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Need help setting up specific emulator in HyperSpin? Check the Tutorials section first and then post your questions here.

- XBOX/XBOX 360 Attraction II Themes
- Last reply by Andyman,
- 23.6k posts
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Having problems with HyperSpin? You've come to the right place!

- Hyperspin not running
- Last reply by Roadrunner,
3,641 topics in this forum
- 0 replies
Hey all, So I am coming to the end of my build (who am I kidding), and for some silly reason I left Sega Saturn until last. I've come across the problem I see many people have faced, which is the hotkeys on the SSF emulator - namely NumPad,1, 2,3 etc, which I was using on my Xpadder player 2 profile. I toyed with the _Default Xpadder system profiles, had some issues with this (I think it won't work properly until I configure ALL, including the front end), so I looked for alternatives that would be quicker. What I plan to do is leave my Xpadder alone and use AutoHotKey to re-assign (via RocketLauncher) the NumPad key assignments to what is set on…
Last reply by sparton, -
- 1 follower
- 3 replies
Is there a media player that works with Hyperspin to play music and such?
Last reply by Bungles, -
- 1 reply
Hi All. I am trying to get Dragon's Lair to work outside of Hyperspin first ( I have read the suggested threads on here), but I am having a problem with the ISO; the Daphne app won't find it. I actually purchased the game on Amazon electronically, extracted it, and then made the ISO; I then created a virtual drive and pointed the app to the drive, but is not finding/recognizing it. Any ideas on what I am missing? Thanks
Last reply by 32assassin, -
- 14 replies
Some systems have their roms in subfolders, like Playstation, that has separate "tracks". If I activate "Wheel filters - Roms only" in HyperHQ, the PS menu doesn´t start. Is there any solution to this, besides downloading 800 more roms, editing a XML with 2000+ games, or manually deactivating wheels for 800 games??
Last reply by diskmach, -
- 6 replies
Hi all. I'm very new to this and this is my second time starting from scratch trying to learn HyperSpin. I have/had Mame all set up and running great in hyperspin, then I started messing with trying to add N64 to it and not when I launch HS my Mame is not listed anymore (this is why I started over the first time). The second issue is after I set up the N64, the option is there but none of the games will list out. I am stumped at this point. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!
Last reply by Jhailson, -
- 1 reply
Hallo, in Hyperspin I dont use preview videos for each game. I just put gameplay pictures in the media/videos folder. The pics are 1080p and in .png format. The problem is in the preview the pictures look pixelated. Does anybody know how to solve this problem? Original Preview in Hyperspin
Last reply by nikkisixx, -
- 17 replies
Hello All. Im Trying to make my Sega Sd work with hyperspin. the audit list is correct and and when i start fusion the sega cd loads up correctly, but its not booting any games. i suspect that its because all of them are zipped. can anyone help me with this?
Last reply by nikkisixx, -
- 1 follower
- 9 replies
1. When a system wheel is in PIN mode, have alternate control for left/right to move the wheel. Hitting up and down is easy of course, but doesn't feel right 2. In PIN mode, an option for the currently selected wheel art to NOT jump off the wheel I to the center of the screen. Thanks
Last reply by KRIS85, -
- 5 replies
Hello, issue: I can launch all my Taito Type X games (.bat files) on it own and also can launch the game in RocketLuancher.exe. I cannot get any games to launch in Rocket Launcher UI With fade off and Troubleshooting on, I can see a box opens fast and closes but nothing after. I do get the error: There was an error waiting for the window "BattleFantasia" Please check you have the correct version emulator installed for this module, followed any notes in the module, have the emulator working outside the frontend first. Also turn off Fade. History: with my Taito Type X, I had this set up and working a while back within RocketLancherUI /Hyperspin 1.4 but…
Last reply by jedihermit, -
- 6 replies
Its the screen that sometimes shows a controller setup if not, it just says extracting game, loading game plus a female says "Loading game" How would i go about getting that on my hyperspin?
Last reply by SupraKarma, -
- 2 replies
I am wondering if anybody can help me add these games to hyperspin. I am wondering if i need to rename them or if there is a way to combine the disks. I ave included a pic of my Amiga roms to help explain what i mean. any questions please feel free to ask. Thanks Very much In Advance.
Last reply by Tomkun, -
- 1 follower
- 20 replies
Is there a way to change the game info lettering? Like in the attached picture how do you change the "1993, Capcom / Cadillacs and Dinosaurs" font?
