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Need help setting up specific emulator in HyperSpin? Check the Tutorials section first and then post your questions here.

- XBOX/XBOX 360 Attraction II Themes
- Last reply by Andyman,
- 23.6k posts
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Having problems with HyperSpin? You've come to the right place!

- Hyperspin not running
- Last reply by Roadrunner,
3,641 topics in this forum
- 5 replies
Hey Gang! Recently gone platinum and refueled my fire for Hyperspin, it was a kindling fire for the last 4 years as I just enjoyed what I had so far. With that said, going into Rocket Launcher and doing an audit on each emulator I have set up, I go to "missing roms" and I am missing some which I can find out there on the interwebz of course, but then I get to Mame, and it seems that the CHDs are the ones missing. Is that an AHK thing or do I not have the rom directory set up right or is it an AHK thing? Or am I really in the wrong place to ask this question. *shrugs* But looking at Hyperlist, there are no AHK files to be had like there was or am I missing something altoge…
Last reply by Spawk, -
- 2 replies
Hi guys, I am creating my personal Mame database for my arcade cab with games I like, and I am using HyperSync to sync the media files for hyperspin. I would like to ask you guys how I should be dealing with media for clone roms. let say I have "ssridersabd" (sunset riders clone, 2 players version), hypersync is not downloading the video for it, since it's a clone rom. Is there a way to make it download the original rom video? I would not like to add the parent rom the database, since I just want the clone rom I intend to play to be available in the list. Should I fix those manually, or is there a smarter way?
Last reply by edge33, -
- 1 follower
- 1 reply
I am so close to having Injustice 2 & Dragonball Fighterz working in my cab finally. I just need to straighten this out. I’ve been playing around with multi mode on the ipac & realized I can finally get these games working 2 player in xinput mode. But the ipac doesn’t change profiles automatically when you change modes through the hotkey combos. So I need a way to make my xinput.ipc load up & force reconfigure when I load these games up. Then when the games are exited, have the ipac load my keyboard.ipc & force reconfigure so everything else works again. I’m positive this could be done through the prelaunch/postexit options I just wouldn’t know h…
Last reply by Adam1977, -
- 3 replies
hello friends i cant choose petes open gl 2.9 driver only 2 default drivers.... how can i change it ?
Last reply by tanyaking, -
- 1 follower
- 2 replies
Hi to you all. I made the mistake of buying an external hard disc from somewhere, but what did I know ? I wanted to play retro games the easy way, I am not a programmer or a computer expert, so a ready plug and play drive was a good solution. It was definitely not plug and play so I am most likely fooled. But, ok, they can only do this once. On that drive are lots of games and all the emulators, so what I am going to do now, is follow the guide as explained on this forum to install everything the way as it should be installed. Look, Hyperspin drives are sold, and a lot of people don't have a clue how everything works, so people (like me) get fooled easily, not k…
Last reply by ninja2bceen, -
- 5 replies
I've installed HP 1.4.16 + latest RL and followed the official guides. I think the RocketLauncher.exe path is correct. I run the games through RL fine but not HS I can select systems and games but can't start :/ Also the games list doesn't seem to update with games I placed in roms folder except for one game that has the title graphics. The games are correctly named and paths. Here is my log anyway. 12:04:40 AM | HyperSpin Started 12:04:40 AM | Going FullScreen 12:04:41 AM | Checking for updates 12:04:41 AM | Update Check Complete 12:04:41 AM | Startup program unavailable 12:04:41 AM | Playing intro video 12:04:42 AM | Menu Mode is multi 12…
Last reply by NeoPerez8856, -
- 1 follower
- 3 replies
Hey guys, I have a question about the Attract Mode. When it’s enabled HS automatically spins to a random system/game but when it’s disabled it just stays on the same system/game forever. So far so good, but is it possible to make it spin to the next system/game and not to a random one? I would like that it goes chronological through my systems/games when I use it as a screensaver. This random spinning is driving me crazy.
