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Need help setting up specific emulator in HyperSpin? Check the Tutorials section first and then post your questions here.

- XBOX/XBOX 360 Attraction II Themes
- Last reply by Andyman,
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- Hyperspin not running
- Last reply by Roadrunner,
3,641 topics in this forum
- 3 replies
I have had my TTX games working perfectly for a long time now. But after installing a dolphinbar, I tried to play a TTX game today and it didn't work. I noticed that "disable Bluetooth.exe" does nothing when I run it and that there is no Bluetooth Icon in the taskbar. Can anyone run TTX games after installing a dolphinbar?
Last reply by klizine, -
- 3 replies
I had everything running pretty much as I wanted, and then the entire system went kaput due to a SATA controller failure. After getting everything back up and running, I have found that I can no longer play some games, most notably Galaga. I get messages about "such-and-suchxx.bin not found" I've rebuilt the media a number of times, tried running the set against CLRMamePro, rebuilding, fixing. Any tips?
Last reply by Diet_Coke, -
- 4 replies
Hey, was just wondering if you know of any games that have fully customizable menu and game play keys that would be good for a 2 player arcade. 6 buttons per player. 1start.1select button. And a joystick. Games I got so far: Street fighter X tekken Ultra street fighter IV Thank you!
Last reply by KlopjerO, -
- 2 replies
Trying to install virtuall pinball in hyperspin and got the Virtual pinball not a recognized system. everything seems to set up correctly but cant get passed this error. It will launch outside of hypersin and it will launch in hyperlaunchhq, just not in hyperspin. PLEASE HELP ME!
Last reply by Agrajag, -
- 3 replies
Hey all (brolly) Just thought I'd ask... Any ETA on the MAME 0.155 database? Thanks, Jason
Last reply by marxkemp, -
- 1 reply
Does anybody know if the Hyperspin total editor is still available for download? Does anybody even use it for anything? I seem to remember using it for some things when I was setting up my system. Or are we using something else now?
Last reply by Doutordamidia, -
- 1 reply
Hey guys, Here is another clip from the film The Wackness, which I thought would make a great intro! Hope you like and use it, Steve
Last reply by HazzardActual, -
- 10 replies
So I came across a Fight! theme and decided to add it to my wheel setup. My question is what emulator do you use? I assume MAME, however, I know some games run better on psxMAME or Zinc. Has anyone added this to their cab and if so, how did they go about it? Also, if someone have a Fight! video compliation, that would be great too.
Last reply by eezetee, -
- 44 replies
Hey all, I know I'm probably stirring up a hornet's net by asking this...but for more than one year now, there's been silence regarding any further development on HyperSpin. Version 2.0 sounds mostly mythical at this point. Does anyone at all have any insight into the future of HyperSpin??? Or is it more of a matter of, "what we got...is what we got"??? Thank you, Craig - Atlanta, Ga. USA
Last reply by noshgar, -
- 5 replies
I've solved the video corruption issue, allegedly a problem with onboard intel graphics. Its actually an issue with the FLVs. I ran a check with Adobe's FLVCheck, here's the results FLVCheck version 4,5,1,484 - Utility to validate flv and mp4 media files. Copyright(c) 1993-2011 Adobe Systems Incorporated. All Rights Reserved. www.adobe.com 14-10-26 17:56:23 D:\Games\Hyperspin\Media\Main Menu\Video\AAE.flv passed 14-10-26 17:56:23 Error: -108 Invalid video codec. D:\Games\Hyperspin\Media\Main Menu\Video\Actionmax.flv 14-10-26 17:56:23 Error: -108 Invalid video codec. D:\Games\Hyperspin\Media\Main Menu\Video\Adventurevision.flv 14-10-26 17:56:23 Error: -108 Invalid…
Last reply by bribbon, -
- 2 replies
I set up my controller in HQ, all keys have been set correctly, and were recognized by the program. But for some reason when I enter HS all the HQ controls work, except the analog stick. I have no idea why this started happening all of a sudden when it had been working fine? All my emulators still work with the analog stick enabled, its just scrolling through the wheel in HS that doesn't work. Any ideas why this would be happening?
Last reply by Agrajag, -
- 3 replies
Ok guys just a quick question i would like to rename my roms to match my xml. Ive tried Dons rename your roms but it duplicates the rom when renaming and its taking ages as they are dreamcast games. Am i doing something wrong here is there some software that just renames them only and keeps them in the same folder ?????