Last reply by Bungles, -
- 3 replies
Since most Hyperspin sets are not updated in PD since 2013-2014 and there are some important systems not uploaded (PSX), I am trying to rebuild my own sets from Hyperlist official XML and No-Intro/Redump/Trurip sets. I am examining the XML structure and I see that it only identifies the rom by its name, not by CRC cheksum or similar. But oddly enough, I load the XML into latest clrmamepro, point to full PSX redump (USA) source folder, press rebuild and get a: Source-Files: 1720 - now even counting files in archives - Analyzed Files: 10984 Created Files: 0 Matched Files: 0 Skipped Files: …
Last reply by jfromeo, -
- 5 replies
My Hyperspin setup works great with MAME, and SCUMMVM games, and the HS wheels only show what is installed. But on Nintendo Entertainment Settings, it shows a gazillion games, and only 10 are installed in the appropriate folder. 1. Where does HS go for the wheel information? 2. Why does it work differently for NES? did I miss a setting somewhere? thanks!
Last reply by richie_jones, -
- 1 follower
- 8 replies
Hello, I am trying to setup Steam on Hyperspin with Rocketlauncher. But when trying to launch the game I just got the error: You are trying to use steam and an application, you muct choose one or the other. I don't quite understand this message. Here are snapshots: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B031-5nRFOKRVlpwdzk3ZXlFcGs/view?usp=sharing https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B031-5nRFOKROURGRTk3TzR2S3c/view?usp=sharing https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B031-5nRFOKRZmxueUhfbFZxOTg/view?usp=sharing Thank you !
Last reply by Metalzoic, -
- 8 replies
Hi guys, I love the whole look of Hyperspin and I am just trying to put it all together. For all games such as 1942 and whatever there is no problem but Golden Tee won't cooperate. I think it may have something to do with the version of MAME that Hyperspin uses but I am not sure. I am not a newbie to MAME - I had Golden Tee setup perfectly before using MAME32FX but now when I try to setup Golden Tee in this one the controls just don't work. I have done all the configuring the buttons in Hyperspin setup area and also gone into MAME and pressed tab and gone to input general and put in my x arcade joystick coordinates - the game still won't respond with these calibrated jo…
Last reply by ninja2bceen, -
- 1 reply
I noticed that there isn't a section regarding HyperPi, or Pi boards - I'm trying to find information on adequate pi systems for the HyperPi tf cards. Any help appreciated.
Last reply by thatman84, -
- 0 replies
Maybe someone can help me. I just bought a retro genesis 6 button controller for the fusion emulator. Buttons are appropriately mapped and working great when I use the controller outside of HyperSpin in the fusion emulator. If I launch a fusion game from within HyperSpin the game loads and the controller works. Except when I hit the “start” button on the control pad which immediately causes me to exit the emulator and return to HyperSpin every time. How do I prevent this? Thanks
Last reply by Fender4593, -
- 8 replies
Hello, I'm pretty stoked...getting an aimtrak lightgun for my cab. Was wondering where/how people mount the sensor for those who have one. Can you dissasemble and mount midway on either side of monitor? t
Last reply by dougan78, -
- 1 reply
Sorry, stupid question. Just delete pointer.png
Last reply by Bungles, -
- 1 reply
If I want to delay the game animations when I select a game , how do I do that ? Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Last reply by chillinwater, -
- 2 replies
Hey everyone i just downloaded V1.3.3 and was going through the upgrade process. After unzipping the 1.3.3 i see there is no "scripts" folder. But in 1.4 there is a scripts folder. Is this still as simple as dragging and dropping into the 1.3.3 folder or am i missing something here?
Last reply by 32assassin, -
I figured out a way to eliminate drive duplication for HyperSpin. Is anyone interested?
by ahockeyjock- 1 follower
- 14 replies
I heard @BadBoyBill and other admins were looking into a way to secure HyperSpin from having drives duplicated. I found a lot of my scripts being ripped across the internet without credit and sometimes hacked; so I built a process to prevent it. I have a way that checks every ten runs of HyperSpin (on exit, so that it doesn't affect user experience) and on the 10th run it sees if computer has changed. If so, it warns user. If they keep doing it, it then 7zip locks their settings and databases, and rocketlauncher profile directories. It creates password protected 7z files in it's place and then wipes directories (and wipes recyclebin so they cant recove…
Last reply by shitoken, -
- 0 replies
I was wondering if anybody has some music themes for Hyperspin like the album covers of artists in a theme that I can put in my system. Many Thanks
Last reply by scooby52, -
- 2 replies
Sometimes when scrolling through games for mame in hyperspin ill select a game and it just stay on the wheel screen and almost like freeze up. the video will still play but it wont go into the game or move up or down or anything. Is this a hardware issue? running a dual core 2.33ghz and 3 gb ram
Last reply by Creezz67,