Last reply by andy1970, -
- 1 follower
- 0 replies
Hi, I have been playing around with the hyperspin drive I have but I can't get the xbox 360 controller to respond in the PS2,PS3, WII and WIIU emulators. The emulators start the game but it just stays at the 'press start to begin' but no button will work, I have to hold the back button down to exit the emulator. Any ideas? Also, does anyone know how to fix the jumpy target cursor in the start wars trilogy under the sega model 3 emulator? The game is impossible to play as the cursor jumps all over the screen. Thanks
Last reply by Phunction, -
- 1 reply
Hi all, Has anyone got Visual Pinball working, using RL & Hyperspin ? I can get it to load, but every time it loads, it loads in the background when using .vpt tables. Everything works fine in my Virtual Pinball setup manually, just have this issue when running through RL/Hyperspin VPX tables all load and play fine, just have this issue using .vpt tables. Have also tried every version of VPinMAME, also 9.9.5, 9.1.2 etc emulators, all the same, they load game, but all in the background, (a simple alt tab and game loads and plays fine) Any ideas out there ? Thanks
Last reply by Buckar0008, -
- 14 replies
Hi everyone, my Hyperspin Setup works great with one xbox 360 Controller - thanks for so many advice from the hyperspin and hyperlaunch community. After a few months I start thinking of making my HTPC ready for 2-Player Games just because the good old Beat'em Ups needs player vs player sessions. First of all - it should not be as easy as it may read like with buying a seconds xbox360 wireless controller and setting it up in hyperlaunch via xpadder. there are many problems I couldn't solve yet. Hopefully the community has some more advice for me. I did read https://sites.google.com/site/hyperlaunch2/home/features/keymapper but this didn't helped me. Problem No1: how c…
Last reply by defre1976, -
- 7 replies
I have been looking to add to ePSXe and demul to my Hyperspin wheels; however, after downloading both applications, I am having an issue. I go to set up ePSXe and when i click the .exe it only runs in the Background Processes. No window appears. When entering Task manager, I notice ePSXe and demul running in "Background Processes". I haven't got any help on Windows forums; hoping my fellow hyperspinners know what to do here. I have an alienware alpha running windows 10 if that helps anyone in deciphering this issue.
Last reply by JettSlicer, -
- 8 replies
Hello, I've set everything in RL for the MAME 0.216 version but when launch a game in Hyperspin, in place of laucnhing the game, I get this screen (see attachment 1.jpg). When I click on exit, I get MAME (see attachment 2.jpg) but the game is not launched. Has anyone an idea? Thanks and regards,
Last reply by doohan, -
- 1 follower
- 0 replies
HyperV is a no-frills vertically oriented version of Hyperspin with MAME containing the legal essentials needed to get most vertical games that are in known-working state in mame running with as little setup as possible. As far as I know HyperV is the only vertical Hyperspin setup which aimed to cover nearly every vertical title in MAME. The list intentionally excludes mature and electro-mechanical games that require additional hardware. The idea behind HyperV is to allow quick setup of a physical, dedicated vertical arcade cabinets with as little fuss as possible. The build is based around MAME's ROL or rotate left function. If you are running this on a real Arcade …
Last reply by Anpanman, -
- 11 replies
Hi im new at this forum my english is bad but i will try to explain as best I can many days ago i install hyperspin in a old pc to turn it into a arcade machine everything works well until i see the neogeo wheel (menu wheel) stops in 2 games and dont move until you go back and enter again, if you go down or up to that 2 games the wheel gets stuck again, i try to erase the game change the art modify the database game list and the problems still exist or is moved to another tittle the one who was down of the problematic game, it happens with the Real bout special and the kof99 if any one was having this problem before is any way to fix it? PC: dell optip…
Last reply by eom, -
- 1 reply
Hello I'm assembling my arcade machine but when linking the emulators with Rokect Launcher Ui and try the roms are slow and with ugly latency but when itest it in the emulator only goes well and without problems someone can help me received_807736226359657.mp4
