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Need help setting up specific emulator in HyperSpin? Check the Tutorials section first and then post your questions here.

- XBOX/XBOX 360 Attraction II Themes
- Last reply by Andyman,
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Having problems with HyperSpin? You've come to the right place!

- Hyperspin not running
- Last reply by Roadrunner,
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99.99999% of the time cruising threw these forums has fixed my issue so I apologize for posting, but I cant find the info i need. I am having a hell of a time getting Future pinball XML to work right so it jives with HyperSync even remotely. I have done the fixes for the "" and done some other tweaks to no avail. I am not 100% confident on my abilities I will admit, but this is certainly not my first go around with xmls with hyperspin. Basically i have gotten myself stumped to what i have done, or which miss step i have taken. So my question is, does some one have a working xml for future pinball that they wouldn't mind sharing? Thanks for your time! …
Last reply by dakotalew, -
- 1 reply
Am I able to bypass the systems menu screen at launch of HyperSpin and go straight to the MAME system> Last Game Selected? The only system I have loaded is MAME. I've removed all other systems from the Main Menu and would like to go straight to the last game selected with MAME at launch of Hyperspin.
Last reply by nikko50, -
- 1 reply
Ok, I've been able to implement Bezels within RocketLauncher. It looks pretty slick too I must add. However there is a problem. Rocket Launcher Bezels from what I understand only use a windowed mode when having them active. While this looks good, I use and AMD Card with built in Freesync and Freesync Monitor in my cab. When running MAME in full screen mode, I get perfect frame emulation without stuttering and zero screen tearing regardless of the game. This is especially visible in games like Mortal Kombat that have oddball framerates. But when moving to windowed mode with bezel support, it uses the desktop refresh rate, and I get stuttering again. This isn…
Last reply by nzbsolo, -
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- 25 replies
Hello All, I am looking for any media, wheels, etc... for Gun Games?? Please help me out? I was able to get the database for it, just need the media. Thanks.
Last reply by xnitramx, -
- 1 reply
My build is coming together but i have a few hand ups . 1. I am downloading video themes for the games for my systems . but where do they go once i get them? 3. I want to make a wheel for just capcom games or fighting games what is the best way to do this . thanks for any help.
Last reply by Avar, -
- 5 replies
Hi, i'm completely new to Hyperspin and this is probably a really simple error in something i did. I installed both at the root of the drive i wanted, set up the right emulator paths and rom paths, my rocket launcher detected the games i put in when i audited (i only put in 2 just to test) and they showed up green. I thought when i launched hyperspin they would appear but they didn't... I have the rocketlaunch.exe path set up in hyperspin, the only thing i did do was update the database to the most current in rocketlauncher... i have tested both games and they run great directly from rocketlauncher, just not on hyperspin anyways another thing it does, is that …
Last reply by Avar, -
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- 9 replies
Greetings, I have been running Hyperspin 1.0 for a few years now and I noticed that on my barebones WIndows XP laptop that Hyperspin does not accept keyboard input on automatic startup of my system. I have an app shortcut in the startup folder on my start menu. This is a problem with I control the system with only the joystick and the laptop is inside the cabinet. My workaround is using my phone or another laptop to use TightVNC to grab mouse input to activate input on the app. There are no other apps grabbing keyboard focus to my knowledge. Only microsoft security essentials and Intel WIreless App is running besides Hyperspin. My System: DELL Latitude 5…
Last reply by richie_jones, -
- 0 replies
Hi - newbie here working on my hyperspin/rocketlauncher setup. Things are going well - the forums and Youtube content have helped me get a good start. HyperSync was well worth the $$....what a easy way to load up the media content. I'm sure my problem isn't new, but I couldn't find it in the search. I've loaded up 4-5 systems (MAME, GBA, Atari 2600, etc), with no problems loading and playing games via the Hyperspin interface. I've loaded up the SNES system and can load games directly through RL (via retroarch). Games play fine. When I access the SNES system via HS and press enter to load the game files (SNES wheel), it just reloads to the main w…
Last reply by magnamatt, -
- 4 replies
Hi, I have Wii U working on Cemu emulator, but was just checking to see if there is a module for this or if it works within Hyperspin ? Any info appreciated Thanks
Last reply by insomniac, -
- 0 replies
I use a few AHK scripts outside of Hyperspin and HyperHQ that conflict with them when open, particularly the arrow keys on the numpad navigates inside Hyperspin/HyperHQ. Does anyone know how to turn this off and use the regular arrow keys instead? magestore magento blog how to rewrite url magento
Last reply by grayson, -
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- 12 replies
after various problems i have two hyperspins installed on my two different pc for mamecab there is only one problem i cant choose.scroll up or down the games by letters in mame(i have only this emulator) with 29990 roms i can't choose the genre, i can navigate in the wheel menu-but when i hold right or left the joystick ,it shows to me a question mark (?) e i cant choose the letter i have downloaded also the last xml of mame 186 i m actually using a mame 32 144 and a mame 174 64bit and problem is on both the systems initially when i was setting up hyperspin i have not got this problem..