Last reply by gigapig, -
- 1 reply
Hi all, first post so please bear with me! I am just starting out building a HS bartop cab and the PC I was gonna be using has gone bang! This now puts me in a position to pretty much custom build (and hopefully future proof) from the ground up. Have cabinet and all controls, screen and a mini Ipac and harness but everything else is now up for debate. Happy to spend a couple of hundred quid ish so what do i go for? Need motherboard, processor, ram, hard drive, psu, and cooling, so what are your recommendations? Thanks guys
Last reply by Agrajag, -
- 37 replies
Since my other post is long, blotted and most of the work was ripped off I decided to remove all my work from the FTP folder and make a blog featuring my work. I still would like to share my work with the Hyperspin community and I felt this is the best way possible. The blog contains my work and will at least credit the work back to me. It isn't 100% yet completed and not everything is there yet but the majority is. I am hosting my own files, including download links and video previews via youtube. Anyways check it out, test it and let me know if there is anything I need to fix. Enjoy. http://trexslapfight.blogspot.com/2014/07/my-hyperspin-intros.html
Last reply by keltoigael, -
- 6 replies
Could I have some help? I am trying to set my xbox360 controller up on win UAE but cant seem to do it any ideas?
Last reply by rfancella, -
- 18 replies
I just used a rom renaming software for my ps1 games and its just screwed them up all named wrong is there a way to fix it? I have 387 GB worth of ps1 games made me feel sick.
Last reply by damageinc86, -
- 7 replies
I'm steadily working through the hundreds upon hundreds of PS1 games for my setup, but when the going is that slow I naturally tend to let my attention wander. It's wandered into the small handful of games for the Triforce hardware and I looked far enough into it to grab the apparently required Triforce build of Dolphin. I got Mario Kart Arcade GP 2 "running," in quotes because it is not video gaming as I'd wished. Game loads, looks great, sounds great, I can insert credits with a controller mapped to the Gamecube specs, good as gold. The minute I start the race, try braking round a turn (tried the Y button I'd mapped) emulator crashes. Every time, whenever I dare to…
Last reply by Dime333, -
- 5 replies
I tried to use an old PC and it ended up having a hardware issue where it randomly blue screened on me. Would this be a decent enough computer to run hyperspin? My Budget is $300 for the computer. Full specifications: •AMD FX-4130 Quad-Core 3.5GHz AM3+ Processor •GIGABYTE GA-78LMT-S2P AM3+ AMD 760G + SB710 Micro ATX AMD Motherboard •Integrated ATI Radeon HD 3000 graphics •4GB Desktop Memory - DDR3 1600, •TB 7,200 RPM SATA 6.0Gb/s 3.5 •Dual Fans MicroATX Mini Tower Computer Case , 1x 80mm Rear Exhaust Fan, 1x 120mm Front Intake Fan , Includes 450W PSU •24X SATA Super-Multi DVD Internal Rewriter •Windows 7 Professional 64 bit w/COA If anyone has any suggestio…
Last reply by jcrowley30, -
- 2 replies
Hey Hyperspin Users, hope I am Posting this into the right Forum, and it is ok to post in this Forum. I have searched a bit and cant find any advice, so i hope its ok to bother you guys. I have bought following Coin Comperator: Wei Ya Model Number: HI-06CS I bought this of a german Arcade Site, and it contained a 10-Diode. It contains following Picture on explaining how to set this up: This really got me confused, and I dont find any Guides on how to set up CPU comperators, with an IPac-2. Can you guys give me a few ideas on how to procede these difficulties i am having. Thanks Guys
Last reply by shoopes, -
- 1 reply
Hi there Im a bit confused on how this work. If i want to have genres for NES, SNES Amiga etc. Like the one that is en mame then how do i do that ? So im able to go into Amiga and want all the driving games og the NES for action games an so on.
Last reply by Fromlostdays, -
- 2 replies
I just got Mortal Kombat 9 Komplete. Anyone have advice on how to setup this game with an iPac2. These are my key assignments. All of those keys are mappable in MK9 except for the left alt key. I know I'll need to make an AHK remapping the left alt to another key on the keyboard. How do I go about doing this? Also, I'm not sure if anyone is familiar with this game, but it allows you to set up keyboard controls and controller controls. But it seems when you select 2 players, you then have to hit a key on the controller you want to use for each player, so when you hit the select key (which I can't configure because its in the controllers section and I can't figure out h…
Last reply by sreisig1, -
- 4 replies
Hi guys its my birthday on the 5th of November and Hoping Mrs shadow will get me a membership on here Just wondering what will I get if I go platinum ? will I be able to get videos from here or will I have to go to emu movies?
Last reply by sonicboom88, -
- 4 replies
Hello, got a problem with my hyperspin. I set the Buttonmapping to this http://www.hyperspin-fe.com/forum/showthread.php?33038-Button-Mapping for 2 players. But when i play some fighting games 2 player and pressing all buttons wild the emulator minimizes and hyperspin comes up in front. then i have to alt+tab back to the emulator. Someone here can help`?
Last reply by Dyltone, -
- 17 replies
Mame 0.155 is out today! Release: http://mamedev.org/release.html Whats New: http://mamedev.org/releases/whatsnew_0155.txt And by the looks of it theres a lot of fixed roms, including that of Raiden 2 and Raiden DX
Last reply by brolly, -
- 4 replies
hi all just got a u-trakball but cant for the life of me how to wire it up for left and right buttons on my control panel any help please thanks .
Last reply by andyco40,