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Need help setting up specific emulator in HyperSpin? Check the Tutorials section first and then post your questions here.

- XBOX/XBOX 360 Attraction II Themes
- Last reply by Andyman,
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Having problems with HyperSpin? You've come to the right place!

- Hyperspin not running
- Last reply by Roadrunner,
3,641 topics in this forum
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I have been a member for a few years and with the help of the members of this forum I have typacally been able to figure out any problem I have encountered. Thanks for all your help in the past. The problem I am having is hyperspin won't show my .ciso files in my menu for Nintendo wii. They are recognized in the RL audit and the extension is setup under hyperHQ. All other extensions for roms show the games but not the 2 .ciso games I have. I do have the filter set to roms only but I clearly have these and they are not displayed. Any help would be great. Thanks in advance.
Last reply by crazyfiz, -
- 9 replies
Hi, I am running Windows 10 Enterprise, Mac Mini (late 2012, specs listed below) via Bootstrap. Everything runs great so far, except HyperSpin. I have only synced two systems, NES and SNES. But it has become really laggy, and freezes up when I first launch it. Right after the intro video. The wheel pops up, but no other graphics appear for 5-10 seconds. Then when I enter the wheel, it pauses for a couple of seconds again before loading the content. I have run earlier versions of HyperSpin on the same hardware without problems. The HyperSpin is such a beautiful and crucial part of the setup I want, so I am asking the community if you know whats going on? Softw…
Last reply by ahmbouth, -
- 1 follower
- 5 replies
I`m only asking this here as i`ve noticed most questions on rocket launcher forum go unanswered. So when i run say turbo gfx cd games ive noticed that the first game works great, then the second game some sounds don`t play. If i exit out of hyperspin there is a windows media window open, that was being used by the emulator. How can i get this to close after every game.. Cheers
Last reply by Spawk, -
- 50 replies
Detailed Instructions can be found here: http://craigandersonthemes.weebly.com/sharp-x1.html Here is my Sharp X1 setup that I would like to share. It contains the following: >400 games, all avoid multiple disk loading ...(includes lots games from compilation type in disks which require basic disks before hand to load, but its done for you via save states) main menu theme main menu video sharp x1 commercial video main menu wheel default game theme game videos game wheels bezel file blank xpadder file (not the program) generic database file (i.e. no details) module files and more ........ (basically EVERYTHING you need to set it up) Concerns: 1) It …
Last reply by ShadeAurion, -
- 0 replies
hyperspin page is not encrypted so you can not log in securely?
Last reply by vlado1, -
- 6 replies
I am trying to us Rom Path Only on a wheel. When I put true I am only getting 1 file type roms on the wheel. I have 2 or 3 different file types. In the RomExtension= field on the .ini can I list multiple types and if so what would separate them different types? I basically have 2 different file types in 2 different locations and when I use rom path only only 1 type and location is pulling up in my wheel.
Last reply by triton2k3, -
- 0 replies
I am trying to us Rom Path Only on a wheel. When I put true I am only getting 1 file type roms on the wheel. I have 2 or 3 different file types. In the RomExtension= field on the .ini can I list multiple types and if so what would separate them different types? I basically have 2 different file types in 2 different locations and when I use rom path only only 1 type and location is pulling up in my wheel.
Last reply by triton2k3, -
- 1 follower
- 4 replies
Hi there, I haven't been here in a while because i was frustrated with a hyperspin bug that i could not get fixed for years. On the forum i saw a link to hyperspin 1.5.1 or something like that. I have Always been on 1.4.x. However, i do not see any downloads anymore under downloads. What is currently the latest version of hyperspin? What are the updates or bug fixes? Is the joystick bug solved? If you use the joystick immediately after selecting a game hyperspin (sounds) run in het background of the game/rom. Can someone point me to download location where i can find the latest files for hyperspin? Is there an up to date tutorial for i…
Last reply by dark13, -
- 1 follower
- 1 reply
Haven't played my Taito games in a long time but last time I played them, everything was working fine. Yesterday went to play Arcana Hearts 3 and the game freezes once the battle starts. Arcana Hearts 2 crashes after the main menu. Nothing has changed in my setup aside from installing the latest NVidia drivers and the usual Windows 10 updates. I tried a different version of the same games I found on the net and the same thing happens. Anyone have any ideas?
Last reply by gigapig, -
- 0 replies
hi all, trying to incorporate arcade friendly wii games into my cab. i was able to find lists of wii and wii ware games that use the classic controller but am now trying find a list of wii games that can be played with the controller help sideways. anyone have any leads on a game list for me? thanks!
Last reply by d8thstar, -
- 6 replies
Hi all, I am using Windows 10 home edition and I am noticing MAME (I am using MAME 0.200 arcade) but also tried original MAME and it is taking about 20 seconds to load up. On Windows 7 this opens in 2-3 seconds, has anyone else experience this or has any thoughts on what may be causing it ? FYI, defender, UAC, firewall all disabled so nothing stopping it loading. Also tried making it admin, still the same. I7 PROCESSOR,16GB RAM, SSD DRIVE Thanks in advance
Last reply by ninja2bceen, -
- 5 replies
I built my Bartop in 2016 and had the latest version of hyperspin at that time. The PC runs windows 7 and is not connected to the internet. I know has been updated alot since then and I'm wondering, with the latest update, can I update hyperspin seamlessly without having anything messed up? I would download it on another pc and use a thumb drive to update if possible. Not sure if it is automated or if I just copy the files over the old ones. I'd like everything to stay the same right now the way I have it I just want the bug fixes. Thanks.