Last reply by chillinwater, -
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- 10 replies
Hello, my Name is Ingo, i am living in Germany, and i am a newbie. Please take regards, cause my english is very bad. I bought an ArcadeCabinet with Hyperspin. Everything is already installed and works fine. I saw in this Forum, that a lot of People build their own cabinets. MY RESPECT, looks so great. I have no talent to do this, too. But now i have a few questions and hope that anybody can/wants to help me. 1. Is it possible to save the highscores/score (Mame, SNES, NES,...)? In the Internet i found a file that only should be copied in the "mame/plugins/" Folder. But it doesn´t work on my machine. 2. I want to play the dos / PC Games wit…
Last reply by LarryLaffer75, -
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- 3 replies
Sorry to make 2 threads in such a short time. I'm trying to get my hyperspin working on my laptop, I've copied it over from my PC. The laptop is very low spec, so it's running like a dog. Is there a way to disable the themes? I tried deleting them, but hyperspin showed nothing at all afterwards.
Last reply by KlopjerO, -
- 0 replies
Hi, I did a quick search, but didn't see an answer to my question. I have an I-pac4 and am using the Left and Right control key for my buttons. I want to use the LEFT control key to pick a game in Hyperspin and have LEDBlinky light that button. But, Hyperspin (HyperHQ) doesn't seem to distinguish between the left and right control buttons, so both buttons are being lit. Is it as simple as editing the settings.ini and setting the key code for RCTRL? Any help is appreciated! Cheers!
Last reply by Lamprey, -
- 1 follower
- 16 replies
Anyone got this working? I can't find any information on this running on Hyperspin.
Last reply by badboo, -
- 1 follower
- 2 replies
Hi All, Newbie here with some issues: I just finished wiring up my 4 player control panel using an IPAC4. Player 1 = 7 buttons Player 2 = 7 buttons Player 3 = 4 buttons Player 4 = 4 buttons three extra buttons ESC, TAB, ENTER 1 trackball and 2 associated buttons (Left & Right mouse buttons). I have installed/setup hyperspin and rocket launcher. I have only added 3 emulators (MAME, NEOGEO & DAPHNIE). After watching multiple simply austin vids I believe i have installed all programs correctly, and since i am able to play all roms without any kinks. However, i have just encountered something that really took the wind from…
Last reply by JustPaul, -
- 5 replies
Hey all, hopefully quick question. When setting up Hyperspin a while ago, I removed a bunch of stuff I didn't need. Now, while I save up to build a Virtual Pinball cabinet, I wanted to load my Future Pinball tables up using HyperSpin. I re-added Future Pinball in HyperHQ, then downloaded the Future Pinball.xml from Hyperlist and put it in the Hyperspin/Databases/Future Pinball folder, but I keep getting Future Pinball.xml failed messages. I updated HyperLaunch to specify the .exe and rom location info for Future Pinball. Is there a step I'm missing? Thanks!
Last reply by GodzKinG, -
- 8 replies
Wondering how u guys go about using mame or mess for console systems? Mame names dont match the hyperlist databases so how would i match any of the boxart, wheels without renaming everything?
Last reply by Dilated18, -
WOOHOOOO!!! 3rd times a charm I guess. I have my NES roms running in Hyperspin!!!! Thank you especially to Gigapig and AVAR!!! Next up. Controller assignments and video previews
Last reply by Avar, -
- 12 replies
Hi Admin please . Sometime I am getting this when going thru the forum. Thanks
Last reply by KlopjerO, -
- 9 replies
So I loaded up an external HDD with all my artwork, roms, etc.... I don't have any video snaps for MAME yet but upon loading it to my main machine I realized my internal HDD is half the size of my external... So I am gonna have to delete some stuff to make space. Is there any hyperspin themes specific to the console that does not have a video preview or a way to insert a generic clip for all games similar to the main menu video snaps?
Last reply by BiZzAr721, -
- 51 replies
Apologies I know this subject has been brought up before but I just can't seem to get it to work. When I load up hyperspin and select a machine, I then get the option to choose/start the game but the enter key does not work. I have checked the keys and they are set as enter for start and I have also tested a game via rocketlauncher which strangerly does let me use the enter key to start the game. Please could anyone help ? Thanks for reading G
Last reply by YaYaLand, -
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- 11 replies
Hi guys, im looking to add Aimtrak Light guns to my cabinet but as it's already built I'm looking for a compatible wireless receiver for the guns, does anyone know of one? cheers
- 7 replies
Hey guys, anyone have the Donkey Me video laying around anywhere? Thank you!
Last reply by ninja2bceen, -
- 0 replies
Bom dia Galera, Estou tentando executar os jogos do sistema examu ex-board tanto no windows 10 quanto no windows 8, e gera o seguinte erro no event viewer do windows: Nome do aplicativo com falha: xb_config.exe, versão:, carimbo de data/hora: 0x50a83d28 Nome do módulo com falha: DINPUT8.dll, versão: 6.3.9600.17415, carimbo de data/hora: 0x54504929 Código de exceção: 0xc0000005 Deslocamento da falha: 0x00012ac1 ID do processo com falha: 0xc60 Hora de início do aplicativo com falha: 0x01d2dce79c65fa5f Caminho do aplicativo com falha: H:\Examu Ex-Board\Examu Ex-Board\Emulators\Examu Ex-Board\Arcana Heart 3\xb_config.exe Caminho d…
Last reply by ricjj,