HyperPin Cabinet Forum
Gotta cab with HyperPin? Show it of here!
365 topics in this forum
- 8 replies
Hi Guys Sadly I haven't had a chance to work on my cabinet for many months. I've had an opportunity to play with my test bed again and setup the DMD I received in Feb On powering it up I noticed a vertical line through the centre of the DMD and a single pixel in that line absent. I'm a little disappointed that this new DMD (still in plastic) is faulty. I should have put it through its passes when I first got it. Virtua pin have been gracious enough for a discount on my next DMD purchase, but, can't do anything about this one as its been more than 30days since me receiving it. Has anyone had this issue before? If so what did you do about it? Is there any chance of…
Last reply by russdx, -
- 4 replies
VPcabs hired me to design their new company logo. After we settled on a design they wanted to re-introduce their new company logo so they decided to skin cabs in both P2K and Standard body cabinets with it. The use of color and logo design is used to premiere the VPcab design to the masses and extend the marketing identity of the brand. I made some 3D rails and decided to go with a carbon fiber background for all the decals. This design approach makes for a great presentation of the company to people unfamiliar with virtual pinball. Please check out my galleries for these and other designs for Pinball, Bartop, Arcade standup & Pedestal style cabinets. I also offer …
Last reply by dfwArcade, -
- 7 replies
Is there any benefit to getting the Ultimate version installed?
Last reply by mikekim, -
- 4 replies
I have read some good and some bad things on the lepai amplifer, read if you get it you need to buy a 100 hz crossover to hard wire in. Are there any other ones out there I should be looking at instead?
Last reply by da_bever, -
- 9 replies
Here is a Pub table I cut a hole in while the wife was away. Slapped in a 42" 1080 Monitor. Bought a piece of glass. Installed some flipper/tilt, coin insert, start and launch ball buttons. Later on in the pics i made two joystick box out of some old wooden cigar boxes. I would like to go wireless and use the good joystick I have if anyone knows a good hack. My original plan was to build a regular wide body cabinet... But I wanted a dual purpose Pinball and Mame games. And some thing that was more central to the family area of the house. I think this turned out pretty good. It's not the best viewing angle to play pinball but I'm 6-4 so it's not bad... I still hav…
Last reply by PinballDork, -
- 4 replies
Hello spinners & pinners, I wanted to share one of my newest designs - Zombie Pinball Madness. It's is a tribute to the Zombie craze of today. It's one of 6 original designs for Shakenbake's VPcabs production builds. We wanted to evoke a sense of classic Zombie horror with a contemporary sense of doom. Please check out my galleries for these and other designs for Pinball, Bartop, Arcade standup & Pedestal style cabinets. I also offer logo design and pretty much anything else you may need from the design world. If you want to own one of these machines with this design or any of the other offerings please visit this post by Shakenbake: http://www.hyperspin-fe.com…
Last reply by dfwArcade, -
- 2 replies
Hi everyone I was wondering if there was ever a kit or an article on how to build your own DMD? Thanks
Last reply by russdx, -
- 9 replies
Guys having to restart everything from scratch.....is there a program that has been released where if I find the correct arcade render of my cabinet table...that it will change all of my tables at once....rather than have to go through each individual table? I heard something about BAM?
