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- XBOX/XBOX 360 Attraction II Themes
- Last reply by Andyman,
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- Hyperspin not running
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3,641 topics in this forum
- 4 replies
Is it possible to Show boxart above theme in Hyperspin ? Many thanks in advance for any information
Last reply by Creezz67, -
- 1 follower
- 11 replies
Hi Guys, So I've updated to 1.4 and RL the only problem I'm having now is that some of the vids aren't displaying in my MAME wheel. I can hear the audio from the vids but I have no actual visual display. Can anyone help please?
Last reply by bonhommedeneige, -
- 0 replies
so i had PC games working completely fine but all of a sudden theyve disappeared! i was in HyperHQ adjusting the image sizes at the time. i cant remember if i edited the PC wheel at the time, i thought it could be an incompatible image resize or something but i change the size back to default and it still didnt work. -they are recognized in rocket launcher. -I have opened the database and copy and pasted the game text and used it on my wheel images -there are no wheel settings activated such as "roms only" the games that DO appear on my wheel are... - Nier Automata - Double dragon neon - Shank 2 the rest are missing. ill attach…
Last reply by bigray, -
- 1 reply
I downloaded a complete set of MAME 194 merged, but I can not remember which one was the correct type, so I wanted to know what's right to use with the RocketLauncher/Hyperspin database, merged, non-merged or split?
Last reply by thatman84, -
- 0 replies
Hey dudes, I'm pretty much happy with my build at the moment but I'm having a few technical issues and need a bit of advice on controls Firstly, I've noticed that some of the ROMS (namely SNES) when loaded, don't load fully maximised, you'll be able to hear the game playing in the background but will still be on the game picking menu. The only way to load the game is to use a keyboard to maximise it manually. Any way to stop this all together? Secondly I'm having a bit of bother with controls. At first I wanted to just configure the controls within the emulator itself but it didn't have an option to map an ESC button, I then turned to JoyToKey…
Last reply by Siyico, -
- 1 follower
- 9 replies
I have an issue I've been trying to resolve the last past couple of days. When JoyToKey is enabled, sometimes the emulator launches correctly after selecting a game, but more often than not, the screen will go blank for a second, then return to HyperSpin. When I close HyperSpin (or ALT+TAB), the emulator has been launched and shows up in the taskbar minimized. This happens with any emulator I use, on any system. In RocketLauncher, I've changed all of the Hide Cursor, Hide Emulator, etc. settings but nothing seems to fix it. I'm on Beta 15 of HyperSpin but I've also tried other Betas (9 & 10) but it still happens with those versions. I haven't switched back to…
Last reply by d8thstar, -
- 24 replies
Hey all, A topic I'd like to get some opinions on as I am working through my build. Sorry if it's been covered recently but I didn't find recent relevant posts. I have been building my system thus far with a lot of different emulators, trying to get the best for each based on the research that I am doing. I recently watched Simply Austin's "Best Emulators of 2017" and walked away wondering if I should consolidate and use something like Retroarch for the emulation of multiple systems. Any thoughts? I haven't figured out yet how to use a single emulator for multiple systems and have it represented properly within Hyperspin, but if I go down that path its another t…
Last reply by Jimmi1271, -
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- 4 replies
I am trying to configure a retroarch -> rocketlauncher -> hyperspin setup. I will use RA for most of my emulation, but might want a different MAME version and use that outside of retroarch (so 2 or 3 emulators other than RA). I was thinking to keep them all separate and just point to the files. Is that acceptable? Ideally I would want something like this: c:\arcade |__\Hyperspin |__\Rocketlauncher |__\Retroarch |__\roms |__\Arcade |__\snes I'm still fleshing it out. Can I do this? I also would like to share roms so that I could have retroarch use them, but use another emulator outside RA that isn't libretro to use them too.
Last reply by gigapig, -
- 3 replies
I know it is possible to put the roms for a system into letter groups so you don't have to flip through the long list. You can just go to A, B, or C group, and just see the games that start with that letter. But I can't remember or figure out how to do it. Can anyone tell me how or link me to a page that explains how to do it? Thank You
Last reply by Jackson1701, -
- 3 replies
trying to download different wheel pointers etc from this website but keeps coming up failed, any ideas? cheers
Last reply by Bungles, -
- 30 replies
Hi all. While sorting out the AMSTRAD Emu for my cab. I came across a public FTP server with 3700+ CPC roms. So I created a tool to download them all and generate a database XML file to run in HS. Thought I would share it with you guys. Here is a summary: Cpceek (Supposed to sound like Cp-seek) Tool for downloading Amstrad CPC game ROMs from QUOI DE NOUVEAU SUR FTP.NVG.NTNU.NO thanks to Nicolas Campbell for make his server freely available. What does this tool do? 1. Downloads 'whatsnew.txt'. This file has the latest news about updates on the FTP server. 2. Downloads '00_index_full.txt' (contains detailed ROM info and more) and generates a list of ROMs to download.…
Last reply by richie_jones, -
- 23 replies
hy guys i have now completed my work on the amiga videos the are missing from the emumovies one the are more then 200 videos if someone is interested i will upload them to the ftp i have also a updated xml with about 20 games deleted because the are not working on my setup or the are clones but dont await that the are the same quality like the videos from circo because i am not a pro in video editing
Last reply by kusanagi91, -
- 2 replies
Has anyone been able to get WASAPI/WDM-KS working correctly with hyperspin? I updated my mame set to 0.190 last night and as I went through my ini I remembered I've been on MME since Port Audio was introduced. It isn't a huge deal but I'd like to take advantage of the lower latency if someone has discovered a workaround.
