, click on my joytokey profile then hit 'edit' for it to run the profile, and then start Hyperspin for it to recognize the joysticks/button presses from start up. I've t…
Last reply by jevansoh, -
- 4 replies
I was on my merry way to forgoing the use of explorer.exe and instead shelling HyperSpin in Windows 10. Everything is working fine, computer boots up, runs an ahk script that starts a volume changing program, steam (in silent mode), waits 10 seconds and then starts HyperSpin. This is all fine and from bootup to playing a game you would have no idea Windows is running. My problem comes from running games in Steam that require an xinput gamepad as I am using an Ipac2. Before I shelled HyperSpin, I was getting around the gamepad problem by using ahk script to open vjoy as well as having x360ce.ini in game directories that require it. It seems Headsoft's Vjoy is …
Last reply by ryuks, -
- 5 replies
Hey guys, I am using a minipac and just got my control panel build for an arcade. I tested things out last night and I noticed that my player 2 joystick has no keyboard delay on it compared to player 1. When using the player 2 controls to navigate through the wheels... it occasionally skips two or three wheels. If you push it down and hold it, it instantly starts spinning through the wheels vs player 1 which waits a second or two before actually starting to spin through the wheels. I have tested my controls and stuff... it seems to be that "keyboard delay" only applies to player 1 in Hyperspin. Is this true? I noticed the selection for it under controls in HyperHQ…
Last reply by Martin0037, -
- 11 replies
I'm trying to install Fujitisi Towns FM I have everything set up correctly in HyperHQ, HyperLaunch, etc. I have Daemon Tools 5.0.1. I have SCSI enabled and set to drive G. I followed the module directions and set the drive to G. In Hyperlaunch, I have the path correctly set to the path to DTLite.exe and add drive is checked. I enabled it for the system and checked use SCSI. I am able to get UNZ to work without Hyperspin. When I try to run a game through Hyperlaunch, UNZ opens, but it doesn't appear to be mounting the image to the virtual drive. I have MyComputer open to the right and I'm watching it. It doesn't mount. After UNZ loads, I get a…
Last reply by darthxblade, -
- 10 replies
First all I am still very new to HS and learning. I have been doing ok with console games and some of the Pinball setups. Today wife asked to get all her Big Fish Games and PopCap setup. I know this can be done just not sure how to do this. Are there any guides someone can point me to or something? Thanks!
Last reply by deejus679, -
- 1 follower
- 1 reply
bear with me on this i am not a computer expert so setting up hyperspin is too difficult and complicated for me i have gone to a few friends and family to see if they could help set it all up but they seemed to have a hard time with it themselves all i want is to have hyperspin downloaded with every system every game for said systems and all the bells and whistles for it so i can play all the games i want if there is anyone who could point me to someone someplace and or a website that can get me all that that would be great
Last reply by qualx, -
- 139 replies
Is there a good emulator for Camputers Lynx? Pale runs way too fast even at 25% setting and it seems like many .tap files do not play due to "no checksum"? edit: ANSWER http://jynxemulator.wordpress.com/ WIP (not all choppy in real life, looks as crisp as photobucket image above....just FYI) 0cGbsVHl4iA thank you craiganderson
Last reply by Pegafun,