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Need help setting up specific emulator in HyperSpin? Check the Tutorials section first and then post your questions here.

- XBOX/XBOX 360 Attraction II Themes
- Last reply by Andyman,
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Having problems with HyperSpin? You've come to the right place!

- Hyperspin not running
- Last reply by Roadrunner,
3,641 topics in this forum
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- 3 replies
So I have LED Blinky working great, perfect with my MAME wheel. The issue I'm running into is how I have my wheels setup, it won't work with all of them. Basically instead of having one mame wheel with genre subwheels, I set it up so on the main menu screen there is a mame wheel, but then I used the no filler all killer playlists to set up 7 more main menu wheels, all with just those games. I set up rocketlauncher so that the games will load great ( I had to create each on of the lists as a new system and then use MAME as the default emulator). So in rocketlauncher, on the left side system menu I have: Global, MAME, platform games, beat em up games, shmups....and so on…
Last reply by drewjbx1, -
- 1 follower
- 3 replies
Hi all, Has anyone been able to run cxbx reloaded as administrator in Hyperspin ? Reason I ask is although i can run it ok in Windows 10 if I do not set Hyperspin to run as admin, many other systems then do not work (gameloader etc) without setting each game to run as admin Even when i leave fade in off to allow myself to click yes in the confirmation box (see image) it still won't load. It's annoying as this emulator is now working well on certain games. Most emulators have an option to turn stuff like this off but I can't find it if it exists. Any help appreciated. Note, CXBX RELOADED emulator itself is not set as admin, just Hyperspin and …
Last reply by Creezz67, -
- 9 replies
Has anyone else had this problem? No mater what ROM set I use, I can't seem to get Don's Rom Re-namer to match the CRC in the 7800 XML file. I've tried like 10 different Ace of Aces and I still can't find a match. Is the CRC in the XML correct?
Last reply by 32assassin, -
- 0 replies
through rocketlauncher the game with the retroarch work turn on after switching off the fade but from hyperspin it does not help!
Last reply by vlado1, -
- 0 replies
now hyperspin does not work well.
Last reply by vlado1, -
- 1 follower
- 1 reply
Is there a way I can have Hyperspin launch inside the MAME wheel as opposed to the Main Menu? (I still want the other wheels available) When I power up I want the Arcade games to always show, and if I decide to play something else I can hit back.
Last reply by thatman84, -
- 1 follower
- 9 replies
Hi all I dug out a old forgotten pc and set out to see if I can solely use it for hyperspin The only emulators I want to run are sage systems, PlayStation 1 and nintendo 64. I have pentium e5200 at 2.5GHz, 3gb ram ddr2 with a msi Boston motherboard and looking for a cheap graphics card to run them smoothly (if at all possible lol) Any help would be welcomed
Last reply by Rowr14, -
- 0 replies
I've removed everything between <game> and </game> in the mame.xml file and saved the file, but even after a restart Hyperspin still shows these games in the MAME wheel. I've removed games from other system's XML files and they disappear from the relevant wheel as expected, just seems to be MAME that's the issue.
Last reply by gers1978, -
- 4 replies
Hi there, I decided to dive back into the Hyperspin thingy and am trying to set things up again. I do have one question though, which is probably trivial...but...how do you know which version of mame64.exe to use? Mame version as of today is: 0.198 The Hyperspin database is at: 0.160 So, is it safe to assume that the romset and mame64.exe to be used shoud be 0.160?
Last reply by Maelo1212, -
- 3 replies
So when I enter HS MAME wheel it works fine. I pick a game and play. When I exit it goes immediately right back to the wheel, however for about 5 seconds I cant move the wheel. Im using ultrastic 360s with the corresponding rocketlauncher script. Is there a delay that I can adjust in some ini file? Thanks!
Last reply by parabolic, -
- 1 follower
- 9 replies
Does anyone know of a program or tool which will give you a volume overlay that works over the top of Hyperspin / Emulators? I'm finding that the standard windows one just sits underneath everything. What I want is - Volume Change - temporary overlay - Volume Mute - permanent volume mute icon in bottom right or left while muted... Thanks!
Last reply by Spawk, -
- 5 replies
So I just checked out what appears to be the best pc build for Hyperspin from SimplyAustins very interesting tutorial: I myself am a newb still to building PCs and Hyperspin so I don’t have any experience but nevertheless am motivated to build this PC if truly it can emulate everything Hyperspin has to offer on their biggest external hard drives they sell. Ill want to have the perfect PC that can run Hyperspin flawlessly whether I play GameCube, Wii U, PS2, etc. I want every emulator running without issues. ***removed talk of Pre-configured paid for system*** (Thatman84)
Last reply by pel123, -
- 0 replies
Can anyone tell me where to put in pictures that are displayed when switching from one system to another? Normally there is the Hyperspin logo fading before you change the system in the main menu. I have sonic when choosing sega and nintendo coins when choosing n64 and so on. I would like to add more and don't know where the directory is. The ones I already have are from packs downloaded somewhere.