Last reply by mouse, -
- 4 replies
Pump Up the Pinball is a rock out, crank it up theme for music lovers of today. It's one of 6 original designs for Shakenbake's VPcabs production builds. This contemporary visual representation uses wild colors and interesting balance of elements to create a sonic boom of pinball design. Please check out my galleries for these and other designs for Pinball, Bartop, Arcade standup & Pedestal style cabinets. I also offer logo design and pretty much anything else you may need from the design world. If you want to own one of these machines with this design or any of the other offerings please visit this post by Shakenbake: http://www.hyperspin-fe.com/forum/showthread.p…
Last reply by dfwArcade, -
- 3 replies
So I am trying to wrap my hands around setting up Zebs VOK board with his shaker/gear combo and single 12V start button (just as a proof of concept before I add everything else). As far as the physical connections I have the ribbon cable from the LEDwiz 17-32 going to the bottom flasher board, and the other ribbon going from the LEDwiz 1-16 to the inductor board. 500W Corsair power supply - 20 pin power going to flasher board, 4 pin molex going to the inductor board, and another 4 pin molex going to shaker/gear. I check continuity before mounting the LEDwiz and VOK from pins 1-32. Powered everything up and looks good...3 LEDs lit on VOK. Software wise I put these files…
Last reply by zebulon, -
- 39 replies
Been a long time coming... From Zen's site: On May 10th, Pinball FX2™ will be available on Steam as a free platform download for all users! Pinball FX2 will release with a huge lineup of in-game DLC including tables from*Star Wars Pinball*and*Marvel Pinball*series, as well as Zen Studios originals: Star Wars Pinball Marvel Pinball Marvel Pinball: Vengeance and Virtue Marvel Pinball: Avengers Chronicles Pinball FX2 Core Collection Zen Classics XP is supported AND portrait mode at release. Minimum configuration: OS Version - Windows XP/Windows Vista/Windows 7/Windows 8 Processor - Single Core CPU @ 1.6GHz Memory - 512 MB Graphics - GeForce 6600 / Radeon …
Last reply by THK, -
- 8 replies
I'd been flirting with the idea of building a cab for the last 2 or so years and decided to finally do it last December (2012). I live in Austin, TX and there's a great spot here called Pinballz that is a huge BYOB arcade with hundreds of cabinets to play. I reached out to them hoping that I could get an old, spare machine for cheap that I could build on top of and refinish for my purposes. I ended up getting lucky timing-wise because they were in the middle of a huge warehouse cleanup right around the time that I reached out to them. I managed to get an old, gutted Black Hole wide body cabinet with lock bar, coin box, side rails, play field glass, and legs for $130…
Last reply by Bonoscot, -
- 2 replies
Guys I have posted this also on another forum Hey guys gals,its been a good few months since I was on here,in the last few months I sold my Hyperpin cabinet and I am in the process of building a new one,however I had backed up all my Future pinball and Visual pinball onto a second hard drive to use in my new system......to my astonishment my toddler got a hold of this hard drive and threw it down the stairs.....I am in the process of continuous weeping......Is there anywhere where I can download the full Hyperpin media videos,wheel,tables, art etc in a major pack???? I have been on various sites but don't trust a lot of them and they all don't have the Full pack,I hones…
Last reply by Bonoscot, -
- 2 replies
Hi, I've been lurking in the scene on and off since VP was in its first dogfood test releases and before there was a VPinMAME. I'm a proud owner of one of shakenbake's P2k-style cabinets which arrived a few days ago. While it was being built I put together a test machine with some old hardware I had kept around. I wanted to get familiar with configuring tables, backglasses, and so on for cabinets. Most of the peripherals come from the 90s. Before I break it down, I thought I would share it for everyone's general amusement. PC - a workstation class laptop, Dell Precision M65, my main work machine previous to my previous work machine, circa 2006. Intel Core Duo, 1.83 GH…
Last reply by Carny_Priest, -
- 7 replies
Hi everybody. I've decided to start an official thread for my build. Well it's more a link to my blog, not that I don't like you here.. but since I'm posting on like 3 differents forums at this moment, I don't want to duplicate everything everywhere! So here's the link: http://arduipin.blogspot.ca/ New photo gallery here (hope the link works): https://plus.google.com/photos/112177773270092950187/albums/5877658474194671953 And here's the link to my current Arduino code and C# interface (still only a prototype, be warned): https://github.com/gui999/ArduiPin (Well it's a working prototype lol) Short story short, I'm using an Arduino mega instead of a Led…
Last reply by zebulon, -
- 2 replies
After all the help and information I've received from this forum I thought I should share my almost complete pinball cabinet and get some opinions from people. This build is a medium size cab with a de-cased 32" playfield and 19" backglass. Its currently setup with Hyperpin and Future Pinball. I still have the Siemens contactors to complete the build but aside from that its pretty much done. I'm already looking forward to building the next one, a full size cabinet.