Last reply by thatman84, -
- 0 replies
Hello guys I'm in need of someone's help right now. I have a situation that's dealing with my hyperspin. What happens is my PS2 emulator shows all these weird colors that are not the original colors for any of the games, that I have and I would like to get that fixed. This does not happen on any other emulator. All the other emulators play perfectly well, and have all the correct colors for them. Is there something that I need to do, I guess going into the emulator and do some adjustments can somebody please help me out with this, I will greatly appreciate it because it's very frustrating when you want to play your favorite emulator, and you can't. Thank you very much ho…
Last reply by william19662060, -
- 27 replies
Hey everyone. I'm very new at this so be gentle. I am trying to insert an intro video into my Hypserspin set up. What do I need to do within Hyoerspin HQ? The video tries to come on but cuts out after a second and then Hyperspin launches. Any idea? Thanks Ryan
Last reply by ninja2bceen, -
- 70 replies
I'm interested in seeing the HLSL effects for vectors in MAME 152/153. I've seen a few mentions that there are 'sliders' to change settings for individual games. Right now I have Jumpstile's compiled mame64.exe. Can I get to these settings in the compiled .exe, or do I need something else?
Last reply by Wotto, -
- 23 replies
Hi, I was trying my Sega Dreamcast collection last night and when I load a game through Rocketlauncher, it runs fine, but when I load the game (or any dreamcast game) through hyperspin, it runs in window mode and the window is hidden behind the bezel, so I have to press alt+enter to set to full screen but it goes over the bezel. Also when I want to exit a game, the esc key doesn't exit the game.... again, when is through rocketlauncher everything is fine. I am at the office, so I don't know if a log is needed to submit now. P.S. I have had running my sega dreamcast system for almost 2 years and never had this issue before so I was pulling my hair, last nig…
Last reply by Honosuseri, -
- 9 replies
Is there a way to have more than 1 video play from the main menu wheel? For instance, when I select MAME it plays a video of some older 80's arcade action. But I have more than 1 video I'd like to show. Right now, If you roll over it, it's always the same video. Can there be a random mix of several videos in the file that it will pick when I roll over MAME, or Atari, or other emu's off the main wheel?
Last reply by ninja2bceen, -
- 27 replies
Hi guys, I thought I would share my controller setup in Hyperspin for the Xbox 360 controller, as everything I tried earlier presented various problems and/or had bugs (Xpadder, JoyToKey, HyperSpin Startup Script and antimicro). If I read the forums, I don’t seem to be alone. So maybe this will benefit someone. So you know, my setup is Windows 10 x64, can’t guarantee how this will work in other OS. I have 69 systems set up, plus Hypersearch. So, for those of you who haven’t heard of it, Padstarr is like the “new version” of Pinnacle Game Profiler, and supposedly (it seems right) the most feature-rich game profiler. It costs USD 5.99 at the time of writing this…
Last reply by gigapig, -
- 1 follower
- 2 replies
Hi all, new to trying to get a Hyperspin install, and while I see there are TONS of content, I am trying to understand just what each element is and how they all play together. Themes, wheels, etc. etc. I have seen the official tutorial videos, etc. and that's all fine for a step by step guide to "get it on your pc", but is there something like a FAQ, a pinned post guide, or something that will just tell you only the basics in a summarized way? (i.e. all the elements, what each does, how they interact, options for getting them, etc.). Thanks!
Last reply by thatman84, -
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- 6 replies
Dear Hyperspin Community. Before I go any further, can I please apologise for posting this request for information. I have no doubt that this has been covered thousands of times on thousands of posts on this website and I am indeed sorry. Feel free to scream at me profusely and use a range of poo emojis to communicate your frustration with me. I guess I'm a little overwhelmed with all of the content and I'm a bit unsure where to start. I'm definitely new to Hyperspin and need some help. I have an Nvidia Shield, complete rom packs (at least I think they're complete) for a range of consoles, have the Retroarch emulator working and have a range of other emulators…
Last reply by Honosuseri, -
- 15 replies
anybody have anything to share? anything going on? thanks craig
Last reply by Mistar Muffin, -
- 1 follower
- 2 replies
Hi all. About to attempt setting up my Steam Pinball Arcade. My PA is up to date version and I am wondering if I still follow below instructions.... or not. Cheers
Last reply by Wotto, -
- 1 follower
- 7 replies
Hi All I have seen Giga's guide on setting this up,the problem i have is PCLauncher is in red not green on the Hyperlaunch HQ so cannot link the exe's to the games individually im getting a message error pop up - Instance Validation error"ProcessName" is not a valid value for INISHEMAINIFILESECTIONKEYTYPE. No idea. Im using Hyperspin v,HyperLaunch v,HyperLaunch HQ v Do need to update to RocketLauncher for latest Modules e.c.t to get PC Games to work. Thanks Cowboy
Last reply by ninja2bceen, -
- 1 follower
- 3 replies
Hello, I've had some issues with Hyperspin recently regarding to Hyperspin losing focus when launching or exiting an emulator. For example, I have MAME set to launch via Rocketlauncher. If I attempt to launch a game, and then quickly hit exit, I will no longer be able to control Hyperspin until I grab a keyboard and Alt + Tab back to that window. The same thing happens if I exit an emulator and quickly attempt to relaunch it. I've tested with both 1 and 2 player controls, so I don't believe the issue to be related to the key mappings, which are all letters. Has anybody experienced this issue?
Last reply by Hadeys, -
- 11 replies
I'm trying to launch Studio II using Emma 02. There is literally nothing I can find for command line documentation. Can someone kindly post a copy of their launcher or better yet a one-liner showing how they are getting a game to launch? It would have been nice just to use Mame for this system but it is not working for me.
Last reply by thatman84,