Last reply by NEO207, -
- 0 replies
Hi, I'm having a problem and cant figure out how to set my control. I'm using ParaLLEI N64 2.0 with Retroarch 1.7.1 and the controls for most of the Nes64 games are good but certain ones like Mario Kart, Yoshi & Mario 64 don't work right, for example steering in Mario Kart can't be done. Is there a step by step on how to fix this? I'm using USB Arcade Cocktail Cabinet controllers that are mapped to the keyboard from recroommasters. ParaLLEI N64 2.0 Control config on Retroarch Thanks in Advance.
Last reply by Lorenzo78, -
- 1 follower
- 5 replies
I have a 4-player dreamcade cocktail machine with licensed games (Midway Arcade Treasures Volumes 1 - 4, Capcom Classics Collection, etc.) I want to replace the front end with Hyperspin but launch the games installed on the system. I don't want to add mame roms or additional games. How would one go about doing this? Has this been done before and can point me to a guide/instructions.
Last reply by 32assassin, -
- 5 replies
Does Hyperspin support the categories in catver.ini or is there something equivalent available? I like to keep a full .198 Rom set on my PC and be able to select a list of baseball games or wrestling games for example. Does Hyperspin provide that degree of filtering? Thanks.
Last reply by phulshof, -
- 11 replies
Ive set up hyperspin on a 2nd pc and for some reason i cant get my 360 controller to work the HP menu. It works fine in the games just not in hyperspin. No idea of what i did differently. In hyperhq under the controls > joystick tab, everytime i check the box "joystick enabled" it becomes unchecked when i close and go back into hyperhq. This is the only difference i can find between my 2 pcs. Is there something i need to do to make the joystick enabled box to stick? Hope someone can help me. Ive waisted waaay to many hours trying to figure this out
Last reply by jordanli8, -
Special artwork 1 2 3 4 11
by ninja2bceen- 5 followers
- 258 replies
Howdy, crazy idea here. What if we had a Xbox 360 button layout for 5 seconds, then fade into the arcade button layout for 5 seconds, then fade out into ps button layout based on these buttons Could someone whip that together? I just don't know how to use multiple artworks in a swf file. I had the fade thing down though http://i.imgur.com/UyC9esd.png
Last reply by retrofan2018, -
- 1 follower
- 14 replies
I have to start from scratch (I had already working HS so I go by what I remember, maybe something has changed?) so I downloaded HS 1.5.1 and Rocket Launcher and... how do I setup wheels? I manged to run a MAME game from inside the RLauncher but when I launched HS, selected MAME and can't launch anything. No error, nothing. I remember a lot being done in HyperHQ (like sizes, links to RL, custom key for start, etc) but I have not found it with HS 1.5.1? Is this correct or am I missing something?
Last reply by badboo, -
- 9 replies
Hello. Since the latest Hyperspin update, I got some wheels which are shifted to the right and I can`t figure out the reason. Any ideas? In the picture it is FIX IT FELIX but I got a lot more :/
Last reply by malarrya, -
- 3 replies
Hi all, Keep kicking myself in the head over this error. Trying to setup a cabinet with XinMo controls. Joy2Key is controlling the movements. Everything looks good except when launching a game get the error. You are using KeyMapper support but are not up to date with JoyToKey or cannot find JoyToKey.ini. I have read the forums and tried removing the Read Only switch. Can't remove it. Also tried placing the ini and exe in a ProgramData folder. Still no luck. Any help would be appreciated. I was using KeyPadder before but heard that JoyToKey was better when using a XinMo controller board.
Last reply by Spawk, -
- 1 follower
- 6 replies
hello. im setting this up got everything working using the ftp from zxspectacle folder on ftp got lots of stuff from zxspectacle folder on ftp .. thank you! end emumovies as well is there a full set of videos anywhere? or even game snaps if videos not available? thanks craig
Last reply by gigapig, -
- 0 replies
I have a set of wheel images that I picked up somewhere along the line for the ZX spectrum, but the names are completely off from the ROM set I have... What's the easiest way to correct the image names?
Last reply by vaderag, -
- 18 replies
Hey guys, I just got an aimtrak lightgun for my arcade cabinet. (which is pretty sweet btw) It seems to bring up my windows mouse pointer unfortunately, and in game if I click outside of the screen in MAME to reload, it makes that windows "ding" noise.. Is there a way to get rid of this? thanks
Last reply by speedracer50, -
- 4 replies
Hi Major win 10 update yesterday. Double clicking the hyperspin.exe shows a 3 sec cursor loading circle and then nothing. Hyperspin's not running either in the task manager. No antivirus or firewall installed beside windows defender.
Last reply by gigapig,