Last reply by kujina, -
- 1 follower
- 4 replies
Keep getting this error using both the hyperlist version and the one I downloaded from the download section. It has CRC but still not working. Has anyone a clean version? Thanks
Last reply by richie_jones, -
- 0 replies
So, on with my journey. I'm trying to get Stella running under RL for Atari 2600 Emulation and am running into a frustrating error. I've configured the emulator and am able to launch it under the "Emulators" tab so I know my path is mapped correctly. I then go to the games tab and after an audit to make sure I have an accurate games list I highlight a game and request that it open with RL. I then get an error that it's unable to find the emulator executable. Help please ... and thank you (at the rate I'm asking for help as I get through this it's almost time to pay up to support the forum. Already done on EmuMovies to be able to pull all the video and art content) ..…
Last reply by Jimmi1271, -
- 1 reply
Hi, i added some custom override transitions but it sometimes shows a black screen and doesn't reload the background's theme. Is it a bug or i have not done something correctly? Thank u all.
Last reply by RkH, -
- 25 replies
I understand this is not a hyperspin specific problem but I'm hoping someone here might be able to point me in the right direction. I'm running Hyperspin/Rocket Launcher on a bartop with a Windows 7 64bit OS. It's a 2-player setup with Sanwa joysticks and 8 buttons/player (Xin Mo settup). These joysticks are configured in Rocket Launcher/Hyperspin as P1 & p2. I purchased 2 Xbox One wireless controllers so I could play 4-player games in MAME. The controllers both connect fine and are seen by all programs (Xpadder/Windows/Mame/Rocketlauncher etc). The problem is when I connect them they take over the P1 and P2 bindings, rendering the arcade controls inoperable. I t…
Last reply by Yardley, -
- 0 replies
Alrighty guys...in case you're still thirsty, I have a grip on what is actually happening with this script. First off, my system is a bit wonky, but works great. I have 2 KADE controllers that are XINPUT devices with firmware custom to my keys, but that's not the point. The point is, they are XBOX controllers. The system sees them as such in device manager. Next, I use a mini-pac so I can have a dedicated (programmable) ESC arcade-key. It's just the best to have one. So this is what my setup looks like just to get us all on the same playing field... PHOTO OF CONTROL PANEL LAYOUT Next, I used the Joystick Detection.ahk to help understand what the computer …
Last reply by BrandonLaw, -
- 1 follower
- 0 replies
Not sure if this is the best place but here goes. I have Hyperspin on a windows 10 build in Kiosk mode. It is connected to the net so I can remote in and do things as the CRT is too much of a pain to use for configuring things. My Cabinet updated the other day and it broke my CRTEmu driver and a few other annoyances. I un-did the "upgrade" and disabled windows updates in services. To my amazement the service was turned back on as I started getting prompts for updates again. Any suggestions on how to disable the updates all together and any suggestions on what else I should do since I am using windows 10? Yes I know I could take it off the network (but I…
Last reply by acpowell, -
- 2 replies
Hiya, any way to hide the repeated c64 rom disk 1, 2, side A, B etc on the hyperspin wheel ?
Last reply by lee81, -
- 8 replies
Just wanted to give anyone a heads up on Tekken 7... I have an IPAC 4 and over the last couple years have battled a lot with customizations to get 2 players working from the same keyboard via my ipac configuration. Tekken 7 nails it. Couple items to note: 1. I had to do was configure player 2's controls first, then configure player 1 and then reconfigure player 2's, so that the keys were not used multiple times. 2. I used AHK to remap the ALT button for 'Y'. Really easy to do in Hyperspin/RL 3. I do use vJoy for Mortal Kombat XL and Tekken 7 does not like this. When vjoy is enabled in the device manager (windows 10), I won't get control access in the…
Last reply by xul, -
- 10 replies
Hi everyone new to hyperspin and this website. I bought the hard drive off of hyperspin and I’ve been trying to get a few problems resolved but nobody helps... 1st problem is I can’t play any Playstation and 2 games ...it just won’t play..and I don’t know if I need to open a file copy or move something for it to work..and I don’t know what keystrokes to get into the config menu to setup my Arcade with it. 2nd problem its the same with all the Nintendo systems.........and for whatever reason f1 worked and now it’s not to get into the config menu.. again Ive tried to contact hyperspin about it but they don’t respond... thx in advance...jeff
Last reply by thatman84, -
- 4 replies
Sorry if this has been solved before but I did a search and couldn't find this issue discussed. I am running ARCulator to emulate the Acorn Archimedes and has followed numerous tutorials on how to set it up. When I run it default screen size games load fine - but when I pout it into Full Screen mode it goes into a loop of continuously switching between full screen and windowed mode - and the only thing you can do is sit back and wait for it to crash or go to task manager and end it. Just wondering if anyone else has come across this issue before or not.
Last reply by Bill321, -
- 16 replies
Hee people, I've got this weird problem, in rocketlauncher my MAME bezels are all good, but when i start MAME in hyperspin, the games are then not correctly placed inside the bezels, when i edit the .ini files to get the game to go to the correct place nothing changes, is this a setting that i missed or something? Any help welcome grtz Eddy Picture in Rocketlauncher: Picture in Hyperspin:
Last reply by MarkstallioN, -
- 1 follower
- 1 reply
I thought it might be fun to make a wheel that contains all the games in my setup. Initially I was using an XML merger to set this up and it was going great... until I hit some games that have the same name across multiple platforms. Merge tools generally disregard one entry, or ask which you want to keep. For example, NES and Genesis both have "Battletoads". I tried adding a system descriptor (NES) and (GEN) to the end of the <description> line in the xmls, and this allowed me to merge them just fine. The problem I run into though is that because the filename for each is "Battletoads", that also means the box-art, videos, etc are all named "Battletoads" and…
Last reply by shinobi68,