Last reply by dark13, -
- 7 replies
Since HyperSpin only supports 1024x768, I dont really want to migrate away to another FE to support better quality artwork as I have everything set up nicely and HyperSpin does work great. But I really could do with working at 1920x1080 and without having to squash the width of artwork by 75% for 16:9 aspect ratios. Does anybody know how I might go about being able to build a version of HyperSpin myself that supports. I'm a capable software engineer, so I just need access to the source code! Thank you
Last reply by adamgp, -
- 0 replies
Hoping someone can help me with this I was getting an error message - pic attached, when Hyperspin would start - during the intro video I would have to press ok to clear it, so I could play, The message has now gone, I have lost all controls - although they all work in notepad I’m really at a loss of what else to try Any help would be appreciated Ian
Last reply by FETTABUBA, -
- 6 replies
HI! Sorry if this has been covered before - but I'm looking for a Hyperspin menu XML list of all the Vertical screen configured MAME games of old for a cocktail cabinet build - anyone got one? Also - I have heard about a theme for using HyperSpin in Vertical screen mode - does anyone have this and instructions on how to set it up?? Thanks! Matthew
Last reply by Aorin, -
- 13 replies
Hey guys! ive been getting hyperspin all configured for when i make my MAME cabinet! eveyrthings been going well. a few hiccups here and there but one thing thats bothering me now is that when i got into hyperspin, i can select which emulator i want to play buy using the up and down arrow keys and pushing the ENTER button to select the emulator. But when i go to choose which game i want to play, when i push ENTER to select it nothing happens!! anything know the problem? ive been using hyperspin fine eince i set it up. and all i did today was add some sega genesis roms to it and i didnt touch any settings at all! tried restarting my PC a couple times and still wont work! c…
Last reply by anakin827, -
- 1 follower
- 16 replies
I just uploaded to FTP about 1300 PS2 wheels from another site if you wanna check em out. Maybe they can be used in the project going on here. They are from the French site and they gave us permission to share them over here. They said it was "no problem." They are in the FTP under craiganderson.
Last reply by ouchen, -
- 1 reply
My hyperspin is set to auto start, never had any issue other than i`ve noticed if i have no internet i.e my router is off or i take my machine to my friends house, hyperspin starts up but non of the controls work. Its lost focus and a quick press of the left mouse button gets the controls working. This only happens if no internet is present. Almost like windows steels focus but if i alt tab out there is no error message displayed in windows, either on the screen or in the system tray. Anybody had this issue???
Last reply by dark13, -
- 74 replies
but now I find you undeveloped and outdated. I spent months, maybe even a year to get you exactly how I wanted you to perform. You were (and still are) beautiful with your unique (back then) themes per game. I was forced to embrace RL (RocketLauncher) which isn't all bad but not the easiest thing to migrate to but lets be honest, HS (HyperSpin) has never had anything that was easy to a novice. I do plan to visit the site from time to time. I do have a lifetime subscription. I do hope that HS comes up with some new mind-blowing build and I''ll come back but for now my cabinet runs with a much more efficient FE and has no issues with input. Let's face it, HS has had i…
Last reply by Yardley, -
- 0 replies
xpadder not work after launch hyperspin what ?
Last reply by jokerjoke, -
- 2 replies
I'm building a NeoGeo arcde cabinet. is there a NeoGeo MVS only hyperspin build that I could download?
Last reply by 32assassin, -
- 3 replies
Hi Guys, I'm using HS 1.4 and I'm just starting to setup LEDBlink + PacLED64 and I'm having a major problem -- HyperSpin is sending the Game Quit command multiple times to LEDBlinky immediately after launching a game. I have the HyperLaunch option enabled in LEDBlink Config. I'm totally stumped. I've tried reverting back to HS 1.3.3 and it looks like the problem is happening there, but I'm not 100% certain. Has anyone seen this before? Any ideas how to solve? Thanks!
Last reply by Trnzaddict,