Last reply by mixman, -
- 11 replies
Well It's about time...after a year of planning and acquiring parts we (Lordindy) and me are on our quest to build our machines...Twins if you will for the most part, my will be somewhat of a Transformers Theme while his is going to be Tron based... I'll update the parts list in a day or two...but for now I wanted to start posting some of the work that has been going on for the past month, while the woodworking just started this past Friday. There have been so many great build on here that we have been following and some really great ones on-the-go now!!! It's great to have so much information at hand on here to make these build possible for the majority of people who …
Last reply by da_bever, -
- 13 replies
Decided yesterday to throw 5 cabs in the trailer and make the 10 hour all night drive to Allentown for the pinball show. This show is very well ran and the promoter was very kind in renting us a last minute vendor booth. So many great people here excited about Virtual Pinball. Here's some pics.
Last reply by Aurich, -
- 8 replies
What does everyone think of this... What if pinball arcade, or a similar company make their game 3D using the same tech involved with passive 3D movies right now. Sure, we'd have to wear glasses, but when playing a pin, you're looking from the same direction when you play, how awesome would that be?
Last reply by THK, -
- 7 replies
Anyone have opinions on using TCL led/lcd tv's/monitors? found a couple decent deals, figured I would see if anyone has used them. One is the 39" LCD, LE39FHDF3300TA. Thanks!
Last reply by SubZero, -
- 1 reply
I Have a virtual pinball machine for sale. $2500 42" Playfield 21" Backglass 15" DMD Core i5 overclocked to 4.3mhz 8GB Ram Dual Video cards (NVIDIA 460 & 430) 64gb SSD Hard Drive Nanotech Entertainment's Mot-Ion Adapter and Digital Plunger kit PinDMD V1. Not installed needs dmd. Pictures: http://s983.photobucket.com/user/Leachdude/library/vpin Location Jackson, MI 49201
Last reply by Leachdude, -
- 25 replies
First off I want to thank everyone here for the tremendous outpouring of support. VPcabs.com has taken off way faster than I had imagined. Orders for cabs have been coming in much faster than I anticipated. I decided to make this official and take things to the next level. Yesterday I leased a 3000sf assembly room with a nice unfinished woodshop area in the back. I am determined to offer the best products at the best possible prices while providing crazy good service. I have a few brand new products that I will be launching soon now that I have hired some extra help and have the room to get things done. My goal over the next 6 weeks is to have at least 5 VP2000 system…
Last reply by shakenbake, -
- 2 replies
Hope this help clear up pinball cabinet terminology for newbies. (like myself) Below is a diagram illustrating the pinball terminology used for the outside of a modern pinball machine... Backbox The vertical or upright part of the pinball that is located towards the rear of the machine. The Backbox houses the Backglass, Displays, Speakers and electronic circuit boards in modern pinballs. In Electro-Mechanical pinballs, the Backbox houses the Backglass, Score Reels and some relays and stepper units. Backglass The artwork located at the front of the Backbox. Up until the mid 1980's, the Backglass artwork was silk-screened onto the back of the glass. This artwork i…
Last reply by Gothicplsur, -
- 4 replies
For those using HP's attract mode, how long are you letting it sit on each table before it spins again. Pick the closest option. This is to establish a decent preview video length.
Last reply by jasonsmith, -
- 4 replies
Hi all. I am working on my pinball cabinet build (39/21/15) in a standard cab I am building from scratch. I have the main cabinet built and I was working on coin door modifications - a coin mech that will accept any coin. I figured I would post the end result. I started looking for a coin mech that would accept any coin. I found a toilet paper funnel coin mech :-) but I wanted the arcade coin sound, so I kept looking at coin mech mods and then I ran across this... "Any Coin Mech" on arcadecontrols. Too bad it sold out back in Jan 2012. Well I went to the hardware store to cobble something similar together and here is the result. For $2.28 plus tax, I have my ve…
Last reply by jasonsmith,
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